Quite good conditions and many, many stations logged - I counted nearly 30, and there were a few I didn't manage to hear. By lunchtime I felt exhausted!
Some had pretty strong reception including Paardenkracht, VOTN, Brandaris and Bogusman (down on 75m).
Not surprisingly there were a few clashes - but not too many.
I'm still trying to get a clear ID on the UK station Radio Record - or it is Radio Retro. Any ideas?
To see my logs visit: www.shortwavedx.blogspot.com
Shortwave logs
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Shortwave logs
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Pirate radio logs and news at: www.shortwavedx.blogspot.com
Radio links, QSLs & more at: www.freewebs.com/ukdxer
Pirate recordings from the past: http://piratememories.blogspot.com/