Look for a mystery station on 6849,4 almost everyday. Not reported elsewhere (AFAIK), and on Sunday, it ended under the stronger Arcadia R., well heard over Europe (UKdxer mentionned a slight het heard via Twente SDR). With a glimpse to next week, it was probably BLUE MOON R.
Look also for EEKAMOUSE R., seldom heard. It was on Thursday, a very quiet day for SW pirates. Most of the activity was on the week end, even without counting the Dutch QSO rounds.
* * * * * MON. 16 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0804,1036 R. CHANNEL 292, 0804 strong\beating QRM, RNI clip in G+E, 1036 weak\hush; mx, 1102 ID
6150,0 0809,1035 EUROPA 24 %, pops, 1035 v.weak, 1055 On the border
6290,0 1728-1802 BLACK BANDIT, strong\China6280 QRM, D songs, messing, Comment ca va, waltz (op sings along), 1743 tech tk, polka, 1747 "Kampiernieren", more D song (also US songs). (1820 gone) [ cf NAMLOSE (!) ]
6380,05 1746-1746* UNID, last seconds of mx. [ cf WEGPIRAAT ]
6384,9 1821-1823* UNID, good-strong \fading; pop-rock, end at 1823'44" [ cf UNID ]
6290,0 1824-1833 UNID, v.-e.weak \PLC,some atmos; "My little runaway", pops. [ cf MISTI ]
4026,0 1928-2110 LASER HOT HITS, "Xmas on Laser", mx, tk, IDs+@, ment' Magic Int'l on 5800
3905,0 1931-1947 UNID, v.weak\noisy; parts of JM.Jarre, Dragonslayer, 1938 g's, only 10W, messing, f'up [cf MISTI]
6310 L 1954-2103 R. MIRABELLE, e.>v.weak\noise; 80s F singers (not the worst of the 80s, tnx!), 1956 ID in F, more F singers and IDs, 2030 \Iran 2nd spur (also on 6230 and from 6165 in sp.). (2105 gone)
6265,0 2049-2052 UNID, instrum, Dragonslayer. (2053 gone)
* * * * * TUES. 17 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0724-0755 CHANNEL 292 %, strong\QRM tk stn; R.Caroline recording, 0748 bridge with DARC ad.
6070,0 1348-1658 R. CHANNEL 292, 1348 ID, Obladi oblada, 1621 Caroline recording, 1658 under China
6150,0 0742,1620 EUROPA 24, pops, news in G, 1701 \QRM6155; 1730 \under China
6289,9 1350-1416 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; 1350 trumpet, 1406 Calif. dreaming, Crunchy gr., 1411 QRM? [cf TWENTANA]
6305,0 1539-1636 TELSTAR R., fair-strong\PLC; D mx and pops, IDs, g's, 1604 \RTTY6306; QSY
6300,0 1640-1642 R. TELSTAR, mx, tk in D, ID. (1645 gone)
6319,2 1609-1753 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW INT, e.weak\PLC, mx, Caroline JID, combined IDs
6288,0 1733-1821 BLACK BANDIT, v.strong +peaks; D mx, messing, also CCR and C&W. [ cf STRESS R. ]
6849,4 1758-1950 UNID, weak\noisy; War of the worlds? (long), 1910 e.weak\noisy, helico burst; rock
4026,0 1929-2106 LASER HOT HITS, good; G.Drew about offshore, mx, IDs.
6284,9 1937-1943* UNID, fair-good, strong mod; techno-bpm, "hey Micky.. in the UK.. c'/d, bye-bye. [ cf B.A. ]
* * * * * WED. 18 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0903-1055 R. CHANNEL 292, good\fading; "Golden days of offshore radio", 1055 ad for DARC. (Also 1641)
6305,0 1031-1036* R. MONTFERLAND, fair\fading; ID, c'/d, g's in E+D, mx...
6289,9 1249-1256 UNID, v.weak\PLC; D or G songs. [ cf RONNIE AM ]
6849,4 1625-1718 UNID, v.weak\PLC,RTTY6848; mx, pops, "Andy" rock (1803 gone)
6307,1 1721-1848 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, v.weak\PLC,sounds muffled; mx, single and combined IDs, tk
6385,9 1800-1802 UNID, good\fading,PLC; mx, mx. (1811 gone)
6325,1 1804-1852 UNID, good-strong\light mod?; pops, 1814 polka medley, Pina colada, C&W,pops. (idea: BBR ??)
