The mystery of the week was a very weak station heard every day on 6324,7 kHz (sometimes around 6324,5 with a bit of drift), for long long hours, but quite unsucessful : only Rick logged it also (as Unid too) on Saturday at 17.01. Not much details, but sounded like another Dutch station.
Another puzzling log : some R.Mansura/Manseratu ?? on Tuesday with a .tk address
Many more green/Unid tips, even with long logs for crosschecking. Thanks to Marco for posting very long logs everyday for about 2 months, very useful since Doctor Tim ceased his own ones.
* * * * * MON. 16 MAY 2016 * * * * *
6234,9 0658-0929 R. WAVES INT, weak>v.weak\noisy,F fishers 6236,5u; 0658 ID, C&W, later F songs, ID in E
6324,7 0701-0835 UNID, v.>e.weak \loc.noise; mx, 0753 drifting het, 0758 D song, 0821 accn. (0925 trace)
6305,1 0702-0925 R. MERLIN INT, good>weak; 0759 Born to be alive, 0834 ID+hl+@, 0842 ID, oldies [Also 1203)
6305,1 1635-1819 R. MERLIN INT, ID, mx, 1645 Cream"Sunshine of your love", more mx and IDs
6231,7 0740,0810 UNID, 0740-0743 e.weak (near RWI), mx, 0810 trace. - - - [ cf SW PIRATE ]
6070,0 0844-0922 CHANNEL 292 % , School's out, Maybe tomorrow, All by myself, 0922 All I have to do is dream
6235,1 1202-1217 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk, (maybe RWI, but not own programme)
6299,9 1627-1656 UNID, instrum, 1631 F W singer (with Piaf's song), 1651 D/G song, 1655 euro-duo song
6324,65 1636-2208 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; D songs, 1835 old jazz, again D mx (non stop), > 6324,7
6290,0 1656-1703 UNID, instrum mx ("Dragon"-like) - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf BBR (Snappie) ]
6263,0 1701-1704 R. TELSTAR INT, good; tk, yodl-accn, then techno-tchacs, ID
6262,0 1748-1759 R. TELSTAR, Whole lotta shakin.., Spirit in the sky, IDs, Jefferson A., g's, I fought the law (1827 gone)
6235,0 1800-1806 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,OTH burst; e.weak, Love desire, Wind of change??, lost
6210,0 1809-1815 UNID, e.weak\much noise; mx
6295,0 1819-2017* S.HITMIX, var. pops, 1830 IDs (G,E), g's, ad SM2016, ..gmx.de, 1958 \splash6285; mx, 2017 c'/d ID
6282,0 1825-1829* UNID, good; D songs. - - - - - - - - - [ cf BBR ]
6269,0 1827,1842 UNID, e.weak; 1827-1829 mx. 1840 mx, lost
6240,0 1844-1849 UNID, e.weak; mx, 1845 QSY 6239,0 (then \bad PLC?;), 1849 end?(or QSY?)
5835,0 1856-2141 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; mx, tk, 1905 Doors"Light my fire" \het 3 min; 1911 Laser Int'l, etc
4015,0 1913-1914 LASER HOT HITS, weak-fair\loc.noise; mx, ID. (21.26-2128 : blank carrier)
4026,0 1915,2130 LASER HOT HITS, 1915 mx, W DJ, ID, mx. 2127 ann' 4029 and 5835 (muffled), mx
6970,0 1921-1953* UNID, Beatles: Obladi oblada, Yesterday, Imagine, then Rolling Stones, sudden s/off [ cf IBC ]
6284,9 2000-2002 fake R. BARONES, good level, splashing, IDs as R.Barones "with lot of power", bits of mx
6284,9 2002-2110 BATAVIER R., same TX, IDs, bits of mx, D songs, "Radio control dienst" fake phone call, KISS
6284,9 2117-2121 UNID, weak\noisy; hard rock - - - - - - - - - [ cf BATAVIER ]
6305,0 2102-2108 UNID, weak\OTH bursts; No woman no cry(reprise), tk (ID?), SSTV, mx. [ cf SW PIRATE ]
5810,05 2141-2212 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, multi-ID, ID+@, mx, mx, pops
* * * * * TUES. 17 MAY 2016 * * * * *
5835,0 0503-0622 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak>fair; 0503 W DJ, 0517 M DJ, ann' 4026 and 5835, 0522 ID, Sabrina
6324,7 0626-0635 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk?
