- * * * * * MON. 22 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6095,0 0926-0935 TRANSPORT R. %, in D, rock, Blue monday, duo tk (about road traffic?), mx
6325,9 1636-1650 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, ID, techno, ID+@, mx...
6305,0 1827-1932 OLDTIMER R., strong, mx, live ID+@, distorted JIDs, 60s pops, Carrie-Ann, Mony Mony..
6289,4 1839-1858 R. RAINBOW INT, \fading,atmos,PLC, IDs, audio patchwork, peace tk, also CoolAM @
6289,9 1858-1930* R. MAZDA, flattens Rainbow, D mx, 1921 g's,ID, 1923 c'/d, 1929 till the next time.
3905,6 1903-1910 UNID, v.weak mx under blips on 3903, a few peaks (1912 gone)
4026,0 1910-2350 LASER HOT HITS, \odd fade, mx, ID+@, etc...
6297,0 1915-1925 UNID, e.weak \much splash and het, mx, 1917 "San Francisco" (1931 gone)
6283,0 1918-1924* UNID, \splash from Mazda, "i got my freedom", mx. [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6209,9 1940-2027 SLUWE VOS R., strong \good mod a bit like SSB, in D+E, 80s pops, IDs+@
6545 a 1948-1953 UNID, v. bad mod \atmos, mx from S.E. Europe, a few words over mx.
6285,0 2007-2036 BLACK BANDIT R., strong, (1946 OC), C&W, some messing, 2029 ID, "v.low antenna", g's...
3450 L 2130-2145 UNID, Greek mx, duo tk (in Gr?), Shadows? played on greek instruments!
3955,0 2147-2151 R. 700 %, mx, long blank.
3955,0 2346-2356 BNL ROCK R., mx, ID.
* * * * * TUES. 23 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
3955,0 0636-0637 R. 700 (in G), \fading,atmos, mx, JID, "Fudgy cacao"
6306,1 1526-1530* UNID, v.weak, mx, mx, sudden off.
6324,9 1650-1727 UNID, \PLC,ut.bursts, Eloise, rock, 1710 S.Quattro?, ... [ cf R. SKYWIRE ]
6290,6 1652-1725 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak \PLC,occ.fax, mx, JID "R.Caroline on SW"
6290 a 1830-1832 R. RAINBOW INT, mx, ID with"She's a rainbow".
6283,9 1653-1725 R. ALTREX, v.weak \PLC, rock, 1721 ID
6304,9 1822-1920 UNID, v.weak \odd fade, D mx, D tk, 1912 pop, Man of action, polka. 1920 off? [cf TWENTANA ]
6300,0 1823-1830 R. LUXEMBURG, weak, JID, ID in E, mx, 1830 strong peak "In the year 25-25"
6280,7 1832-2029 TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong peaks \F fishers on 6282U,ut.noise6275, IDs+@hotmail.com (t.eshow@...), E.part of NL, duo tk in E+D, mx, 1837 Hush, 1922 Romeo & Juliet, 1950 Jumping Jack Flash
6289,4 1847-1852 RAINBOW visit on Laser Hot Hits ship, parts of pop mx, loving awareness... \PLC
6299,8 1854-1951 R. MAZDA INT, pops, rep to R.Badlover(?), ID+@, Ventures, Daddy Cool, ID, Don't bring me down..
6269,5 1937-1947 UNID, e.weak \noisy,PLC, non stop mx (Greek mx?)
6910 L 1953-2001 UNID, \ut around 6904, mx, strange pop mx, long blank.
4026,0 2008-2015 LASER HOT HITS, rpts, @+facebook, rpt on 6070 is not (current) LHH !
* * * * * WED. 24 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6304,0 0848-0944 UNID, v.weak, brass mx, accordion, polka...0935 tk, allo.. amateur.., songs
6305,0 1425-1427 UNID, under PLC, mx, 1427 lost.
6298,0 1427-1435 UNID, under PLC, mx, pop, mx... [ cf MISTI ]
6306,2 1431-1437 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D songs
6425,2 1618-1637 BAKEN 16, \noisy,fading, rock, JID, "No more heroes", JID..., pop
6240,0 1631-1908 R. CAROLINE INT, relay of SE. Europe stn (ID no copy), 1656 JID Car.onSW, more mx, 1735 Balkan mx and IF "-- -- FM", "Give peace a chance", Pirate for Peace..
6304,9 1658-1658 UNID, song (from SE. Europe?) [ cf RMGP ]
6301,05 1658-1706 UNID, accordion, D schlager, D song, D waltz..
6306,9 1701-1720 RMGP-MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, weak-v.weak, Tubular bells, ID+POB, Major Tom, in a loop?
