- Hi,
Late log, but cross checked, typos and errors removed (I hope), but that was a long task,
because the propagation seems to be very different at each place in Europe.
* * * * * MON. 16 JUL. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0533-0557 LASER HOT HITS, e./v.weak \occ.it.traffic above. 0554 rpt from Amsterdam, ID.
6980,0 2130-2134 LASER HOT HITS, weak\atmos, mx, ID, FSN, OEM, JID. (OK hours still shrinking)
6070,0 0450-0553 R. 6150 test %, v.weak +odd good peak \Vatican v.strong on 6075, progr. in D
6070,0 1622-2232 R. 6150 test %, offshore tapes (1644 RNI, 1902 Caroline, later RNI again)
6295,0 1620-1647 UNID, \PLC,ut.QRM, fax, pops, guitar, H.Belafonte ?
6295,0 1809-1835 UNID, \all noises, rock, pop, 1824 duet tk, Adamo"Vous permettez Monsieur", waltz [cf OSAKA]
6279,8 1819-1840 UNID, \noisy ut.6275,fades, pops, 1829 Do you really want to hurt me [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6303,2v 1841-1943 MAGIC AM, drift to 6303,4, strong peaks, mx, 1848 gd ev', ID, short test, then in G, disco, IDs
6305,0 1842-1843 UNID, instrum mx and fades out.
6325,5 1850-1858 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \fading, mx, ID by W voice, rock on 6325,6 now, deep fade (1904 gone)
6319,6 1903-2054 R. VERONIKA %, v.weak \fades, non stop music from S.E. Europe
6290,0 1911-1920 UNID, v.weak \occ.fax, tk-chat in E, brass mx, Byrds"Mr tambourineman, D song. [ cf OSAKA ]
6290,0 1945-2100 R. OSAKA, e.weak \noisy,atmos, 1947 sudden strong peak > fading, D mix od mx, 2005 ID+@
4015,0 1934-2115 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \loc. noise, typical mx & tk, 2102 FSN, OEM.
6210,0 1958-2004 UNID, e.weak, oriental mx then tk. Can be greek intermod.
3905,2 2013-2110 R. ALICE, \much fading, Chérie je t'aime chérie je t'adore, ID, low power, tnx rpt, mx, mx...
3934,9 2019-2109 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, long tk, mx, 2103 R.Stones, ID, c'/d .. ment' LHH
6325,6 2040-2057 R. MERLIN INT, strong > v.weak, mx, rock, ID by W, mx.
6325,6 2246-2249 R. MERLIN INT, tk & ID by Jackie Frost, also a bassy ID, mx.
6307,0 2042-2058 UNID, \het, splash, mx, synthe, song about Vietnam war, squeezed signal. [ cf POWERLINER ]
6300,1 2043-2124 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, strong \later ut.QRM on low side, small drift around, pops, ID, 30 W.
6325,1 2116-2225 R. OME JAN, pops, D songs, 2125 ID, 2224 ID \het
6525,0 2126-2128* UNID, v.weak, mx and off.
6290,25 2135-2141* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, C&w, Birdie song instrum, 2141 gd ev', ID, gd night and off.
6320,0 2225-2245* B. BANDIT R., D mx, tk in E, C&w, 2236 "Balkany ? R.", 1 kW, 2238 ID
6307,1 2227-2249 UNID, v.weak \mushy carrier, pops, deep fades around 2242. [ cf POWERLINER ]
* * * * * TUES. 17 JUL. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0459-0557 LASER HOT HITS, v. > e.weak, mx, ID+@, mx, tk..
6070,0 0502-0603 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \PLC,other stn on 6070, splash from 6080 then from Vatican 6075, RNI tape%
6070,0 1906-2134 R. 6150 test %, mx, 1910 RNI ID and annt in D, Fats Domino?, 2132 Beatles, tk, R.Stones.
6325,2 1820-1844 R. OME JAN, v.weak, D songs, tk in D, 1828 several IDs+@ (1823 ID as R.O... unsure).
6305,2 1830-1846* UNID, weak \fades,PLC,splash, D songs.
