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by newfoundland dxer
Tue Oct 05, 2010 13:53 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Some logs from Newfoundland, Oct. 1-3
Replies: 2
Views: 3863

Some logs from Newfoundland, Oct. 1-3

Hi everyone: My listening time was limited this week, but I did get a few logs. There were a lot of stations on the air Saturday night, but conditions were only average on 48 m and very poor on 76 m. Sunday night saw very good conditions, but only a few stations on. I got up early on Sunday morning ...
by newfoundland dxer
Tue Sep 28, 2010 14:13 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland, Sept. 21-27
Replies: 2
Views: 3846

Logs from Newfoundland, Sept. 21-27

Hi everyone: It was an interesting week. The weeknights were fairly quiet (Wednesday and Friday in particular) but Saturday was an extremely active night. Several stations stayed on very late, so it was quite an enjoyable night. It was great to hear Borderhunter with the usual strong signal, and Mar...
by newfoundland dxer
Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:05 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland - Sept. 13-19
Replies: 1
Views: 3696

Logs from Newfoundland - Sept. 13-19

Hi everyone: Sorry for the late post, but we had some fun with Hurricane Igor here this week. Last week saw moderately good conditions, not as good as the previous week, but lots of stations heard. The big news was the continued late night shows from Black Bandit Radio. His signal has been booming i...
by newfoundland dxer
Mon Sep 13, 2010 01:03 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland Sept. 5-12 -more excellent conditions
Replies: 0
Views: 2575

Logs from Newfoundland Sept. 5-12 -more excellent conditions

Hi everyone: What a great week! Conditions for transatlantic reception are definitely improving. The days are getting shorter, and that means earlier receptions here. 48 m has been fading in as early as 1900 (although Black Bandit powered through at 1735 today!). It was very interesting Saturday nig...
by newfoundland dxer
Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:30 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland - Sept. 2-5, excellent conditions!
Replies: 3
Views: 4630

Logs from Newfoundland - Sept. 2-5, excellent conditions!

Hi everyone: It has been a couple of months since I last posted logs, due to the fact that I have been away from home (and the radio) for the last half of July and most of August. I was finally able to enjoy some radio time this weekend, however, and conditions were extremely good! Before I start my...
by newfoundland dxer
Wed Jul 07, 2010 13:12 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland, June 29 - July 5
Replies: 1
Views: 3641

Logs from Newfoundland, June 29 - July 5

Hi everyone: It has been several weeks since I have posted my logs. I have been listening regularly, but I have also been extremely busy with work and a few other things. One of those things has been planning a European vacation, including Holland. I will be at the Summermeeting on Saturday, and I h...
by newfoundland dxer
Fri May 28, 2010 01:20 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: A month of logs from Newfoundland - excellent conditions
Replies: 1
Views: 3280

A month of logs from Newfoundland - excellent conditions

Hi Everyone: Once again, I got behind on my logs and posting, and I have just caught up again. Because of work and other commitments, I have had limited hobby time, and I have used it listening. Conditons have been excellent this past month. Evenings on 48 m have been exceptional. My only complaint ...
by newfoundland dxer
Fri Apr 30, 2010 17:39 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: A month of logs from Newfoundland, Mar. 26 - Apr. 25
Replies: 2
Views: 3984

A month of logs from Newfoundland, Mar. 26 - Apr. 25

Hi everyone: It has been a long time since I have been able to post my logs. A combination of very long work hours, travel and family left very limited hobby time, which I just spent listening. I have spent the last couple of days reviewing audio files, and I have been amazed at how good the conditi...
by newfoundland dxer
Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:44 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Late logs from Newfoundland, March 12-21
Replies: 2
Views: 6569

Late logs from Newfoundland, March 12-21

Hi everyone: Sorry for the delay in posting, but work has been consuming a lot of my time. Conditions for the past two weeks have been mostly poor, but there have been some exceptions. The weekend of March 12-14 was noisy Friday and Saturday, but good conditions Sunday evening (I slept in Sunday mor...
by newfoundland dxer
Thu Mar 11, 2010 14:59 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: HUGE report from Dunlo, PA, USA, 6-7 March 2010
Replies: 6
Views: 6688

Congrats Dave. That is an amazing numer of stations. Glad to see you had good conditions down there. Reading your logs is almost enough to tempt me to get one of those Perseus receivers. The amount of detail that you get, compared to my "dial-and-hunt" method, is just incredible. It is cer...
by newfoundland dxer
Thu Mar 11, 2010 14:24 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland, March 3-8. Great fun Saturday!
Replies: 6
Views: 6539


Thanks for your nice replies guys. :oops: Nice to see you again Glowbug! It's been a while. BoB, that is good news. I would love to log you 21 MHz. Dave, I'm hoping this weekend is good too. If we have conditions anywhere close to last Saturday, I am sure it will be fun. Ray: I'm not sure that it wa...
by newfoundland dxer
Tue Mar 09, 2010 23:09 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland, March 3-8. Great fun Saturday!
Replies: 6
Views: 6539

Logs from Newfoundland, March 3-8. Great fun Saturday!

Hi everyone: It was a very interesting and enjoyable weekend. Conditions Saturday night were among the best I have ever seen. Borderhunter was booming in here, Spaceman was quite clear, and Black Arrow and Northcoast were clear enough for positive IDs. Signals were so good that it seemed like a reco...
by newfoundland dxer
Fri Mar 05, 2010 15:44 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland Feb. 26-28
Replies: 0
Views: 2676

Logs from Newfoundland Feb. 26-28

Hi everyone: Sorry for the delay in posting these logs. It has been a busy week at work. Last weekend saw good conditions here. Friday night I had a lot of noise, but I traced the problem to the soil around my grounding rods being too dry. Unfortunately, it was also frozen, but i managed to thaw the...
by newfoundland dxer
Fri Feb 26, 2010 13:46 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Late logs from Newfoundland, Feb. 12-21
Replies: 2
Views: 3486

Late logs from Newfoundland, Feb. 12-21

Hi everyone: Just a few logs this time, from the last two weekends. The noise level has been high, which I have discovered has been due to the soil around my grounding rods drying out. Fortunately, this is easily fixed. I have also been very busy at work, but I hope this will improve soon. I did che...
by newfoundland dxer
Mon Feb 15, 2010 13:10 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs from Newfoundland, Jan. 29 - Feb. 7
Replies: 3
Views: 4490


Thanks for the replies. One correction :oops: : My log from Saturday, Feb. 6 9290,0 . . 1414-1430 . Radio Jan van Gent , moved here to avoid QRM, slightly stronger signal, 24331 should have been: 9290,0 . . 1414-1430 . Mike Radio , moved here to avoid QRM, slightly stronger signal, 24331 Sorry Mike....