LOGS : 09 - 15 MAY 2016

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 09 - 15 MAY 2016

Post by Ray Lalleu »


After careful cross-checking, some logs are still puzzling :
- still that strange ID shuffling beetween ENERGY, COAST and HORIZON on 6205
- is NL-GERMANY yet another name for Hitmix ?
- is MINIPOWER another name for BARRAQUDA ?
- on 6295, Friday aft, I heard Flying Dutchman (other logs : Whisky tango and Pioneer)

Green lines : not seen anywhere else, or just including more useful details

* * * * * MON. 09 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0956,1212 ENERGY FM, 0958 weak, ID. - - - - - - [ cf COAST FM ]
6205,1 1551-2243 UNID, v.weak>fair, 1900 news, 1934 Energy? jingle, 2048 "Coasting"(?) jingle [ cf COAST FM ]

6325,6 1213-1243 UNID, fair\fading > v.weak; folk singer, accn

6304,8 1547-1611 R. MERLIN INT, weak-fair\atmos; pop-rock, IDs, tk.

6265,7 1558-1607 S. HITMIX, weak\atmos; yodl, "Ring of fire" in D or G, bpm, 1605 allo test, ID

5835,0 1614-2244 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\atmos > v.weak; mx, tk, IDs

6005,0 1712-1727 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good\atmos; mx, DJ, IDs, promo for Ron O'Quinn on Sat. (// 3985 weak\noisy;)

6290,0 1823-1850* UNID, some C&W (in D?), tiki mx. - - - - - - [ cf BLUEMAN ]

6300,0 1833-1833* UNID, Nina Hagen ?, s/off - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID ]
6300,0 1843-1847* UNID, Nina Hagen ?, blank, Nina Hagen ? again, s/off
6300,0 1937-1955 UNID, pop W singer (in D?), in a loop

6307,1 1835-1956 R. GOOFY ?, e.weak\atmos; mx, IDs as "- - S.W." (not OK) (2003 gone)

4015,0 1928-2246 LASER HOT HITS, weak\atmos; DJ, IDs, also as "Laser Int'l" and as "Laser Hot Hits-Energy"

4026,0 1930-2247 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\atmos; W DJ, ad for FSN, JID, 2039 G.Drew : POB in Canada: closed.

6875,1 1957-2041 R. EUROPE, mx, IDs with 'Europe' uttered as in English, accn(jazz medley), pops, Radio Tokyo

6285,0a 2004-2042 BATAVIER R., var. pops, IDs in D+E, mx parts (2049 gone)

* * * * * TUES. 10 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0648,0917 HORIZON FM, 0648 mx. 0915, mx, ID, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf COAST FM ]
6205,1 1419-2214 HORIZON FM, e.weak > weak \noisy; mx, 1425 ID - - - - - - [ cf COAST FM ]

6290,0 1427-1601 UNID, trace > v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, 1511 - - R. (in G), R. - - (in D), 1600 in E(ID?) [ cf HITMIX ?]
6290,0 1615-1639* UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk like Hitmix, 1635 IS like Hitmix [ cf NL-GERMANY ]

6334,9 1430-1458 UNID, on/off, sometimes under big noise, mx (1511 gone?)

6305,0 1458-1606* R.PYTHON, weak-fair > fair-good; pops, IDs, g's, e-mail box fully filled with spam!

5835,0 1644-2141 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy > atmos; mx, 2127 misus aside, 2140 ID

4015,0 1645-2117 LASER HOT HITS, e. > v. > weak; mx, 1843 ID

6970,0 1648-1919 IBC, Treasure Island(ID+@) 1821 same, charts of 1966, IBC ID, 1919 DX in it.

6005,0 *1700-1702 R. MI AMIGO INT, "Bienvenue-welkommen" ID, "R. Monique today", On the road again

6290,5a 1806-1918 R. GOOFY ?, e.weak\v.noisy > trace; some hip-hop, 1810 ID(not OK)

4026,0 1844-2137 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy at first; Kinks"Lola", 2135 jingles and ID row

6070,0 1900-1905 ISLAND OF MUSIC, in E+sp., ..best of Cuba, funny island music.., songs in sp.

