LOGS : 23 - 29 MAY 2016

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 23 - 29 MAY 2016

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Some remarks from the past weeks still to remind. And the new surprises:
- Rock'n roll R., on Tuesday and Sunday
- Hitmix reactivating Supersound
- R. Superoldie
- R. Stalingrad
- lots of UNIDs (many heard briefly, several heard much longer)
- BBR trying to be 'stealth' BBR ?

* * * * * MON. 23 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6324,6 0638-0827 UNID, trace.
6324,7 1539-1638 UNID, trace, better at 1539 e.weak; some mx

6295,0 1513-1555 UNID, e.>v.weak\PLC; pops, Beatles "Please please me", 1545 accn, accn [ cf PIONEER ]

6304,8 1529-1825 R. MERLIN INT, weak\noisy; 60's pop-rock, DJ P.Watt, IDs, g's, 1555 "Silence is golden"

6290,0 1509-1551 UNID, trace > e.weak; mx

6070,0 1630-1645 GOLDRAUSCH, tk in G, IDs, California dreaming, pops
6070,0 1704-1716 SUPERCLAN R., "It's so easy", pop-rock, ID, Jailhouse rock

6209,2 1808-1843* R. DOCTOR BUIS, fair, tk in D, IDs+@ in D+E, D mx, pops, Abba "SOS" in Swedish, 1835 QRM
6210,0 *1835-1853 UNID, carrier (hum) at first, then in USB, mx
6210 u 2021-2044 UNID, Tom Jones"Help yourself", It. singer, 80's club tchacs

6265,0 1854-1909 MUSTANG R., good-strong; mx, ID, said c'/d, etc, 1909 Doors"Light my fire"

6285,1 1900-1929 ANTHONY R., e.weak\noisy+loc.noise; mx, M+W voices, switch to USB, 1920 ID, hip-hop, polka...

6290,0 1910-2153 UNID, e.weak-trace at times\atmos; pops, 1935 "Funky town"

6299,9 1948-2053* fake R. BARONES, tk in D+E, short parts of mx, g's, many dropouts. [ cf BATAVIER ]

6305,3v 2018-2055 UNID, some updrift \splash from 6300; mx, tk (no copy), 2055 lost

6255,3 2027-2119* F.R. VICTORIA, 2027 rising the mod level slowly, mx, disco, 2042 ID+@, pops, 2118 \het?

4015,0 2137-2145 LASER HOT HITS, mx, DJ, 2143 ID, ann' 4015 and Poppy family from 1970s

4026,0 2139-2146 LASER HOT HITS, ID+@, mx, 2145 ann' 4026, ID, g's to Achim

* * * * * TUES. 24 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6070,0 1631-1715 R. CHANNEL 292, 1633 ID, "The day the music died", "London calling", pop-rock
6070,0 1910-1917 ISLAND OF MUSIC %, music from Cuba, DJ in E. (2025 CH.292 ? again)

6285,0 *1652-1721 UNID, 1647 carrier, 1652 sudden: rock, D mx, good \messing with mod level (1740 gone) [cf BBR % ]

6005,0 1715-1747 R. MI AMIGO, fair-good\bit het; ID, football ticket prize, psyched. rock. (1827 R. 700)

6318,8 1741-1918 R. GOOFY, e.-v.weak; ususal ID not OK, mx. (1938 gone, 2204-2227 e.weak mx again)

6970 u 1841-1909 IBC % , much tk in it., some mx, old news, 1906 DX news in it.
6970 u 2015-2035 IBC %, "Good day sun shines", DJ in US E, Treasure Island Oldies, 2032 "1-2-polizei", DJ in it.

6266,0 1920-1927 UNID, e.weak\some traffic and ut.; mx, tk over instrum, "Ring my bell", lost (\splash6285)

6284,9 1927-2030 UNID, fair \big overmod, splashing, wobbling, v.bad audio; mx, 1947 This is Radio --- (much too bad to catch the name), tk in D, ..golden oldies with Mustang R. .., ska, Hit me with your rhythm stick, 1951 allo allo, Radar love, 2008 US speech?, now a bit better, reggae, D accn, etc. - - - [ cf BATAVIER ? ]

6305,0 1956-2023 SKYWAVE R., v.weak; mx (M.Jackson way), Shaft theme, live IDs+@, 2013 "Relax" (grrr...)