6280,1 1218-1224 R. MERLIN INT, weak\loc.noise; mx, IDs
6324,6 1706-2225 UNID, e.weak\noisy, v.weak peaks; D mx, instrum mx, 1849 Bzn?, 2100 D Coucou, 2140 splash6320
6318,8 1716-1853 R. GOOFY, e.weak; mx, bitchy ID by W, 1809 ID almost OK by M, etc
6295,0 1719-1729 HITMIX % , e.weak\loc.noise; 1721 "Silver machine", 1729 tk (Hitmix-like)
6210,25 1726-2218 R. MERLIN INT, weak+peks; pops, IDs, 2055 Ch.Berry, 2153 Show must go on
6396,05 1819-1842 R. GSV, fair; mx, IDs, Jimmy said 'very very good propagation', Black Betty, more rock tracks
6261,3 1856-2009 ERIC WARNER, e.weak\PLC; Ma Baker, ID(no copy), 1901 ..NL .. Amsterdam.., 1907 CCR"Proud Mary, 1918 bye-bye, AC-DC"Highway to hell, now \stanag bursts, 1935 clear ID+@, 2008 ID, g's+@, c'/d soon
6235,0 1923-2012 RONNIE AM, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, 1930 This is ... from the NL, Paint it black, rock, (2009 \F fishers on 6236,5u), 2010 La macarena, 2011 ID "with 4 watts", mx
6289,95 1944,2007 RADIO 42, weak-fair; 1944 ID, pop, 2007 "Close to you" (2033 gone)
6299,9 1946-2202 WITTE REUS, \traffic6300u at first; then good-strong; var. pop mx, rock, reggae, oldies, 2031 ID (also as the White Giant), 2150 same IDs (D waltz background), 2202A.Brown"Fire"
6970 u 1955-1959 UNID, mx, tk in it. about events (and charts) in some year, it. pops. - - - [ cf IBC ]
6285,2 2033-2152 UNID, fair-good, Dylan"I want you", TX hitch, Reach out i'll be there, Last train to Clarksville, Driver's seat, euro track, Sitting on the dock of the bay. (2202 end ?). - - - [ cf DESPERADO ]
6260,05 2047-2053 RAMMSTEIN R., v.weak; Rammstein mx, 2052 v.clear ID+@
6310,95 2105-2116 UNID, v.weak\hard; "Black magic woman", R. Manseratu ??+@, "She's not there", QSY
6309,95 2116-2146 UNID, v.weak\splash; 2117 IDs(=R. MANSURA ??), Dust in the wind, 2134 My Sharona, 2140 ...dot-tk; "Final countdown", more mx. (2201 gone)
6320,0 2135-2200 UNID, strong; "Sexual healing", 2156 crooner, early 60's mx, C&W.
4015,0 2210-2215 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID+@
4026,0 2210-2215 LASER HOT HITS, good; mx, Laser, tk, ID+@
* * * * * WED. 18 MAY 2016 * * * * *
6324,7 0756-0850 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, instrum mx, accn, D mx
6005,0 1025-1025 R. 700 % , nothing special, except a strong het on 6306,3 (drifting)
6295,0 1520-1557 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise,PLC; IDs "Radio ....", mx,1553 'piraten' song [cf HITMIX, NL-GERMANY ]
6305,0 1522-1529 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise > trace; mx - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6318,75 1820-1827 R. GOOFY ?, e.weak; mx, ID (not OK), mx, tk.
