Bad news here, bad new local noise growing and growing on 48m, worst on 76m, soon I would find it HUGE on LW and MW, 24h a day, and coming from my 'uncooperative' neighbour. That noise stood for more than a fortnight, till a major ISP here sent a strong raid to identify the culprit because several Internet users had lost their ADSL link. The commando found the same location, and that noise was coming from a failing cable TV subscriber box with bad power supply. Since that, one more Internet user neighbour has switched to the CATV company: that sounds like an unfair competition as such CATV box failures are quite common (it already happened in the same house 3 years ago).
* * * * * MON. 24 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6425,0 1621-1650 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; non stop pops. (1653 gone). [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]
* * * * * TUES. 25 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0803-0836 EUROPA 24, "Have you ever seen the rain", 0831 tk, weather report, 0833 ID. Also 1510 ID
6287,0 1628-1631* HITMIX, instrum mx, ID + fq, bye-bye, "now c'/d"(noname, canned).
6380,05 1633-1722* LITTLE FEAT R., weak\sticky PLC; pops, R&B, R&R, 1646 g's in F, ID in E, pops, g's, IDs...
* * * * * WED. 26 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
7265,0 0812,0839 HLR %, in AM-USB, \noisy ut. on 7267a; tk in G, sermon??, 0839 still the same
6325,0 1327-1328* R. PYTHON, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, ID, ..on 6-3-2-5, end before 1329
6205,2 1329-1332 UNID, e.weak\PLC+loc.noise; mx, 60s pop? (1337 gone) [ cf NORTHSEA ]
6295,0 1439-1500 UNID, e.weak\drowned in loc.noise > trace. (1506 gone)
6283,0 1438-1505* BLACK BANDIT %, 1441 accn, R&R, 1448 D v. of L'Americano, some words in D, waltz, movie crooner ? , C&W, C&W, f'/up to strong, but end without annt.
6243,2 1534-1543 UNID, e.weak \PLC, blipping ut.; D songs, "Corina Corina", 1542 tk, allo, then end ?
6295,0 1545-1710 R. PYTHON, strong \light mod.; rock, tk in D, ment' R. Sifony(??), rock.. 1556 instrum, test-1-2, ID, mx, tk in D, 1610 techno-rock, 1612 IDs, tk in D+E, 1631 "Hello Klaus, what's the carrier offset?", 1636 F song, etc, 1707 f' down a bit, mx, g's , 1709 ID, "c'/d in about 10 min"
6285,0 1553-1613 BLACK BANDIT %, strong; known voice, ID as MIGHTY FOX, schlager, 1555 "Heart of gold", 1606 tk, g's to DrTim, .., C&W (1630 gone)
6305,1 1601-1609 R. BONTE SPECHT, fair\RTTY6302a; polka, 1605 tk in D, ID, accn, 1608 accn, ID.. (1614 gone)
6379,9 1615-1641 UNID, e.weak\RTTY6377,8; pop-rock, 1624 Mony Mony, 1639 tk (1652 gone) [cf CARRIER WAVE]
6746,9 1652-1847 PIONEER R., weak\noisy; Red River rock, Bzn medley, accn, D mx, \f'/down, 1822 ID, brass mx
6285,0 1702-1706* BLACK ARROW, in D+E, g's, c'/d, ID as B.A., over Albert King track, mx patchwork..., bye
6379,4 1755-1801* UNID, e.weak\atmos; mx, 1757 ID?, rpt, in E (hard to hear), mx. cf ZEEWOLF ]
6290 v 1832-1850 LLR %, e;weak\PLC, quick drifting around, mx, 1842 music box, ID=?, --shortwave@gmail, mx
* * * * * THURS. 27 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0813-0816 EUROPA 24, Bzn "I believe in angels", ID, 0815 news in G. (also 1055 v.weak, QRM ?)
6205,0 1410-1425 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak\PLC; russian style songs (also D song), 1423 ID+@, mx
6070,1 1910-1924 UNID, weak \spur, splash, noise ut.; somme mx 'heard' under all that noise
* * * ** * FRI. 28 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0745-0748 EUROPA 24, weak\much atmos; ID and news in G, ID, pop
6239,2 1432-1618 R. MARABU %, \big RTTY 6243; mx, rock, tk in G, 1438 ..Magic Music Box.., 60s pops in G. (2015, 2203: bit of a trace)
6305 a 1521-1523* UNID
6395,7 1534-1624 R. GSV, v.weak\loc.noise,het6400; mx, 1540 ID over anorak medley, jingle, ID+@, mx...