6941u ? 2154-2202 BALTIC SEA R. % , not clarified, seagulls, "Johnny B.Goode", etc, end ?

6265,0 2205-2222* ROCK 'N ROLL R., \bad fading; rock, IDs, 2219 c'/d, "Tutti fruti"

4025,0 2212-2217 LHH %, mx, ad for OEM, W DJ, mx

6299,3 2222-2230 BBR, good; C&W, ID as R. BLACK BANDIT, low antenna, low.., low...

* * * * * WED. 25 MAY 2016 * * * * *

4025,0 0625-0625 LHH %, mx

6070,0 0800-0817 CH. 292 %, non stop mx (incl' 60s pops)
6070,0 1530-1603 CH. 292 %, non stop mx
6070,0 1959-2001 LASER 558, good-strong; mx, ID, news from the 80's, ID, DJ, mx

6285,0 1537-1615 UNID, e.weak\noisy; barely heard mx. - - - [ cf SUPERSOUND ]

6295,0 1604-1644* ANTHONY R., trace+e.weak peaks; barely heard mx, just a breakthrough at 1606 with canned ID

6282,0 1616-1712 UNID, v.weak; pops, 1629 Whole lotta love, 1647 \traffic6280u; , mx, mx, lost - - -[ cf SUPERSOUND ]

6290,0 1635-1657* UNID, e.>v.weak\loc.noise,atmos; mx, pops, sudden s/off. - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6285,0 1714-1727 UNID, mx, maybe ex-6282. - - - - - - [ cf SUPERSOUND ]

6307,1 1825-2020 R. CAROLINE ON SW (CZ), trace > e.weak, bit of drift to 6307,0; some mx, some tk, 2019 clear JID

4025,0 1833-2210 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, W DJ, also Brexit speech, 2201 "Laser", D.Straits"Sultans..

6299,8 1849-2134* R. MERLIN INT, mx, live IDs, "Back in the USSR", "Tonight", 2106 California dreaming, S.Francisco

6290,0 1856-1900 UNID, v. weak mx, 1900 killed by Mike R.
6290,0 *1900-2023 MIKE R., fair-good, JM. Jarre mx, pops, 2021 "last record", ID+@, bye-bye

6375,0 1928-2031 UNID, e.weak\noisy,ut.both sides,hard to hear; pop-rock medley, tk, later also \atmos;

6396,0 1940-2039 R. GSV, \sounds strange; rock, DJ, 2030 jazz, 2035 IDs, "Take five" (2056 gone)

6327,95 2004-2006 UNID, \QRM, het 6326,85a, drift?; mx, quick lost

6326,85 2004-2005 UNID, mx, blank, and QSY ?

6320,7 2006-2017 UNID, fair\ut.,traffic; pops, 2012 "Who's that girl"

6280,0 2024-2026* ANTHONY R., e.weak; mx, ID+@, end

6267,0 2027-2028* UNID, mx, mx, sudden off at 20.28'35"

6930,0 2041-2054 UNID, fair, good audio \some atmos; "16 tons", US songs, C&W - - - [ cf TRX ]

6315,9 2057-2134 UNID, fair-clear; g's, D.I.S.C.O., mx, g's, g's..., 2128 "500 miles away from home" [cf BATAVIER ]

6284,7 2110-2214* R. DESPERADO, IDs, mx, g's, 2115 "Hélène", mx, D mx, jazz, 2152 "Still loving you", ID, (sudden off)

6295,15 2135-2140 UNID, e.weak; mx, lost

* * * * * THURS. 26 MAY 2016 * * * * *

4025,0 0623-0634* LHH %, v.weak\fading; pops, tk, sudden s/off

6304,8 1315-1703 R. MERLIN INT, fair\atmos > good; pops, IDs, 1641 King of the road, tk over, 1702 "Fire"

6300,0 1605-1612* PIONEER ?, mx, accn, ID+@ over that (not quite OK), 1609 noname canned c'/d, accn

