a few remarks :
- R. Mirabelle was on almost everyday (on various frequencies)
- On Tuesday, March 10th, a lot of Italian stations relayed a tribute to R. Milano International (in the late 70's)
- On Saturday, R. Tango Italia was a frequency hopper: 6290, 6295, 6290, 6285, 6300
- On Sunday morning, Magic AM, R. Northpole and R. Montferland were jammed.
- Many short UNIDs, a longer one: 6325,1 on Sunday evening
* * * * * MON. 09 MAR. 2015 * * * * *
6150,0 1005,1311 EUROPA 24, v.weak; pops. 1311-1315 weak_v.weak\loc.noise; mx, 1313 ID, news
6210,0 1318-2324 SW GOLD %, v.weak(+peaks)\het6207,5; it. disco dump. 1751 Iran QRM6205, 2003 \F fishers6212,2u;
6920,0 1754-1827 R. MIRABELLE %, fair\ut.QRM right under; only F songs
6930,0 1939-2001 UNID, fair\unknown noise; mx, incl' C&W, 2000 \ut. bursts; (2007 gone) [cf MIRABELLE ]
6244,1 1945-1954 BLACK BANDIT %, weak \PLC,noisy; D and pop mx, messing with mx, 1952 Cinderella's baby
4026,0 2005,2225 carrier only
* * * * * TUES. 10 MAR. 2015 * * * * *
6210,0 0741,0859 also 1715-1743 SW GOLD %, weak\F fishers6212,5u; it. disco dump. (1812, 1820 mx)
6210,0 2036-2156 SW GOLD %, relaying tribute to R. MILANO INT (9s in advance over 6300). (2337 mx gain)
6150,0 0743,0857 EUROPA 24, mx, ID and news in G.
6285,0 1711-1742 UNID, in it., tribute to R. MILANO INT, much tk in it., 1721 \gurgling crossing the channel; (1810 gone)
6295,0 1725-1746 BLACK BANDIT %, strong \humafter 1734; C&W, blanks. (1810 gone)
6244,1 1811-1822* UNID, fair\PLC; D waltz, D songs, 1820 tk in D (no copy), part of mx, end before 1822. [cf VRIJ NL]
6300,0 2034-2206 UNID, strong; tribute to R. MILANO INT, //6210 but 9" late. 2049 clip from 1977, 2058 tk about R. Milano Int'l, streaming, I am R., SW Gold and other stns relaying the event, later many "one-oh-one", "cento uno"
4026,0 2049-2148 LASER HOT HITS, 2055 Ferry cross the Mersey, 2144 full ID.
6940,0 2102-2206 UNID, tribute to R. MILANO INT, about 3 seconds in advance over //6300.
1350,0 2105-2110 I AM RADIO %, tribute to R. MILANO INT, bit of advance over //6300
* * * * * WED. 11 MAR. 2015 * * * * *
6285,5 0715-0718 UNID, e.weak; mx, then lost
6290,0 1452-1539 R. MIRABELLE %, v.weak\some loc.noise; F songs,1536 "J'ai demandé à la lune" rewritten
6384,9 1541-1550 UNID, v.weak, pop-rock, DJ over "My Sharona" and other songs, 1548 by-bye. [cf ALTREX ]
6950,0 1550-1552* UNID, weak \stronger F fishers on 6945,5u. mx, end.
6305,0 1554-1555* UNID, mx, shifting to 6300 with same mx going on.
6300,0 1555-1607 UNID, v.weak\PLC; 1601 tk in it., ment' I Am R., SW Gold..., repeat of the tribute to R. Milano Int'l
6290,0 1733-1750 R. MIRABELLE, mx, ID in F then in E, g's and tk in E, C&W
6290,0 1816-1828 UNID, g's to Alexander, "Ferry croos the Mersey", 60s pops, P.Sarsted [cf MISTI ]
6960 L 1916-1917* UNID, pop, blank, end. [ cf BSR ]
4026,0 1922-2258 LASER HOT HITS, mx, Laser, rpt for 6950, New Order, tk: Laser558
6300,0 2156-2208 UNID, back from deep fade, mx, some it. disco ?, 2208 lost again.