6320 UL 1805-1811 UNID, v.weak; mx, in USB then in LSB. 1811 lost
6315 L 1812-2032 R. MIRABELLE %, weak+peaks; F songs. \v.noisy after 2000.
4026,0 1911-2258 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs+@, 1958 Martin Scott, 'laser' effect
6307,1 1955-2124 R. CAROLINE (INT), e.-v.weak\noisy,PLC, mx, some tk, JIDs+@
* * * * * THURS. 19 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0814,1404 CHANNEL 292, 0814 good-strong\fading. 1404-1548 fair-good\PLC; mx, ID.
6305,0 1710-1735 S. HITMIX, weak\PLC; D and G songs, tk over mx, 1734 clear ID in G
4026,0 1824-2218 LASER HOT HITS, good\fading,some noise; mx, 2151 fair\sounds muffled now; ID+@, mx
6290,1 1917-1943* EEKAMOUSE R., weak-fair\PLC; reggae, 1926,1932 IDs in E(heard EEKAMAN...)
* * * ** * FRI. 20 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
6282,0 0833-0857* UNID, v.weak\PLC; R&R, rockabilly, boogie, 0852 tk in E (no copy), rockabllly, end
6150,0 0903-1113 EUROPA 24, weak\PLC; rock, pops, IDs
6290 L 1410-1420 UNID, mx, short tk, mx, R&R, mx
6746,9 1630-1733 UNID, fair\fading, Bye bye love, Be bop a lula, Jefferson Airplane, Beatles and b.b. [cf PIONEER ]
6849,4 1644-1832 UNID, v.weak\PLC > e.weak\OLC,undermod,mushy carrier; non stop mx
6320,0 1736-1739 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx, mx
6290 L 1740-1825* UNID, v.-e.weak; mx, 1800 \QRM6285; 1807 L.Voulzy"Rockcollection", mx, parts? [cf MIRABELLE]
6284,9 *1800-1802 SLUWE VOS, fair+peaks \overmod?; mx, tk in E, g's, ID as SLY FOX. (1804 gone)
6290,15 1803-1804* UNID, tk in D, end.
6240,05 1810-1947* SLUWE VOS, fair-good\soon PLC; pop-rock, IDs (also SLY FOX), 1930 "Blue monday", 1946 c'/d
6284,9 1833-1836* UNID, good+peaks\fading,noisy; "Hot stuff" (techno remix), tnx rpt, bye-bye, s/off at 1835'55"
4026,0 1948,2153 LASER HOT HITS, good-strong; tk, ID+@, mx.
3900,0 2155-2227 UNID, e.weak\ut.QRM, carriers; mx and tk heard at times, 2225 v.wide band ut. QRM
* * * * * SAT. 21 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
4026,0 0721-0754 LASER HOT HITS, fair\traffic 4020u in sp.; pops, tk, ID, ann' 4-Oh-2-6 a,d live 6-2-Oh-5
6205 v 0725-0859 UNID, good\fading,bit muffled > weak-fair\PLC; mx, 0748 canned annt?, 0756 \OTH [cf KING ]
6150,0 0731-0851 EUROPA 24, good-strong > fair; weather+ID in G, mx.
6070,0 0732-0939 R. MI AMIGO, good-strong\bit of QRM; G songs, ID, 0800 multi-ID, 0804 Under my thumb, more rock
7265,0 0740-0745 HLR %, relaying World of Radio by Glenn Hauser
6095,0 *0900-0940 KBC, v.strong; "Time to warm up the tubes...", Rosko with rock C&W
6095,0 1137-1301 KBC, v.strong; KBC Import, mx, G.Harrisson, 1259 Dave Mason : Golden Age of R&R
9510,0 0901-0938 R. CITY, powerful \bad audio, DRM under that???; 50s oldies, Rio carnival-like, 0907 ID
6875,1 0913-0941 STUDIO 64 ?, good\PLC,fading; mx, ID in E, pop-rock [ cf EUROPE ]
6875,1 1128,1411 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk in it., 1411-1432 jazz, var.mx, it. comedy [ cf EUROPE ]
6190,0 0916-0935 HLR %, inAM-USB; jazz, duo tk in G, G version of "J'attendrai", jazz
6245,0 1302-1316* R. AC-DC, e.weak\snow clouds noise,PLC; Dust in the wind, rock, 1314 tk, IDs+@
6390,0 1317-1333 UNID, v.-e.weak\noisy; mx, tk (no copy) [ cf ALTREX ]
6389,85 1435-1435 UNID, e.weak\PLC; tk, hard to hear (1442 gone).