6318,75 2009-2101 UNID, strange tk, mx, 2033 some rap, 2059 \traffic QRM - - - [ cf GREEN FROG ]
6284,9 1955-2050 BATAVIER R., good; C&W, 2011 Congratulations, tk in D, etc, g's to D stns, R&R, 2049 IDs
6304,85 2000-2040* R. BATAVIA, fair\noise bursts at first; g's, IDs (also La V. de la Paix/V.of Peace), tk about Ross Revenge, Chostakovitch mx, ID, "2 tx at the same time", pops, IDs
5890,2 2013-2138 R. BATAVIA, fair-good\fading,noisy; many IDs, pops, euro-pops, Just an illusion, 2036 g's, ID+@, Belfast, songs in F: Tu t'en vas, Après toi, Le printemps est arrivé, Comme un enfant (now \2nd carrier QRM;)
6299,1 2040-2058* UNID, weak-fair \traffic6300u in it.; Lady Marmalade, 2052 Shaft, 2058 ID?(I missed it) and end
4015,0 2107-2136 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good\some atmos; mx, W DJ, later M DJ, "Mexico"(pop)
4026,0 2119-2123 LASER HOT HITS, \morse on low side; mx, ID, tk: offshore
6210 u 2139-2141 UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, it. singer
6265,0 2142-2234 UNID, \squeezed(ut and het); mx, 2230 R&R "The girl can't help it", then mx from Africa ?
* * * * * THURS. 19 MAY 2016 * * * * *
4015,0 0633-0634* LHH %
6304,95 1557-1608 UNID, e.weak\soon PLC; Judy in disguise, mx, lost
6299,95 1611-1616 R. ORION 2000, e.weak\PLC; pops, IDs, "Yesterday man" (1634 gone)
6970 u 1618-1627 TREASURE ISLAND, tk, ad, ID+@, C&W, rock news from 1957 and 1967, etc
6970 u 1719,1848 IBC % , 1719 DX tips in E, 1848 pop singer in it.
6970 u 1911-1924 UNID, in sp. from Mexico (R. Nicolai??), news from USA, Chile, Mexico...
6285,0 1630-1708* R. TELSTAR INT, weak; tk in D, samba, Elvis, ID, Alley hoop, ID, g's, Man of action, 1658 \hum;
6324,5 1629-2405 UNID, trace > e.weak \noisy, often PLC; mx, D mx. Slow drift 6324,45 to 6324,65
6300,0 1717-1852 UNID, good; H.California, Angie, Keep on running, D instrum, QSY to 6295 [ cf MIKE ]
6295,0 1852-1906 UNID, ex-6300; instrum. mx
6396,0 1721-1736 R. GSV, v.weak +some peaks; jazzy 60's mx, 1730 ID, 1732 "Dominique"
6307,0 1746-1901* UNID, e.weak; mx, 1859 "Radio .., ..hours a day .., .. list' to .. bc' from somewhere in .. [ cf CAR. INT ]
6210,0 1845-1908 PANDA R. ? , v.weak, 1846 ID (not quite OK), R.Stones, same ID, Whiter shade of pale
6318,8 1934-1947 R. BILADIRA, mx and IDs (OK at first, then hard to hear) (2000 gone)
6300,0 1948-2051 UNID, messing with D mx, hunting horns, yodl, D songs. (2113 gone) [ cf VERONA ]
6285,3 2002-2138 R. DESPERADO, pops, 2004 ID in D+E, Witch queen of N.Orleans, 2051 Nutbush City limits, 2113 "25 or 6 to 4", 2131 Dock of the bay, All by myself, Mr Bluesky and QSY to 6295,3
6310,1 2023-2047* ZWARTE RUITER, weak\noisy,some wobbling; mx, g's, from SE part of NL, said 3610 kHz, no ID heard but only email as AM Radio ZR @ gmail, Heart of gold, Back to Arizona, g's, etc
4015,0 2054-2109 LASER HOT HITS, ID by Cory, audio not that clear, etc.. 2108 FSN, JID
4026,0 2057-2111 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, said 5835, ID+@, 2109 ment' several Laser jocks
6295,3 2139-2219 R. DESPERADO, ex-6285,3 same "Mr Bluesky", Born to be alive(alt.take), IDs, Bzn, etc..
