Log : 22 - 28 APRIL 2013

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log : 22 - 28 APRIL 2013

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Still late, still carefully checked !
  • * * * * * MON. 22 APR. 2013 * * * * *
    7310,0 0850-0913 R. 700, in G : songs, 0855 : ads - ID - news. (6005 was // till 0900)

    6005,0 *0900-0914 R. GLORIA INT, s/on with "Gloria" rock, ID, usual voice, also in E, mx.

    6304,7 1351-1400 R. MERLIN, \PLC, pops, 1356 ID.

    6244,9 1605-2030 SLUWE VOS R., e.weak \PLC > fair \stanag bursts. pops-disco-rock.., IDs+@ every 10 min, 1606 Kraftwerk "Radioactivity", 1653 "Ma Baker", 2030 Gainsbourg-Birkin.

    6285,0 1627-1720 R. VENDOR, e.weak \ut. bursts, D mx (brass, polka, songs), 1713 SM, test, ID

    6300,0 1635-1641 UNID, v.weak, yodl, then long blank.

    6300,0 1646-1720 BZN R., strong, mx- blank-mx, 1703 tk and mx, g's DrTim, ID, BZN background. [ cf TELSTAR ?]

    6289,9 1639-1641* UNID, rock.

    6305,0 1642-1720 UNID, e. weak \1709 strong PLC, occ. het. - mx, Man of action, mx, mx, (1715 2nd stn?)

    6305,05 1715-1720 UNID, v.weak, seems to be "in stereo". [ cf ZEEWOLF ]

    6325,8 1707-1829* R. CAROLINE INT, JID, mx, mx, 1817 "The Wall", 1829'20" sudden off.

    6427,5 1720-1826* UNID, D mx. 1823 was tk' over synthe mx, accordion. [ cf ZW.PANTER ]

    6374,2 1820-1822* R. ROB S.W., IDs, mx, bit of "Baba O'Riley".

    4029,0 1831-1955 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY on 4024,5 Morse on Uside. mx, 1924 ID, Buddy Holly, FSN,OEM

    6325,0 1845-1931* ODYNN R., \PLC, ut on L side. Tiki, "Pop-corn", cui-cui, accordion, saxo, 1859 IDs, g's, ...

    6307,1 1848-1906 UNID, e.weak, rock, 1858 Sweet home Alabama \break, 1902 blank, 1906 The Wall

    6290,6 1850-1918 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak, mx, 1905 JID, pops.

    6325,0 *1932-1937* ZODIAC rpt for ODYNN(or reverse?), instrum mx, Man of action, "prima prima mod",1937'14*
    6325,0 1937-1939* QSO ODYNN-ZODIAC, under ut.burst, mx background, 1939 Zodiac IDs+@, 1939'50*

    6304,7 1956-2103 R. MERLIN, strong, IDs+@, back on the air, test, Troggs, tnx André, rock, 2016 \fading, noisy

    6285,0 2012-2022* UNID, e.weak, mx, 2015 This is ..., 2021 anorak mx. [ cf EHERFREAK or BRAVO SIERRA ? ]

    7600,0 2050-2056 UNID, e.weak \hiss, atmos. mx (maybe LIGHTNING R. ?)

    6264 a 2235-2238* UNID, very bad, noisy. [ cf R. MONIQUE ]

    6207,7 2238-2303 UNID, mx, long blanks, \ut.bursts

    6299,3 2240-2250* UNID, mx, pops, 2242 jingle (R. MONIQUE ?), mx, 2250 sudden off.

    * * * * * TUES. 23 APR. 2013 * * * * *

    6730,0 0642-0740 UNID, e.weak \PLC, rock, 0724 tk but sticky PLC.

    7310,0 0742-0742 R. 700 %, mx

    6304,7 0854-0909 UNID, good \PLC, non stop rock (unknown tracks) [ cf MERLIN ]

    6294,6 0859-0909 UNID, very low mod: "test 1-2-3-4-5" in D. [ cf MIKE R. ]

    6324,9 1548-1900a UNID, trace+peaks > fair, D mx, 1710 Wooly Bully(reprise), 1743 ID?, Santana?, Booker T, Pink Panther, etc... [ cf NORTON ]

    6070,0 1554-1557 UNID, "The loco-motion", tk, instrum mx. (R. 6150 with old tape?)

    6295,0 1612-1612 trace with some mod.

