LOGS : 21 - 27 NOV. 2016

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 21 - 27 NOV. 2016

Post by Ray Lalleu »


The puzzling ones :
-6210 at 1527-1548 on Saturday with name mmm-PIRAAT
-6305 at 1606-1715 on Sunday, with an ID like "Free A.R."

More remarks :
- Morse QRM on 1395 and 1494 !
- Much green (but not cross checked with CZ Caroline nor with UKdxer)
- As I write this in March 2017, the Goofy problem seems solved

>> Hello Pandora, you were heard here too on that Sunday (not too successful alas)

* * * * * MON. 21 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

1494,0 0707-0742 LASER HOT HITS - ENERGY, fair\fading,QRM1503 > v.weak; 0709 ID, 0716 @, 0742 // 6205

1395,0 0718-0735 UNID, e.weak; Mikael-Alleluia, pops, ska, La vie en rose(reprise)

6205,0 0741-1114 LHH, fair; //1494 at first, mx, IDs, 0939 Baker Str., ID+@, FSN, ID, 1111 Laser, "Dragon..."

6205,0 1557-1735 LHH, weak; Laser Int'l, DJ P.Stewart, 1645 g's to Guernsey, 1730 e.weak

6285,0 1558-1655 UNID, v.weak\fading; mx, pops, lost

6307,1a 1603-1619 R. GOOFY, e.weak\usual TX problem; mx, 1604 clear ID

5800,0 1606-1736 LASER HOT HITS, e.-v.weak; mx, DJ, (not // 6205), ID as Laser Hot Hits Int'l (NB: 4029 blank)

1395,0 1708-1750 UNID, Santana, Hendrix"The wind cries Mary", jingle, pops, 1730 a few words, 1739 Poppies..

1602,0 1719-1742 UNID, "Roll over beethoven", more R&R, then a mess of stations

6205,0 2034-2252 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good > trace; S.Quatro, IDs, Abba"Gimme..", mx, IDs

1395,0 2225-2252 UNID, J.Brown"Brand new bag", ID?? as Gamma Delta??, mx, 2237 Eve of destruction

3925,6 2238-2250 UNID, mx from S. Eur., M+W tk, IDs no copy, 2246 Greek mx. - - - [ cf R. LESBOS ]

* * * * * TUES. 22 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 1615-1751 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, tk, 1624 JID, 1751 ID

5800,0 1621-1752 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, DJ, IDs, psiou!, (not // 6205) (4029 blank again)

1395,0 1746-1813 UNID, e.weak\noisy; "Silver machine", 1803 My generation

1494,0 2018-2155 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak; mx, IDs, hip-hop, FSN

1350,0 2117-2145 I AM RADIO, pops, tk in it., 2122 ID

1395,0 2145-2216 SEA BREEZE AM, (just after TWR c/d), v.weak; pops, 2151 ID, 2208 promo Ron O'Quinn R&R show

* * * * * WED. 23 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6005,0 1353-1400* R. MI AMIGO INT, // 6085, ID, same level or abit better on 6005 (1400 : R.Slovakai in G)

6085,0 1353-1630 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, schedule, 1402 "Daydream", pops, 1540 H.Rising Sun, ID, pops

6240,0 1543-1552 R. CASANOVA, weak-fair\atmos,PLC; D song, "Apache", 1550 D song, tk, ID+@, mx

6305,1 1547-1620a RMI %, clips from offshore R. London, 1602 now \atmos; Beatles show, DJ. Lost around 1620

3975,0 1634-1719 IBC, pops, jingles, "Treasure Island Oldies" show (own web site), 1718 ID as "IBC", schedule

1395,0 1734-1748 R. SEA BREEZE ? , \fading; pops, 1741 Ron O'Quinn, ID(not quite OK), mx. (1923: Morse!, TWR IS)

3975,0 1930-1946 IBC, weak \noisy, hush (from DRM 3965?); pops, tk in it., ID in E, DX progr. (ham style) \v.noisy