6318,85 2150-2218 R. GOOFY SW, v.weak\PLC; clear IDs (yes he can), mx (unknown to me as usual)
* * * * * FRI. 20 MAY 2016 * * * * *
6324,7 0807-0856 UNID, v.weak\traffic > e.weak\soon lost in PLC; mx
6324,7 1420-2209 UNID, trace > v.weak; 1835 Free electric band, euro and D mx, 2208 D accn
6320,5 1420-1530 DE PANTER (BLACK PANTHER), v.weak\noisy; D mx, IDs
6300,0 1437-1503 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6295,0 1503-1725 UNID, e.weak\noisy; songs in D (or G) - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6230,0 1511-1708 ODYNN R., e.weak\noisy; mx, tk, Last night a DJ.., 1544 Silver machine, Nutbush.., 1705 c'/d IDs
6210,8 1519-1558* SLUWE VOS R., Major Tom, g's, ID+@, 1556 speeding bpm, IDs+@, "I'll be back"
6285,0 1651-1728 UNID, D/G waltzes, D song - - - [cf NL - GERMANY ]
6237,05 1658-1728 UNID, e.weak \occ. traffic(F fishers?); D songs
6318,8 1712-1842 UNID, trace-e.weak\loc.noise; mx heard at best times. 1842 QSY [ cf YELLOW SUBMARINE ]
6319,2 1842-1925 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk, ID ? (not Goofy), 1925 QSY - - - - - - [ cf YELLOW SUBMARINE ]
6318,9 1925-1933 UNID, e.weak; mx, some words, pops. (1946 blank, 2043 gone) [ cf YELLOW SUBMARINE ]
6300,4 1715-1718 UNID, weak; D songs. (1722 gone)
6301,9 1722-1725 UNID, weak; "Maria Magdalena" then other D song.
6303,0 1846-1953 UNID, e.weak\noisy,ut.; mx, 1848,1851 "moo !" (another cow, so...), pops, techno. [ cf ALTREX ]
6969,95 1902-1903 BLUE DRAGON, mx, no ID (IDed after QSY)
6974,95 1904-1914 BLUE DRAGON, fair\het6974,6; It. W singer, 1911 ID+@hotmail, R.Stones ?
4015,0 1959-2153 LASER HOT HITS, good \some noise in the fades; mx ('Energy' kind), IDs
4026,0 2000-2158 LASER HOT HITS, good; tk: Brexit campaign, later mx, tk, Laser Int'l
6380,05 2012-2026 LITTLE FEAT R., good; mx, ID+@ in D, promo blogspot, SM2016, etc
6307,05 2024-2038 R. GREEN FROG, rap, email(no copy), 100W (?), 2030 ID, other IDs ?
6307,0 2045-2121 R. GREEN FROG, rap, 60W ?, from E.Germany, also R. Grüner Frosh, rpt c/o DrTim, or to e-mail address (no copy, in ".nl" ?), 2105 Mr Bluesky. (2147 gone)
6265,0 2110-2146 ROCK'N ROLL R., J.Lee Lewis tracks, 2133 tk, IDs, g's, 2140 Bill Haley tracks (2207 gone)
* * * * * SAT. 21 MAY 2016 * * * * *
6324,7 0650-1207 UNID, e.weak>trace, drift to 6324,5; mx, 0818 Bzn ?, 1244 off?
