Wonderful Christmas time on shortwave !
Monday 23rd December
1417 6305 45434 Radio Marabu
1423 6325 35433 Radio Norton
1447 6285 43443 Focus International
1510 6985 44534 Unid
1519 6210 35433 Telstar Radio
Tuesday 24th December
0814 6285 44434 Focus International
0837 6200 34433 Crazy Wave Radio
0840 7480 45433 Crazy Wave Radio - // 6200 kHz
0846 6255 35422 Radio Merlin Int.
0853 6305 45433 Radio Marabu
1419 6299 45433 Magic AM
Wednesday 25th December - Christmas
0916 6255 25422 Radio Merlin Int.
0924 6245 24422 Radio Ronex
0935 6210 45433 Radio Luxemburg
0953 6295 45444 Radio Mistletoe
1007 6285 45444 Focus International
1014 6305 35433 Radio Marabu
1024 6910 34433 Premier Radio International
1047 6295 35433 Radio Verona
1717 4029 45333 Laser Hot Hits
Thursday 26th December
0913 6210 55545 Tip and Elvis Show
0935 6285 45444 Focus International
1018 6305 45444 Radio Marabu
1029 6380 34433 Shortwave Combination Holland
1103 6450 34433 Trans Universe Radio - 1113 : end
1116 6242 34433 Telstar Radio
1133 5825 35433 Radio Tower
1145 6747 35433 Radio Pink Panther
1354 6325 35433 Radio Quintus
1528 6291 44433 Odynn Radio
1538 6310 44444 Radio Telstar South
1644 4026 42442 Laser Hot Hits
Friday 27th December
1627 6210 45333 Time Radio
1641 6270 45333 Radio Tango Italia
Saturday 28th December
0900 9510 55545 European Music Radio - via IRRS - Romania - 0945 : end
0946 6255 34433 Radio Merlin Int.
1134 15080 45434 Sluwe Vos Radio
1303 6095 55545 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast - Wolfman Jack
1503 6306 45444 Radio Malibu
1522 6289 44433 Magic AM
1534 6270 45433 Radio Tango Italia
1537 6210 45444 Radio Flying Dutchman
1716 4029 45433 Laser Hot Hits
Sunday 29th December
0810 6200 34433 Radio Orang Utan
0819 6205 35433 King Shortwave
0826 6285 35433 Radio Powerliner
0836 6380 35422 Radio Altrex
0843 6799 34433 Radio Pink Panther
0944 5800 34433 Free Radio Service Holland
0948 7685 44544 Free Radio Service Holland - // 5800 kHz
1000 6045 55545 Shortwave Rock - via Media Broadcast - 1100 : end
1021 7490 44433 The Voice of the NL / R. East Coast Holl.
1032 6070 25422 Free Radio Service Holland - via Channel 292 - Rohrbach Waal - Germany
1435 6210 34422 Time Radio
1439 6200 34433 Unid - tests
1501 6095 55545 The Mighty KBC - via Media Broadcast - 1600 : end
1653 6265 44433 Radio Tango Italia
2006 3930 35422 Radio Batavia
2014 4029 45433 Laser Hot Hits
Good listening.
Logs from South-West of France - December 23 to 29
Moderator: Moderators group
- Toutatis
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 1214
- Joined: Fri May 27, 2005 19:53 pm
- Location: South-West France
Logs from South-West of France - December 23 to 29
Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna