Logs from South-West of France - October 2 to 4

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Logs from South-West of France - October 2 to 4

Post by Toutatis »

Very good propagation here this weekend, with lots of stations on the air this Sunday.

Friday, October 2

1851 3935 55545 Radio Boomerang - 1855 : end
1856 3905 44444 Bluestar Radio
1936 6220 43444 Mystery Radio
1940 6870 34433 Playback Int
1945 7550 45434 Radio Amica

Saturday, October 3

0713 7550 44444 Radio Amica
0717 6870 45444 Playback Int - Playback/Mystery program
1708 6220 44444 Mystery Radio
1718 3905 44433 Radio Overijssel
1744 6240 34433 Free Radio Victoria

Sunday, October 4

0710 5815 45444 Orion Radio
0717 6870 45544 Playback Int
0725 7550 44544 Radio Amica
0732 6210 45534 Radio Borderhunter
0742 6220 45444 Mystery Radio
0750 6306 43433 Radio Brandaris Int
0752 6265 33433 Radio Altrex
0800 7600 44544 Free Radio Service Holland - 1001 : end
0829 6304 44433 Rekro Radio
0843 5805 44444 Radio Telstar South
0848 6375 35433 Radio Brigitte
0858 6240 34433 Antonio Radio
0900 6140 55545 MV Baltic Radio - via Wertachtal
0923 6285 45544 Radio Scotland - 0925 : end
0939 6310 35433 Grensstad Radio
0949 6304 44444 Radio Weerklank
0952 6325 45444 The Voice of the Netherlands
1005 6205 44444 Radio East Coast Holland
1012 6285 45444 Radio Boomerang
1023 6240 44444 Radio Borderhunter
1042 12257 34433 WR International
1200 7600 34433 Free Radio Service Holland - 1300 : end
1301 7685 45434 Free Radio Service Holland - 1401 : end
1417 6400 44444 Sonnet Radio - 1422 : end
1424 6375 45444 Radio Marconi
1448 6420 34433 Radio Dutchwing - 1450 : end
1905 6325 34433 Sonnet Radio

Good listening.
Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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Dave Jones
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Post by Dave Jones »

Hi Michel,
As always thanks for the listing of WR International in you logs for Sunday 4th October and for your e-mail whilst we were on air. As always it is a pleasure to hear from you.

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