SW LOGS Saturday, 03-02-2018 at Saxonian Switzerland (D)

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Posts: 1172
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 21:52 pm
Location: Bogatynia/Polish-Germ.-Czech border

SW LOGS Saturday, 03-02-2018 at Saxonian Switzerland (D)

Post by Caroline »

Hi again,

for any shortwaves logs of us of yesterday, Saturday 03-02-2018
at Saxonian Switzerland (Eastern Germany) have a look at our website :


This might have been our last logs of this region...
Caroline had been at University Hospital at Dresden again last Thursday and
his situation is terribble...he even isnt able to eat anything since 1 week.
They discovered that his esophageal cancer has grown into the stomach and there
is still no possibility to help him. ;c
He now made the decision to settle down again to the German region south of Enschede
very soon (the region where he had been growing up)...there the wife of his brother
can take care of him till his end.
He wants to finish his life by getting any last syringe at any Dutch hospital at Winterswijk or Enschede, but thats only possible for Dutch people.... :r
PLEASE: Can anyone help him to get Dutch very soon that he can finish his life
at any Dutch hospital !!!! ;c

Mr. Goofy and Caroline
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