1395,0 2146-2231 R. SEA BREEZE AM, e.weak\atmos; Rhythm of the rain, Golden years, 2154 \Morse, 2159 IDs

1494,0 2156-2231 LHH ENERGY % , \kind of speeding Morse on both sidebands; mx, tk, typical, 2230 "...Energy"

* * * * * THURS. 24 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6260,0 1021,1258 trace (something there on many days, some faint mx at best times)

6070,0 1029-1255 UNID, "The letter", then non-stop pop-rock. (Also 1655: pop, \QRM in Arabic)

1395,0 1700-1715 SEA BREEZE AM, e.weak; tk in D, ID, "Haha said the clown", "Osaka", etc

1494,0 2136-2224 LASER HOT HITS, v.>e.weak; techno / b.b. mx, IDs. (4029 still blank carrier only)

1395,0 2157-2410 SEA BREEZE AM, e.weak; pops, tk, 2401 ID copied at last, R.Stones, etc, 2410 ID again

* * * * * FRI. 25 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6305,1 1022-1510 R. MERLIN INT, weak-fair\fading; pops, IDs, Silence is golden, Daydream, Peggy-Sue, 1505 \Morse

6220,0 1409-1411* UNID, Mink DeVille ?, QSY to 6215 same record
6215,0 1412-1440* UNID, ex-6220, mx, 1423 sudden off, 1425 back(stronger), Mungo J."Summertime", 1440 sudden off

6209,8 1423-1501* UNID, e.weak\deep fade,traffic; tk, mx, 1445 songs in Ru?, end at 1501'45"

6210,0 1542-1601 UNID, US songs with banjo, 1546 cartoon song, 1558 jazz singer, movie theme

3905,1 1609-1630 UNID, weak-fair; R&R, every other track with 'boogie' in the lyrics. (1717 gone)

5800,0 1632-1741 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\hum - fair \fading; usual format, IDs, 1713 tnx to R.Blackbeard

6290,0 1642-1701* BBR, good-strong; "If I only could", tried to foul his voice (heard R.Bekeden~), Greek mx [cf "BZN" ]

6299,9 1655-1711 NORTON, good\stanag6297; D/G songs, accn, 1704 "Je n'aurai pas le temps"in G, 1706 IDs, g's

1395,0 1720-1915 SEA BREEZE ? , J.Clerc"Les gens d'ici, At the hop, tk in D, 1819 If I only had time, 1912 ID not OK

1494,0 1809-2246 LASER HOT HITS, weak; mx, tk, IDs, 2049 FSN, 2242 Pump up the volume

3905,15v 1923-1950 UNID, fair; R&R, at 1927 \QRM from Skyline, beating; R&R, R&R, 1935 slight QSY trial ?

3905,1 *1927-2220* SKYLINE R., fair\QRM with UNID,beatings; 1927 carrier, 1928 techno, 1930 ID, g's, 1940 Camouflage (in D), 1946 ID (ment. Skyline Jr), 1950 \QRM, (1955 QRM gone), pops and D mx, up to strong, 2219 c'/d(overmod.)

6210,0 1958-2030* ROCK 'N ROLL R., \fading,atmos; pops, rock, tk, IDs, rock, 2026 c'/d ID+@, Tutti fruti, end

3900,15 2110-2234 UNID, weak\QRM3905; R&R, 2129 long blank?, 2123 good peak; R&R, C&W, 2221 clear, R&R

1395,0 2247-2255 UNID, e.weak\much noise; 2250 Do wah diddy

* * * * * SAT. 26 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6210,3 0832-0930 UNID, slow drift to 6210,4; e.weak\stanag>v.weak; mx, mx; 0910 a few words (muffled) [cf KING SW ]

6190,0 0840-0928 HLR % , in AM-USB, fair-good\fading; J.Hendrix, 0902 humour in G

6085,0 0841-0927 R. MI AMIGO INT, promo P.VanDam, schedule, mx, 0857 100 kW relay on 27th, etc