3934,9 2214-2307 R. BATAVIA, Sunny, folk, man of action, ID+web+@, Grocer jack, 60s pops, ID, tk, later mx
3900,0 2215-2248 UNID, e.weak\slow Morse; bits of mx on peaks, 2232 long tk (maybe from Asia ?)
* * * * * THURS. 12 MAR. 2015 * * * * *
6300,0 1011-1013 R. PLUTO SW, e.weak\PLC; mx, ID, "Tainted love"
4026,0 1919-2223 LASER HOT HITS, strong\bit of 4020ut.; ID, Baby please don't go, 2143 FSN, 2159 CCR, ID
3930,0 2144-2230 R. BATAVIA, fair\traffic3932u; pops, incl' songs in F, IDs, 2227 California dreaming, Sugar sugar
* * * ** * FRI. 13 MAR. 2015 * * * * *
6095,0 1253-1300* TRANSPORT R., v.strong +peaks; pops, duo tk in D, ID, still c'/d when TX s/off
6254,1 1526-1550 R. MARABU, rock, tk and IDs in G, www.radiomarabu.de
6254,1 1848-2301 R. MARABU, strong at first; mx, IDs. 2127 fair-good\fading; 2141 e.weak;
6210,0 1527-1550 SW GOLD, italian disco, 1536 ID+@
6205,0 1530-1551 UNID, weak \soon PLC; quiet mx, quieter mx, mx to yawn. [ cf KING SW ]
6300,9 1538-1600* MANUS ?, (1526 blank), strong; pops, rock. 1552 \noisy(TX problem?); 1558 shy IDs
6295,4 1844-2300 R. TANGO ITALIA, mx from Argentina, later tango, 1911 ID, tango, tango..
6312,7v 1846-1846 UNID, e.weak \quick drift to 6312,3 then lost
6806,8 1849-1855 UNID, fair \RTTY6813a; mx, pop. (prob. QSY to 6802,8). [ cf PIONEER ]
6802,8 1909-2142 UNID, soon strong \occ.RTTY; breaks; pops, 1922 modernized Offenbach ?, 2008 rock, 2016 "Like a rolling stone", 2039*, back, 2102*, back, 2121 \squeezed traffic6800u,stanag6806; [ cf PIONEER ]
6850,0 1853-2011 ARCADIA R., pops, 1917 ID, jazz, 2010 Brasilian style
4025,9 1914-2303 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, 'laser' sounds
6285,0 1928-1935 UNID (after long blank), strong; remix of "Voyage voyage" with beatbox, more remixes
3904,9 2022-2137* UNID, fair-good\fading; D pops, accn, 2134 "Proud mary" on 3905,0
6263,4 2030-2033 UNID, e.weak; mx, then lost
6940,0 2041-2120 UNID, fading down \stanag6936a; recording from R. - - (in the 80s I think): mx, news, ads
* * * * * SAT. 14 MAR. 2015 * * * * *
4026,0 0657-0748 LASER HOT HITS, strong > fair, "Laser Rewind"
4026,0 2145-2222 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, tk, "Laser"
6005,1 0700-0849 R. BELARUS, clear ID, news in G, later mx, 0849 ID. (0659 hum with BBC World Sce 6005,0)
7310,1 0704-0754 R. 700 %, G singer, 0712 Teenage queenie, 0752 ads in G. (0830 on 7310,0)
7265,0 0704-0710 UNID, in AM-USB, duo tk in E about Internet, Inmarsat, Pactor.. Ham contacts.
7265,0 0750,0831 MVBR %, 0750 Glenn Hauser's World of radio. 0831tk in G (about Barcelona), mx
6254,1 0715-0905 R. MARABU, strong > weak-fair; mx patchworks-fancies, IDs, alles viel zu laut!