6210,0 1717-1743 UNID, muffled, rock, rock... [ cf AC-DC ]
6280,1 1734-1746 UNID, \PLC, pops, 1735 Jethro Tull.
6280,2 1900-1957 UNID, \PLC, pops, sometimes strange, blanks. 1957 lost.
6300,0 1747-1751 MONTECARLO R., \bit of PLC-atmos, pops, ID, testing
4026,0 1910-2223 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, later strong peaks, mx, tk, IDs
6299,9 1918-1921* UNID, weak \PLC,atmos, D mx, part of C&W, blank, off.
6132,3 1925-1937 UNID, pops, on/off audio
6300,0 1949-2016* WITTE REUS, \some PLC, "White giant" in E, Lady Vampirella, RxReport dropmail, 10' of c'/d
3955,0 2220-2221 BNL ROCK R., mx, ID, mx.
* * * * * THURS. 25 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6294,4 1617-1901 trace only (only carrier heard with BFO)
6325,8 1613-1626 UNID, \fading, mx, few words, then \PLC and can't catch ID ? [ cf CAROL. INT ]
6325,8 1828-1857 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, tk, IDs=Caroline-Rainbow Int. (1900 gone)
6266,4 1617-1628 UNID, e. weak, pop, "Radio -- --", ment' DrTim, then \PLC, long tk (impossible). [cf BLACKBEARD ]
4026,0 1811-2155 LASER HOT HITS, rpts, I eat cannibals, DJ list, fades, 1915 ID+4026+stream. 2152 Dragon...
3905,1 1814-2156 SKYLINE INT R., strong, Live and let die, IDs, Sweet home Alabama, Honky Tonk women, \traffic in E on 3900U, fading, 1924 Baby come back, strong again, pops, IDs... 2141 No milk today.
6289,3 1831-1900* R. RAINBOW INT, again visiting Laser Hot Hits ship. last ID Rainbow-V.of Peace.
6302,05 1838-1853* BLACK ARROW, strong, C&W, g's, Patty Labelle, ID, bye bye, more g's, bye bye again
6265,0 2110-2120 UNID, e.weak \wobbling, mx from SE. Europe.
3495 L 2126-2203 NEW R. CAROLINE (from Italy?), \fading,atmos, Borrequito como tu, Suzi Quattro, IDs, JIDs, 2158 op singing over, 2203 "Sixteen tons".
* * * * * FRI. 26 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
6305,0 0753-0758 UNID, D mx, instrum... 0758 blank, off, back blank..
6095,0 0827-0900 TRANSPORT R.,v.strong, mx, tk in D, ID+@, mx..
6085,0 0830-0905 R. 700 %, One way ticket, // 6005, 0900 "Mighty Quinn"
6322,0 0832-0832 UNID, mx, annt with "Zodiac" and off (prob. QSO with Zodiac?)
6321,9 0835-0842* R. ZODIAC ?, strong \fading, noisy ut. on 6318. mx, tk in D with "Zodiac", mx, "MV amateur"..
6322,0 *0842-0844 UNID, v.weak, mx, FGTH"Relax", tech rep to Zodiac?
6321,95 0846-0849* NMD ?, 80s instrum mx, tk in D, rpt, ID?,
6321,9 0849-0854* R. ZODIAC ?, strong, 60s organ mx, tk in D, tnx MV(?), ID?, rpt, ..NMD..
6297,8 1211-1258 UNID, e.weak > v.weak, mx, pop, D instrum mx, accordion. (1304 gone). (ALTREX ?)
6285,0 1212-1428 FOCUS INT, strong, with Terry Philips, Ten Years After"Love like a man", ID, 1305 tk about R.Jackie North, mx, IDs.. 1427 Brown sugar"
6285,0 1619-2004 FOCUS INT, strong, duo tk, 1704 offshore, 1717 ID+@+hl, 1836 tk: R.One, E.Rosko in Paris, 1855 under a v.strong open carrier, then strange sound, signal f'/down, 1919 ID+@ (2018 trace only)
6304,9 1233-1324 UNID, e.weak, mx, mx.. 1308 Black velvet, mx,mx.. [ cf MERLIN ? but low power ]
6304,9 1429-1440 UNID, e.weak, ELO, allo test, Smoke on the water, tk in D, europop, Born to be alive
6969,9 1328-1346* MIKE R., strong, ID in E, 6-9-7-ho, 1330 ID in F over "La vie en rose", many IDs+@ in D+E, also in G, tk: DX weekend, Halloween, 1340 c'/d soon, full power, 1343 polka, 1346 fq shift
6954,9 *1346-1347 MIKE R., ex 6969,9 - ID, "1-2-3-4", accordion (1352 gone)
6205,0 1404-1424* MONTECARLO R., audio on/off, testing, 1419 ID, Rare Earth"Get ready", mx on/off, ID c'/d
6325,8 1616-1847 R. CAROLINE INT, first w. Unid relay?, 1712 JID+@, 1847 other ID?, Balkan mx \f'/down
6297,7 1617-1635 R. ALTREX, mx, ID by moohs !, rock program. (1657 gone)
6266,0 1620-1623 R. GERONIMO SW, strong, rock, native E, ID, 1622 "Rock the casbah" (1630 gone)
5805,0 1637-1706 BLUESTAR R., \fading, D song, D R&R, techno drum, IDs, D+E, 1647 Elvis medley
6299,5 1657-1705 UNID, strong, D song, D waltz.
