Look for the usual batch of UNIDs (mainly on Week days),
and a few puzzling stations:
- R. UFERLOS: many hours on Tues+Wedn. (not IDed here), maybe again on Thursday
- UNIDs on 6300a on Tuesday ev' and 6219a on Thursday morning (voiceless QSOs ???)
- a "Schweizer" Magic Music Box (via Marabu) on Friday
- is Blackbeard part of a "Free Radio network" ?
* * * * * MON. 23 JUN. 2014 * * * * *
6095,0 0907-0912 TRANSPORT R., v.strong, mx, tk in D, ID+facebook, "Oxygene", football news
7310,0 0918,0945 R. 700 %, mx under very strong Stanag noise
6304,8 1707-1710 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \much atmos,PLC; Video killed the radio star, tk, ID, pop.
4015,0 1928,2105 LHH %, fair\fading,much atmos;mx, tk, ad for OEM, REO Speedwagon.. (morning: 0626*)
6285,0 1934-1957 UNID, \much atmos,sticky PLC; pops, mx,mx... (2004 gone)
6210,0 1944-2322 SW GOLD, v.weak\much atmos; usual dead radio
6950,0 2106-2139 R. BLACKBEARD, strong \atmos; mx, tk, IDs, 2137 hello to Martin Scott
6979,6 2106-2137 UNID, strong \noisy, atmos,hum; psychedelic mx: Purple haze, Send me a postcard, 2129 Dust in the wind - - [cf ROCK R. NETWORK ]
6924,3 2324-2332 UNID, v.weak, mx under too much atmos.
* * * * * TUES. 24 JUN. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 1202-1420 UNID, e.weak \strongPLC; mx, D or G song, pop, occ. tk. - - - - [cf UFERLOS ]
6290,0 1628-2450 UNID, e. > v.weak \PLC,strongPLC, occ.RTTY6284; pop-rock, occ.tk, 2105,2112 in G [cf UFERLOS ]
6305,0 1630-1726 TELSTAR R., fair \PLC; D or G songs,occ.pop, tk, 1630 Casanovas song, 1652 ID over "Soleil soleil", 1709 "Kuku" (koekoe?)
6255,05 1638-1709 UNID, v.weak \PLC, ut.on L-side, later atmos; Elvis and other R&R singers, tk in E (US accent at times)
6305,0 1807-1811 UNID, some R&B-soul, synthe mx, gd ev, HITMIX ?
6205,2 1816-1859* R. NORDSEE INT, e.weak\PLC; Man of action, mx, rock, tk in G, IDs, Postfach..., 1855 in E: QSY 6175
6175,2 *1900-2150* R. NORDSEE INT, v.weak\PLC; Man of action, mx, rock, IDs in G+E, hl in E, soon \hets,hum,atmos
6305,0 1827-1921 RODE ADELAAR, D mx, polka, brass mx, 1915 ID
6285,4 1831-1832 UNID, rock. (1844 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf VOTN ]
6210,0 1845-2326 SW GOLD, v.>e.weak \atmos, pops, IDs
6220,8 1905-1913 UNID, v.weak \atmos,PLC; mx, D or G song - - - - [cf SLUWE VOS ]
6950,0 1922-2100 LASER HOT HITS, strong \noisy,ut.QRM; Martin Scott, mx, IDs 1925 ad FSN, 1942 Abba"Money"
4015,0 1927-2327 LASER HOT HITS, *not* //6950, fair\loc.noise; tk, Laser Int, ment' "Mi Amigo", mx, g's Guernsey
3905,0 1928-1937 UNID, v.weak \strong loc.noise; mx
6325,05 1950-2016 UNID, \atmos,PLC; polka, D songs
6305,85 1956-2046 R. MAZDA, good+peaks \atmos; "Free electric band", IDs, g's in E+D, pop-rock, etc
6239,9 2000-2006 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos,ut bursts around; mx. - - - - - - [cf RONALISA ]
6220,0 2007-2011* UNID, v.weak \atmos,PLC; pop, techno tchacboom, sudden s/off+
6300,4 2017-2035 UNID, \noisy L-side, hets U-side; pops, Magic, If I were a carpenter
6300,15 2046-2122 UNID, \noisy L-side, hets U-side; mx, 2122 "Lady jane"
6299,8 2128-2131 UNID, mx, "Questo paradiso" (title?)
6284,7 2111-2121 UNID, rock, mx. (2132 : same or other?, blank on 6284,9 and s/off) - - - -[cf VOTN ]
6220,0 2123-2146 DEUTSCHE SCHALLPLATTER Sender, mx, 2126 ID+@(.de) no copy, Bzn, 2137 shouted ID, D singer
6322 a 2140-2141* UNID, \atmos, mx.