6254,1 1138-1702 R. MARABU, weak-fair\PLC, noisy, bad mod...; pops, IDs
6204,9 0717-0905 UNID, v.weak\light mod., het 6205,9 at first; quiet mx, 0846 some words?? [ cf KING SW ]
6205,9 0717-0720 UNID, e.weak\QRM 6204,9; brass mx (hard to hear), then lost
6199,9 0723-0740 UNID, e.weak \loc? noise; brass mx, accn, waltz, accn medley. (0749 gone)
6298,0 0834-0854* MISTI R., v.>e.weak\loc.noise,hum; mx, 0840 ID in G or D, mx, 0853 ID in E
6298,0 0858-0858 UNID, some tk and mx (barely heard under loc.noise). (0905 gone) [ cf CASANOVA ]
6298,0 0937-0944 UNID, barely heard mx (after tricky antenna settings) [ cf MISTI ]
6095,0 0901-0929 KBC, v. strong; Emperor Rosko, Coast-to-Coast Country, C&W
6095,0 1140-1408 KBC, pops, IDs, rockabilly, 60s pops, 1408 "Peggy Sue"
9510,0 0902-0937 R. CITY, powerful \fading, noisy(how that?); CCR, CCR, mx, 0936 ID, etc
6955,0 1354-1402 UNID, weak\loc.noise; mx, then lost
6303,6v 1412-1618 MAGIC AM, weak-v.weal\loc.noise; mx, 1437 mx and IDs, drift to 6303,8 \stanag 6305 then 6303
6387,0 1444-1451 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; guessed mx and tk. 1447 \squeezed:het6384,8-stanag splash, then lost
6400,0 1452-1508 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, While my guitar..., 1506 Radio - - - SW, bye?, end ? [cf RONALISA ]
6384,9 1509-1518 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk. [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6385,0 1530-1534* UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, QSO W.Reus-Victoria-Baken... "Sugar baby love" [cf BAKEN16 ]
6384,8 1535-1538 UNID, mx, tk, but flattened by Stanag noise
6802,8 1541,1723 PINK PANTHER R., 1541 v.weak\loc.noise; mx, 1547 ID, Musical Youth (. 1723 c'/d, ID
6380,0 1554-1557 UNID, \under Stanag; "Mr Spaceman". (1559 gone)
6402,9 1557-1618 SUNDOWN R., \Stanag bursts; 1557 Downtown, 1604 ID no copy, 1613 ID, rock, 1617 C&W
6290,4 1619-1627 R. TANGO ITALIA, loop: Ode to joy, Marconi, Morse, ID. 1627 singer in sp. (to 6295,4)
6285,0 1622-1658 HITMIX %, v.weak\loc.noise; mx and tk, but no ID heard. 1650 \Stanag noise (1702 gone)
6209,5 1629-1649* STUDIO 64, \some Morse; mx, tk, Lust for life, 1642 Nena"99 luft..", 1644 Saxtorp, ID, bye
6305,0 1649,1711 UNID, mx but \Stanag stronger
6295,4 1651,1700 R. TANGO ITALIA %, mx, then flattened. (to 6285,4)
6294,0 1658-1714 UNID, \het 6295,4; song in E, pop-rock, 1702 some C&W, 1714 quiet mx
6210,0 1703-1710 UNID, e.weak; "Tu voi fare l'Americano" , mx
6285,4 1715-1716* R. TANGO ITALIA %, mx, under Stanag
6920,0 1717-1722 R. MIRABELLE, v.weak; mx, ID, "La radio la plus belle", mx
6400,0 1724-1728 UNID, mx, 1727 Blueberry Hill. [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6383,8 1724-1724 UNID, "Message to you Rudy"
6300,4 2133-2250 R. TANGO ITALIA %, mx from Argentina, 2246 tango, tango. (2411 carrier s.off)
6254,1 2137-2250 R. MARABU, strong \occ."toy mill" burst; mx, tk in G, IDs, 2217 still strong, 2246 now e.weak
3905,0 2146-2408 SKYLINE BOYS, strong+peaks; Sat.night show, tk in D, g's in E, approx. IDs, 2203 Poppies
3935,0v 2155-2231 CRAZY WAVER., v.weak, mx, tk in G+E, IDs, 2233 on 3936,0: tk, bye ID, e.weak\noisy;
3930,0 2155-2409 R. BATAVIA, easy; Sunny, ID+web, 2201 ID, Stairway to heaven, etc, g's, 2409 Final countdown
* * * * * SUN. 15 MAR. 2015 * * * * *
6254,1 0727-0900 R. MARABU, strong, mx, 0735 ID,web,facebook, 0818 jammed, 0851,0859: jammed
6254,1 0942-1140 R. MARABU, not jammed, mx, W tk in G, mx, 1119 about DDR, 1140 R.Stones ?