6291,5 1718-1722 UNID, started under Focus, mx, tk: rpt, tk over mx \strong PLC arrives. [ cf BLACK ARROW ]
6289,2 1829-1854 R. RAINBOW, IDs+web+@, peace tk, 1854 Man of action, tk: Belarus, Ukraine..
6270,0 1832-1832 UNID \noisy ut. bursts, mx, quick lost
6275,0 1833-1835 UNID, weak-v.waek, mx, mx. [ cf MAZDA ?? but low power ]
6275,0 1841-1845 UNID, v.strong carrier (shift from 6280), blank, 1843 accordion, accordion..
6301,0 1846-1846* UNID, in D, mx and off. [ cf MUSTANG ]
6300,0 1849-2030 UNID, v.weak \deep fading, noise, atmos, songs in E, 2010 Whole lotta love, (2034 trace)
6275,0 1857-1934 R. MAZDA, strong, rpts, ID, A.Stewart"Knock on wood, europop, D songs.
6310,05 1921-1923 UNID, v. weak mx under noisy ut., v. hard to hear
6312,05 1928-1938 UNID, v.weak, maybe ex 6310,05 and not better
6310,0 2000-2017 UNID, same stn? back on 6310 and still under noisy ut.
6937,5 1942-2042 IMR R., weak \atmos, hiss. Pretty woman, ID, Beatles"Twist & shout", more JIDs and pops
4026,0 1949-2212 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading,Morse > strong-clear, IDs, mx, tk.
5795,0 1955-2210 BLUESTAR R., \splash fr.5790, D songs, IDs, Pop-corn, accordion, D mx.
6265 a 2005-2008 UNID, hard to hear, Greek mx
3465 L 2157-2220 UNID, piano jaz, 2202 break, 2213 back, 2217 long long duo tk
3955,0 2204-2205 BNL ROCK R. ?, audio with bad hickup, so ID not sure
6305,0 2220-2226 UNID, v.weak \atmos, some blues mx, Dylan "Hurricane". [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]
6324,7 2241-2247 UNID, e.weak \many ut's around, atmos, v. tiring to hear. mx, Balkan mx. [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]
* * * * * SAT. 27 OCT. 2012 * * * * *
>>> Mess on 6325 approx, around 2024-2114 (see below) : still not unentangled <<<
6285,0 0647-0820 FOCUS INT %, strong \soon PLC, almost nonstop mx, 0725 ska, 0814 "europe wide radio"
6285,0 1045-1222 FOCUS INT %, \loc.noise, mx
6285,0 1455-1715 FOCUS INT, fair \ 6285,5: F fishers. mx, 1512 trio tk, "Lucky number one", 1523 Israelites,1602 jazz, 1620 History of R.Caroline & Atlanta in 1964, IDs at last, 1715 IDs+@+hl
6285,0 1949-2031 FOCUS INT %, good w. 'house' mx, 2031 f'/down, "Mustang Sally" and f'/out
6298,0 0648-1049 R. ALTREX, v. > e.weak \soon PLC mx, 0744 tk, ID, more mx, then f'/d and almost drowned
6925 U 0650-0659 UNID (USA), fair \noisy, 2 reggae songs, 0657 (missed) ID, email, duo.. [cf PIRATE .R. BOSTON ]
7265,0 0710-0816 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, \strong 7266 het, no LSB, in G. (1224 still same strong het)
6210,2 0716-0716 UNID, e.weak \drowned in PLC (0728 trace on 6209,9)
4026,0 0718-0724 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \4020U : sp.traffic, Light my fire, tk, ID
4026,0 1610-2010 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak at first, 2004 R.One jingles, 2010 rpts incl. wrong one on 6070. (+ 2225)
6095,0 1048-1518 KBC, v.strong, C&W, 1515 Fats Domino, tk, ad for KBC Import
6215,05 1459-1643 R. ZOMERZON, e.weak \loc.noise, Owner of.., 1625 Major tom, tk, C&W, 1639 S&Garf., ID
6525,0 1520-1650 UNID, \loc.noise, much mx, unclear IDs, 1535 accordion, 1650 I shot the sheriff [ cf PINK PANTHER]
6937,5 1525-1700 IMR R., mx,tk,IDs, 1525 Hush, 1558 Barbra Streisand, 1655 Hello Marylou
6303,8 1537-1545 R. UNDERGROUND, \hum at times, Telstar, g's to UKdxer, JID, tk: SW stns.