6005,0 0841-0928 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop-rock (not //), 0925 DJ in D, ..100 kW..Armenia..Ron O'Quinn, mx

6070,0 0844-0900* R. WAVES INT, song "In God we trust", ID, the best country music, C&W, tk in US-E

6070,0 *0900-0901 R. OHNE NAME, ID+ web site, in G, mx

9510,0 0915-0924 R. CITY, strong; pops, known DJ voice, Kinks "Sunny afternoon"

6209,8 1338-1501* UNID, e.>v.weak\PLC,noisy; tk and mx, 1451 Russian songs, sudden off [ cf KOMINTERN ]

6239,4 1341-1345 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk. (1400 trace, 1433 gone) - - - [ cf STERREN ]

6085,0 1347-1404 R. MI AMIGO INT, DJ in D, IDs, pops,

6005,0 1349-1400* R. MI AMIGO INT %, \bad PLC; pops. (1400 SW Services, then Slovakai)

6070,0 1351-1355 IBC, tk in it. (DX tips), ID, Blondie"Heart of glass"

6070,0 1404-1428 GROOVELINE ?, fair-good\bad fading; pops, tk in E, v.speedy IDs (so not OK)

6325,25 1435-1444 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk. (1522 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf STERREN ]

6220,0 1502-1545* UNID, \bad PLC till 1540; 1540 story of RNI, v.hard to listen to, 1544 "Caroline" song, end

( Around 1500 traces on 6935,5 - 6226,95 - 6266,0 ) (Also 4029,0 : later carrier only)

6276,05 1517-1518* UNID, mx, techno track part, off

6286,95 1518-1519* RADIO 42, ID+@, end

6307,1 1519-1609 R. GOOFY, e.weak\fades, typical TX problem; mx, 1520 ID not quite OK

6328,0 1522-1526 UNID, J.Cash"Ring of fire", more C&W

6210,0 1527-1548 UNID, D mx, IDs as R. Six/Hit(?) PIRAAT from the NL, \bad PLC again; polka, Is everybody happy

6295,0 1549-1558* UNID, \stanag on U-sideband; R.Stones?, "Black Betty", Who(cut), folk singer in E+D, end

6235,0 1602-1615 R. CASANOVA INT, good; D songs, 1608 g's, IDs. (1624 gone)

6319,9 1605-1610* UNID, fair-good; talking D singer, D songs, sudden s/off

3995,0 1618-1623 HCJB, 1618 DX news about Ch.292 and KBC. @(SW Community), moin moin, IDs

6265,05 1625-1629 UNID, e.weak\lots of noise; mx

6320,0 1630-1700 BBR, e.-v.weak\fading; pops, 1638 IDs as J.TOBACCO, test to M.East/S.Pacific!, R&R, 1700 lost

6319,9 1702-1729 UNID, trace+e.weak peaks; mx, 1727 J.M. Jarre, 1729 lost

6290,0 1731-1742* BBR, weak; Marylou, IDs as J.TOBACCO, g's, 'long skip', R&R, C&W, said 5 kW, c'/d

6265,0 1743-1826 AKENZO, v.weak\bad fading; ID from tk rhythm, rock, Kiss hit, Get it on, I can't stand the rain, yodl

3905,0 1757-1830 MIKE R., good\fading; pop-rock, polka, g's, Barkey dog, Who'll stop the rain, 1812 ID, techno..

6205,1 1815-2038 trace \bad PLC; but at 2038 faint mx heard

1494,0 1830-2135 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\QRM; 60's instrum, IDs, mx, 'Laser', 2023 JID, etc

1395,0 1836-1839 UNID, part of "Dynamit", D songs parts

3905,05 1932-2044 R. QUINTUS, D songs, 'piraten' song, audio mess, 2002 polka, ID, g's, mx (2053 gone)

6265,05 1941-2158 UNID, trace\PLC, swamped; some mx on peaks before 2000, then trace only. [ cf AKENZO ]

1368,0 2008-2125 MANX R., special progr. about R. CAROLINE NORTH, from Ross Revenge?? \QRM GB locals

3920,0 2045-2104* UNID, D songs, 2052 on/off, 2059 Little shoemaker(in D?)