6254,1 1448-1810 R. MARABU, \PLC; non-stop mx, scarce IDs
6254,1 1950-2142 R. MARABU, mx, some tk (W voice), 2040 ID
6005,0 0728-0817 R. MI AMIGO, G pops, tk in G, 0744 ID+hl+@, mx.
6005,0 1030,1144 UNID, 1030 Free electric band, R Delmare in D (old rec'?), 1144 Hervé Vilard"Capri", tk in G, mx
7310,0 0736-0843 R. BELARUS, strong; in G, DX-club news, IDs, 0835 in G, 0843 ID
7310,0 0903-0908 R. 700, "Downtown", some C&W in G, 0907 tk and ID in G
7310,0 1143-1148 UNID, pops in G [ cf MI AMIGO ]
7310,0 1523-1530* R. 700 %, pops, tk in G, 1527 Ebony & Ivory. (1530: R. Slovaquie Int'l in F)
6265,0 0818-0859* CUPID R., weak\hush noise; pops, IDs, 0859 c'/d ID+contacts
7265,0 0825-0843 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB; pops, tk in E+G, ID, Golden Earring, rtc
7300,0 0832-0901* U-BOAT 66 %, v.weak; tk in E+it. over light jazz, 0901 tk in E, sonar(?) sound.
6305,1 0845-1140 R. MERLIN INT, strong\loc.noise > v.weak; mx, IDs, 0850 Stranglers, 0950 Back on the chain gang
6305,1 1447-1826 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\noisy; mx, IDs, 1636 Kinks, 1807 "Jackie Blue"
6305,1 1929-2140 R. MERLIN INT, \6295splash, traffic6305u; mx, IDs, 1954 She's not there, 2009 ZZ Top
9485,0 0910-0950 EUROPEAN MUSIC R., in AM-USB, \fading; pops, IDs, tk in E+?, flashback
9295,0 0919-0947 FOCUS INT, fair+peaks\noisy; folk, "Popcorn", 0924 ID, pops, 0947 ID (also 1141 mx)
9295,0 1516,1842 FOCUS INT, 1516-1521 fair\hum; mx, tk, IDs, ann' Stranglers. 1842: fair-good\ut.; Carry that weight
6294,3 0930-0934* MAGIC AM, \JAMMED !; mx, ID, ann' QSY to 6290 (0937 channel now clear)
6288,6 *0934-1028 MAGIC AM, blank carrier at first(clear), 0936'10" mx, 0936'55" JAMMED!, 0938 ID, ann' 6290, mx, 1021 Beatles"The walrus"\still jammed, bit of drift to 6288,8.