6802,8 1542-1624 UNID, weak\atmos,ut.; D song, C&W in G, 1554 "Video killed..", 1624"Last night.."[cf PINK PANTHER ]
6925,1 1543-1552 UNID, strong; pops, "..signorina"D song, D song, 1552 speeding bpm, noise jamming (see 6940)
6292,0 1555-1604* HITMIX %, e.weak,loc.noise, atmos; mx, 1602 ..Gunter .. bye-bye .., noname c'/d
6304,9 1605-1609 UNID, e.weak, barely heard mx. (1618 gone) [cf ALEX W ]
6266,1 1609-1623 UNID, weak\loc.noise,atmos,etc; Hendrix"The wind cries Mary", Tubular bells, pop-rock [cf ODYNN ]
6245,0 1614-1618 UNID, *under* scratchy spur and RTTY; mx, 1616 tk, Radio - -. [cf AC-DC ? ]
6940,0 1625-1628 UNID, ex 6925?, good-strong \jammed again. rock
6300,0 1628-1631 UNID, e.weak + weak peak, pop. [cf MONTFERLAND ]
6263,4 2120-2202 OZNRH %, e.weak \scratching spur, PLC; mx, quiet jazz, occ. annt (no copy).
* * * * * SAT. 29 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6239,2 0741-0935 R. MARABU, strong \strong RTTY 6243, mx, G songs, tk in G, 0908 ID, mx
6239,2 1406-1700 R. MARABU, mx, tk in G, 1438 ..Magic Music Box.., 1604 ID, 1645 "My sweet lord", 1700 ID
6239,2 2122-2359 R. MARABU %, fair\RTTY, loc.noise,PLC > e.weak; pops, occ. tk no copy, mx..
6205,0 0743-0847 UNID, weak\light mod > quick to e.weak\loc.noise; mx, mx, mx. (0909, 0935 trace) [cf KING SW ]
6325,1 0829-0931 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\fading > v.weak\loc.noise; mx, reggae, 0839 g's, ID
6280,0 0835-0932 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk(no copy), 0848 Kraftwerk"Radioactivity". [cf COSMIC ]
6280,0 1402-1452 COSMIC R., v.weak\loc.noise,bad fading; mx, 1410 ID
9510,0 0915-0921 R. CITY %, strong \fading; pops.
6095,0 0921,1453 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, 0921-0929 C&W, ID, usual ads. 1453 mx, tk, C&W
6210,0 1407-1409 UNID, weak\deep fading,splash,noisy,PLC; mx, pop, then lost [ cf SRG, KUNKHAUS ? ]
7265,0 1414-1445 HLR %, in AM-USB, weak \bad QRM from 7270; in E, "DX Club", contacts, trad. jazz
6306,2 1422-1703 R. JOEY, weak\loc.noise; pops, 1450 ID, g's, 1602 D songs, "La vie en rose" in E
6290,0 1429-1429* UNID, mx, s/off.
6325 V 1600-1708 LLR %, e.weak \quick drifting around, mx, music box signature, tk, 1701 "- - gmail.com"
6290,0 1602-1620 UNID, v.weak; hip-hop, JID no copy, mx, schlager [cf HITMIX ]
6279,9 1621-1644 UNID, e.>v.weak; mx, tk in E over mx ..here on 48 mb.., mx, tk.. [cf ALEX W ]
6289,1 *1627-1707 MAGIC AM, *1628 mx(pop-rock), DJ, 1633 gd ev', "Oh lala", IDs, in D+E+G, g's+@, pops...