3925,6 2137-2156 R. RAINBOW SW, Greek mx (incl "Pirea's childrens"), IDs in D+G+E

* * * * * SUN. 27 NOV. 2016 * * * * *

6205,1 0817-1110 LASER HOT HITS, fair>v.weak\atmos; pops,tk,IDs, 0939,1042 FSN
6205,1 1359-1733 LHH %, weak-v.weak; mx, 1553 "Sail away", 1733 tk. (1759 e.weak\het6206,1v)

6005,0 0830-1001 R. MI AMIGO INT, \het6003; 50" behind //6085; pops, 0956 Elvis, ID, 1001 welcome ID
6085,0 0831-1500 R. MI AMIGO INT, 0832 rpts from Nov.5th under! mx, IDs, pops, 1357 Hey Jude, 1500 welcome
7310,0 *1101-1402 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; 1101 welcome, pops, DJ in D+E, 1' behind 6085, 1401 welcome

6070,0 0837-0900* SUPERCLAN R., 0837 ID, pops
6070,0 *0900-0958 GOLDRAUSCH, fair; pops, DJ in G, 0958 ID+@. (At 1000 : DARCs/on )

6210,3 0902-0959 UNID, e.weak sidebands\QRM6205; some mx, drift to 6210,4 - - - [ cf KING SW ]

6235,0 0904-1044 MIKE R., fair-good\beatings at first; Moonlight shadow, accn,yodl,D songs, 0940 Whiter shade of pale, ID, Paint it black, 1041 JM.Jarre; c'/d bye-bye

6235,0 0904-0907 UNID, under Mike R., beatings, mx heard between records on Mike R. (0911 Mike now clear)

6260,0 0909-1112 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC > trace; mx, soon swamped most of the time

6250,0 0910-0952 UNID, "Is everybody happy" in D, cut, again "Allo gute morgen Holland", D songs [ cf CASANOVA ]

5800,0 0922-0926 UNID, v.weak\fading, v/noisy, ut.; mx, tk in E, mx. (1110 trace, 1733 trace)

6319 a 0927-1032 R. GOOFY, \v.noisy, traffic?; mx, ID just from typical shaky carrier (1045 gone)

9485,0 1003-1006 HLR %, in USB-AM, questions and answers in G, 1005 bit of mx, tk again. (Also 1103 duo tk in E)

7310,0 1011-1101* R. GLORIA INT, good; pops, DJ in G, ID, pops, "CBS Records Rendez-vous", DJ also in E

7300,05 1013-1030 UNID, e.weak; rock, tk in E, 1019 g's to French lisnrs, 1024 ID in E+G(no copy), blues. [ cf U-BOAT ]

6280,2 1032-1040 UNID, fair\noisy; mx (from movies?), 1038 messing

6070,0 1106-1108 UNID, in it., DX tips about international stations

6265,0 1408-1413 UNID, mx, 1410 tk above about Mystery R. 6220, 1412 W voice (in Ru?). (1426 gone)

6285,05 1413-1445 (DIFFERENT R. ?), synthe, 60's pops, tk in E, ID not OK +@yahoo.co.uk, etc [ cf THE GHOUL ]
6285,05 1507-1618 BOGUSMAN, tk, mx, 1541 ID, long tk, 1605 pops, rock, bird cage (1638 gone)

6209,8 1405-1453 UNID, trace>e.weak\het6210,6; 1415 mx, 1417 long tk (Ru?, maybe E too), 1448 spoken song in Ru?