    6549,55 1617-1641 UNID, fair>strong, Stones?, "Midnight hour", pop/rock, 1638 "Yesterday", 1641 off ? [ cf HFDXer]

    6290,0 1658-1702* UNID, salsa, 1702'50" s/off without annt.

    6300,0 1703-1708 UNID, on/off blank carrier

    4029,0 1936-2045 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic 4030U, het 4030,3, RTTY 4024,5. mx, tk(Essex R., G.Drew)

    6304,7 1942-2124 R. MERLIN, strong, Last night a DJ..., 2030 ID, "a little bit more power", 2043 multi ID, good mod.

    6208,0 2044-2055 carrier, drifting
    6207,9 2057-2123 UNID, mx, reggae, rock, pop, drums, 2120 \ut burst, stn now blank. (2126 gone)
    6207,7 2340-2357* UNID, mx, nonstop pops, 2356 blank.

    * * * * * WED. 24 APR. 2013 * * * * *

    4029,0 0606-0611 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading,RTTY on 4024,5. mx, tk, ID Laser Int.
    4029,0 1827-2057 LASER HOT HITS, \usual RTTY, traffic 4025U (In D?), mx, IDs, tk(R.Atlantis?) \noisy, RTTY, soul.

    6305,0 1614-1618* R. OSAKA, weak, "Osaka" song, IDs+@

    6294,5 1616-1622 BLACK ARROW, pops, 1621 ID, c'/d, bye bye, g's

    6324,9 1715-1715 UNID, in "stereo" with the following stn
    6325,2 1715-1723 UNID, e.weak, "stereo" at first, 1719 "mono", [ cf TINA ]
    6325,2 1806-1820a UNID, e.weak \occ.ut., growing atmos, tk, tk by W, 1813 accordion, 1815 song, then lost [ cf TINA ]

    Around 1720, traces on 6299,7 - 6745,2 and 6314,9 but no audio [ cf UNID, PIONEER, nothing ]

    6205,8 1834-1902 R. TINA, e.weak \PLC,atmos, 1840 ID (not quite sure), D songs, 1857 "Tina Tina" song, F song.

    3905,0 1906-1922 R. ACTIVITY, \atmos, mushy carrier. accordion, ID, Orange blossom special?, Johnny B.Goode, ID, Elvis "In the ghetto"

    6290,6 1923-2104* R. CAROLINE INT, \PLC, atmos. mx, F rap, JID, mx, ID, same rap?, 2104 ID, sudden s/off.

    6425,0 2046-2052 UNID, strong \PLC. mx, mx, mx. (2100 gone) [ cf TIDAL WAVE ]

    6285,0 2054-2108* UNID, strong, songs in E, C&W, 2103 ID (undermod), mx, messing with audio level

    * * * * * THURS. 25 APR. 2013 * * * * *

    7310,0 0901-0901 "Zender Zentrum Kall. Classic broadcast". Seems that "classic" means "not by Internet stream"

    7600,0 1520-1523 UNID, e.weak, mx. (maybe Lightning R.)

    6305,0 1651-1704 UNID, \strong traffic on 6300U. mx, D songs, 1703 synthe filler mx. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]

    6307,1 1834-1838 UNID, \hiss, atmos. mx, Clash"London calling", mx. (1844 gone)

    6240,1 1844-1911 R. CAROLINE INT, \noisy ut. on L side, atmos. mx, JID, mx, JID, mx.

    6285,2a 1839-1849 UNID, \mushy, unsettled, mx, 1848 ID in E (no copy), IS," -- SW service of --, --shortwave@gmail.com ", then s/off before 1850. [ cf BRUCHPILOT ?, tnx Dr Tim ]

    6294,9 1853-1859 BLACK ARROW, mx, tk in D, ment' Osaka and Black Arrow, \CPL growing strong, signal lost

    4029,0 1904-1909 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, mx, IDs.

    * * * ** * FRI. 26 APR. 2013 * * * * *

    7310,0 0855-0906 R. 700, ID and news in G., 0901 pops. (also 1542-1545 : pops, ID and tk in G, \fading).

    6285,1 1249-2245 FOCUS INT, good>strong, ID+@, last WE of month, hl, pops, IDs, 1704 offshore in '64.

