Long daylight hours, most activity on evenings-early nights. Active week from Italy, with Express, Tango, Europe, Latino, Voyager, Enterprise, BarraQuda? : sounds like every Italian station has at least two IDs. Very long transmissions from Focus and Marabu from friday aft' to Sunday evening. A station using "Shortwave Pirate" as ID, soon we'll get "Radio Station"... Once again Cosmic Radio better heard here than elsewhere, and I saw the approx. "Cosmos" ID spreading on the logs...
* * * * * MON. 01 JUN. 2015 * * * * *
6240,0 1355-1359* R. CASANOVA, v.weak\PLC; tk and mx, known voice, IDs no copy, ment' R. BZN
6208,0 1410-1415 UNID, e.weak peaks\PLC; mx, then lost
6185,0 1418-1418* UNID, V.strong; "..test transmission", part of C&W track, end.
6070,0 1629-1718 UNID, strong; pops, offsh. northern sagas (R.Merkur, Sheetah aground, DCR...) [cf SUPERCLAN]
6210 u 1632-1900* UNID, \hard to clarify; live rock, "My generation", later f'/up, tk in it., It. songs [cf EXPRESS]
6319,3 1719-1927 UNID, v.weak\fading,PLC,atmos; pops, 1726 ID(=?) - -.tk, 1902 L'americano. [cf CAROLINE-RB]
6325,9 1821-1832 UNID, \bad PLC; D versions of pops, tk in D(+E), then D/G songs.(1850 gone). [ cf ZW. PANTER]
6288,0 1832-1849* R. MISTI, v.weak\atmos; tk, J.&Hurricanes, pops, accn, 1847 ID+@, 1848 \QRM hum
6205 u 1912-2112 UNID (ex 6210?), \dropouts; pops, Delilah part in it., funky, strong peak, jazz [cf EXPRESS]
6950,0 1915-2142 ENTERPRISE R., \wobbling,fading; IDs, g's, rock, 2006 KISS, 2136 Rain and tears
6288,1 1928-1935* UNID, good\fading; pop, 1930 short break, 1934 ID no copy, c'/d, sudden S/off. [ cf BLACK ARROW]
6290,5 1937-2050 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, v.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, 1940 Caroline JID, 2049 tk, ID both names
6240,0 1950-2112 UNID, medleys in it. style, incl' Bzn tunes, fiesta, it. singer in E, Dadou ronron [cf STUDIO 52 ]
6315,0 1956-2001* UNID, rock guitar, it. pop?, dropouts, then full break.
6309,8 2003-2133 OZNRH % , e.weak\atmos; quiet mx.
6395,0 2029-2047* UNID, pops, sudden S/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MIRABELLE ]
6400,8 2119-2131 UNID, mx, spoofed(?)/mangled(?) IDs by W voice - - - - - - - - - [ cf GOOFY ]
* * * * * TUES. 02 JUN. 2015 * * * * *
6265,5 1625-2139 R. TANGO ITALIA % , trace\PLC > weak; mx, incl' tango after 1800
6305,3 1716-1717 R. PAARDENKRACHT, fair; spelled ID, mx
6285,0 *1719-1750a UNID, mx, heard for about 1/2 hour - - - - - - [ cf ASCONA ]
6240,0 1820-1823* UNID, fair +strong peaks; W pop singer, end. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf UNID ]
6285,0 1826-1908* MUSTANG R., strong; pops, Come on Eileen, tk, 1844 ID said c'd, 1849 Black Betty, 1904 c'/d ID
6423,4 1838-1900 R. DUTCHWING, weak\PLC; mx, 1839 ID, 1900 ID
6307,8 2008-2138 OZNRH % , e.weak\PLC,occ.ut., occ.traffic6305u; quiet mx, light jazz.
6305 v 2008-2012* UNID, QSY to 6303,0 at 2010 : v.weak; mx, then S/off (or QSY again ?)