6234,9 1423-1524 R. PANDORA SW, 1407 trace >1423 e.weak; tk, IDs, mx, 1523 IDs no more OK, mx (1530 trace)

6305,05 1431-1543 UNID, bpm, bpm, ... transe mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNID / JOEY % ]

6261,6 1454-1459 R. TITANIC, e.weak, mx, 1456 gd aft', short test, ID, said c'/d
6261,65 1511-1519 R. TITANIC ?, e.weak; mx, ID not OK, tk in E ..in Holland not so good..., mx
6261,35 1536-1540 R. TITANIC, D waltz song, 1538 ID in E, ..going to s/by.., g's, mx

6324,9 1502-1545* UNID, v.weak\occ. ut.QRM; Summer wine, mx, 1543 synthe (Koto?), 1545 smooth s/off

6267,0 1509-1541 BBR, 60's instrum, C&W, 1540 D? song, tk about Australia and S.Korea, mx

6240,5 1520-1636 UNID, trace \het at first, blips; peaking at 1555 with some Greek mx

6241,0 1521-1535 UNID, v.weak\het and blips on u-side; mx, 1525 Nutbush city limits, 1530 singer in it., 1535 D mx

6210,45 1532-1757 UNID, trace, 1623-1731 e.weak\noisy,hard to hear,QRM6205; mx (not the splash, but no details)

6378,9 1546-1548 UNID, fair, f'up; C&W, D song with accn
6379,9 1613-1615 UNID, D song, then Whiter shade of pale (1641 gone)

6260,0 1600-1621 UNID, e.weak\fading,noisy,atmos; mx, 1602 "Scatman", mx

6305,05 1606-1715 UNID, good-strong; pop-rock, 1609 This is Free A.R.(??), Doors, 1616 Year of the cat, pops, 1643 Animals"It's my life", tk in D, "Gloria"(hicup),My generation, Paint it black, more rock, Suzy Q, etc, 1708 f'/down, 1712 tk but v.weak now, "Paranoid", 1715 e.weak (1720 nothing left)

6320,0 1610-1617 BBR ?, good; rock, blank, "Camouflage", 1617 nervous D? song - - -[ cf J. TOBACCO ]

6264,0 1706-1706 UNID, trace-e.weak\noise; mx

6320,05 1722-1801 UNID, v.weak\occ. fades; synthe instrum, 1727 b.b. girl, 1739 long quiet tracks (1931,2004 trace)

4029,0 1734-2227 LASER HOT HITS, back after 8 days carrier only, mx, tk, 1816 Knock on wood, 2129 ID+@, mx, IDs

3905,15 1734-1816* UNID, all R&R/R&B, 1748 g's(Iann, Sunny Pirate,..), more mx, 1805 f'/down, mx [cf WILSKRACHT ]

3985,0 1819-1827 R. MENSCHEN, in G, ID, ment' R.Komintern and USSR, then tk about SW in the Cold war era: R. Liberty, the Soviet jamming (short clips of jamming noise), the Krutchev era, etc, 1989 and remaining jamming, ID+@

6210,3 1933-2008 UNID, trace; peak at 1955 with mx, down under \bad PLC; (see at 2103)

6145,0 1937-2100* R. MI AMIGO INT via Armenia, good-strong \fading, splash(6135Iran?); pop-rock, IDs, Caroline/Mi Amigo in the late 70's, "The night before", "Supergirl", 2009 Hey little girl, 2053 Tequila, tnx Ron, stickers, schedule...

3935,6 2023-2051 R. POLKAWELLE, weak\fading; horn music show, 2026 "Radio ...", also occ. pop and D songs, maybe some song or tk in G ??, 2045 accn, ...freeradio.de, ID, ment DrTim, 2048 accn and horn

3905,05 2033-2050* UNID, mx, Radio - - on SW, - - gmail.com, mx, etc

6210,35 2103-2118 UNID, e.-v.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, b.b., tk, mx, 2112 long tk in E, 2116 ..this is Caroline.., ding!, tk
6210,45 2205-2300 UNID, v.-e.weak; mx only, 2253 techno bpm, f' up &down

1494,0 2129-2142 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 2131 ann' 102.5, ID, tk: 1984, mx..

1395,0 2148-2248 SEA BREEZE AM, weak \gurgling; When a man loves a woman, 2200 tk in D, ID, "Same old song"

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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