6290,2 1835-1914 UNID, strong (splashing), D songs, duo tk (ment' Marconi), humour, 1855 Knock on wood [cf FLYING D]
6280,1 1838-2001 R. TARZAN, weak \various QRM/QRN, mx, D song, yodl, 1929 ID, 1931 "Après toi" D version
6305,0 1846-1849 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, f/out. [ cf G.V. ]
6240,1 1900-2040* UNID, \ut.QRM, mx sounds like R.Carol.Int., 1924 "Jet Radio" ?, 1953 peaking, but ID in shy voice, 1957 tk in it.?, 2037 long tk in G., bit of mx and off. [ cf HIT Radio from Rumania ]
6285,8 1917-1922 UNID, strong, tracks of anorak mx (1926 gone)
6300,1 1934-1940 UNID, e.weak, tracks of anorak mx [ cf LUXEMB.]
6302,1 1940-1940 UNID, e.weak, anorak mx, now drifting downwards
6420,0 2005-2018 MUSTANG & TIDALWAVE, strong +peaks, g's Artem-Dino, c'/d, "low power", F song, bye bye
7600,1 2020-2030 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak mx.
6280,25 2034-2036* UNID, hum with stn on 6280,05 but s/off at 2036
6280,05 2034-2036 UNID, hum, D song, this one last a bit longer, clear at 2036
6235,1 2040-2050 UNID, v.>e.weak,atmos,ut.QRM, mx, 20.43 ID?, "Angie", 2045 long bursts of strong fax
4015,0 2051-2107 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \bad fading, mx, tk, 2058 FSN
3905,1 2056-2104 R. ALICE, mx, live tk and IDs, "very hot in the studio"
6325,6 2107-2111 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak, "Blue Monday", IDs, slogan "Nobody..", mx, 2111 flattened
6324,7 *2111-2116 UNID, blanks and mx, flattened Merlin.
6300,0 2117-2137 UNID, strong \noisy ut on 6297, Don't let me be misunderstood, non stop mx.
6308,5 2136-2137 spur from UNID 6300,0 : same mx as 6300,0 but quite bad modulation.
6285,1 2122-2131 UNID, weak \occ. traffic, ID not copied, clear mx when D fishers (?) are not speaking.
* * * * * WED. 18 JUL. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0500-0602 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak > trace, mx, tk
6980,0 2017-2321 LASER HOT HITS %, v. weak, mx, tk: Mystery R., then stronger traffic on 6980 USB, 2321 mx\ut.QRM
6070,0 0502-0553 R. 6150 test %, RNI tape (rock), \UNID stn 6070: news in E, also Vatican short transmission on 6075
6070,0 1854-2135 R. 6150 test %, RNI tape \squeezed and PLC at first.
4015,0 0503-0558 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, tk: Eurovision contest, mx, soon e.weak \loc.noise.
4015,0 2137-2158 LASER HOT HITS %, \noisy, mx.
6305,0 1834-1850 R. OSAKA, v.weak f/up along with atmos, D mix od mx, IDs.
6305,0 1905-1923 UNID, Shadows cover?, D song, 1921 tk over middle of "Hocus Pocus' [ cf OSAKA ]
6325,0 1908-1920 UNID, \strong PLC, D mx and rock(Springsteen?). 1920 tk, mx. (1924 gone) [cf NACHTPIRAAT }
6324,4 1924-1930* UNID, v.weak, mx, tk in D with "piraat" galore, mx, tk, mx, tk.. [ cf SWR ]
6325,0 1931-1941* UNID, much ment' SWRadio, so at 1937 "hello Mike this is not SWRadio" then ID=??, 20W, c'/d
6305,0 1943-1946 UNID, trace > weak, D? song, song in E.
6305,0 2012-2025 UNID, good, H.California (instrum V.), 2021 accordion,2025 tk(...com), accordion. [ cf OSAKA ]
6240,15 1947-2105 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \occ. ut.QRM, cooperation between several free radio stns, mx, IDs
6300,1 2022-2039 CUPID R., strong \ut.QRM on low side, rock, tk, IDs, 2034 g's stns & lsnrs, 2038 IDs+@
6235,0 2041-2105 UNID, e.weak \fades, ut.bursts, 2058 ID "Radio -- --", splash from 6240.
6263,0v 2053-2132 UNID, then drifting around 6262,8 \traffic QRM, oriental mx (maybe from S.E. Europe)
6287,9 2105-2108 UNID, mx and blanks. (2120 gone). [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6304,9 2109-2111* R. ZODIAC, rock, tk about computer, ID in D and E and off.
