LOGS : 26 MAY - 01 JUNE 2014

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 26 MAY - 01 JUNE 2014

Post by Ray Lalleu »

One more late log. As usual carefully checked with the help of the European logs available on Internet (thanks to all). All the IDs like " [cf STATION NAME ] " at line ends are IDs from those logs (only a few ones are dubious, mainly because it's not quite clear from details -or lack of details- if it was the same station).

All tips not found elsewhere (or not well identified anywhere, quite rare) are in green. Often they are only poor signals, or short tests, or the station breaks or QSY for some reason. Look to the time span and details to see if it was something of interest. A puzzling one: some RADIO 504 (?) on Wednesday. Also signals on 6771,5 early on Sat. and Sun. (maybe some odd station from the Americas?).

The strong and long transmissions on the WE were from Focus International, Radio Tower, Tip & Elvis Show. Also Rock Radio Network (but has no presenters, and very very few IDs).

* * * * * MON. 26 MAY 2014 * * * * * GB holiday

6300 a 0843-0854 UNID, v.weak \wobbling,PLC, instrum"Plaisir d'amour", pops, > f'/out

6308,0 1555-1812 XTC, v.weak \noisy,PLC,weak voice, list of SW pirates from UK, pop-rock, IDs1616,1701,1805

6280,2 1606-1706 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \PLC, Gimme some loving, IDs, T.Turner, Hang on Sloopy, Ferry cross the Mersey, Leader of the pack, more pops and IDs

6295,6 1910-2014 R. UNDERGROUND, good\fading, mx, tk, JIDs, 1939 mx from Asia

6279,95 1912-1914* UNID, v.weak \atmos, D instrum, "allo" and s/off [ cf UNID ]

6305,0 1917-2100 BOGUSMAN, tk: "No more heroes" LP, Mrs Thatcher, rpts, long mailbag with mx, 2018 ann' Hidden Cameras track, about 90 min programme in a loop

6218,0v 1915-2300 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks, wobbling, drifting up to 6218,9 - some mx barely heard

6284,95 1931-2026 RODE ADELAAR, D mx (accordion, waltz, instrum mx, brass mx, polka), 2024 messing ?

4025,0 1946-1950 LASER HOT HITS, \light mod,noisy. mx, tk, "Laser"

6240,0 1952-1959 R. BATAVIA, at first low mod with 'russian' mx, 1954 normal mod, rock, 1956 ID. (to 6325)
6325,0 1959-2002 R. BATAVIA, ex-6240, rock, ID over, \strong RTTY on 6328, sudden off again (to 6265 ?)
6265,0 2004-2005 R. BATAVIA %, mx, allo allo, tk, France Gall "Poupée de cire" (2011 gone)
6240,0 2012-2043* R. BATAVIA, IDs and mx, 2042 last ID with seagulls

6255,05 2003-2058 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical Golden Boys sound, I saw her standing there, 2011 ID, 2038 Telstar, 2047 clip from RNI, story, etc

6935,0 2029-2036 UNID, weak \atmos,traffic on 6930L,occ. 'helico' ut. mx. (2049 gone)

6279,9 2051-2055 UNID, Knock on wood, 2055 Don't come easy, messing with mod level ? (2059 gone)

* * * * * TUES. 27 MAY 2014 * * * * *

6305,0 1752-1856* R. ALTREX, v.weak \bad fading,PLC,noisy, mx, 1815 live ID

6295,0 1754-1853* R. TELSTAR, rock, 1805 ID, pops, now strong peaks, 1845 ID

6210,0 1755, 1808 SW GOLD, 1807 weak\PLC, atmos, mx, canned ID

6325,0 1854-1915 R. PYTHON, \atmos,ut on upside, Dragonslayer?, tk (no copy), 1914 tk before QSY
6319,9 1915-1931 R. PYTHON, ex-6325, now much clearer, mx, tk and IDs in E. (1941 gone)

6297,0 1857-2010* HITMIX, v.weak \noisy,atmos, mx, 1911 Roll over Beethoven, pops, tk, 1935 already bye-bye IDs, mx, Bzn, 1959 "This free radio stn now c'/d", blank, few words in G, more mx, 2007 "Eine cigarette", bit of anthem.