6280,0 1613-1652 HITMIX % , e.weak\2nd carrier,traffic6280u; mx, tk

6970 u 1626-1637 IBC %, relaying Treasure Island Oldies, early 60s pops
6970 u 1832-2006 IBC, DX news in it., and mx at times, 1900 ID, 2005 ID

6295,0 1658-1707 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos,side QRM; mx, 1707 lost - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6285,0 1708-1724 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, 1719 Michel Sardou "Connemara", Bzn medley [ cf HITMIX ]

6239,7 1725-1830* R. SUPEROLDIE SW, non-stop 60s pops in G version, from 1812 also IDs, 1829 c'/d

6210,0 1819-1830 R. PYTHON, fair-good; ID, said "experimental", mx, 1830 "Dragon ..."-like mx

4025,0 1843-2220 LASER HOT HITS, duo about brexit, mx, 1854 ID

6285,4 1950-1951*, 1955-1958*, *2000-2010 R. VERONA, good, IDs, mx, G's, messing (Larsen)

6264,95 2011-2047 RADIO 42, accn, pops, tk in D+E, ID, "Je n'aurai pas le temps"(in D), ID, accn...

6295,1 2027-2029*, 2030-2033 R. VERONA, 2027 D song, 2031 ID, instrum mx, tk in D

6279,9 2043-2129 BATAVIER R., mx, ID, M+W tk in E, "Kalin kakalin" (2136 gone)

6300,0v 2050-2240 UNID, good; drift to 6299,7; "Baba O'Riley", Heart of gold, 2121 \overmod,wobbling;

6290,0 2059-2210* SKYWAVE R., pops, IDs+@ (hard to catch the name), 2144 Knock on wood, 2209 JM.Jarre

6272,0 2137-2149 UNID, good \wobbling(OK in NBFM); D mx, part of Beatles medley - - - - - -[ cf BBR ?? ]

6399,9 2152-2205* BLAUWE PANTER, tk, g's, ID, mx, computer broken, Sinatra"My way"

6287,25 2233-2235* UNID, mx, "..amateur..", singer in G, 2234 ID ?, then end

* * * * * FRI. 27 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6305,1 1454-2230 R. MARABU, weak\atmos, slow drift to 6305,0; mx, duo tk and IDs in G

6210,0 1458-1503 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,atmos; some tk. - - -(1511 gone) - - - - - -[ cf AC-DC ]

6263,0 1653-1712 TELSTAR R., \stanag bursts,atmos; Baby please don't go, ID, Brand new Cadillac, more rock..

6230,0 1700-1818 UNID, weak-v.weak\atmos; D mx. - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6205,1 1703-2121 COAST FM, weak\atmos; mx, JIDs

6285,0 1706-1717 UNID, e.weak\atmos; tk over "La maison de mon enfance" by F.Hardy, more mx

6285,0 1823-2128 Z. AKENZO, weak>fair \atmos; D & euro mx, 1846 Nirvana, 1928 Simon&Garf., rpts, ID, g's, IDs

4025,0 1826-1828 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy; mx, "Laser"

6267,0 1919-1924* UNID, C&W, end. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BATAVIER ]

6315,0 1938-1944 UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx, mx

6265,0 2123-2125 UNID, good; Don't bring me down, club 80s mx - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]

6295,0 2128-2133 UNID, weak-v.weak\atmos; mx, some words, mx. - - - [ cf DESPERADO ]
6294,9 2230-2235 R. DESPERADO, weak\atmos; mx, tnx rpt, ID, g's, pop-rock

6318,9 2138-2141* R. GREEN FROG, v.weak\atmos; mx, tk in E (no copy), ID (OK), techno-bpm mx

6400,0 2142-2152 UNID, weak\some hum; rock, punk rock

6210 u 2235-2240 UNID, mx

* * * * * SAT. 28 MAY 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0621-0956 COAST FM, pops, IDs, JIDs, "Tenerife", local ads, 0755 f'down>e.weak\hum; (Also 1401 e.weak)
6205,1 1826-2312 COAST FM, 2126 ID, "Ring my bell"

