Logs from South-West of France - October 28 to 30

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - October 28 to 30

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Good propagation this weekend, many stations on the air:

Friday, October 28th

3940 1655 Free Radio Service Holland - test - via Mike Radio - 1724 : Mike Radio identification
5140 1603 Charleston Radio International
5800 1729 Misti Radio
6290 1645 Radio Ronalisa

Saturday, October 29th

3975 1620 Shortwave Radio - Winsen - Germany
5140 0726 Charleston Radio International
5835 1602 Radio Europe - Ukraine
5880 0722 Radio Rock Revolution
6210 1702 King Shortwave
6260 1848 Anthony Radio
6270 1720 Anthony Radio
6275 1546 XTC - QSO
6280 1707 Cold Beer Radio
6290 1712 Radio Altrex
6305 1906 Sluwe Vos Radio
6325 1944 Sluwe Vos Radio - 1958 : end
6875 1555 Radio Europe - Italy - 1600 : end
6931 0713 Indy Radio

Sunday, October 30th

3940 1552 Free Radio Service Holland - via Mike Radio - 42nd anniversary show (replay)
5140 0721 Charleston Radio International
5800 0806 Radio Casanova - 0950 : end
5800 0952 Zender Akenzo
5800 1532 Radio Continental
5835 1617 Radio Europe - Ukraine
5840 0728 Polka Radio
5880 0737 Radio Rock Revolution
5930 0745 World Music Radio - Bramming - Denmark
5970 0753 Radio 208 - Hvidovre - Denmark
6140 1104 Radio Onda - Borculo - NL
6160 1109 Shortwave Radio - Winsen - Germany
6185 0900 Free Radio Service Holland - via Radio Piepzender - // 7715 & 9334.5 kHz
6195 0923 Unid - tests
6210 1748 King Shortwave
6250 0957 Radio Jennifer - very weak
6262 1527 Baken 16
6265 1547 Baken 16
6275 1623 Triple L Radio
6280 0849 Unid
6285 1756 Radio Avia
6286 1520 Radio Joey
6290 0844 Radio Altrex
6300 1612 Radio Monique
6325 0833 Sunrise Radio
6875 1045 Radio Europe - Italy
6910 1659 Baltic Sea Radio - LSB
6931 1055 Indy Radio
7405 1029 Radio Pamela
7715 0852 Free Radio Service Holland - // 6185 & 9334.5 kHz - 42nd anniversary show
9334.5 0855 Free Radio Service Holland - // 6185 & 7715 kHz - 42nd anniversary show
15700 0748 World Music Radio - Randers - Denmark

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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