6095,0 0945,1029 MIGHTY KBC, 0945 fair+peaks, pop, Trucker Radio. 1029: strong, Trucker Radio
6245,0 1010-1013* UNID, e.weak; mx, tk in D or G, end [ cf AC-DC ]
6280,0 1015-1028* UNID, e.weak\squeezed; "Popcorn", 1019 ID ?, JM.Jarre?, Bzn?, neutral c'/d [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6320,0 1020-1139 UNID, good peaks\v.weak at fades; Can't stop loving you, Walk like an Egyptian, 1112 Sail away. 1116-1139 JAMMED ! (1147 trace) [ cf NORTH POLE ]
6382,9 1037-1107 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,ut.QRM > trace; "Loco-motion", more mx but f'/out [ cf ALTREX ]
6945,0 1044-1052 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise(wood-crafter?); mx, mx
6314,8 1114-1118 UNID, e.weak \hard to hear; bb mx, D song, tk: ..amateur .. Pluto (?), D song. [cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6390,0 1122-1124 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk ..Pluto(?), mx. [cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6400,0 1124-1150 UNID, v.weak; "La tribu de Dana", 1136 JAMMED, 1149 under noise [ cf MONTFERLAND ]
6400,6 1435-1508 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, tk, 14446 ..e-mail us..., mx, tk (no copy). (1532 gone) [ cf QUASAR ]
9485,0 1440,1509 MV BALTIC R. %, in AM-USB \9490QRM; pop, tk in G+E transl., rock, 1509 duo, long tk in sp.
6284,9 1533-1628* R. TELSTAR INT, pops, occ. D song, 1626 Dragonslayer, tk to Columbia, 1627 ID, bye-bye
6209,4 1534-1542* UNID, rock, rockabilly, 1541 \QRM 6210; 1542 J&theHurricanes, end. [cf STUDIO 64 ]
6210,0 *1541-2142 SW GOLD, weak-fair\PLC; mx, 1551 ID, it. disco mood.
6263,4 1553-1559 UNID, v.weak\PLC > trace; some tk, but f'/out
6324,7 1614-1625 R. RAINBOW INT, v.weak\traffic; Play that funky music, ID not OK, g's, 1622 ID, Voice of Peace
6285,0 1809-2012 R. JOEY, good+peaks; mx, occ. D songs 1826 Kids in America, 1937 tk, ID. (2040 gone)
6325,1 1811-1812* UNID, (1805 blank?), \undermod; mx, C&W, sudden s/off.
6325,1 1818-1938 UNID, weak\loc.noise; tiki, C&W, jazz, Southern retro, 1923 Shaking all over, Shadows, f'/out
6379,9 1813-1816 UNID, Joe Cocker?, pop. (1821 gone)
6400,0 1821-1928* UNID, fair-good +peaks; Rasputin, Never fall in love, Listen music, 1928 unid c'/d [cf QUADZILLA ]
6264,8 1939-2015 DELTA R., v.weak; relaying R. JOEY at first?(maybe 3' late?), then D songs, 1959 ID not OK, "Ring of fire"(in D?), 2002 JID, accn, D songs
4026,0 2004-2121 LASER HOT HITS, good\Morse 4028; mx, IDs, 2048 Ma Baker
6380,1 2016-2038* UNID, good\fading,noisy; polka, brass mx, D songs, sudden s/off [ cf BLAUWE PANTER ]
6309,9 2025-2032* UNID, e.weak_light mod.; mx, s/off at 2032'44"
6940,0 2026-2124 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak \stanag splash; mx, tk in E, 2035 ID, time check(OK), g's (2142 gone)
3905,0 2052-2118* UNID, e.weak\traffic; Born in the USA, 2058 switch to LSB, Simon &Garfunkel"Sound of silence", some ID(?) as LMS or NMS(?), "c'/d very soon", g's, 2108 rock, so- so mod., 2118 sudden s/off [ cf OVER 60° ]
6380,0 2126-2144 ABU DHABI %, strong, Comment ca va, blank, Gib mir den wodka Anushka, kletzmer?...
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 09 - 15 MAR. 2015
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France