6290,0 2014-2018 UNID, v.weak\stanag6289,fading; mx, Pink panther theme?, Oye como va. (2026 gone)
3930,0 2028-2138 R. BATAVIA, weak+peaks\fading; mx, IDs, Daddy cool, Do wah diddy, Mama mia, Man of action, Paint it black, Queen of hearts, 2130 Harry Belafonte medley
6289,9 2105-2117 UNID, fair; D? songs in E, Man of action, modernized J.S. Bach (2130 gone) - [ cf UNID ]
* * * * * WED. 03 JUN. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0750-0754 R. CHANNEL 292, fair\PLC; ID, We will rock you, Gainsbourg & Birkin
6204,9 1608-1624 UNID, v.weak\PLC; pops, 1619 "Apeman". (1700 gone). - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6240,0 1845-1909 UNID, v.weak; polka, TV theme, 1857 tnx rpts \QRM? then ut.burst; 1908 ID(=?), Bzn [cf HITMIX]
6204,8 1846-1907 UNID, weak\PLC,atmos,QRM6195,low mod..; pops
6400,8 1910-1958 R. GSV ? , e.weak\noisy,v.hard to hear; mx, 1918 ID+@ (not OK), 1954 ment' Rick, GSV
6849,9 1922-2001 R. TIDAL WAVE, strong\fading; mx, g's in E, ID+contacts, etc...
6304,9 1934-1937 R. BLAUWEPANTER, accn-walrz, ID in D, accn+clarinet?, accn. (1951 gone)
6285,0 1937-1939* HITMIX, instrum mx, OK, g's, c'/d, ID, bye-bye, ment' 6305, noname c'/D, end
6265 V 1940-1942 ABU DHABI % , strong; D song, tries: 6265, 6270, then settles on 6285.
6285,0 1942-2032 ABU DHABI, strong+peaks; D song, tk (known voice), tk in D, D songs, Heart of gold.
6730 L 1958,2038 UNID, Greek mx
6875,1 2001-2136 UNID, weak\noisy; duo/trio tk in it., mx patchwork, alt mx, tech tk in it. [ cf EUROPE ]
6313,8 2007-2043 OZNRH % , v.weak\undermod, atmos; quiet mx, 2007 ID(no copy)
6309,8 2114-2135 OZNRH % , v.weak\traffic; mx, tk in E (nocopy).
6304,9 2014-2043 R. PYTHON, fair\noisy; g's, ID, mx, 2034 c'/d ID, 2038 more polka
6396,0 2020-2023* UNID, v.weak\noisy; Saturday night at the movies, mx, S/off at 2022'50"
6239,8 2043-2048 UNID, e.weak; Tainted love, more mx. (2057 gone) - - - [ cf LAGUNA ]
6285,0 2057-2134 ANTHONY R., v.-e.weak; mx, ad for SM, 2101 ID, \stanag burst; 2104 JID, SM, 2134 Sabrina
3929,9 2105-2133 R. BATAVIA, weak\noisy; mx, IDs, Born in the USA, Power to the people, c'/d
6945 L 2116-2120 BALTIC SEA R., \boomless,RTTY; Paranoid, ID+@, RedRiverRock, IDs, Route 66
* * * * * THURS. 04 JUN. 2015 * * * * *
6306,0 1924-1956 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; blank, 1927 lost, 1928 mx, 1944 D? song, Peru mx, instrum...
6282,0 1950-2010 ABU DHABI % , strong, D singers (incl' Funky funky), euro pop, usual bit of messing, polka...
6395,0 1953-2105 R. MIRABELLE, weak-fair\noise underneath; latino songs, 2023 ID, 2104 strong \still noisy;
6309,8 1955-2148 OZNRH % , e.weak; quiet instrum mx.