6298,0 1650-1706 BLACK BANDIT %, strong, Kampiernikkel(?, = L'Americano), some words in D, D mx, C&W
6379,9 1709-1714 UNID, v.weak\PLC; pops. [cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6300,0 2119-2216 BLACK BANDIT, strong\deep fades > trace; C&W, ID as BANDITO NEGRO, C&W, tk in D, accn
6300,0 2341-2356 B.B.R. RADIO, good-strong; mx, 2351 ID, g's, c'/d, "Marilou" polka, etc... (2359 gone)
3905,0 2325-2332 UNID, some mx, *under* bad new local noise. (still a trace at 2403,2409) [cf CWR ]
3929,9 2338,2404 UNID, some mx, *under* bad new local noise, 2404 tk ..- - dot com.., 2405 end ? [cf BATAVIA ]
* * * * * SUN. 30 NOV. 2014 * * * * *
6239,1 0617-0624 R. MARABU %, e.weak\PLC,loc.noise, 2nd carrier hum(6239,2?); mx, tk, not sure what I heard
6239,1 0802-1139 R. MARABU, good>fair \noise6237a,RTTY6243; pop, rock, 0846 ID, 1035 ID in G
6239,1 1549-2228 R. MARABU, fair-good\RTTY,loc.noise; mx, tk in G, 1704 ID+web \scratching spur; Georgia on my mind, 1744 Jacques Brel "Ne me quitte pas", 1849 whispered ID, 1941 e.weak\atmos,etc...;
6205,0 0803-0803 UNID, v.weak; mx. (0850 gone) [ cf KING SW ]
6305,1 0803-1134 R. MERLIN INT, (alr. 0629?), weak>v.weak\PLC,loc.noise; 0807 ID+hl+@, rock, 11.34 ID
6305,1 1547-1614 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, 1614 Jingle bells (1721 gone)
6280,0 0808-1139 UNID, v.weak\PLC,loc noise; mid-60s pops, GB offshore story. [cf COSMIC ]
6380,0 0811-0837 R. CARRIERWAVE, e.weak\PLC,loc noise; 0811 "Final countdown", 0835 ID, v.gd m'
6200,0 0852-0852 trace under that new local noise [ cf SKYLINE R. GERMANY ]
6095,0 *0900-0952 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, Trucker R., C&W-rock, 1553-1600* Ron O'Quinn "Rewind", c'/d
7310,0 0906-0909 UNID, \loc.noise; "Yellow ribbon", tk in G, more pop. (*not* // 6005) [ cf R. 700 ? ]
7300,05 0910-0913* UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; some jazz, tk (swamped), .. MW & SW.., off [cf ARCADIA ]
7479,5 0917-0929 THUNDERBIRD R., v.weak\loc.noise; mx+tk in G?, 0918 ID, JID, 0923 IDs, mx
7584,9 0929-0936* UNID, good\loc.noise; disco, el.guitar, sudden s/off at 0935'55" [ cf VOTN ]
7600,1 0936-1141 R. WAVES INT, v.weak>good \loc.noise; mx, IDs, C&W, 1141 Michael Jackson
6219,9 0952-1140 UNID, trace\loc.noise; peaking e.weak\loc.noise; at 1036-1042 with mx [ cf QUASAR ? ]
6005,0 0955-1001 R. MI AMIGO(.es), weak\loc.noise,PLC; ID+@, Be my baby, ID+@, Jr ID, Suzy wafels, 1000 in D
7479,9 1021-1032 UNID, \loc.noise; mx, R. - - INT'l, R.Stones"Start me up", \swamped by noise. [cf CWR ]
6324,9 1042-1044* UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, blank, off.
6298,0 1044-1049 UNID, weak(would be good but \loc.noise,PLC; D songs. [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]
6382,0 1602-1605 UNID, tk. [cf ROB 007]
6383,1 1608-1613 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise,atmos; "Peter Gunn, allo-test, ment' R. BAKEN 16, mx [cf INTERSOUND?]
6284,2v 1614-1718 UNID, strong\light mod, atmos,fading; Xmas time mx. Drift to 6283,8 (1722 gone) [cf JINGLE BELLS]
6210,0v 1624-1729* R. UNDERGROUND, good\loc.noise,atmos; DX news, IDs, mx, 1706 on 6210,2. 1724 Bzn 1729 QSY
6382,0 1632-1637 UNID, ment' many stn names, which one is the ID? [ QSO round ]
6382,0 1650-1654* UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; "Lust for life" [ QSO round ]
6305,1 1730-1745 R. UNDERGROUND, ex-6210, \PLC,atmos; "RMI ? OK, we continue", Bzn"I believe in angels", IDs
3905,0 1851-1944 SKYLINE R., \much loc.noise; mx, tk, 1853 ID, C&W, 1922 Bzn, 1944 CCR
6307,0 1925-1941 R. CAROLINE INT, v.>e.weak\loc.noise,etc..; mx, IDs, JIDs, also 2203-2217 (2228 gone)
6284,0 2218-2312 UNID, much tk, some mx, IDs no copy, v.weak \strange audio. [ cf "fake"(?) WMR ]
6295,0 2228-2229 PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak\loc.noise,PLC; tk, ID, then lost
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc...; details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 24 - 30 NOV. 2014
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Re: LOGS : 24 - 30 NOV. 2014
Here is the same, Ray. 43 mb is completely killed by noise now. Even antenna phasing doesn't help. One solution for me: outdoor DX-ing with portables.Ray Lalleu wrote:Bad news here, bad new local noise growing and growing on 48m, worst on 76m