6324,9 2111-2120 R. NACHTPIRAAT(EN), quite various mx and sounds, 2114 ID.
3925 L 2139-2157 BALTIC SEA R., mx, typical IDs with seagull noise, no real copy : extra-extra weak !
* * * * * THURS. 19 JUL. 2012 * * * * *
4015,0 0500-0550 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak mx \sunk loc.noise > trace
4015,0 2007-2200 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \noisy, 2050 ID (cities in Europe), 2057 under traffic on 4015 USB
6070,0 0502-0547 R. 6150 test %, first under stn talking in E, both queezzed, then both trace only
6070,0 1720-1956 R. 6150 test %, v.weak, mx, 1806 splash from 6065, rare Beatles tracks, tk, 1956 ID RNI.
6980,0 0504-0544 first : carrier trace under ut. on 6979,3 later e.weak mx
6980,0 2038-2310 LASER HOT HITS, 2038 FSN, OEM, ID then mx, tk. 2310 ID (also mx around 1830 so weak)
6325,7 1715-1719 UNID, v. weak \some fades, tchac-boom mx (1725 gone)
6300,4 1719-1725 UNID, weak +peaks \noisy ut.QRM, mx, ..allo .. amateur .. WE piraat .., SMS hl in D.
6325,0 1822-2121* R. NACHTPIRAAT(EN), 1825 in F "Vous écoutez une radio pirate", patchworks, \it. traffic on 6323USB, techno, 1842 RadioNightPirate@hot. (W voice), waltz, drum & bugle, pops, 1946 C&W, 2011 D ID, g's...
6240,1 1947-2025 R. VERONIKA, news in E. language, 1951 Bulgarian/Balkan mx, 1955 ID, 2025 Balkan pops
3905,1 1959-2202 R. ALICE, 1959 F song, ID in E, some C&W, IDs, mx, JIDs.. 2201 IDs on 3905,0 mx
3904,9 2319-2323 R. ALICE, mx, brass with bugle, ID, still 2 or 3 tracks before c/d.
6279,8 2015-2037 R. LUXEMBURG, strong \noisy ut on 6275, pops, 2024 ID.
6210,0 2026-2034 UNID, e.weak, mx, long tk (maybe greek TX intermod from 19 and 31 mb)
7600,1 2040-2208 LIGHTNING R. %, v.weak +odd peak, nonstop unknown mx, never can report any detail for proof !
4890,0 2042-2059 R. U-BOAT 66, e.weak, African mx, sonar sounds, ID, mx, 2059 sonar sounds, lost.
6210,0 2103-2121 R. SPACESHUTTLE, tk: R.Veronika, ID,mx, live ID, c'/d, 2115 Sabrina, \weak traffic on 6210USB, 2118 DJ Space Walker : Summer meeting, ID+@, now c'/d (all above "Boys boys...) 2120 bye bye
6210,0 2136-2214 SpaceShuttle relaying WIL in USB, strong \strong noise bursts, 2144 switch to LSB, better but still noise bursts, very good mx progr. from USA, w. IDs and adds, 2155 ID from Shuttle added over, etc..
6308,25 2122-2134 UNID, e.weak, quick drift to 6308,15 and slow to 6308,0. 2123"When a man loves a woman" then deep fades with e.weak short peaks (OC on 6310 doesn't help), 2133 tk in E, g's to Italy, 2134 said c'/d
6300,4 2135-2135 UNID, mx (with low side band under ut.)
6306,0 2257-2318 POWERLINER INT, strong, ID also as VOICE OF THE DARK WOODS from Holland, pops.
6940,5 2305-2317 UNID, ZZ Top, non stop rock. [ cf POLARIS ]
* * * * * FRI. 20 JUL. 2012 * * * * * occ. PLC
6070,0 0502-0547 R. 6150 test %, strong>v.weak, \2nd stn on+ side Vatican 1\4h, RNI tape with S&Garf., R.Stones?
6070,0 1604-2133 R. 6150 test %, weak \PLC, RNI tape w.addr. in Zurich. Better signal than on past weeks.
6980,0 0507-0544 UNID, trace under a RTTY on 6979,3 (More and more ut's on this almost free frequency)
6980,0 1953-2151 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak>weak \atmos, Don't bring me down, mx, JID.