6315,0 2142-2330 LASER HOT HITS, fair \atmos, mx, tk, IDs
* * * * * WED. 25 JUN. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 0605-0625 UNID, weak +some strong peaks \large fading, gurglin ut.; mx, 0621 blues-rock. (0903 : e.weak\PLC)
6290,0 1857-2450 UNID, v.weak\much PLC, mx, mx... 2137 annt (no copy) - - [cf UFERLOS ]
6280,2 1859-2450 R. MERLIN INT, weak\much PLC, plug for Dr Tim News, hl, ID, mx \China QRM around 22-23
6300,0 2032-2045 BLAUWE PANTER, \het6302,stanag6297a; quiet pops, tk in D, 2035 ID (2058 gone)
6240,0 2037-2145 UNID, e.weak \on-off ut.QRM; instrum mx and D songs. (2211 gone). [cf JAMAICA ]
6210,0 2041-2300 SW GOLD, mx, canned IDs, 2142 ID +@gmail
6204,9 2041-2044 UNID, e.weak; mx, a few words, mx. (2047 gone)
4015,0 2138-2216 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs (ann' 4025 and 6950), tk about Laser 558. 2213 Free electric band
* * * * * THURS. 26 JUN. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 0530-0732 UNID, v.>e.weak \ut U-side, splash L-side, PLC; mx, 0600,0731: email (no copy). (also 1041)
6290,0 1237-1531 UFERLOS ?, e.weak \PLC,few atmos, mx, 1500 in G, ID+@ (not OK), 1528 again, Final countdown
6280,2 0530-0610 R. MERLIN INT, fair > weak \PLC, ut. L-side; mx, 0557 ID+@, reggae, 0610 motorcycle JID
6218,5u 0537-0544 UNID, v.weak \noisy, a few atmos, mx, song in sp.(African style). 0544 long blank
6219 a 0547-0553 UNID, maybe the same station. (0556 gone ?)
6219 a 0620-0625 UNID, e.weak at best time, mx, 0625 tk ?
6300,0 1502-1516 UNID, v.weak \PLC,ut,some atmos; mx, 1516 tk \low mod. (1528 gone) [cf SILVERBACK ]
6280,2 1634-1955 R. MERLIN INT, weak \later strongPLC; rock, tk, IDs. Radar love, Black night, Born to be wild...
6301,7 1638-1703 UNID, e.weak\much PLC, ut.QRM; tk in D, background mx, 1659 in E, ment' DrTim
6205 a 1704-1929 UNID, at least 2 carriers(6205,0 and 6205,2 a), mx, tk??
6205,15 1948-1955 R. NORDSEE INT, better \spitting ut.noise, mx, 1951 ID in G, Man of action, mx QRM ? (2004 gone)
6220,0 1812-1900 R. COLUMBIA %, v.weak\PLC; oldies, 1817,1900 Fox on the run, 1840 typical shouted ID but not OK
6210,0 1835-2252 SW GOLD, mx, mx.. 1837 ID+@
6319,8 1845-1852 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak; mx, JID
6290,0 1934-2138 ODYNN R., good\fading, some atmos; hl+@, g's over "Silver machine", 1941 ID+g's, etc 2111 Doors
4015,0 1957-2126 LASER HOT HITS, tk, IDs, mx, 2125 Dragonslayer, ID, schedule
6306,0 2046-2055* R. UNDERGROUND, strong +peaks, JIDs over mx, 2050 said c'/d, Korean? mx, 2055 blank
6220,0 2057-2253 R. POWERLINER INT, strong\fading, rock, ID, g's in E(+G for DrTim), D mx, pops, IDs+g's...
6940,0 2104-2154 PREMIER R. INT, weak-fair \ut and traffic around; mx, tk, IDs
6322,0 2116-2121* UNID, strong peaks; some techno bpm mx, end. - - [cf AKENZO ]
* * * ** * FRI. 27 JUN. 2014 * * * * *
6305,1 1257-1306 UNID, weak-v.weak \PLC, techno mx, JID over " -- -- -- SW"
6304,8 1319-1715 R. MERLIN INT, weak, mx, tk, IDs, 1319 "San Francisco", 1355 Beach Boys,
6284,8 1307-1353 FOCUS INT, weak \soon strongPLC; rock, IDs. 1309 ID+@+hl+stream
6284,8 1657-2300 FOCUS INT, easy, pops, IDs+hl+..., 1903 Crunchy Gr., Nena"99...", 2251 Moody Blues (2516 still on)
6239,1 1316-1359 MAGIC MUSIC BOX, fair+peaks, strong mod; mx, techno, rock, tk in G, IDs, "Schweizer"
6239,1 1359-1641 either MAGIC MUSIC BOX or R. MARABU, mx, tk in G
6239,1 1658-2301 R. MARABU, strong; 1658 whispered ID, "The swinging 60s", 1844 Nonstop Marabu mit Marcel Feuchard, mx, mx, occ. tk in G. (2516 still going strong)
6210,0 1641-2300 SW GOLD, e.weak > weak; mx,mx, canned IDs (2518 still on)
6321,0 1644-1725 R. TELSTAR INT, fair \PLC; Osaka song, tk in D about R.Osaka, ID, 1715 Veronica song
6915,0 1702-1713 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; tk over "Boys boys boys", 1711 "If you be my girl" (1724 gone)
6746,9 1717-1851 UNID, weak-fair+occ.peak \PLC,atmos; D songs, mx, mx... - - [cf PIONEER ]
6220,0 1716-1727 UNID, e.weak; email incl' "studio", mx, g's, D/G song, Red River rock, Bzn [cf HITMIX ]
6220,5 1836-2300 R. TANGO ITALIA, tango, IDs at 1844 and 2202.
