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by Ray Lalleu
Tue Dec 20, 2016 23:22 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 15 - 21 AUG. 2016
Replies: 2
Views: 8824

LOGS : 15 - 21 AUG. 2016

Hi, At home 4 days, then 3 days near Paris with only a Sony and a wire (several places). My IDs with a '%' are just bets (e.g. BBR %, heard almost everyday). Those with a '?' are from a given ID but not heard OK. If not in green, both types are confirmed from other logs. Remarks : - on Wed., had LHH...
by Ray Lalleu
Thu Dec 15, 2016 23:06 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 08 - 14 AUG. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 8045

LOGS : 08 - 14 AUG. 2016

Hi, Summertime : not less stations, but less logs published. So, many green lines here, even on week end. Even a 3 hours long transmission on late Saturday afternoon ! Other remarks : - 'STUDIO 42' : is it correct or a typo in the logs ? - R. BATAVIER on Friday was also listed as PARTY ANIMALS - R. ...
by Ray Lalleu
Thu Dec 15, 2016 23:02 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 01 - 07 AUG. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 6829

LOGS : 01 - 07 AUG. 2016

Hi, Back to home on mid-week, then frequencies rounded to next 0,1 kz if possible, or next 0,05 kHz when I cannot choose either side. New : - including D station on 1395 - another R. MI AMIGO relayed (many hours) on 6070, reported to be an RSL from lightship LV18 (not to be confused with the usual R...
by Ray Lalleu
Mon Dec 05, 2016 22:32 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 25 -31 JUL. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 6817

LOGS : 25 -31 JUL. 2016

Hi, Some problems with the IDs : - of course about the station with '1000 names' (so I choose to name it BBR every time), maybe BBR on Monday and Friday with a potato name ?, - also with the many stations using an offshore name and/or playing recordings from other offshore stations, - also with the ...
by Ray Lalleu
Mon Dec 05, 2016 22:29 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 18 -24 JUL. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 6793

LOGS : 18 -24 JUL. 2016

Hi, Summertime, summer meeting, summer vacation... From Wednesday, going to N.E. France only with a compact Sony (sometimes with wire antenna), with 5 kHz steps and coarse 'fine tuning' giving + - 2 khz at best. Also with so-so image rejection (6300 ++ covered by 7200 ++ at night). Unusual : a relay...
by Ray Lalleu
Tue Nov 29, 2016 21:42 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 11 - 17 JUL. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 7053

LOGS : 11 - 17 JUL. 2016

Hi, - the UNID on 6935 on Friday and Saturday after 2100 : could be TRX - on Sunday morning, there was a clash between RWI and maybe R. Rainbow around 6235 - some tech. problem with Caroline-Goofy : OK in AM mode (if channel clear enough) but bad when trying SSB or Sync AM modes, because the carrier...
by Ray Lalleu
Tue Nov 22, 2016 20:08 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 04 - 10 JUL. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 8009

LOGS : 04 - 10 JUL. 2016

Hi, Puzzling tip of the week: another R. Mi Amigo (ID tnx to Rick and Terry). Also an Unid on Wednesday with many tracks from the Beatles. And again the mysterious very weak signal on 6264 (formerly heard with Greek/oriental mx on better seasons). Unusual stations : Cochiguaz(almost everyday), Whisk...
by Ray Lalleu
Fri Nov 11, 2016 22:31 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 27 JUN. - 03 JUL. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 7482

LOGS : 27 JUN. - 03 JUL. 2016

Hi, A few puzzling logs : - maybe Akenzo on Tuesday and Wednesday with a repeat from Sunday 26th - KING SW moved to 6295 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (still no ID here) - usual mess of names from Tenerife on 6205 - strange R. Frantz?? or Kraus?? on 6260 on Sunday - tentative R. Batavier on Sunday ...
by Ray Lalleu
Wed Nov 09, 2016 22:33 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 20 - 26 JUN. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 7378

LOGS : 20 - 26 JUN. 2016

Hi, Much less activity on that week, much less logs too. Puzzling ones : - some VORW (?) on 6005 on Wednesday - Laser Hot Hits on 6070 on Sat. : from the offsore era (acc. to Ihor) - Rock 'n Roll R. playing something different Seldom heard : Old Time R., Shoreline R., R. Tango Italia, (and maybe mor...
by Ray Lalleu
Mon Nov 07, 2016 14:11 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 13 - 19 JUN. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 7550

LOGS : 13 - 19 JUN. 2016

Hi, Puzzling logs : - 6230 on Monday - 5805 Summer R. on Thursday (via LHH ??) - 6232,35 strong on Friday to Sunday : no ID, but same habits as Focus - 6205,1 : same confusion between COAST FM and ATLANTIS FM * * * * * MON. 13 JUN. 2016 * * * * * 6150,0 1643-1649 EUROPA 24, weak\PLC; in G: ID,news, ...
by Ray Lalleu
Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:15 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 06 - 12 JUN. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 7479

LOGS : 06 - 12 JUN. 2016

Hi, - I don't remember who gave the KVPH ID (Tuesday) - Other unusual names : R. Stalingrad, Pierclan (Pierceclan?), North Sea R., WREC - Rock 'n Roll R. was on the air on several evenings - Other tiny signals : R. One Zero Two, QBC, Eighties R. - Lots of UNID stations, including extra-weak 6215 on ...
by Ray Lalleu
Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:06 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 30 MAY - 05 JUN. 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 7573

LOGS : 30 MAY - 05 JUN. 2016

Hi, I took as a spoof phone call that "Radio Control Dienst" on Tuesday, but that is reported twice as the ID of a station on 6320 kHz on Sunday. Uncommon names this week : R. Stalingrad, Island of Music, Trance AM, Z. Obama (fake from Mustang), Eighties R., Transatlantic Broadcast. * * * ...
by Ray Lalleu
Fri Oct 28, 2016 13:06 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 23 - 29 MAY 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 7615

LOGS : 23 - 29 MAY 2016

Hi, Some remarks from the past weeks still to remind. And the new surprises: - Rock'n roll R., on Tuesday and Sunday - Hitmix reactivating Supersound - R. Superoldie - R. Stalingrad - lots of UNIDs (many heard briefly, several heard much longer) - BBR trying to be 'stealth' BBR ? * * * * * MON. 23 M...
by Ray Lalleu
Mon Oct 24, 2016 23:14 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 16 - 22 MAY 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 8224

LOGS : 16 - 22 MAY 2016

Hi, The mystery of the week was a very weak station heard every day on 6324,7 kHz (sometimes around 6324,5 with a bit of drift), for long long hours, but quite unsucessful : only Rick logged it also (as Unid too) on Saturday at 17.01. Not much details, but sounded like another Dutch station. Another...
by Ray Lalleu
Tue Oct 18, 2016 09:57 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: LOGS : 09 - 15 MAY 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 8039

LOGS : 09 - 15 MAY 2016

Hi, After careful cross-checking, some logs are still puzzling : - still that strange ID shuffling beetween ENERGY, COAST and HORIZON on 6205 - is NL-GERMANY yet another name for Hitmix ? - is MINIPOWER another name for BARRAQUDA ? - on 6295, Friday aft, I heard Flying Dutchman (other logs : Whisky ...