    6745,2 1255-1547 UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx, pops. [ cf PIONEER ]

    6734,9 1318-1503 UNID, e.weak mx in AM mode, then 1444 in LSB, "Baker street", etc. [ relay by HOT ? ]

    6552,6 1342-2153 PINK PANTHER R., e.>v.weak, Yellow River, 1441 Volare, 1530 disco, 1726 ID, R&R, mx...

    6305,0 1419-1433 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk (no copy)

    6304,9 1522-1714 TELSTAR R., e.weak, 80's mx, tchac-boom, rock. 1618 ment' Merlin, 1621 in D, ID no copy, 1714 ID
    6304,9 1734-1734 UNID, "Pop-corn", allo test-1-2, ment' Odynn

    6937,4 1457-1545 IMR %, e.weak \noisy, mx.
    6937,4 1729-2048 IMR R., e.weak \noisy, atmos. mx, 1833 ID, 2048 ID.

    6295,0 1508-1530* UNID, weak \splash from Focus. mx, tk, 1528 bye bye [ cf PYTHON ]

    6294,9 1622-1629 BLACK ARROW, techno mx, ID, short test, bye bye, "Brown sugar".

    6324,7 1658-1734 UNID, v.weak \noisy, mx, 1709 R&R guitar, 1732 tk (no copy), then bit of Bach mx? [ cf NORTON ]

    6250,1 1706-1716 UNID, e.weak, mx. [ cf TINA ]

    6427,5 1718-1723 BLACK PANTHER, good audio \mushy carrier, pop, ID, yodl...

    6529,8 1724-1726 UNID, good/strong \some atmos, Dire Straits, countdown, mx.

    6304,6 1759-2058 R. MERLIN INT, blank, 1812 pop, ID. pops, IDs. 2037 Riders on the storm

    6290,5 1816-2000 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \splash,atmos. mx, JID, mx, rap. 1844 very disturbed

    6720 L 1821-1828 UNID, \blip ut. mx in LSB, "blanks".

    4029,0 1848-2253 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, fading. mx, comment about "offshore", ID, mx, ...

    6209,9 1904-1953 SLUWE VOS R., weak \noisy, atmos. mx, IDs, mx...

    6324,3 1913-1959 R. UNDERGROUND, (1913 blank), 1921 pop, 1931 ID, mike noises, hl, g's, rep to SMS

    6245,25 1948-2007 R. RONIN SW, blues, CCR, from 1954 : many IDs+@. [ cf relay by CWR ]
    6245,25 2036-2129* UNID, mx, 2103 tk in E, 2106 ID no copy, "pirate radio of Germany", FGTH [ cf CWR]

    6264,8 2001-2102* UNID \much atmos, mx, 2010 blank, 2013 in E --- dot-com, more mx and tk, no copy. [ cf PYTHON ]

    6294,9 2039-2328 R. ODYNN, ID+@, Do wah Diddy, 2059 Ferré Grignard "Ring, ring, I've got to sing" :-)), 2131 Ruby don't take your love to town, Ferry cross the Mersey, 2158 Pussy Cat, Wooly Bully, ID, 2245 On the border, 2328 ID+@

    6730 L 2044-2046 COOL AM R., mx, ID , mx

    6735 L 2139-2146 UNID \atmos, mx, "Dead end street", mx.. (2151 gone)

    3904,5 2049-2057 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, song about Vietnam, tk about rain, ID, A.Parson's Project, hum ?
    3904,9 2210-2210 UNID, tk, "thanks for listening" (2212 gone) (maybe UNDERGR. after drift)

    6932,4 2147-2249 UNID, v.weak \atmos, mx, tk. [ cf IMR ]

    6540,0 2152-2157 R. POWERLINER INT, pops, IDs, show from 13 april, queen's day eve. Fades down.

    6215,1v 2206-2209 UNID, \drifting. Rock (on stage) [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]

    3913>3917 v 2210-2300 UNID, strong, continuous drift, mx, rock, 2237 S&Garf."Sound of silence".

    3905,4a 2217-2300 SALLANDSE BOER, R&R(incl' J&Hurricanes), D songs. 2254 ID?, (known voice), Pirea children

    * * * * * SAT. 27 APR. 2013 * * * * *

    6285,15 0732-0842 FOCUS INT, weak > strong, duo tk, rpts, Knock on wood, Free radio archives, ID
    6285,15 1035-1603 FOCUS INT, weak > up again \some PLC, tk, mx, 1410 ID+hl+@+POB, 1542 I put a spell on you
    6285,15 2022-2119 FOCUS INT, good \some atmos. IDs, pops, 2038 Blondie, 2102 Under my thumb(reprise),

    6190,0 0820,0843 HH LOKAL R. %, in AM-sup, 0820 retro song, 0843 v.weak.