6379,9 2018-2135* UNID, up to strong\atmos; non stop pops, 2045 D.Ross"All by myself", 2107 D songs
6305,0 2029-2040 UNID, pops, then rap
6305,0 2052-2142 UNID, mx, mx, pop. - - - - - - [ cf HENK ]
6210,0 2102-2307 UNID, it. pops, 2302 cartoon mx, tk in it. (Lombardia?), 2307 end?? [ cf EXPRESS ]
* * * ** * FRI. 05 JUN. 2015 * * * * *
6284,8 1510-2418 FOCUS INT, weak-fair\PLC > strong \atmos;pops, rock, tk, IDs
6254,1 1514-2417 R. MARABU, good\loc.noise,atmos > strong; in G, mx, tk, IDs. 1902 R.Stones and friends
6205,0 1519-2200 SW GOLD, e.weak\PLC,atmos,bursts; mx, 1528 ID, 1850 weak\atmos,QRM6195; 1911,2136 "SWC"
6806,9 1531-1732 UNID, \atmos, loc.noise at first; 1636 Bye bye love, Hey Carrie-Ann, 1645 D pops [cf PIONEER ]
6306,2 1609-1713* R. KILOHERTZ, weak+peaks\PLC,atmos; early 60s pops, Maybelene in G, tk in G, ID, R&R, c'/d
6730,0 1628-1732 UNID, v.weak-weak\PLC,atmos; song in G, D mx(pop,accn,brass), also "Fernando"
6240,0 1635-1718* UNID, e.weak\atmos; mx, 1642 Bzn"Mon amour" barely heard, 1718 mx, tk?, S/off [cf HITMIX]
6325,1 1721-1727 UNID, e.weak\atmos; mx, fiesta mx
6005,0 1734-1738 R. MI AMIGO, fair-good\fading,atmos; R&R "Teddy bear" (said: by Ricky Gordon), ID, G.Harrisson
6307,1 1845-1849 UNID, v.weak\atmos, mx, ID mangled by dog?, "SW music station" (1851 gone) [cf GOOFY]
6400,7 1852-2043 R. GSV, e.>v.weak\atmos,PLC; bagpipe, mx, clear ID+@, 2039 Suzy Q
6380,0 2043-2156 R. ANTHONY, weak-v.weak\atmos; vodka Anushka (in D ?), ID, 2111 Boys boys boys
6320,0 2049-2110 MUSTANG % , v.strong; instrum, tk over euro-pop, I put a spell on you, F W singer, bpm
6307,0 2059-2157 R. CAROLINE INT, weak\atmos,fading; mx, 2100 ID, 2140 bpm song in F
6211,0 2103-2200 UNID, it. pop, 2133 long blanks, later it. disco. - - - [ cf EXPRESS ]
7590,0 2115-2155 R. LATINO, blues, 2125 ID COOL AM and ??, blues, 2154 ID+@, salsa
6910,0 2127-2132* HOBART R. INT, weak\atmos,fading; listing relays (with kHz), tk over mx, last ID, end
6301,7 2137-2159 UNID, weak\stanag6298,QRM6307; 2139 - - 48@gmx.de, mx - - - [ cf SW PIRATE ]
* * * * * SAT. 06 JUN. 2015 * * * * *
6300,0 0648-0753 TOP R. ? v.weak\loc.noise,stanag6298; D songs, 0740-0742 IDs not OK, more mx (0811 gone)
6284,8 0651-0811 FOCUS INT, fair; ID, Silly love songs, pops, IDs (also 1101,1105)
6284,8 1401-2215 FOCUS INT, weak\PLC > strong; pops, tk, IDs + contacts
6254,0 0653-1107 R. MARABU, strong > good; Blue Hotel, mx, 0812 G song, 1105 tk in G, ID in E
6254,0 1359-2223 R. MARABU, fair > strong; mx, 1721,1843 het on 6255,1 kHz, 2029 jazz, no het
6204,9 0654-0816 UNID, v.>e.weak\loc.noise; mx, mx, 0738 tk(a few words), mx, mx. - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6005,0 0655-0830 R. MI AMIGO, good\fading > v.weak; mx, lots of IDs (+@ often). 0830 //9560
6400,7 0745-0751 R. GSV, e.weak\noisy; good ID, "5-4-3-2-1", 0749 hello Mike, ID
9560,0 0802-0845 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong +peaks; pops, tk in G, 0827 ID, 0830 //6005
9560,0 1040-1059 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong, mx, rock, tk in D, ID+@
7310,0 0808-0822 R. 700 %, My lady d'Arbanville, W tk in G, G pops (not Mi Amigo). (Also 1059-1101 weak, in G, pop)
7265,0 0817-0821 UNID, standard AM mode, v.weak\noisy; mx, M+W tk, ment' Marabu (*not // 6254)
6475,0 1403-1701 R. TOWER, weak\loc.noise; pops, D songs, 1540 ID in E, Ring of fire (in D), 1602 Cecilia (in tiki)