4015,0 0509-0542 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak, mod well managed, ID, other voice in the room, mx
4015,0 2000-2140 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy,atmos, Blue Monday, mx, 2140 ID+@
6321,4 1554-1554 UNID, e.weak, tk
6304,9 1556-1713 R. OSAKA, pop, ID+@, tk in D, ment' Ome Jan, 1610 traffic (on 6302 USB?), D mx mix.
6940,0 1702-2150 IMR R., v.weak \traffic at first, mx, tk, IDs 1722 Sweets for my sweet, 2021 Loco-motion
6207,5 1707-1713 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mx, mooh, ID, mx for Klaus \PLC.
6927,3 1715-1726 UNID, good peaks \fading, synthe mx and songs (80s ?)
6306,7 1821-2059 BOGUSMAN, strong, pops, long tk, 1821 N.Sinatra"These boots..., 1824 ID, alt mx, long tk.
6279,8 1830-1838 R. LUXEMBURG, JID, live ID, mx.
6206,1 1832-1836 SLUWE VOS R., Gainsbourg-Birkin, ID
6206,2 1923-1946 UNID, weak mx \atmos. 1925 : jump on 6207,2 and back. [ cf ALTREX ]
6319,5 1933-2100 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, ID+@, 2010 tk/ democracy, 2100 weak.
6324,3 1936-1943* UNID, drift 6324,5 Do wah diddy, In the summertime, Da da da, 1942 c'/d, R. F-P-R-O ?[cf SWR]
6420,0 1947-2146* R. MUSTANG, P.Floyd"Wall, Smoke on the water(alt take), Stairway to Heaven, 2145 ID c'/d
3905,1 2001-2136 SKYLINE INT R., 2002 IDs, tk, tnx, then D mix of mx.
6324,5 2009-2016 UNID, tk, accordion, po. [cf SWR]
6291,9 2026-2031 UNID, pop, techno-transe . [ cf B. ARROW ]
6291,9 2055-2058 UNID, e.weak mx > trace.
6735,0 2104-2148 COOL AM R., v.weak, Ring my bell, 2110 ID+@, 2112 again, > e.weak \atmos.
6925,0 2113-2150 TRANSEUROPE R., only 60W, gd ev' F.Spitz, ID, G songs, 2119 ID+@
6565,0 2142-2147 UNID, mx, mx... 2147 Kraftwerk"Radioactivity". [ cf POWERLINER ]
* * * * * SAT. 21 JUL. 2012 * * * * *
6980,0 0616-0637 LASER HOT HITS, \deep fading,Morse on 6983, 0619 was the Cars, ID, later v.weak \loc.noise
6980,0 2032-2032 LASER HOT HITS %, weak, tk barely audible, think I heard "Martin Scott", mx.
6070,0 0622-0828 R. 6150 test %, weak \fading, QRM 6060,6070,6075, RNI tape, 70s rock, 0751 incl' UK jamming
6070,0 2040-2238 R. 6150 test %, good, RNI tape, rock, blues (probably test with more power on evenings)
4015,0 0631-0634 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \deep fading, mx, ID as Laser Int.
4015,0 2120-2336 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, 2127 ID+POB, 2336 JID, FSN, OEM, ID, mx.
6299,8 1235-1305 UNID, e.weak \sunk in PLC, mx. [ cf GOLFBR. ]
6400,5 1237-1308 UNID, e.weak \sunk in PLC, > trace [ cf WALDM. ]
6095,0 1248-1304 KBC, strong, Whole Lotta.., R&R, ID, tk, rock...
6319,5 1937-2132 R. VERONIKA %, weak \atmos,PLC, mx from SE Europe-Balkan
6294,7 1941-2038 UNID, weak \atmos, drift to 6294,9, mx. [ cf GRENSSTAD ?? ]
6294,9 2132-2138 UNID, G (or D) songs [ cf OSAKA ]
6264,9 1944-1955 R. GERONIMO, very strong \bit mushy, Dave Simpson, ment' Wolfman Jack, 1954 ID.
6206,1 1956-1956 UNID, A.Stewart"Knock on wood" . [ cf ALTREX ]
6924,7 1958-2030 TCS SW relay by UNID, h.rock, IDs+@, patches, Doors, ID, Tarzan shouting, duo and trio tk (unclear), "psychotherapy"tk and rock song (like on July 5th), ID "on the TCS SW relay network".