4015,0 1853-2228 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy at first; mx, g's to Guernsey, ID+@, 2223 long tk by M+W
6400,0 1908-1931 UNID, strong; Crunchy Granola, club mx, quiet mx, 1927 Hocus pocus, 1931 tk (no copy)
6319,9 1933-1936 UNID, v.weak \atmos,sticky PLC; mx, maybe P4P?, mx. - - [cf CAROLINE INT ]
6320,0 2155-2332 R. BLACK BANDIT, good-strong, excellent mod ); "Please don't listen to this station"! accordion, tk to Artem (with ID: BANDITO NEGRO), Rosalinda, C&W, 2206 messing, 2208 ventriloquist?, C&W, 2234 ann' 800W, 2256 D songs, "BBR Radio", etc (0114 still on)
* * * * * SAT. 28 JUN. 2014 * * * * *
6284,8 0743-0845 FOCUS INT, fair-good, pop-rock, tk, IDs
6284,8 1050-1250 FOCUS INT, weak-good \PLC, rock, tk, IDs
6284,8 1756-2251 FOCUS INT, easy, mx, 1838 ment' Flying Dutchman, 1847 ID+@+hl, mx, mx
6239,1 0745-0845 R. MARABU, faor-good, D mx, 0803 Rammstein?, 0807 tk in G, ID
6239,1 1054,1242 R. MARABU %, 1054: weak \fading; mx, 1242-1249: faiir-good; alternative mx
6239,1 1755-2250 R. MARABU, good, 1755 ID, pops, 2008 some tk, 2023 "Shaft"
7310,0 0748-0810 R. 700 %, flattened by strong Stanag noise on 7309-7310
7265,0 0749-0755 HAMBURGER LOKAL R. % UNID, fair \fading, in AM-USB, comique troupier en allemand (=trooper comic -just like French Ouvrard, but in G), tk in G, cabaret singer. (Later: D tk on 6190 AM-USB)
6205,0 0759-0846 UNID, e.weak\PLC,ut.noise; mx. - - - - - - [cf KING SW ]
6095,0 *0800-0845 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, "time to warm up the tubes", it's Rosko's "Coast to coast country"
6095,0 1257-1300 MIGHTY KBC, strong \deep fade; "Rock'n roll saturday"
9510,0 0812-0824 R. CITY, v.strong \odd fades, so-so mod, a bit muffled; Beatles, Elvis, ID, soul, Alan Freed story, R&R
6802,8 1056,1240 UNID, e.weak, mx, 1240-1302 peaks, D mx. (+ 1814 \RTTY, 1902-1905 v.weak\atmos) [cf PINK P. ]
6210,0 1244-1249 UNID, e.weak \PLC,more loc.noise; mx (1303 gone)
6210,0 1752-2250 SW GOLD, v.weak \atmos,PLC, mx, mx, 1842,1845 IDs
6320,05 1757-1821 UNID, e.weak \much atmos; mx, mx, 1817 D? song, 1821 tk over a waltz (1829 gone)
6305,2 1829-1859 KLABAUTERMAN, e.weak\atmos; 1832 brass mx, 1850 ID, D mx.. Birdie song, muffled IDs, g's
6295,7 1836-1857 UNID, fair > e.weak \atmos,ut.; yodl, 80s club, blanks, D song. - - - - - - [cf AKENZO ]
6325,0 1907-2121 BOGUSMAN Experience, strong \atmos, mx, IDs, tk: Bletchley Park, Enigma, 1913 Ladbrook
6305,8 1915-2252 Z. AKENZO, good\atmos, D mix of mx, 2003 Maybe tomorrow, 2005 ID, g's, 2135 Kiss
4015,0 2010-2013 UNID, weak\noisy, tk: Radio One FM, with jingle and main FM frequencies, 2013 rock [cf LHH ]
6400,1 2004-2038 R. PYTHON, ID+@, mx, tnx rpts, ID+@, mx.. 2029 ID, 20W carrier, etc
6449,9 2038-2046 UNID, e.weak \much atmos, tk, then polka, song - - - - - - [cf RONALISA ]
6915,0 2048-2104* PREMIER R. INT, weak\atmos, mx, 2054 ID, 2103 Man of action, gd night
6950,0 2058-2120 LITTLE FEAT R., pops, IDs, comic, 2116 For your love, ID, Beach Boys"Do it again"
6735 u 2106-2115 COOL AM R., e.weak \noisy,atmos; accordion, tk? or QRM??, 2114 ID, \QRM letters stn 6739u
6205,0 2123-2143 PAARDEKRACHT, good; var. mx, 2132 ID, 2141 ment' R.Sacramento ??