6305,0 0628-0955 R. MARABU, v.weak > fair-good; 0629 ID, mx, 0929 violin concerto
6305,0 1349-2313 R. MARABU, \atmos; mx, pop-rock, 2313 e.weak\stanag bursts,atmos;

6190,0 0635-0957 HLR % , in AM-USB, v.weak; 0635 Glenn Hauser's WOR, 0754 retro song, later jazz

6150,0 0638-0958 EUROPA VIER UND ZWANZIG, \RTTY on 6151; 0638 D.I.S.C.O., 0930 ID

6005,0 0640-1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good\QRM(tk in E,then beatings) ; I got you babe, DJ, ID, pops, later // 9560
9560,0 0759-0926 (SW Service), 0759 IS, then carrier only
9560,0 1001,1101 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good, // 6005

4025,0 0645-0648 LASER HOT HITS, weak\fading, noisy; mx, FSN, "Energy, a new Laser Hot Hits", bpm

6070,0 0750-0855 R. CHANNEL 292, We love the pirate stations, ID & relay services, mx, offshore stories
6070,0 0859-0959 R. WAVES INT, songs in F (reprises), 0915 ID in E+G+it., accn, flamenco, C&W
6070,0 0959-1200 SM R. INT, KBC ad, Ron O'Quinn show, rock
6070,0 1353-1532 UNID, \much atmos; mx, tk in E, ID (no copy)

9510,0 0801-0837 R. CITY, good \jamming on 9515 killed the upper sideband; 50's mx, 0808 ID, etc

6230,55 1236-1403 R. MERLIN INT, e.-v.weak\atmos; mx, tk, 1345 ID

6210 u 1523-1528 UNID, \thunderstorm; mx, end ?

6295,0 1720-1805* UNID, \some local thunderstorm; bpm, rock. - - - [ cf MIKE R. ]

6239,8 1807-1832 R. WAVES INT, e.weak\much atmos; C&W, tk, 1810 ID+B.P.

6212 u 1812-2042 UNID, fair\atmos; pops, rock, it. pop. - - - - - -[ cf MINIPOWER ]

6235,0 1827-1832 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\atmos; mx, "Laser" jingle

3902,9 1837-1839 UNID, v.weak \atmos; mx, Radio ..., 1839 thunderflash right in front, exit !
3902,9 1946-2140* UNID, v.weak \much atmos; pops, tk(no copy), 1957 J.Lennon, 2136 c'/d(Il silenzio)

4025,0 1955-2141 LASER HOT HITS, \much atmos; Beatles, ID, Hendrix"Hey Joe", 2141 Brexit campaign

6294,85 2007-2103 UNID, "Israelites", pop, rock, 2100 "Wooly Bully" (2135 gone). - - -[ cf BATAVIER ]

6259,9 2010-2106 UNID, D mx, 2106 sirtaki (D way). - - - - - - [ cf MAZDA ]

6240,0 2015-2019 UNID, blank and mx, messing with mod level, \het 6241,8;

6241,8 2019-2109 R. WAVES INT, e.weak\atmos,PLC; Nicoletta?"La musique"?, 2028 ID, W F singer again

6227,0 2032-2310 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\atmos; mx, tk, 2035 ID, FSN, long tk (Brexit?), etc..., 2310 mx again

6395,0 2043-2050 UNID, best on L sideband; techno mx

6235,35 2109-2245a F.R. VICTORIA, fair\light mod level,atmos; Yellow River, pops, 2128 ID, 2150 Rose garden

* * * * * SUN. 29 MAY 2016 * * * * *

3460 L+U 0348-0411 UNID, no carrier; mx, then speeding bpm

6304,9 0710-0927 R. MARABU, weak > fair; pops, IDs, 0840 "Can't buy me love", drifting (also 1217,1235 on 6305,1)
6305,1 1525-2325 R. MARABU, weak\atmos; mx, 1545 IDs, tk in G about Bowie, mx parts, later mx, mx, to 6305,0

6230,55 0714-0758 UNID, weak (low mod.); mx, mx. (0820 gone). - - - [ cf MERLIN ] - later at 1449

6205,1 0717-0905 COAST FM, \hum; mx, 0821 ads in E, 0856 ID, mx, 0905 carriers almost same fq
6205,1 0925,1237 UNID, e.weak \no more hum, mx, 1237 mx, \loc.noise; (Also 1836 ID, 2205 mx)

6070,0 0720-0800 SUPERCLAN R., fair, 0725 My Sharona, ID, 0750 Major Tom, ID, Jolene
6070,0 0826-0829 GOLDRAUSCH % , \some beatings ?, mx, tk.
6070,0 0928-0930 D.A.R.C. R., DX news for hams, in G, ID, mx
6070,0 1006-1006 UNID, DX programme in it.