6299,85 1906-1917 UNID, fair\noisy; pops, D mx - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MAZDA ]

6290,0 2015-2025 BBR % , good; some R&R tracks from late 50's, 2021 singer in Ru ?, accn. (2031 gone)

6279,9 2025-2103 WITTE REUS, fair\fading; D C&W, comique troupier(in D), 40's jazz in D, techno, ID, etc

6320,0 2031-2111* SKYWAVE R., weak\atmos,ut.'s around; mx, tk and IDs(not clear), 2102 c'/d ID+@(clear)

6212 u 2042-2101 BARRAQUDA, Bowie, Just a jigolo, 60s pops, 2101 ID by Bacaruda comedy (2112 gone)

* * * * * WED. 11 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0626-0728 HORIZON FM, weak\loc.noise; mx, 0727 ID. (1336-1731 : blank ?) - - - [ cf COAST FM ]
6205,1 2048-2211 COAST FM, good\noisy,fading; 2051 JID, mx - - - - - - [ cf ENERGY % ]

4015,0 0626,0706 LASER HOT HITS, 0626 weak\noisy; ID, mx. 0706 trace
4015,0 2103-2220 LASER HOT HITS, weak\atmos; mx, 2106 ID+@, 2219 slogan-ID

6150,0 1517-1609 EUROPA 24, weak\loc.noise,atmos; news in G, IDs, pops

6070,0 1613,1742 UNID, *1613-1614* tk in G. 1742 : fair\atmos; some C&W or folk mx

5835,0 1620-2214 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak \PLC,atmos; mx, tk, said 4026, ID(Int'l), etc

6396,0 1732-1740 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC,atmos; tk, Booker T, 1736 ID, R.Stones

6285,1 1744-1747 UNID, e.weak\atmos,PLC; tk, mx, soon lost under the noise - - - [ cf ANTHONY ]

5850,15 2054-2102 UNID, Green berets, Andy, Israelites (2112 gone)

4026,0 2104-2223 LASER HOT HITS, mx, Brexit speech, 2110 ID(Int'l), mx, 2220 politics again

5890,2 2117-2146 BATAVIA, fair\fading,noise,atmos; pops, tk, IDs, g's(trumpet background), 2134 song in F, etc

6295,1 2148-2247 UNID, fair-good\atmos; Lady Sakalina(?), S.Blue"Never..",Born to be wild, etc [cf DESPERADO ]

6950 L 2155-2205 BALTIC SEA R., weak\atmos; ID+@ (seagulls), pops, etc

* * * * * THURS. 12 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0641-2049 COAST FM ?, mx, IDs not quite clear, but at news time(1500) it was HORIZON FM !

6070,0 1019-1400 UNID, weak-fair > good > 1200 e.weak > up again; pops - - - - - -[ cf CHANNEL 292 ]
6070,0 1633-1816 R. CHANNEL 292, 1658 ID+@, then "La montagne"(from Jean Ferrat, but in D)

6284,9 1350-2131 FOCUS INT, fair\noisy > good; pops-rock, many IDs till 1601, ment 5.81 MHz

5804,55 1402-2144 FOCUS INT, e.>v.weak\noisy, loc.noise; pops, IDs (maybe same long show but shifted)

6295,0 1444-1600 S. HITMIX, trace < e.weak; pops, tk, 1533 Benny Hill mx, tk, ID, retro song

6970 u 1616-1812 IBC, Treasure Island Oldies, DX Panorama-(from Marconi R.), Treasure Island again

5835,0 1712-2201 LASER HOT HITS, e.>v.weak\noisy,atmos; While my guitar.., Here comes the sun, later mx + IDs

4015,0 1902-2143 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise > fair-good; mx, IDs

4026,0 1908-2144 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy > \occ.Morse 4028, ut.QRM on L side. 1912 FSN, ID

6210 u 1944-2010 UNID, on/off, italian pops, 2006 splash from 6205

6306,0 2032-2044 UNID; trace, some mx at best times.