6324,5 1334-1828 UNID, trace>e.weak \killed at 1433-1546; mx at best times, after 1700 \atmos>strong atmos;
6324,5 1936-2423 UNID, v.weak\much atmos > e.weak; mx, D mx
6205 a 0654-0832 UNID 6204,95 x UNID 6205,1 : both weak \bad hum, PLC; mx (and blank?). [ cf KING SW ]
6005,0 0737-1147 R. MI AMIGO INT, good\fading > v.weak\noisy; 60s pops, IDs, 0809 "rewind", P.Floyd "Money" //9560
9560,0 *0800-1130 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\noisy; // 6005, Welcome, "Free electric band, Leeroy Brown, Hocus pocus
9560,0 1140-1328* R. MI AMIGO INT, \het9562, 1141 ID,"Venus", 1328 "Africa"//6005, het 9559 (1332 jammer alone)
6070,0 0742-0800 UNID, weak-fair; 60's soul, tk in G, 0757 "Let it be" - - -[ cf GOLDRAUSCH ]
6070,0 0810-0839 SUPERCLAN R., weak-fair \PLC; "Fa fa fa", DJ, 0836 ID, Fox on the run, ID
9510,0 0800-0859 IRRS - R. CITY, good-strong; It. anthem, 0802 IRSS s/on, vroom! R.City s/on, pops, R&R, twist
6070,0 0900-0956 R. WAVES INT, fair>weak\noisy; IDs, My Lady d'Arbanville, Coluche"Le schmilblick", rock, Sound of silence, Billie Jean, 0931 promo Country rock festival, C&W from Nashville, etc.
6070,0 1000-1325 SM R. %, v.weak\noisy; Ron O'Quinn's R&R Rewind, with KBC Import ads, Beatles, "Soul man", Love potion #9, Jimmy Mack, H. of Rising Sun, My baby does the hanky-panky, 1200 "LASER 558" ID, old news, etc
6297,0 1209-1213 UNID, messing with part of a pop track and audio settings
6270,0 1214-1235 UNID, fair\noisy; mx, mx, 1235 g's over the mx (and signal f'/down) (1242 gone)
7310,0 1348-1422 R. 700, songs, 1355 ID, news in G, tk programme
6325,0 1433-1546 UNID, weak-fair\PLC, (killed 6324,5 stn), jazz, 1505 digi, 1542 "low power"(1552 gone) [ cf PYTHON ]
6309,6 1440-1444 UNID, e.weak\PLC; gd aft' (sounds like Hitmix), ment' ..Panter.., D mx
6310,2 1450-1507 UNID, D mx. (1539 gone)
6302,5 1445-1450 UNID, e.weak; "Radio - - . ." \Larsen!, in D, D songs \hets;, 'piraat' song (1458 gone)
6299,0 1447-1448* UNID, mx, end
6260,0 1459-1535 UNID, D mx (brass mx and songs) (1538 gone). [ cf EXPERIENCE ]
6400,2 1546-1551 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,atmos,hard; mx. - - - [ cf R. DR TIM ]
6275,75 1706-1710 UNID, \loc.noise,atmos; mx, 1708 the "Casanovas" song, 1709 ID(no copy), mx
6280,0 1822-1853 UNID, weak\much atmos; D mx (accn and songs) - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 - HITMIX ]
6318,75 1824-1936 R. GOOFY ? , v.weak \much atmos; mx, 1827 ID quite not OK but typical, etc
6265,7 1834-1836 weak\much atmos; rock, then accn
6205 a 1838-1851 UNID, \hum from carrier 6205,1; R&R medley, S.Wonder, Satisfaction, 1849 ID (=?)