6005,0 0721-0930 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, DJ, schedule, pop-rock, 0800 \beatings; // 9560, mx, DJ
9560,0 0801-1116 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\PLC, //6005, pops, 1007 "I heard..grapevine", etc, 1116 now // 7310
7310,0 1117-1215 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; //9560 at first; 1208 mx, IDs+@, etc

6295,0 0808-0847* UNID, Nirvana, then pop-rock parts, 0843 bpm, end in the middle of a record. [ cf UNID ]

6239,6 0813-1006 R. WAVES INT, v.weak-trace \loc.noise,stanag?; mx, tk in F+E, 0907 het6240,3; 1002 ID+BP Rueil

6240,3 0907-0917 UNID, het above RWI; D songs, then QSY - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6235,05 0919-0940* BLACK PANTHER, D song, 0922 gd m', ID, pops.

6239,7 1218-1228 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, 1227 tk in E (US?), maybe via RWI ?

6230,55 1449-1517 UNID, e.weak\atmos, PLC; School's out, more pop-rock, tk in E, 1505 hl, - - Int'l, etc [ cf MERLIN ]

6237,3 1517-1618 UNID, weak\PLC,atmos; D and euro-mx (greek-like at 1522). (1619 gone).

6070,0 1527-1542 BEATSPECTRUM ?, many breaks and dropouts (strong storm in Bavaria); mx, 1542 ID not sure
6070,0 1720-1724 UNID, in G, mx, tk, ID like FIGA R. (?)
6070,0 1829-1830 UNID, mx, "..number 3 is Madonna..", cut, IS, Digi signal

6289,9 1550-1601* UNID, v.weak; beatbox running, 1600 short breaks, 1601 off - - - [ cf VOTN % ]
6289,9 1632-1632*UNID, mx with dropouts, s/off

6239,9 1608-1619* UNID, v.weak\atmos,het6237,3; mx, 1614 ment' Z. ODYNN, D mx, 1619 sudden s/off

6229,9 1620-1716 Z. TWENTANA, v.weak\atmos; 1623 tk over song, 1628 ID not OK over accn, D mx, break?, 1643 song in G, 1646 ID, Adamo in G, deep fade, 1711 yodl, D song

6230,0 1838-1842 UNID, e.weak; tk - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLACKBEARD ]

6324,8 2053-2328 UNID, e.weak\v.bad fading at first, then noise,atmos, allways v.hard to hear; mx, tk, jazz, bb, hip-hop?, latino mx, tk (in sp.?), mx, 2221 W voice in sp. - - - - - - - [ cf ARTEM (via ?) ]

6311,95 2110-2115 UNID, weak \strong mod; F song, M+W tk in E, "Jackson"(from movie?), mx. [ cf BATAVIER ?? ]

6290,05 2127-2136 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC,atmos; barely heard mx

6265,0 2136-2153 ROCK 'N ROLL R. on the SW, v.weak\v.noisy L-side,atmos; mx, 2146 hello, IDs, \het 6265,3; mx

6230,0 2152-2312 R. BLACK BEARD ON MW, beatbox, 2203 ID, mx

6315,8 2210-2250 R. STALINGRAD, retro Ru. song, old IS from R.Moscow, brass mx, IS, 2231 ID, trad. Ru. song

4025,0 2246-2248 LHH %, weak\noisy,atmos; Brexit speech (over background mx)

6285,5 2312-2324 UNID, weak-fair\loc.noise, atmos,audio hitches; jazz and pops parts, accn, I can break away, D song
6284,9 2329-2335 BBR % , ex-6285,5; retro song, messing with parts

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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