    6095,0 0821-0846 KBC, powerful, Rosko "Coast-to-coast country", C&W, sounds better now from Nauen.
    6095,0 1038-1413 KBC, strong \bad fading at times, rock, ad for KBC Import, R&R...

    6552,6 0834,1035 UNID, e.weak \some PLC, 0834 Billie jean ?, 1035 trace of mx [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
    6552,6 2031-2115 UNID, fair \few atmos, crooners, "Delilah", "Strangers in the night" [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

    6423,0 1407-1420 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk (no copy) [ cf POWERLINER ]

    6422,3 1426-1431* UNID, e.weak, rep to Powerliner?, bye bye. [ cf LOWLAND ]

    6325,35 1545-1636 R. MERLIN, good/strong \few atmos, Irish songs, IDs, 1615 multi ID, later 60s pops.

    6300,0 1546-1614 R. TELSTAR INT, e.weak at first, On the road again, Scorpions, D songs, 1608 IDs+@ in D+E

    6932,4 1554-1618 UNID, e.weak, mx, 1618 noise : electric cloud here. [ cf IMR R. ]
    6932,4 2032,2117 IMR, weak \atmos, 2032 : mx, ID, 2117 : rock

    6324,6 1944-1944 UNID, mx

    6299,7 1945-2057 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx, 2030 waltz songs. [ cf NORTON ]

    6289,9 2011-2025 UNID, v.weak \atmos, mx, ID ~~Mazda, P.Floyd"Money", pops, bad contact? [ cf WALDMEISTER]

    6424,9 2026-2126 R. UNIVERSE, good \fading, atmos, RTTY, mx, 2044 One way ticket, "train" mx, Lio, 2107 ID

    4029,0 2041,2120 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, atmos, 2041 : hl, Gary Drew, mx. 2120 : LHH DJ list, ID, mx

    6304,9 2232-2248 R. POWERLINER INT, mx, "mx from the 80s", 2247 ID.

    6299,9 2233-2250 UNID, strong, soul, jazz, blues. [ cf TRX ]

    6935,0 2237-2239 IMR R., weak \atmos, mx, tk, IDs

    3905,5 2242-2246 SALLANDSE BOER, strong \atmos, allo test een twe, ID, g's (bad mike), mx.

    * * * * * SUN. 28 APR. 2013 * * * * *

    6304,7 0718-1003 R. MERLIN INT, strong > weak, Jackie frost rock show
    6304,7 1457-1855 R. MERLIN INT %,v.weak \PLC mx, 1855 Irish song.

    6285,15 0719-1002 FOCUS INT, \slight PLC, rock, 0751 ID+@+hl+POB, around 0930 : f/down.
    6285,15 1459-2039 FOCUS INT, \slight PLC, mx, 1947 ID, 2037 Joe Cocker
    6285,15 2134-2415 FOCUS INT, ID, mx, 2321 I put a spell on you, 2352 Crunchy Granola, 2415 It's my life, ID, Get back

    6199,5 0720-0805* UNID, e.weak, mx, 0801 mx and tk. [ cf ORANG UTAN ]

    6264,8 0755-0801 R. ASCONA, e.weak, mx, tk, ID, soon under noise.

    6095,0 0809-1250 KBC, v.strong, Trucker R. before 10, then Rosko 1013 in F Patrick Salutlescopains, merci!

    6240,6 0811-0826 UNID, e.weak, some mx. [ cf BONOFOX ]
    6239,3 0829-0829 UNID, same or other ?

    9480,0 0837-0950 R. GLORIA INT, pops in AM-USB, tk and ID (in E and G., usual voice)

    6005,0 0848-0852 UNID, pop, tk in G, prob. // 9480 [ cf R. GLORIA INT ]

    7310,0 0936,1010 R. 700 %, D songs (1010 \fading)

    6200,0 0953-1310 TECHNISCHE MAN, weak \UT. U side, instrum mx, Radetski march, IDs in D+E.
    6200,0 1527-1638 TECHNISCHE MAN %, mx, 1617 QRM from stn in Arabic, 1639 s/off?