6290,0 1900-1900* UNID, lsat seconds of mx, and s/off

6279,9 1901-1905 UNID, weak \atmos, mx, Rocking all over the world. (1910 gone)

6285,0 1905-1910 UNID, v.weak \atmos, mx, instrum C&W, pop. (1914 gone)

6285,0 1942-2050* UNID, v.weak\atmos,occ.PLC, mx, 1955 Apache, 2028 ID no copy, I saw her standing there(reprise), 2034 tk(v.bad mike), 2042 Proud Mary, D song, 2050 sudden s/off.

4025,0 2052-2144 LASER HOT HITS, good \atmos, crooner:"Once upon a time", 2143 IDs

6295,0 2055-2111 LITTLE FEAT R., pop, ID, short test, 2109 "last track". (2114 gone)

6279,9 2104-2104* UNID, mx, end.

6324,9 2104-2114* UNID, pops, D song, tk in D? klein test, 2112 "I'm a train", ID over (no copy), end

6325,0 2116-2126 UNID, e.weak \ut on upside, tk, polka,"I'm a train" too, allo, rpt (ment' Little Feat ??)

6325,0 2133-2135* UNID, tk, bit of mx, and end.

* * * * * WED. 28 MAY 2014 * * * * *

6289,9 0837-0840 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak \PLC, D mx, ID

6295,0 1500-1513 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, techno bpm. [cf BLACKBEARD ]

6280,0 1506-1513 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, known voice (every few seconds, over the music)

6746,9 1515-1515 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC [cf PIONEER ]

6290,0 1745-1811 R. TELSTAR, fair+strong mod, tk+ID over long D song, later euro or D songs.

6305,0 1752-1905 RODE ADELAAR, weak +peaks, pops and IDs, She's a lady, Unchain my heart.. later D mx.

6240,1 1755-1756 UNID, v.weak, polka, D song [cf RONALISA ]

6220,5 1757-1757 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak, mx from Argentina?
6205,5 1819-2325 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, tango...

6300,0 1758-1930 UNID, \noisy mod, wobbling, splashing, All by myself, Logical song, self jamming. [cf POWER AM ]

6295,6 1808-2159 R. JOEY, v.weak, D songs, Zanzibar, 1859 ID, var mx, 1946,2012 IDs, 2147 Hair remix

6215,0 1813-2110 UNID, e.weak > weak, pops, 1849 Birdie song, 1913 Mony Mony, mx, mx...

6285,0 1823-1846 UNID, D or G songs, also Bowie ? (1846 gone). [cf TELSTAR ]

6286,6 1846-2327 UNID, trace, 2125 peaking: e.weak \atmos.

6285,0 1922-2012 NMD R., fair\atmos > strong, het from 6286,6 - Twist again, Judy in disguise, Corina Corina, 1930 ID+@, Do wah Diddy, 1946 ID, rock, R&R, D-like instrum.

4025,0 1938-1945 LASER HOT HITS, good \some atmos, mx, comment about E. UKR ?, Mike Andrews, ID, mx...

6305,0 1957-2112* CUPID R., v.strong\fading, ID+@, mx, rpts, mx, IDs, audio AGC problem, 2111 c'/d ID

6285,0 2046-2051 R. PYTHON ?, v.weak\atmos, mx, ID+@ (many times, none quite OK), mx.

6300,0 2057-2124* UNID, v.weak \squeezed, Just an ilusion, D song, G synthe, Blondie, D mx, sudden s/off

6305,0 2118-,2122 UNID, e.weak \atmos, drowned in splashes
6309,9 2119-2122* CUPID R., v.strong, rep. to Unid6305, request to QSY on 6310, s/off at 2121'51"
6310,0 2123-2123* UNID, v.strong mx, break

6305,05 2128-2154 PYTHON R., (ex-6300??), fair, mx, mx, 2143 ID+@, mx. (2154 gone)

6316,0 2138-2154 UNID, accordion, tuba, and laugh in a loop, 2151 yodl. (2213 gone)

6265,1 2202-2250 R. NORA, strong \hum at TX, mx, IDs, g's, tnx Little feat, 2207 Green fields, rock, v.strong peaks, IDs, 2220 ID+@, Georgie Fame"Get away", 2235 "A little bit me a little bit you", more mid-60s pops

6290,0 2224-2333 R. B504 ???, e.weak, accordion, gute abend.., hl, mx, low power .. SW .. dot-com, 2328 Radio Zender -- -- dot-com, Radio504 (at hotmail.com) (several times), mx (2337 gone)

* * * * * THURS. 29 MAY 2014 * * * * *

6305,0 0704-0707 UNID, mx, tk: ..on SW, music radio", mx [cf PLUTO ]