6214 u 2049-2128 UNID, rock,hard rock, tk in it. (messing) 2049 medley, 2054 Hush, 2118 Queen [cf MINIPOWER ]

6295,0 2249-2303 BBR, good; messing with C&W, 2252 ID as J.TOBACCO, "low ant. low power ", more C&W

* * * * * FRI. 13 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6284,9 0850-0954 FOCUS INT, weak +strong mod; mx, IDs, 0855 Johnny B.Goode (reprise)
6284,9 1414-1902 FOCUS INT, mx, IDs, 1440 psychedelic mx,
6285,0 2030-2239 FOCUS INT, good+peaks; 2109 blues (By Hendrix acc. to DJ)

6205,1 0851-2241 COAST? FM, e.-v.weak; pops, unclear COASt (COASTIN?) IDs, clear ENERGY IDs at news times

6070,0 1001-1400a UNID, weak\loc.noise; mx, mx... - - - - - - - - - [ cf CHANNEL 292 ]

6295,0 1411-1511 FLYING DUTCHMAN ?, e.weak\atmos; mx, 1437 this is the F.R. stn - -, R. - - - , then \deep fades
6295,0 1649-1700 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, weak\atmos; mx, 1651 (ID same as 1437), 1700 clear ID

6392,9 1447-1459* UNID, v.weak\atmos; Shadows?, "Oh Suzy Q", instrum R&R, end no ID

5804,55 1506-2241 FOCUS INT, v.weak\atmos; mx, 1507 RNLI, 1922 repeat of (Thurs. 1542), etc, up to fair\fading

6325,7 1653-1719 UNID, v.weak\atmos; D mx, gd ev' Marco, rock, D mx. - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6305,0 1836-1905 R. PYTHON, fair-good\atmos; mx, tk IDs, ment' Altrex5812, folk, rock, g's Marco

6294,95 1844-1905* UNID, Paint it black, polka, end - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RADIO 42 ]

6267,0 1849-1918 BBR % , fair-good\atmos; pops, some blanks, C&W, cajun mx

6234,9 1853-1916 R. RONALISA, v.weak\atmos; Satisfaction, I put a spell on you, 1913 tk, IDs, 1916 D mx

5835,0 1922-2242 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise,atmos; 1923 ID, mx, DJ

6875,1 1926-2103 R. EUROPE, \atmos,noisy; old jazz, alt. drums, latino song, 2102 ID+@

6390,0 1940-2100 R. 102 (ONE ZERO TWO), v.weak\loc.noise,atmos; Poupée de cire, Obladi..., Nights in white satin, King of the road, ID=?, Guantanamera, 2006 ID(OK), Monday M.., Twist again, 2056 ID, Cocaine, ID

6399,0 1938-1959* UNID, weak-v.weak\atmos; messing with D mx, sudden s/off
6399,0 2008-2015 UNID, rock(60s?), D mx

6320,05 2017-2108 LITTLE FEAT R., good; mx, tk, IDs. (off and back ?), 2134-2137*, mx, c'/d ID

6306,05 2018-2028 UNID, e.weak\het; mx (barely heard), lost

6212 u 2033-2118 UNID, "My sweet lord", then messing with opera singers (mostly in it.) [ cf BARRAQUDA ]

6920,0 2104-2233 UNID, v.weak; mx, tk in it., ID(=?), 2202 blank.., 2221 it.jazz singer, pops, bit tk [cf KEY CHANNEL ]

4015,0 2123-2133 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\fading; listing LHH's DJ's and fq's, 2129 "live from central England"

4026,0 2130-2134 LASER HOT HITS, mx, "Laser", tk (3 different shows from Laser !)

6265,0 2139-2201* ROCK 'N ROLL R., rock, 2140 time check (OK), rock(blues), tk, IDs, 2155 Don't bring me down, g's..

6964,8 2204-2237 UNID, mx, W voices far from mike, or only 1 voice, 2213 IDs with 'SW' and 'free radio', etc

* * * * * SAT. 14 MAY 2016 * * * * *

4015,0 0600-0732 LASER HOT HITS, short news, Laser, mx, 0609 ID, Life is life, etc (stronger than 4026)
4026,0 0610-0731 LASER HOT HITS, weak\ut.noise right under; DJ Cory on Laser, mx, 0731 killed by noise

6205,1? 0602-0742 HORIZON FM ?, \hum(from 6204,85?), v.hard to hear; news, ID (not OK), mx. [cf COAST FM ]
6205,1 1051-1310 UNID, 1051 v.weak(clear), pop. 1255 e.weak; mx. 1310 weak-fair; mx
6205,1 1746-2101 COAST FM, mx, ..tenerife@gmail, mx, 2100 This is Coast FM, news, 2102 same ID, ment' 6205

5804,5 0615-0737 FOCUS INT, weak>fair; repeat, like yesterday around 2100
5804,5 1746-2017 FOCUS INT, v.weak\PLC; mx, 1749 ID, mx...