    6552,7 1004-1703 PINK PANTHER R., v.>e.>v.weak, mx, 1656 Call me, 1702 ID
    6552,7 1845-2042* PINK PANTHER R., good \atmo, 1845 ID, mx, 2041 ID, cartoon mx, and off.

    6324,9 1251-1257 MUSTANG R., v. weak, Ma Baker, J.Cocker"I'm coming home, ID, \strong PLC, tk, Paranoid

    6262,5 1259-1646 UNID, e.weak/trace \PLC, mx, 1509 James Brown?, 1636 reggae. [ cf COSMIC]

    6209,8 1308-1315 trace \PLC. [ cf GOUDENSTER ]

    6935,0 1423-1716 IMR R. %, trace to e.weak, mx, annt
    6935,0 1822-2234 IMR R., v.weak \squeezed ut-it.traffic at first, atmos. mx, IDs, 1922 M.Gaye, again at 2043, 2104 ID+@, 2228 Fleetwood Mac, an' "Black magic woman"

    6422,3 1429-1651 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, 1442 "Billie Jean", 1449 "Born on the bayou", 1648 D song. [ cf SWCH ]

    6375,1 1432-1455 BAKEN 16 ?, e.weak \PLC, 1438 tk over mx, "Baken 16" heard, song with "radio" [ cf BAKEN 16 ]

    6240,0 1519-1615 UNID, e.weak \PLC, much tk, mx parts, fancy noises, cartoon mx, "We love.. stns" [ cf SLUWE VOS]

    6745,2 1705-1711 UNID, e.weak \noise, mx, cold wave. [ cf PIONEER ]

    6924,8 1829-1844 STATION QRP, mx, ID+@gmail, in E, 1840 ID by W voice (not so clear), mx.

    6332,5 1849-1849 UNID, rock, then C&W (1854 gone) [ cf B. BANDIT ]

    6324,0 1849-1945 UNID, strong, wide band, pop, tchac-boom, Rhythm of the night, 1940 Radar love. [ cf MUSTANG ]

    6240,05 1856-1949* R. CAROLINE INT, weak \atmos, mx, IDs around 1900. (2148 back)

    4029,0 1905-2334 LASER HOT HITS, weak \loc.noise, ID, tk:Bogusman, IDs+@, mx, 1954 FSN,OEM. 2331 duet

    6425,2v 1917-2030 R. UNDERGROUND, 1917 mx, long blank, 1933 BZN ?, drifting, 1937 on 6426,0 : tk, ID+hl+@, mx, 2007 on 6427,0 (ann' 6427 at 2030, g's to Silveri, on 6427,6). (2040 gone)

    7600,0 1925-2225 UNID, e.weak\atmos etc.. DJ heard, mx under noise, 2102 www.- - - (relay by LIGHTNING ?)

    6990 L 2045-2045* BALTIC SEA R., ID+@ and off.

    7610,0 2047-2058 R. NORTHPOLE INT, good \bit of Morse, filler synthe mx, 2053 gd ev' Terry, ID, 2058 ID

    6540,0 2111-2216 R. RONIN SW, row of IDs (end of relay?), then non stop pop-rock. 2213 BZN. [ cf POWERLINER]

    6324,2 2124-2149 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, tk, ID+hl, 2141 "Shaft"

    6304,0 2126-2400 R. ODYNN, 60s/70s pop-rock, (except 2240 a D waltz and US brass band), IDs+@, 2345 Doors?

    6266,15 2139-2414 R. MI AMIGO (UK), Birdie song, jingle, 2156 Soleil soleil, movie theme, 2200 pips, JID, various mx, 2323 Love shack, 2328 ID+@+hl, 2353 g's, Papa Hum Mow Mow, JID..;

    6323,0 2238-2239 UNID, accordion, pop in E. [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]
    6325,0 2256-2318 UNID, clear, Shakin' all over, Blueberry Hill, C&W [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]

    6244,3 2250-2253 UNID, W singer in E (D sauce?), then blank. [ cf UNDERGROUND ]

    6735 L 2307-2316 R. RONIN ?, v.weak \atmos, bad audio, mx, 2315 ID unclear. (relay by COOL AM ?)
    6735 L 2337-2344 COOL AM R., row of IDs over Tommy theme, mx. \growing atmos

    Delightful sunday evening, thanks to all ops, gone the bitter pills with the old witch ?

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
    Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !

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