6475,0 1906-2204 R. TOWER, strong\atmos; ID+@, Babylon (reprise), D songgs, 2203 Black is black
6324,9 1512-1531 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; D mx, polka, D song. (1543 gone)
6267,7 1523-1552 UNID, e.weak at peaks\loc.noise; pops, 1552 lost
6295,0 1554-1703 TELSTAR R., ID in D (over rock guitar), euro-pop, D song... (1723 gone)
6309,7 1558-1601 UNID, trace\loc.noise, 1600 switch to 6310 USB, tk - - SW - -, \traffic QRM
6802,8 1619-1702 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; mx. - - - - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6207,0 1635-1730 UNID, trace > e.weak\loc.noise; some mx barely heard around 1715. [ cf CAROLINE RAINBOW ]
6423,0 1649-2035 STUDIO 52, up to strong carrier \weak mod,loc.noise; D song, pops, Andy, 1905 ID, 2012 ID, Radar love, 2034 tk, mx, g's, ID
6306,2 1846-1848 R. KILOHERTZ, good\PLC,atmos; ID in G, song in G
6375,0 1848-1859 UNID, e.weak\swamped; mx, much tk. - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLUEMAN ? ]
6900 L 1909-2107 BALTIC SEA R., \v.strong ut.6896; R&R, IDs, in a loop of 110 (or less) minutes
7629,1v 1917-2158 R. WAVES INT, up to good \atmos; mainly in F, also ID in E, 2158 Les yeux revolver, on 7629,9
6940,0 1933-2107 UNID, jazz, blues, opera, Verdi, jazz... - - - - - - [ cf VOYAGER ]
6730 L 1949-2202 UNID, fair in LSB (also e.weak AM at times, DSB ? other?); pop, rock
6400,0 2014-2019 MUSTANG R., v.strong; tk in D, c'/d ID, transe mx.
6309,8 2020-2020 UNID, trace\atmos. - - - - - - - - - [ cf OZNRH ]
6265,0 2022-2100 ABU DHABI % , strong; J.Hendrix, blanks, 2057 known voice (in karaoke~) [cf MOONSHINER]
6399,9 2033-2033 UNID, good; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6400,8 2047-2205 R. GSV, e.weak+peaks \atmos; var. mx, IDs
6379,9 2206-2212 R. RONALISA, \atmos; pops, 2009 ID, "Ronalisa" song, IDs
6321,4 2212-2215 SW PIRATE, \atmos,loc.noise; mx, " - - SW pirate - -", mx [ it was the ID... ]
* * * * * SUN. 07 JUN. 2015 * * * * *
6310,0 0648-0954* COSMIC R., fair-good > weak; ID with police siren, pops, rock, 0723 Owner of a lonely heart, 0740 Kraftwerk "Radioactivity", 0746 IDs, tk, after 0800 e.weak\PLC,F fishers 6307,5u; 0954 said 6-3-1-zero, end
6295,0 0650-0736 UNID, e.weak; Yellow submarine, 0652 ID(=?), pops, "Dominique", 0732 tk and mx. [cf QUADZILLA ]
6284,8 0652-0930 FOCUS INT, strong >weak\PLC; rock, IDs. (Also 1156 v.weak, ID no copy)
6284,8 1702-2155 FOCUS INT, up to good\atmos, mx, 1710 ID, 2155 weak again, "Diana" (2208 gone)
6254,1 0653-0930 R. MARABU, strong>good; rock, soul, 0817 in G, ID, later alt mx. (Also 1157 fair\fading; mx)
6254,1 1703-1842 R. MARABU, up to strong-clear; mx, 1842 ID
6204,8 0654-0827 UNID, e.weak\PLC,DIY bursts; mx barely heard - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]
6005,0 0750-0936 R.MI AMIGO, v.weak; pops, tk in E, 0838 ID, // 9560
7629,7 0753-0942 R. WAVES INT, weak\fading,sticky PLC; ID in E, pops. (Also 1320: tk in F, W C&W singer)
6940,0 0759-0809 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise,ut.; mx, tk in it.? 0806 @(no copy), SSTV. [ cf ENTERPRISE ]
6400,8 0810-0815 UNID, trace, maybe a double trace ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf WMR ]
6095,0 0827-1223 KBC, v.strong > strong; Trucker radio show, later Rosko
6070,0 0833-0836 UNID, v.weak\PLC; tk in G, disco "Saturday night fever", tk, mx [ cf SUPERCLAN, 2nd hour ??? ]
9560,0 0838-0952 R. MI AMIGO, strong; //6005, mx, tk IDs.