6266,4 1547-1607 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, some mx heard. [ cf BLACKBEARD ]
6325,8 1559-1649 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak \noisy, mx, JID, mx...
6289,9 1645-1720 UNID, strong, splashing, Driver's seat, Camouflage, Get it on [ cf MAZDA ]
6305,5 1701-1724 UNID, audio on/off at first, strong \fading, atmos, CCR Bad moon, P.Clark"Downtown" [cf LUXEMB.]
6294,95 1707-1720 UNID, v. > e.weak \splash, D songs [ cf TWENTANA ]
6208,1 1721-1723 BOGUSMAN, \6210 het, allo-1-2, ID, tk, mx
6305,0 1938,2028 UNID, strong, synthe-drumbox. [ cf MALAISY ]
6290,6 1941-2106 R. RAINBOW INT, v. > e.weak\splash, mx, IDs, peace tk, 2106 JID: R Caroline (Int)
6280,05 1949-2001 COSMIC R., weak>v.weak \splash fr.Focus, mx, IDs
6255,6 1956-2000 BOGUSMAN, mailbox: mx on pirate stns, bicycle, plasma TV, DXpeditions.. 2000 mx
3905,1 2007-2244 R. ALICE, Saturday D mix, 2013 ID, 2235 Jerome c'est moi, ID
3495 L 2017-2022 NEW R. CAROLINE (in it.), fair \hiss, mx, JIDs, tk in it.
6325,0 2024-2038 UNID, strong, sounds, mx fantasies, pops, 2034 flattened by 6323, 2036 polka, Doors [ cf POWERLINER ??]
6323,0 2033-2037 UNID, v.strong peaks, Reveille rock, D song and off [ cf POWERLINER ??]
6322,0 2038-2038 UNID, weak, mx (from dancing hall?), mx from 80s.
6325,0 2041-2101 2 UNIDs, drums/She's a rainbow, Final countdown/other mx, G.Thorogood?
6325,0 2101-2114 1 UNID goes on, v.strong peaks, 2107 Driver seat
6545,0 2116-2122 UNID, v.weak \fading,atmos. mx, 2119 "-- -- SW R. INT", 2122 ID still no copy. [ POWERLINER ?]
6925,0 2125-2158 UNID, v.-e.weak \atmos, much tk (DX bull. ?), some mx, IDs no copy [cf PIRATE .R. BOSTON ]
6950 U 2138-2200 WOLVERINE R., blues, alternative mx? 2146+2154 IDs
4890,0 2217-2245 BLUESTAR R., D amateur song, op sings over anorak mx, ID in D+E, "15073 kHz", Cecilia
3955,0 2238-2243 BNL ROCK R., mx, ID
6305,0 2247-2252 UNID, e.weak \deep fade, mx, D song, mx again.
* * * * * SUN. 28 OCT. 2012 * * * * * still UTC times
Europe has switched to winter time last night. I think I well managed that, but not everyone succeeded about that. Look for R. Iceman logged at 08.00 or past 10.00 when this was at 09.00-10.00 only! So on the eve of every last Sunday of March and October, put an ordinary clock set to UTC along with your radio controlled clock. I would like to set my radio controlled clock to UTC for ever, but there's not such a choice, so in order to display UTC, I have to switch the time zone twice a year.
4026,0 0533-0535 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, ID, ads : FSN, OEM, rpt fr.Germany
4026,0 1927-2254 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk ID+@
6304,7 0724-1354 R.MERLIN INT, strong, Heart of glass, Halloween show, confused time, They're comming to take ma away ah-ah, W DJ, ou-i-ou-a-a (E version)
6304,7 1817-2138 R. MERLIN INT, strong, 80s mx, IDs, comedy, 2138 bye bye, "no time for the J.Frost show"
6300,05 0726-0848 PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak>fair>hard \Merlin splash, mx, 0840 ID
6285,0 0727-1359 FOCUS INT, strong at first, house mx, "owner of..", The night before, IDs, pops..