6285,0 0626-0829 FOCUS INT, mx, DJ, IDs
6285,0 1050-2115 FOCUS INT, bit of downdrift; mx, 1740 R.Stones, 1744 ID+@+hl, 1904 "Baba O'Riley"

6005,0 0632-0815 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop/folk songs, ad for event in Amsterdam on July 4th, IDs, 0813 jammed ?
9560,0 0815,1048 R. MI AMIGO INT, // 6005 (0815 hard to hear, 1048 good, still // fair 6005)

6325,0 0748-0751 UNID, D mx (v.weak, \on-off het drifting around 6323)

6322,8v 0755-0800 UNID, e.weak\drifting; mx

9510,0 *0800-0812 R. CITY, good-strong; vroom!, 50-60s pops, 0807 ID, E.Moricone mx, JID, memories..., mid-60s

6070,0 0829-0844 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, ID (I was away), I shot the sheriff - - - [ cf SUPERCLAN ]
6070,0 1046-1306 UNID, info@shortwave..., On the road again, 1258 rock - - - [ cf SM R. ]
6070,0 1753,2037 UNID, 1753 mx. 2037 "Mr Bassman" by johnny Cymbal(?) in 1963, 2039 swamped by R.Vatican

6920,0 1210-1326 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk, often barely heard, 1326 blues - - - [ planned KEY CHANNEL ]
6920,0 1727-2330 KEY CHANNEL ?, v.weak\atmos; mx, tk, rock, 1841 id K..., jazz in it., 1957 Whole lotta love, tk in E

6325,65 1222-1240? BLACK PANTHER, D mx, tnx reports, Franco dit ist De Panter !, \het6324,9

6324,9a 1233-1250 UNID, e.weak \\QRM6325,6; D mx too.

6379,9a 1734-1734 UNID, mx, lost under PLC - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLAUWE PANTER ]

4015,0 1752,2030 LHH %, v.weak\loc.noise,ut.QRM4013; mx, tk.

4026,0 1753,2037 LASER HOT HITS, 2032 \stanag4023; 2034 ID, tk, mx

6210,0 1758-1814 UNID, v.weak\PLC; rock, lost - - - - - - - - -[ cf AC-DC ]

6964,8 1838-2005 UNID, e.weak\swamped; birds singing

6295,0v 1854-2332 R. DESPERADO, fair\PLC,atmos, up to 6295,2; pops, 1903 tiki, 1941 satisfaction, 1947 ID,g's, 2015 H.California, 2046 Dancing in the street, 2115 "La foule"(Piaf, but D version)

6267,0 1905-1932 BBR % , good-strong, "Mrs Robinson"instrum, "Wind of change"part, Obladi.., rock guitars

6325,0 1934-2056 FELIX, switch to LSB at 1935, mx, Lucky number, 1951 ID, hip-hop, g's, 2052 hitch, 2054 ID, tk

6265,1 2040-2044 ANTHONY R., v.weak\PLC; IDs, mx

6225,95 2103-2310 ODYNN R., Brand new Cadillac, 2106 ID, +@, rock, A.Brown"Fire", rock

6264,95 2304-2336 ROCK 'N ROLL R., v.weak\noisy; mx, tnx rpts and IDs, 2333 "Memphis Tennessee"

6305,0 2314-2323* R. ORION 2000, fair; pops, IDs in G, Plastic bertrand"Ca plane pour moi", end with Morse

* * * * * SUN. 15 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6285,0 0645-1603 FOCUS INT, v.weak, bit downdrift and back; good at first but sudden f/down at 7.16 and bad audio, 0732 blues by J.Hendrix?, rock, 0832 ann' 6285 and 5805, v.weak\occ.fades; 1030 ID, rock, etc.. 1601 tk, ID

6205,1 0725-0853 UNIDs, carrier, 2nd carrier 6204,9v, barely a bit of mx > no audio. (1029-1801 6205,1 blank) - - - - - - - - - [ cf COAST FM x KING SW ]

6070,0 0741-0745 SUPERCLAN R., weak\fading,noise; Michel Fugain, tk in E, ID
6070,0 0805-0858 GOLDRAUSCH, weak\noisy; in G, G songs and pops, 0858 ID+@. (0900 : R. D.A.R.C.)