6325,0 1430-1521* UNID, v.-e.weak \PLC, D sonfs and accordion. 1521 sudden s/off. [cf NORTON ]

6300,0 1433-1437 UNID, e.weak, mx (D mx ?), then lost

6295,0 1438-1442 UNID, mx, D songs. [ cf CASANOVA ? ]

6245,0 1442-1457 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC, mx, tk (ID+@ ??), mx. (1516 gone) [cf AC-DC ]

6300,0 1505-1604 R. VENDOR, e.weak > good peaks, mx, D mx, pops, tk, IDs. 1528 Fox on the run (1624 gone)

6450,1 1538-1706 UNID, e.>v.weak, mx. (1718 gone). [cf STUDIO 52 ]
6425,0 1718-1945 STUDIO 52, v.weak, mx, 1721 live ID, g's to DrTim..., pops, D mx too

6290,05 1605-1726 UNID, v.weak, mx, oldies, ID in E+D (no copy), 1607 Peter Gunn, 1623 Ha ha said the clown, Stray Cats, 1636 Bye bye love, 1655 Paint it black, D song, Get back, 1702 "...6-2-9-zero", Mr Tambourineman, 1707 All you need is love, 1711 Bzn, 1724 Hello Josephine. And IDs still no copy ! [cf RONALISA ]

6300,0 1630-1703 R. TELSTAR INT, v.weak\PLC > good, D mx. 1631 Wir sind die Casanovas, ID in D, accordion

6210,8 1638-1646 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk? but f/out
6210,2 1714-1728 UNID, e.weak, Ring of fire, more mx
6210,8 1817-1853 UNID, v.weak, mx, pops, \splash from 6205

6279,9 1648-1727 UNID, drift to 6279,3 \stanag on 6275a, e.weak, mx (1727 v.hard, maybe quick back QSY?)

6205,2 1817-1918 R. NORDSEE INT, fair \stanag bursts, pops, tk in E+G, 1819 hl+ID, 1849 ID+Postfach

6290,0 1827-2115 R. ODYNN, fair \fading,atmos, Elvis, 1828 ID+hl+@, Ring of fire, 1840 Nutbush..., 1856 ID+hl+@, 1936 Wind of change, 1946 Sugar baby love, 2048 Santana \ut.QRM, 2051 J.Cash

6298,7 1909-2053* UNID, pops, rock, native E tk, 1933 ment' Underground, box of crystals, Merlin... 2052 ID?? [cf XTC ]

6400,0 1924-1945 UNID, weak-fair \PLC, pops, 1930 song w. G lyrics, 1944 Stranglers "No more heroes".

4025,0 1948-2112 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy > clear\fading, 1948 Falling in love with you (reprise), mx, tk(Eurovision song contest), Laser

6320,0 2053-2058 UNID, D mx, then synthe-pop with on/off audio (2105 gone)

6384,9 2058-2108 R. MAZDA, good +peaks, Woundered Knee, ID+@ in E(+D?), accordion, D mx.

* * * ** * FRI. 30 MAY 2014 * * * * *

6771,4 0220-0303 UNID, v.-e.weak \PLC, some traffic, occ. stanag on low side, 0220 duo tk, 0226 singing, 0208 ..short wave, Radio.. , tk, then lot of deep fades, 0300 tk, PO Box..., Jr? voice, 0303 W voice. (idea : PLUTO ??)

6284,9 1458-1633* UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, long blanks (or undermod??).

6300,5 1501-1504 UNID, v.weak\PLC, traffic, mx, some D song, QSY at 1504'50" to 6305,9
6305,9 1505-1506 UNID, ex 6300,5 same track, then W songer ith "Istanbul"(title ?)

6290,0 1510-1523 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC, mx, singer on stage, tk (op or singer??)

6240,0 1525-1700 R. EXPERIENCE, e.weak\loc.noise > good, pops, 1558 ID, Time after time, Reggae night, medley, ..

6205,8 1535-1538 UNID, e.weak, mx under noise

6300,4 1545-1546 UNID, v.weak, mx

6295,7 1547-1554 UNID, e;/v.weak, pops, 1553 \het, 1554 all gone

6255,0 1557-1557* UNID, last seconds of mx

6295,0 1600-1631 UNID, e.weak, D songs, tk in D, 1613 ID no copy, 1614 " -- -- Radio, the NL", not "Horst Wessel Lied" but alike, 1616 " - - - Int, the NL", 1625 brass mx, etc. [cf VERONA ]

6305,0 1618-1625 UNID, trace>e.weak \noisy, mx. [cf HITMIX ]

6250,05 1634-1647 UNID, e.>v.weak, pops, g's to Germany, UK, bye-bye, 1644 Boys boys boys, Goldfinger [cf B.A.]

