London Calling.

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Andy Richards
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London Calling.

Post by Andy Richards »

I read somewhere that when a sunspot cycle hits rock bottom,the rise out of it is much faster than the descent into it.
In other words,things get better much faster than they got worse.
Even so,if todays conditions are anything to go by,we are going to have some fun for the next few years!!!
Conditions were pretty good today,noise here was only S2/3,fading was still pretty deep but at least I could still hear stations at the bottom of their fades and they were strong at the top of them.
I woke up with VOTN today,with another massive signal and a nice programme of "Power Ballads".Really nice mod too.
Nice to hear some German Pirates coming through well.
Radio Devalon had a very interesting programme with very good clips of other Pirates,a bit like Radio Underground.
Radio Tina were at times very strong down on 5815 and Radio
Supersound played some really good music up on 6300.
Who was the German on 6305?Was it Supersound?
Radio Paadenkracht was quite strong on 6210,but he was struggling with his mod early on but he seemed to make some adjustments and it was better later.
I enjoyed Bear's programme on Alice's Restaurant,reminded me of the old days on MW in London when Telstar 1 & Radio Floss rocked the airwaves!!
But I didn't get the Radio Caroline bit with Rob Leighton.....
The Bogusman is's just a shame that most of you reading this won't be able to understand his humour properly.
Who was my UNID or UNID's on 6265?And my UNID with an interesting mix of music on 6285?And who had the massive signal that flattened Free Radio Victoria on 6290?

Saturday 16/08/08

3935Khz - 2255-2300 - Radio Montaya? - 45434 - Phil Collins.
4025Khz - 0912-0918 - LHH - 35433 - Steve Miller Band.

Sunday 17/08/08

3930Khz - 1910-1915 - The Bogusman - 44434 - Chat with 80's/90's Rock.
4025Khz - 0834-0839 - BRI - 35434 - Oldies.
5815Khz - 0751-0756 - Radio Tina - 35434 - German - "Oh what a night".With
Radio Supersound.
6210Khz - 0805-0810 - Radio Paadenkracht? - 34433 - Dutch Music.Later;"Wild Thing".
6210Khz - 0917-0922 - Radio Paadenkracht - 45444 - Lots of Abba.Strong but with
muffled mod.Modulation improved later.
6220Khz - 0810-0815 - Mystery Radio - 32332 - Usual Disco Music.
6260Khz - 1410-1415 - Radio Calypso - 45333 - Dutch Piraaten song,Dire Straits.
6265Khz - 1214-1219 - UNID - 33333 - Dutch.UB40.Sounded like two stations.
6280Khz - 0841-0846 - Radio Devalon Int - 34433 - German - Pirate logs and recordings of landbased Pirates.Presenter;Steve Young.Closed at 0933 with 44434.
6280Khz - 1415-1420 - Radio Merlin Int - 35433 - Dionne Warwick.
6285Khz - 0944-0949 - UNID - 34433 - "My baby don't care",French song - Edith Piaf?"Oh Carol".
6290Khz - 0906-0911 - Free Radio Victoria - 25432 - Dutch.Billy Ocean.
6290Khz - 0925-0930 - UNID - 55544 - Flattened Victoria.Dutch Music.Off by 0935.
6300Khz - 1134-1139 - Radio Supersound - 35433 - German.Ram Jam,10cc,Slade,Steppenwolf,
Eagles.Nice music.
6305Khz - 0818-0820 - UNID - 25332 - German.
6310Khz - 0824-0829 - VOTN - 45434 - John Lennon,Paul Young - Lots of
"Power Ballads".Very nice mod.
6320Khz - 1051 - Signal too weak to copy.Radio Waves Int?
9290Khz - 1807-1812 - Alice's Restaurant - 55434 - Bear Freeman playing;Rush,Mahogany Rush, Rainbow,Led Zeppelin,Max Webster,Kansas,Journey & Thin Lizzy.
9290Khz - 1900-1905 - Radio Caroline - 55434 - Rob Leighton playing;Carole King.

Andy Richards.
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