6374,95 1938-1945* UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx, sudden s/off
6424,25 1946-2111 R. RAMONA, weak\atmos; mx, 2020 ID(=?), Link Wray, 2028 IDs+@, mx, 2110 ID
5805,05 2002-2015 R. FREE LONDON, fair\atmos; pops, tk, ID, "I can't explain", 2010 ID, "51 mb", hl 07930.., JID
6395,1 2033-2127 STUDIO 52, CCR"Bad moon..", tk over (muffled), 2035 ID, 2106 80's club mx, pop, D song
6300,0 2040-2041 UNID, weak\atmos; accn-yodl, D song. (2053 gone)
6282,0 2044-2052 UNID, weak\atmos; mx, tk, rock in D, S.Blue"Never marry a railroad man" [ cf STUDIO 52 - HITMIX ?]
6305,0 2053-2100 UNID, mx, C&W, singer in E
5800,1 2112-2116 UNID, fair\atmos; D songs, ment' PLUTO, polka, tnx Terry (2136 gone)
6320,0 2127-2248 POWER [WAVE], Tambourineman, T.Turner, Tequila, 2238 ID+@ (part copy), Sat.night at the movies
4015,0 2137,2330 LASER HOT HITS, good\few atmos; 2137 tk:E.U., 2329 ID, tk
4026,0 2138,2332 LASER HOT HITS, fair\atmos; 2139 ID, 2330 old rpt
6210 u 2140-2150 UNID, R&R: Little Richard, 2150 80-90's mx - - - - - -[ cf BARRAQUDA ]
6266,95 2152-2306 ODYNN R., \fading,atmos; Crunchy gr., rock, 2236 No milk today, 2259 Hippy shake, Israelites, ID, mx
6285,0 2207-2208* SWC ?, mx, ID??, web, "now c'/d" (noname)
6290,35 2209-2340 R. BATAVIER ?, \QRM L-side; ZZTop"Gimme...", Get it on, Hello Josephine, 2228 tk, g's, ID ?, etc
6300,0 2222-2251 R. TRX % , rock, blues, ZZ Top "Sharp dressed man",
6315,8 2224-2224 UNID, \het 6316,5; mx
6285,0 2232-2234 UNID, instrum synth, then polka
6280,0 2253-2258* BBR, good-strong; mx, IDs as J.Tobacco, c'/d
6264,0 2304-2304 UNID, e.weak\noisy or splash?, mx
6300,0 2308-2425 BBR, good-strong-clear; D accn, 50s mx, tk:known voice, 2335 ID, cajun mx, then messing
3460 L 2343-2511 UNID, reggae, pops, 2446 string of insults in F
6925,0 2428-2513 UNID, v.hard\QRM Brasil 6925L; mx
6940 u 2433-2520 WOLVERINE R., IDs, blues and jazz from the 1930's, mx
* * * * * SUN. 22 MAY 2016 * * * * *
6324,6 0640-0847 UNID, e.weak > trace \loc.noise; D or euro-mx. (Then trace, still on at 2112)
4015,0 0648,2235 LASER HOT HITS, 0648-0655 weak-v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, ID. 2224 mx, tk.
4026,0 0650,2225 LASER HOT HITS, 0650-0655 e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk. 2225-2231 \squeezed by ut's; mx, IDs
6070,0 0738-0740 UNID, W duet talking. - - - - - - [ cf SUPERCLAN ]
6070,0 0836-0838 GOLDRAUSCH, "California dreaming", ID, mx
6070,0 0925-0928 R. D-A-R-C, fair\fading; duo tk in G, "funkamateur", ID
6005,0 0740-0930 R. MI AMIGO INT, rock, pops, tk, IDs, JIDs. 0912,0930 \beating(from ut.?)