6070,0 1334-1344 UNID (via CHANNEL 292 %), v.weak\cloud noise; Duylan"Hurricane", tk, "Classic rock station"
6849,3 1417-1633 UNID, e.weak\PLC; Baker Street, 1629 Blondie"Call me" (1737 trace under PLC)
6380,1 1437-1440 QSOer, weak\PL, hard to hear; mx, tk, ment' Baken 16 (not clear if ID). (*1440 QSO going on)
6285,0 1443,1712 BOGUSMAN, fair\PLC, 1444 ID, later: 1712-1809 strong; tk, mx, 1809 aviary sounds
6399,9 1636-1641* R. CARRIERWAVE, mx, 1640 IDs, c'/d
6385,9 1641-1642 UNID in QSO, many names ment'd
6320,0 1642-1731 R. HITMIX, weak-fair\fading,noisy; mx, 1646 ID in G, tk in E+G, mx.
6320,0 1812-1815 UNID, mx [ cf PANDA ]
6244,7 1649-1707 R. PANDORA, e.weak \Iran spur6243; "Summertime blues", IDs+@, Hello Marylou"
6205,0 1707-1720 KING(??) SW, mx, jingle, 1709 Rammstein ?, 1717 ID (not OK), "non-stop", mx
6290,6 1712-1730 UNID, e.weak \QRM Bogus6285; mx heard when Bogus is talking. [ cf CAROLINE-RAINBOW ]
6266,0 1716-1852 TELSTAR R., strong; pops, g's in D to stns, 1809 J.Cash, 1852 ID, R&R
6234,9 1720-1724 R. PANDORA, e.weak \booming stanag6230,also stanag6240; mx, JIDs+@ (1802 gone)
6385,15 1732-1734* UNID, good-strong; mx, tk, R&R (Chuck Berry alike), s/off at 1734'12" [ cf QSO ]
6949,6 1742-1828* RONNIE AM, v.weak; 1747 ZZ Top"Gimme...", ID, g's, Man of action, pop, brass mx, bye-bye
6954,3u 1744-1755 BALTIC SEA R., fair-good; russian? jazz, pops, polka, 1755 ID, end ?
6239,85 1802-1809 UNID, pops, 1804 Bzn ?, 1806 again, on 6240,0 then techno drums. [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]
6325,1 1812-1817 UNID, weak-fair; schlager, instrum mx, quiet mx. (1847 gone)
6400,0 1817-1825 BLACK BANDIT %, good-strong, cutting C&W, D songs before end then blanks.
6940,0 1827-1832 PREMIER R. INT, fair\stanag6938; rock "I want it all", ID, mx. (1845 gone)
6957 a 1834-1845 BALTIC SEA R., strange mode (NBFM ?); mx, ID, seagulls
6290,7 1848-1851 UNID, v.weak; mx, a few words, mx. [cf CAROLINE - RAINBOW ]
6210,0 1943-2003 BIG PODCAST R., good-strong\fading,Iran spur; mx, ID, tk in ru., ann' Robbie Williams, 2001 www. strangeways.. .ru, 2002 info@ (same url), duo tk in ru. [ via SLUWE VOS ]
4026,0 2003-2259 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good\fading,some hum; ID+@, "Jimmy Mack", mx, tk
-Various traces: 3905kHz and 3925kHz at (2008,2021), also 6215kHz at 2025-2030
3904,9 2202-2214* R. LIKEDEELER, weak\muffled; mx, tk over mx at times, ID. 2214 good peaks\still muffled, end.
3930,0 2207-2213* UNID, v.weak\noisy; mx, end (no annt). Again at 2243-2245, hard to hear mx, lost. [cf BATAVIA ? ]
6950,0 2217-2308 ARTEM, v.weak\noisy > weak-good\noisy ; mx, tk, in Brasilian?, 2240 ID in E: TRAFIKANT R., 2248 R. SIN FRONTERAS, mx, mx from latino-America, 2306 tk in E. [ cf: via ENTERPRISE ]
* * * * * SUN. 22 FEB. 2015 * * * * *
9485,0 0745-0751 R. GLORIA, in AM-USB, good-strong; pop-rock, no ID heard, but known voice
6204,9 0751-0834 UNID, weak\fading,hissy; mx, mx [ cf KING SW ]
6324,9 0821-0840 UNID, good \occ.ut.6330; D songs, incl' schlager and waltz. [cf NORTON ]
6282,0 0824-0833 UNID, weak\stanag6275,OTH bursts > e.weak; "Brown sugar", more R.Stones? [cf MISTI ]
6150,0 0835-1548 EUROPA 24, fair-good>v.weak; 1330 If you can't give me love, ID EUROPE 24(in E), more rock
6070,0 0835-0952 R. CHANNEL 292, good-strong; ID, Flashback, "All right now", more rock
6070,0 1141-1147 BLUESTAR R., rock, tk in D, ID, "Sheila", pops
6070,0 1311-1345 8 RADIO, fair > weak; pops, reggae, IDs (name not that clear), tk.
6005,0 0838-0859 R. MI AMIGO, ID and tk in G, ment' R.Merkurs in Riga, jingle, mx
6005,0 1142-1147 UNID, some Irish song, tk in G, G song (NOT //7310)
6005,0 1346-1400* R. GLORIA, \QRM in G; mx, ID+POB, pops. (1400 now R. 700 in G: ID, G song)
7310,0 0841-0900 UNID+UNID, Kall(?) mixing 2 sources, both with brass/accn mx, at least one in G (not Mi Amigo)
7310,0 0900-0927 R. 700, much tk in G, mx, 0926 tk about football, said "R. 700", mx
7310,0 1039,1046 UNID, good\fading; mx
7310,0 1130-1418 R. MI AMIGO, 1130 strong, in G, 1357 ID+@, in E, bye-bye, 1401 in D(+some E), pops, IDs
7265,0 0846-0857 R. GLORIA, in AM-USB, fair-good\fading; repeat, 0850 "music from France", 0855 ID, slogans
7300,0 0851-0928 UNID, v.weak; 0851 tk, pop, 0858 mx, 0928 mx. [ cf U-BOAT-66 ]
9485,0 0902-0955 R. GLORIA, in AM-USB, strong; mx, IDs, tk in E+G, Pye Records story, 0954 ad:OEM, ID+@
7490,15 0906-1134 R. GERONIMO, weak\PLC; E.Costello"Chelsea", 0924 JID, tk, pops, 1134 "Band on the run" 7490,0
7490,0 1420-1425 R. GERONIMO, fair-good\squeezed; Santana, JID, "Suzanne", // 9334, 4h loop ?
9334,3 0908-1135 R. GERONIMO, fair-good\fading; // 7490, "Chelsea", pop-rock (sounds muffled), 1017 Santana, 1021 JID, Dave Simpson show, L.Cohen "Suzanne", 1134 strong. (Also 1426-1429, strong, "Suzanne" again, ID+@)
6290,0 0930-1033* NMD R., fair; pop mix, 0941 ID(?) and g's, 0945 clear ID, 1026 parts of 60s pops, 1032 accn c'/d
6255,0 0931-0931 UNID, fair-good; mx, mx. (Not at 0935, maybe North Pole ?)
6260,0 0935-1038 R. NORTH POLE, fair-good; Greek-D song, 0939 Allein in Mexico, g's, ID, mx, D/G mx, accn
6250,0 0931-0946 R. CASANOVA, fair-good>weak; mx, D/G mx, tk, 0939 ID, 0945 ded. to Dr Tim
6240,0 0932-0949 UNID, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, D/G songs, waltz. [ cf QUADZILLA ]
6199,8 0949-1036 TECHNISCHE MAN, good-strong; accn, D song, 1036 ID, g's to D stns
6095,0 0950-1600* KBC, v.strong; 0950 Trucker Radio, 1337 R&R, also R&B, 1559 Ron O'Quinn, c'/down
6318,1 1025-1025 UNID, wek-fair\PLC,fading; pop, "Bang bang"
6290,0 1038-1038 UNID, rock. [ cf CUPID ]
7297,0 1040-1057 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise, mx, tk in E (and it.?), IDs+@(no copy), 1048 Because the night. [cf RMGP]
6285,3 1135-1138 WNKR, weak-fair\PLC; mx, clear ID, then tk (no copy, ad ?), mx
6240,0 1139-1140 UNID, e.weak, mx (D song?), tk (no copy), mx [ cf KARBIET ]
6320,0 1315-1920* R. JOEY, v.weak+peaks\PLC > fair-good > weak\PLC; mx, D mx, known voice, 1543 hl in D, polka, 1723 Que calor la vida, walz, 1917 IDs+@, 1919 c'/d, bye-bye
6299,9 1317-1332 R. MONIQUE, v.weak\bad PLC; rpt from Iann, Sinpo given in F, much tk, background mx, 1323 Ca plane pour moi, 1327 ment' HITMIX and studio1A, tk in D and G, 1328 R.Monique jingle etc. (1332 f/out)
7300,0 1405-1417 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, then long long tk (so a state stn ?)
9485,0 1432-1440 MVBR %, in AM-USB, pop-rock, tk in E about G music, synthe, duo tk(E+G), Rammstein ?
15069,8 1443-1502 CUPID R. , strong +PEAKS > v.weak; alt. mx, tk, ID, pop, g's, "S3 to S5 this morning", mx
6305,0 1504-1545 R. TELSTAR INT, some D mx, ID, tnx rpts, some Rio carnival mx, D/g songs
6239,9 1508-1516 UNID, e.wek\PLC; mx, Radio - - - , 1516 D song (1546 gone). [ cf R. TITANIC ]
6385,3 1519-1523 UNID in QSO, weak\light mod.,fading,hissy; mx, tk about modulator, mx, tk.
6400,75 1523-1651 QUASAR, fair\fading; mx, tk, IDs copied approx. (stinking E phonetics!) (1714 gone)
6849,4 1531-1542 UNID, v.weak\PLC; non stop pop from the 60s ( idea : BLUE MOON )
6849,4 1617-1640 UNID, \QRM stronger stn on 6850,1; just a mess! mx, tk (which one?), \occ.ut. mill
6850,1 1617-1644 UNID, \QRM weaker 6849,4; mx, tnx Gino, jazz, jazz, ID?(no copy, QRM) [ cf ARCADIA ]
6802,8 1538-2027 PINK PANTHER R., weak-fair\PLC getting bad; mx, mx, mx, 1731 ID+@, mx, mx...
6305,0 1602-1604* PANDA R. ?, v.weak\PLC,fading; mx, 1604 "Hello this is Panda(?) Radio", end
6306,5 *1605-1610 UNID, weak>fair; mx, mx. [ cf POEMA ]
6950,0 1632-1638* ENTERPRISE R., mx, annt of the contest (all stns names), 1637 ID+@
6325,6 1652-1752 R. PLUTO, e.weak\loc.noise, ut.bursts,splash; mx, IDs, 1723 "R.Pluto, SW music stn, R.Pluto"
3905,0 1737-2108 R. ALICE, good\fading > strong; blank, mx at 1745 a, mix: D mx and pops, 2108 "Maggie May"
4026,0 1915-2021 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading; 1915 tk about 6285 and 6275, again at 2021, but it's a repeat
6386,0 1921-1925* LITTLE FEAT R., fair-good\PLC; mx, ID+@, c'/d, s/off at 1924'55"
6385,2 1925-1928 R. LOWLAND, v.weak\PLC; mx, report in E. (1930 gone)
6395,05 1928-2000* UNID, v.weak-fair? \PLC; mx, 1933 Hanging on the telephone, mx, mx, end
6385,0 1939-1955 LITTLE FEAT R., strong-v.weak \noisy; mx, IDs, g's. (2000 gone)
3925,0 2030-2055 trace, bit of mx heard at 2055
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 16 - 22 FEB. 2015
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France