6285,0 1818-2222 FOCUS INT, fair > e.weak \splash, 2140 'boat siren' bursts (, 2219 Can't go home, ID
6210,1v 0727-1014 R. WAVES INT, drifts, resets, C&W, F songs, IDs in E and it.
6205,3 0728-0854 R. ORANG UTAN, >v.weak, mx, 0754 ID+@
6215 a 0731-0831 UNID, horrendous defective TX, BADLY WOBBLING ! [ cf KING SW ]
6400,5 0808-0809 R. WALDMEISTER, e.weak, mx, tk, ID, email.. (hard to hear)
6270,0 0821-0852 UNID, D songs, europops [ cf TOP R. ]
6295,0 0832-0850 UNID, v.weak \squeezed, La bamba, Beatles part, Diana, more pops... > hard to hear [ cf MISTI ]
6325,9 0841-0849 R. CAROLINE INT, \fading,hiss, mx, JID
6170,0 0855-0858 UNID, "Kleine paloma", accordion waltz "Etoile des neiges" in G [ cf OVERIJSSEL ]
6170,0 0927-1022 BLUESTAR R., mx, D mx, 0957 tk in D+E, ID+POB
6095,0 *0900-1209 KBC, powerful, mx, 0907 "The mighty KBC", 0911 "Trucker radio", mx, 1016 ad Age to blue
6045,0 0900-0955 R. ICEMAN, powerful, mx, ID in E, Madonna...
5990,0 0912-1024* RFB, \undermod (so firsts IDs not too clear), mx, F songs, 1023 bye, pirate song
5835,0 0916-0918 R. THUNDERBIRD, in G, pops, ID, Papa oom mow mow, ID by child voice
5800,1 0918-1336 FRSH, weak, tk in E, rpts, jingle, mx, // 7600, etc... 1332 rec' of Laser Int
7600,0 0929-1336 FRSH, strong, in E, events from 20th century, ID, promo CD, //5800, Kraftwerk, FRS goes DX
6262,6 1002-1407 UNID, v.>e.weak, I hear you knocking, tk in E, She's not there, Denis.. [ cf COSMIC ]
6262,6 1824-2210 UNID, v.weak, mx, jingle, ID no copy, mx, mx..
9480,0 1026-1032 R. GLORIA INT, strong, no LSB, mx, tk in E, 1031 ID, relig. sentence
7570,1 1122-1128 R. GERONIMO SW, strong, rock-pop, 1128 ID, tk
6525,0 1153,1825,1952 UNID, v.weak, mx, D mx. [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6240,0 1159-1208 UNID, \noise ut.bursts, "Rasputin", mx,mx.. [ cf TIP & ELVIS SHOW ]
6240,0 1800-1946 TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong +peaks, 60s pops, live from E. NL, IDs, t.eshow@.., hl
6213,95 1811-1815 SLUWE VOS R., good \splash, 60s pops, ID, Purple haze.
6205,0 1812-1812 UNID, v.strong, mx from India, W voice: tk in G.
6290,6 1819-1821 R. RAINBOW %, v.weak, Groovy kind of love, tk, ID (sounding like a Caroline Int ID)
6275,2 1822-1822 UNID, mx. [ cf TELSTAR ]
6937,5 1827-1914 IMR R., v.weak \hiss > e.weak \drowned, 1913 pop"In the country", ID, DJ
6279 v 1920-1950 UNID, mx, a few words > v.weak. [ cf LUXEMBURG ]
3905,05 1928-1934 UNID, \loc.noise, D songs. [ cf ALICE ]
6324,9 1953-1953 UNID, e.weak, the Doors, some tk. [ cf B. BANDIT ]
6925,0 2224-2229 UNID, e.weak, Ghostbusters, mx [ cf UNID US station ]
6924,9 2242-2249 UNID, \in stereo? 2246 They're coming to take me away aha aha. [ cf CAPT. MORGAN ]
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
Log : 22 - 28 OCT. 2012
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France
Log : 22 - 28 OCT. 2012
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 1172
- Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 21:52 pm
- Location: Bogatynia/Polish-Germ.-Czech border
Re: Log : 22 - 28 OCT. 2012
Hi Ray,
many thanks for such only 6 logs of us there!!!
You are correct, such other "New Radio Caroline" on 3498kcs has nothing to do
with us, because we wont to make any interfrences to any hams!
Radio Caroline International.
many thanks for such only 6 logs of us there!!!
You are correct, such other "New Radio Caroline" on 3498kcs has nothing to do
with us, because we wont to make any interfrences to any hams!
Radio Caroline International.