6320,7 2253-2255 UNID, JM.Jarre mx, then D song. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf UNDERGROUND ]
* * * * * SUN. 29 JUN. 2014 * * * * *
6205,0 0700-0842 UNID, weak>e.weak\noisy, F fishers on 6200u; mx. - - [cf KING SW ]
6209,85 0700-0840 UNID, e.weak\noisy, mx, 0704 Hurrah holidays, 0754 Ring my bell, 0840 Lucky number. (cf PAARD.]
6239,1 0700-0923 R. MARABU, strong>good\loc.noise; mx, 0746 Rammstein, tk in G, ID, mx... (also 1239,1425)
6239,1 1603-2005 R. MARABU, up to strong \noisy, 1603 mx, tk in G, ID in E.
6284,8 0700-0922 FOCUS INT, \loc.noise; mx,Nena"99...", 0748,0922 IDs. Also 1236,1425 mx and IDs
6284,8 1602-2215 FOCUS INT, up to strong (\China QRM after 21); 1904 Nena"99.., pops, 2136,2215 IDs (also 2417)
6299,9 0819-0839 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx barely heard
6095,0 0844-0844 MIGHTY KBC %, v.strong, C&W
7300,1 0845-0853 U-BOAT 66 %, e.weak\loc.noise, mx, quiet pop, tk, typ. sonar-like sound
7327,0 0854-0902 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise, mx, 0902 tk, W singer - -[ cf MYSTERO GHOST PLANET ]
7327 L 0904-0919 R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, tk, mx, "somebody to love", Suzanne, 0915 ID, 0919 bye-bye
6210,0 1604-2217 SW GOLD, e.weak\loc.noise > weak\PLC,atmos; mx, IDs (also 2418 mx, ID)
6290,8 1824-1903 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, e.weak \squeezed by splashes; mx, 1836 ID
6305,0 1838-1846 R. PLUTO ?, good\fading, atmos, 2nd stn QRM ?; IDs not quite OK, mx, "I feel love" (1851 gone)
4015,0 1853-2050 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > f' up, mx, tk, 1901 ID, ann' 6950 and "4-Oh-1-something", 2050 ID+@
6980,5v 1848-2120 ROCK R. NETWORK ?, strong, drifting; pop, rock, Hocus pocus, Heart of gold, 2031 "- - Network"
6315,05 1951-2048 UNID, fair >e.weak\noisy; mx, 2000 robot JID(=?), synthe mx [cf F.R. NETWORK? BLACKBEARD ? ]
6950,1 2024-2110* LITTLE FEAT R., fair\fades, mx, Get it on, 2034 gd ev' ID, 2110 ID
6960,0 2024-2039 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak-fair \atmos, mx, 2038 ID, tk
6306,7 2040-2132 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, tk, IDs+@, JID, bugles mx, ment' R.Activity, Summer Meeting
6970,0 2101-2112 UNID, e.weak\atmos,splashs; barely heard tk, maybe from Asia
6930,0 2105-2110 UNID, weak\atmos; mx, techno mx - - - - [cf BLACKBEARD ]
6930,0 2117-2122 UNID, strong,clear, synthe mx
6321,3 2124-2131 UNID, e.weak\atmos,PLC; mx, maybe updrifting, but lost at 2131
6220,0 2139,2216 UNID, 2139 fair\atmos; mx, hiphop, 2216 v.weak\atmos, mx. - - - -[cf HITMIX ]
6316,0 2141-2233 R. DR TIM ?, \atmos,PLC; mx, tk, ment' R-Adelaar? Sylvester?, "R.DrTim" many times, "low power", 'piraten' songs, D songs, 2211 Hier ist Dr Tim, SM2014, accordion...
6320,0 2412-2423 BLACK BANDIT, strong+peaks; mx, typ. voice, "Radio Bandito", 2421 mod good enough to hear bad sound from the record (W singer in E)
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 23 - 29 JUN. 2014
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 21:52 pm
- Location: Bogatynia/Polish-Germ.-Czech border
Re: LOGS : 23 - 29 JUN. 2014
Hi Ray,
thanks a lot for such 2 logs of us there!
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.
thanks a lot for such 2 logs of us there!
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.