6005,0 0745-0837 R. MI AMIGO, v.weak\fading; 0745 ID, mx, 0800 Welcome, 0803 //9560
9560,0 0801-1037 R. MI AMIGO, v.weak > fair-good; // 6005 (still at 0840). Later 1036 soul mx, // 7310(v.weak-noisy;)

6330,0 *0754-0759 UNID, D mx, accn. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LOWLAND ]

6095,0 0809-0934 MIGHTY KBC, good-strong; IDs, ads for KBC Import, Eric VanWillegen's Giant Jukebox

6230,0 0822-0853 R. CASANOVA INT, v.weak\PLC; IDs, g's, mx

6237,0 0937-0942 R. WAVES INT % , e.weak\PLC; tk, mx (M.Sardou), E.Mitchell"Toujours un coin...", f/out

6295,1 1031-1034 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, some words

6234,9v 1503-1532 UNID, > 6234,75, e.weak\deep fades,QRM

6305,1 1536-1626 R. MERLIN % , (1305 trace), weak- trace \noisy, gurgling bursts; Hit the road Jack(alt. version), 1540 tk (Merlin-like), then trace for quite a while, 1624 rock, tk over "riders on the storm", \2nd carrier QRM.
6305,1 1855-2340 R. MERLIN INT, 1855 ID, mx, 2127 ID, 2230 \QRM from NL, 2337 e.weak\stanag bursts, rock, tk

6324,7 1542-2124 UNID, e.weak \long deep fades; mainly D mx, 1545 tk(no copy), 1858 \sp.traffic6325u;

6263,0 1603-1635 TELSTAR R., fair-good; West side story, hello Marco, ID, tk in D, pops, Man of action, R&B

6250,0 1607-1610 UNID, fair>v.weak\PLC; blues(R.Stones?), mx, mx (1636 tiny trace) - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6235,0 1613-1637 UNID, e.weak \soon bad PLC; mx

6210,0 1754-1821 UNID, D song "Tina Tina", Earth &Fire ?, mx, mx

6235,0 1803-2035 R. WAVES INT, v.weak\under noise at times,bit of drift; mx, tk, 1810 in F, 1815 ID+BP, J.Halliday"Ma gueule", 1822"Toujours un coin..." \F traffic 6236,5u; 1824 ID in G+it., etc

6262,0 1826-2345 Z. AKENZO, weak > fair-good; 1829 Born to be wild, 2010 g's, ID, 2140 splashing, 2223 Red red wine

6280,0 1837-2028 UNID, good\fading; messing(mx parts, mod level), 2018 weak\splash; C&W, rock [cf QUADZILLA ]

6284,95 1840-2335 FOCUS INT % , weak\QRM6280 > good; mx, DJ, no ID heard, 2109 \kind of a het, splash...

6380,0 1902-1914 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; "Radio gaga", No woman no cry, Cocaine

6805 L 1915,2143 UNID, mx, tk in it.

6210,0 1918-1959 UNID x UNID, "..lion sleeps.." x punk mx, 1954 'stereo', 1955 clear "Venus", 1958 \spur6218, 2142 mx
[ cf MUSIC WAVES (from Russia?) via SLUWE VOS, and UNID station QRM ]

6218,0 1958-2002* spur ?

6300,25 2031-2336 UNID, e.weak\var. splash6295 and 6305; mx, 2114 Blue H., Jethro T., Everly Br. [cf DESPERADO ]

6375,0 2046-2124 UNID, techno mx and hellos, 2101 c'/d, bye-bye. (Then long digital signal)

6965,0 2057-2059 UNID, e.weak\hard; birds

6290,0 2108-2132 UNID, D and euro mx

6933 L ? 2145-2153 BALTIC SEA R., mx, ID, but never clarified

5804,6 2155-2216 FOCUS INT, weak\Morse QRM 5804; ID, pops

5835,0 2157-2216 LHH % , weak; mx, tk, ment' 4015

6305,0a 2230-2233 UNID, \QRM Merlin; D mx

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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