
Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Post by avranesjr »

:ahowy: Hello this evening from eastern North America. Was tuning across 48M in USB when I got a very good carrier dead on 6260. Tuned to AM and just got a little bit of speech through the static crashes from storm fronts approaching from the west. Then of course it went right off before I could make anything out. This was about 2307. Someone testing?
Also carrier coming through the last couple hrs., and music poking through the static but not quite enough for details yet the last 20 min. or so on 6275. Is Calypso still on? Hopefully all night as it's still a little while before sunset here and signal is improving.

Alex from the mountains of West Virginia
rcvr. is FRG-100B ant. is 60-m. dipole
Last edited by avranesjr on Sun May 04, 2008 13:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sciroccoam »

Yes Calypso is still on 6275khz

Greetings from Calypso and Scirocco and thanks for the log :D
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