6296,3 0843-0846 UNID, trace with mod \swamped; - - - [ was a real station, cf SW PIRATE ]
6240,0 0921-0923 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut. mx, then lost (or QSY to 6245 ?) - - - [ cf CASANOVA ]
6245,0 0924-1200* R. CASANOVA, e.weak\PLC; 0925 known voice, g's, "Heili heilo" (not the well knowned one), mx, 0928 ID, D songs, g's, 1159 ID. (followed by sea weather forecast in G)
6070,0 0931-0935 R. D-A-R-C, fair-good; in G, story of the telegraph, JID, C&W.
9395,0 0944-0950 UNID, \sticky PLC,ut.; " - - Radio", mx
7310,0 1203-1319 R. MI AMIGO INT, fair\fading > weak\loc.noise; mx, ID, all fq's, mx
6390,0 1210-1210 UNID, only a trace. - - - - - - [ was a real station, cf BLUESTAR ]
6802,8 1315-1851 UNID, v.weak at first \atmos,occ.RTTY; mx,mx - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6305,1 1321-1323 R. UNDERGROUND, canned distorted ID (over mx), D~ song, JID over that
6235,0 1703-1743 UNID, \stanag bursts; tk in D, D mx, 1740 White rabbit, Spirit in the sky [TELSTAR ]
6210,0 1709,1715 UNID \atmos; 1710 : blank. 1715 : mx.
6422,9 1714,1746 R. DELMARE ? , v.weak\atmos,PLC; 1714 mx. 1746 ID(=?), ment' Blueman, This is Delmare(?)
6307,1 1745-1850 UNID, e.weak\atmos,PLC; yk, mx \atmos growing upto strong - - - [ cf CAROLINE-RAINBOW ]
6379,9 1832-1853 R. LOWLAND, \atmos; pops, 1834 ID+hl in E, "Boogie-woogie baby"
6322,9 1838-1850 R. UNDERGROUND, strong; mx, hl, ID, ID+@, mx, tk
6210,0 1843-1849 SLUWE VOS R., good\atmos; pops, 1847 ID, tk in D
6389,9 1852-1852 UNID, trace \under atmos and PLC - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf RADIO 42 ]
6385,0 2019-2034 LITTLE FEAT % , mx, F hip-hop, can't catch the canned IDs - - United Kingdom".
6399,8 2036-2043 R. CAROLINE INT, v.>e.weak\much atmos; JID, mx
6380,0 2039-2044 ANTHONY R., \much atmos; mx, ID, mx
6321,3 2044-2138 UNID, weak \much atmos, hard to hear; mx, tk, IDs(no copy) - - - [ cf SW PIRATE ]
6305,0 2052-2139 UNID, good>strong \atmos;C&W, Elvis and alike. (2154 gone) - - - [ cf UNID ]
6250,0 2058-2101 LASER HOT HITS via R. BLACKBEARD, \much atmos; tk, DX news, ID, laser effects
6250,0 2114-2208 R. BLACKBEARD, mx, 2133 ann' SW and 1476, hl, IDs, mx, 2159 ID+@, etc
6309,7 2105-2155 OZNRH % , v.weak\atmos; mx. (2209 gone)
6279,9 2110-2111* UNID, mx
6255,1 2111-2156 strong carrier, blanketing other stn(Marabu?) underneath
3929,9 2115-2120 R. BATAVIA, \less atmos than on 48mb; trumpet medley (H.Alpert?), ID, mx.
6289,9 2127-2130* UNID, \het from Focus; mx, sudden S/off
6205 u 2142-2210 UNID, good; mx parts, tk?, later it. rock and disco. - - - [ cf EXPRESS ? BARRAQUDA ? ]
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 01 - 07 JUNE 2015
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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