6290, 0 1645-1701 UNID, e.weak, rock, 1654 W voice, instrum, 1655 ID no copy, later \strong PLC. [cf HITMIX ]

6315,8 1816-1836 UNID, fair\atmos,PLC, mx, D songs, 1826 tk of c/d (1858 gone) [cf SEAT ]

6305,0 1818-1830 UNID, weak \atmos,PLC, Judy in disguise, D? pop, Baby come back, mx [cf ALTREX ]

6289,95 1821-1823 RODE ADELAAR, accordion, ID+@, tk in D, brass mx. (1837 gone)

6240,0 1824-2034 R. EXPERIENCE, good\atmos, 1857 Billie Jean, 1912 DMR"Geno, 1927 ID+@, Police, pops

6205,5 1838-2325 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango

6285,0 1840-1916 BLACK ARROW, mx, ID, hello KcMark, hello Alexander, Black betty, mx (1929 gone)

6910,0 1901-1903 PREMIER? R. INT, \squeezed(stanags), pop-rock, ID+@yahoo, not quite OK (1936 gone)

6305,9 1905-1907 UNID, weak \atmos, D or G song, QSY to 6306,5 [cf VERONA ]
6306,5 1907-1950 UNID, D songs (incl' sirtaki, italian-like, waltz...) [cf VERONA ]

6295,75 1911-1923 UNID, v.weak, Kio son of mexico, mx, tk(no copy), tk over Walk don't run. [cf R. SEAT ]

6980,8 1930-2300 ROCK R. NETWORK, good>strong, mx, rock at last, 2256 all savings of IDs...

3905,0 1947-2334 UNID, good\ some atmos, accordion, pops, 2236 Red red wine [cf SKYLINE INT ]

4025,0 1949-2333 LASER HOT HITS, good+peaks\fading, mx, 2016 tk, ID+@, ann' cold wave mx

6260,0 1952-1955 UNID, greek mx, 1954 "Bonjour" (in F, then in other language), more greek mx

6305,5 1956-2032 R. VERONA ?, slow down the IDs and don't mix with g's to other stations!

6930,0 2024-2031 PREMIER R. INT, weak \traffic 6930L > fair, mx, JID, synthe, ID, g's, ..bank holiday WE

6300,0 2232-2335 POWERLINER INT, also as P.R. Radio, good\fading, mx, oldies, g's, 2322 with R. KGB (?)

6260,0 2233--2245 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, strong, polka, pop-rock, rock, ID

6930,0 2246-2303 UNID, fair \muffled, "Rock 'n roll music", oldies [cf TRX ]

6950,0 2249-2302 UNID, good+strong peaks, pops [cf BLACKBEARD ]

3920,6 2328-2330* UNID, e.weak, "Ma Butterfly" (in French), and end.

* * * * * SAT. 31 MAY 2014 * * * * *

6771,5 0600-0625 UNID, e.weak \stanag on 6768, tk, mx, tk, mx... f'/down \PLC

6095,0 0805-0815 KBC, v.strong, E.Rosko's Cost to coast country. Also 1205-1207 \fading, mx, ID+JID

6205,1 0816-0840 UNID, e.weak\PLC, tk, mx, mx..

6190,0 0818-0837 HAMBURG LOKALE R. %, weak-clear in AM-USB, blues, long tk in G

6200,0 0838-0841* UNID, e.weak \noise on 6197, mx, s/off at 0841'25"

6284,95 1037-1037* UNID, folk mx, s/off (maybe Focus ?, was a QRM for 6290 below)

6290,0 1038-1305 RODE ADELAAR ?, e.weak \odd fades,PLC, mx, then D mx, 1232 ID not quite OK, mx, D mx

6284,9 *1041-1305 FOCUS INT, fair+peaks > v.weak, mx, IDs
6284,9 1728-2341 FOCUS INT, pops, 1921 "Boys boys boys", 2122 JID

6304,95 1046-1054 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk (no copy), 1054 end ?

