Tue 23rd October
6295kHz, UNID playing light pop at 1620UTC. 34222.
6306kHz, Radio Brandaris giving email address at 1639UTC. 44433.
6400kHz, UNID playing "I Feel Good" at 1453UTC. Seemed to be relaying an FM station, with jingles "...105". 44444.
6421kHz, LHH playing Duran Duran at 1625UTC. 34433
Wed 24th October
1645kHz, Radio Barones with recorded English ID, "with me, the jingle mixer, back on the airwaves" at 2000UTC. 44444
Thu 25th October
1640kHz, Radio Euromast with Dutch music and ID at 2133UTC. 24322.
1655kHz, Zender Ijsvogel reporting to Euromast at 2110UTC. 44444, very strong.
3930kHz, Radio Boomerang playing Pink Floyd at 1948UTC. 44433.
6310kHz, Radio Lowland "From the NE part of the Netherlands" heard from 1649-1657UTC s/off. 44333
6310kHz, Radio Whitesnake in QSO with Lowland between 1658 and 1705UTC. 33433
6421kHz, LHH playing oldies at 1627UTC. 43433.
Fri 26th October
1645kHz, Radio Barones playing a programme about Radio Nordzee International at 1924UTC. 34333.
3925kHz, Radio Boomerang playing Cher at 1940UTC. ID at 1954UTC. 34322.
Sat 27th October
6275kHz, Radio Rainbow via LHH giving email address at 1159UTC. 34322.
6295kHz, Voice of the Netherlands saying "the optimod is doing its job" and asking for QSO at 1215UTC. Off air 1219, back at 1231 reporting to Boomerang. 34333.
6295kHz, Radio Boomerang playing "We Built This City on Rock and Roll" and reporting to VOTN from 1220 - 1229UTC. 44433.
6295kHz, Radio Quintus with Dutch music and ID at 1430UTC. 34222.
6300kHz, Radio Boomerang at 1240UTC reporting to R. Transistor and VOTN.
6300kHz, UNID playing Buzzcocks, Undertones and The Skids around 1350UTC. 44433.
6309kHz, station playing tapes of offshore station Radio Britain at 1244UTC: I think this might have been Magic AM, heard on the same frequency mentioning offshore radio and then IDing as "Magic Radio International" before closedown announcements at 1413UTC (but stayed on the air till at least 1420UTC). 34222.
6421kHz, LHH giving pirate logs and email address at 1238UTC. 34222.
FRG-7 + indoor wire + matching transformer
All frequencies +/- a few kHz as ever...
Best to all,
Glasgow logs, Tue 23 - Sat 27 October
Moderator: Moderators group