9560,0 0809-0934 R. MI AMIGO INT, e.weak\v.bad > fair\fades; //6005, 0918 Never fall in love again. (Also 1036 //7310)
7310,0 1036-1039 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\fading,atmos; //9560, instrum mx, tk *under* the mx !, mx
7300,1 0747-0809 UNID, v.weak\fishers7300u; euro-pops, jazz, 0754 \hum,atmos, 0803 mx, then undermod [cf U-BOAT]
7300,1 0842-0842 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,F fishers 7300u; mx. - - - - - -[ cf BANDIDO ]
6380,0 0812-0827* SWC, v.weak\PLC; accn, C&W.., 0821 tk over"Belfast"(SM, bye, SWC, ..), D mx [cf LOWLAND ]
6290,0 0830-0850* NMD R., \loc.noise; Listen music, ID(OK), rock, pops, 0849 noname canned c'/d, ID no copy, end
6295,0 1040-1049 MIKE R., v.weak\PLC; pops, soul, Hello Josephine, 60s pops, 1048 ID
6285,0 1240-1730 Z. AKENZO, v.weak\loc.noise; techno, 1245 ID, KISS, 1518 weak\PLC; ID, 1601 D mx, also NBFM !
6230,0 1524-1642 R. CASANOVA, e.weak\PLC; Mamy Blue, ID(also Paardenkracht), later R&R, euro-mx, D mx, g's
6215,0 1531-1732 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\PLC; pops, tk, short IDs
6215,0 1915-1922 R. BLACKBEARD MW, mx, mx, 1921 ID, mx. (1935 long blank, 2005 gone).
6070,0 1623-1800 SM R. INT, Ron O'Quinn e-mail, pop-rock, 1746 H.RisingSun, KBC ad, SM e-mail, "My baby..panky"
6070,0 1800,1852 SUPERCLAN R., 1800 s/on, 1852 under R.Vatican
6307,0 1726-1746 BAD BOYS R., pops, IDs no copy till 1742 ID OK at last (+@ no copy)
6320,0 1854-1900 BBR %, mx parts, "Ivan Toura"??, retro 78rpm era (1923 gone).
6285,0 1900-1933 MUSTANG R., good-strong; g's, ID, Rock the Casbah, etc, Smoke on the water, 1927 booming in
6262,0 1908-1914* R. QUADZILLA, weak\noisy, D mx, tk, drums, IDs(awkward to catch that name !)
6304,95 1924-1927 RADIO 42, mx, ID in E, ID+@, gd ev'
6255 u 1931-1933* UNID, strong; mx, "going to c/d now, bye-bye", end - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6320,0 1936-1953 UNID, e.weak\noisy,it.traffic6320u; rock, 50s song in E, tk, The lion sleeps.., ann'6320 [cf PANDA ]
6310,2 1949-1955 DE PANTER, weak-fair \bit hum; IDs, low power, g's, stage downsteps mx, D song
6310,3 2049-2050* UNID, D song, sudden s/off
6285,4 1956-2239 DESPERADO R., weak-fair, drift to 6285,55; gd ev' Doc ID, rock, Bzn"Blue eyes", 2105 het6284,9; rockabilly, ID, mx, 2238 "Runaway boy"
6264,9 1959-2004 RADIO 42, pop mx, tnx Doc, g's, multi-IDs, short test, etc
6205,1 2006-2103 COAST FM, mx (after 1 full week blank carrier), 2101 news in E, ID (102.5 & 104.5) (2134 gone)
6940,2u 2010-2047 BALTIC SEA R., crooner,C&W, rockabilly, 2020 seagull ID, Moving it on over, /hard to clarify;
6400,0L 2028-2044 FELIX, mx, IDs, g's, short test, 2043 "one more record, bye"
6259,9 2055-2136 UNID, 80s synthe, speeding bpm, 2117 N.Orleans style(in D), Jailhouse rock, etc (bit updrift)
6226,2 2128-2133 UNID, mx swamped into noise, drifting to 6226,4
6315,8 2137-2207* R. STALINGRAD, Russian songs (incl' jazz!), IDs in F, also "Govorit ...(no copy), 2206 USSR anthem
6319,2 2208-2216 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, 2215 canned ID, mx
6318,9 2235-2237 UNID, mx, duo tk, mx
6295,0 2310-2317 BBR, known voice, "Ici R. Bandit' Noir"(in F), also Black Bandit, low power about 500W, C&W, etc
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 16 - 22 MAY 2016
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France