6300,0 1233-1247 UNID, e.weak, mx, soon f'/down to a trace

6220,0 1725-2238 TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong > v.strong, pops, 1837 "We are the children of the night", 1923 Born to be wild, 1952 G.Thorogood"Bad to the bone", 1956 ID, Paranoid, more rock, 2055 KISS, 2141 ID, 2234 g's to USA, Rolling Stones"Jumping Jack flash"

6255,0 1727-2055 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak > good \occ. ut.QRM, mx, tk, clips, 1922 ID, 1945 Nena"99...", 1951 ID

6295,1 1728-1728 UNID, v.weak, "La ballade des gens heureux"

6725,1 1730-2110 R. TOWER, f'/up to v.strong, Jr D singer, 1733 ID, 1849 Loop di la, ID, 1914 Barracuda, on 6725,0 now, 1932 g's to Gino, ID, etc.. 2103 c'/d, ID+@home.nl, more tracks

6925,0 1735-1910* UNID, weak \odd fair peaks, pops, 1901 "..have a gd night", 1905 some C&W. [cf QRP ]

6955 L 1736-1736 R. PLUTO(?) SW, D ot G pop in LSB, ID not quite OK, mx.

6322,0 1738-1935 R. VERONA, v.weak\PLC, D mx, 1843 ID, 1919 polka (1945 gone)

6314,9 1819-1950 UNID, weak, D songs, 1946 "Let me go home"(reprise) [cf NORTON ]

6300,05 1828,1845 UNID, 1828: accordion, polka. 1845: D song (1920 gone) [cf JOEY ?, KLABAUTERMAN ? ]

6205,1 1838-1843 UNID, e.>v.weak, pops [cf KING SW ]

6450,0 1846-1848 UNID, "funny" singer (in G?), Driver's seat. (1915 gone)

6950,0 1856-1912 UNID, v.weak\noisy,traffic(it?), mx, 1900 Video killed the radio star, pops. (1934 gone) [cf PREMIER ]

6205,1 1927-2057 R. NORDSEE INT, pops, 1928 IDs (Switzerland), hl in E, 1952 ID+POB+hl in G, tk, 2057 ID

6300,0 1935-1946* UNID, good\PLC, Dust in the wind, pops, "DJ Paul - -" , c'd again to watch football [cf KLABAUT. ? ]

6295,5 2017-2053 UNID, pops in G, pop, 2052 Apache (2121 gone) [cf LOWLAND ]

3904,9 2023-2136 UNID, strong \fading, pops, D? rock, nonstop mx. [cf ALICE ]

4025,0 2024-2136 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading, pop-rock, DJ duo, 2027 ID

6319,9 2033-2137 UNID, \ut on low side, D songs, 2114 "Isabella" [2210 gone).

6304,9 2035-2139 UNID, v. weak, D songs, tk at times, f'/down, 2139 end ?

6430,0 2143-2221 R. POWERLINER INT, strong, D pops, 2207 IDs in D+E, g's, 2209 Bzn

6950,0 2145-2203 PREMIER R. INT, weak, tk, Walk like an Egyptian, 2151 ID, mx.

6940,05 2147-2229 LITTLE FEAT AM, IDs+@, g's, tnx in F, 2154 ID+@, Route 66, They're coming to take me away ah ah, 2159 Troggs "Wild thing", 2223 On the road again

6305,1 2210-2220 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, ID, tnx UKdxer rpt, techno, 2220 tnx MrPanda rpt
6305,5 2239-2242 UNID, mx, mx
6306,4 2336-2340 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, ID+@, Bzn (2343 gone)

6294,8 2212-2238 UNID, mx, mx, drift to 6294,6

6295,4 2338-2345 V. OF THE NL, mx, mx, 2344 ID

* * * * * SUN. 01 JUN. 2014 * * * * *

6771,5 0506-0541 UNID, e.weak \stanag on 6667,PLC, long tk, bits of mx

6940,0 0517-0547 UNID, e.weak \bad fading,occ.traffic,loc.noise, mx, tk in E (no copy) [cf XFM, widely heard in USA ]

6284,8 0534-0733 FOCUS INT, fair-clear +peaks, pops, 0535 ID+hl+@+web
6284,8 0819-1334 FOCUS INT, weak\fading > e.weak, 0838 Blondie, ID+web, "Get it on", mx, IDs, 1255 Dire Straits
6284,8 1542-2156 FOCUS INT, fair > good, rock, IDs, 2118 Middle-Ages cartoon mx?, Don't bring me down

6300,0 0721-0805 R. WALDMEISTER, weak\strong PLC, mx, tk, (IDs), 0751 She's not there, Man of action, 0803 clear ID

6205,0 0735-0924 UNID, e.weak\strong PLC,scratching noise. Barely heard mx [cf KING SW ]

6325 L 0806-0830 R. PLUTO w. COOL AM R. and ??, e.weak, Beatles, S.Davis Gr., 0823 ID, "Downtown", 48 crash

6300,2v 0830-0931 Z. VERONA, weak, f'/down, songs in G, mushy ID, drifting around > 6300,4 ment' Casanova

6095,0 0900-0900 KBC %, v.v.strong, tk, C&W

6060,0 0902-0906* RFB, v.weak \PLC, some sp. hip-hop~, 0905 canned ID in E, then end

6290 ? 0912-0914 UNID, mx, then break [cf SCOTLAND on 6292 ]

6325,0 0928-1025 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, IDs?(no copy), 0949 CCR"Down on the corner. [cf QUINTUS ]

6246,25 1018-1024 trace (with mod), and lost

6265,0 1214-1222 UNID, trace, trace of mx at best, lost.

7450,0 1239-1701 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \occ.dropout, 1239 Tom-Tom Club"Wordy rapinghood", IDs, mx, 1554 ID, ads for FSN,OEM, ID+hl+@, Gary Drew, 1659 QRM from BBC7445, 1700 then maybe China in ru, still Laser ID

6305,0 1531-1551 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak, mx, ID, tk, C&W, etc

6300,4 1535-1550 UNID, v.weak, mx (1612 gone) [cf UNID ]

6305,8 1605-2020 UNID, e.-v.weak, techno & pops, then 1717 C&W and D songs, 2019 Final countdown [cf JOEY ]

6325,0 1702-1716 TELSTAR R., fair, bits of mx 1708 allo-een-twe, 1713 ID, "Bend me shape me", pop

6322,0 1703-1717 UNID, v.weak \QRM from 6325, mx, 1709 Wind of change ?, pop, then drowned

6266,0 1720-1720 carrier [cf ONDA CALIENTE ]

6210,0 1720-1727 UNID, rock [cf UNID ]

6322,0 1815-1842* UNID, strong \RTTY, Man of action, D humor, D songs, 1842 tk, bye-bye. [cf TELSTAR ]

6299,85 1821-1834 UNID, good\fading, pops, "one-two-three" tests (Underground??), Last night a DJ... (1839 gone)

6240,0 1827-2136 R. FOXFIRE, fair-good\fading, some messing, mx, 1900 ID, pops, rock, Sweets for my sweet

6300,0 *1839-1925 UNID, messing with mx parts (incl' D songs), blanks, test annts [cf UNID ]

6254,9 1845-2022 R. MERLIN INT, good \fading,stanag QRM, mx, "engineering test", ID, mx, 2021 hum, ID

6205,0 1854-1858 Z. VERONA, v.weak \ut.QRM, pops, allo, IDs, D? song.

6220,5 1859-2126 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (after blank carrier 1827-1854)

6321,9 1916-1924 UNID, e.weak, accordion, g's to many D stns, (ID among g's?), messing. [cf VERONA ]

6985,6 1931-2005 UNID, good-strong\fading,some QRM,hu. rock, pop. [ cf ROCK R. NETWORK ? ]

6960,0 1938-2002* PREMIER R. INT, Owimbowee, ID, pops, IDs, Eurovision, 2000 Man of action, c'/d

6949,9 1943-2146 R. COAX, e.weak \atmos, occ.traffic, mx, many IDs(no copy), 1953 ID+@, mx

6799 L 2006-2017* R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, \stanag splash, pops, tk, B.Dylan, g's, 2015 ID in it.+F

6210,5 2025-2026 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, hl+ID+@, mx

6325,0 2027-2029* UNID, mx, s/off

6305,0 2112-2117 weak\noisy,atmos, mx, Walk don't run

6205,1 2127-2127 UNID, mx,mx. (2137 gone) [cf RNI ]

6265,0 2129-2204 LASER HOT HITS, good, mx, "UK bank holiday", tk, Laser Int, etc (*not* // to 4025)

4025,0 2133-2133 UNID, not // to 6265, mx, strange signal, noisy

6960,0 2143-2152 LITTLE FEAT R., pops, "Mustang Sally", tk, Yardbirds, ID, g's, pops (2159 gone)

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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