6940,0 2032 mx, 2345 & 2408 pop, weak \atmos. [ cf IMR ]
5800,4 2044-2141*, UNID, weak-fair \atmos, mx, 2139 ID ?, tk, synthe mx, and off.
6170,0 2105-2236* R. VIKING %, D mx and rock, 2143 Tante Foek? sings, 2231 bye bye
3909,6 2109-2132 R. LIKEDEELER, v.weak-weak \atmos, 2117 ID+hl in E, 2130 SW pirate news, ID
6160,0 2140-2202 UNID, D mx, 60s pop, 2156 Hippy shake, 2201 Abba"Waterloo, time pips, E.Cochran
6305,0 2209-2410 R. TRX, strong, v.good audio, R&R, 60s pops, great show, 2300 ID
6295,0 2210-2216 UNID, D songs, 2215 accordion-waltz song. (2218 gone)
6270,1 2212-2219 R. SPACESHUTTLE, v.weak \ut.QRM from 6275, mx, IDs, anorak mx
6245,0 2220-2224 R. FRIELOO, strong, Elvis?, then "The most beautiful girl", ID "..from the NL".
6206,2 2224-2252 R. ALTREX, weak, rock, mooh!, later synthe mx 2252 ID+@, couple of tracks before c/d
6283,3 2243-2245* BLACK BANDIT %, mx, part of C&W track, known V. "-- -- Radio c'/d". [ cf VIAGRA R. ]
6318,0 2311-2315 R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, v.weak, mx, 2314 ID+POB, then Rod Stewart
6287,9 2317-2318 R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, v.weak, ID and following of +POB, then Rod Stewart track, off.
3929,9 2328-2335 R. BATAVIA, mx, ID with name history, web site, "Summertime" by classic choir.
6565,0 2338-2344 UNID, mx incl' tk about Queen Victoria, pop, Tainted love. [ cf POWERLINER ]
6240,0 2353-2356 UNID, strong het from OC on 6238, Abba"Waterloo", "Let's have a party" (to 6245)
6245,0 2356-2400 UNID (ex 6240), quite better here, non stop R&R
* * * * * SUN. 22 JUL. 2012 * * * * *
6070,0 0453-0458 R. 6150 test %, good \other stn in E underneath, RNI tape: mx, ID, Man fo action, Tommy..
6070,0 0716-0946 R. 6150 test %, strong > v.weak\sunk in PLC, RNI tape: ID, JID, mx, tk...
6070,0 1938-1942 R. 6150 test %, strong, rock, seems undemod, RNI tape: ID, JID
6299,7 0718-0955 R. MERLIN INT, weak +odd peaks \deep fading,PLC. mx, IDs, J.Frost show, 0940 DJ Nelly
6205,3 0718-0805 UNID, fair > e.weak, D mix of mx, 0805 Mort Schuman?, tk over ?? [ cf ORANG UTAN ]
6280,2 0759-0759 UNID, e.weak mx, \crackling, PLC. [ cf SATURNUS ]
6980,0 0814-0844 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \loc.noise + v.weak peaks, mx, tk, 0844 under G traffic on 6979USB
6980,0 2053-2126 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak +odd peak \atmos, DX bulletin ??, G.Drew, Laser Int
6095,0 0905-1251 THE MIGHTY KBC, strong, rock, R&R, 60s pop, 1000 Turkish March, 1250 Midnight Hour.
6045,0 0905-0959* XVRB, strong +peaks , excellent audio (KBC!! LISTEN !!!), The Music Museum, pops, R&R, IDs, rpts from all Europe, tk in E and G (both fluent), 0924 rare track by F singer Johnny Halliday, 0957 goodbye, ID, instrum.
6005,0 0906-0935 R. GLORIA INT, strong, //6140, mx, tk in E, 0921 ID still strong, 0928 weak now.
6140,0 0917-1000* R. GLORIA INT, (not at 0905), v.strong, offshore story read in G, 0918 // 6005, mx, tk in E
6325,0 0936-0955 UNID, \PLC, rock, pop, chat at 0938. [ cf QUINTUS ]
6304,7 1247-1253 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx. [ cf MERLIN ? ]
6266,6 1249-1337 UNID, e.weak \deep fades, several voixces: story R.Caroline vs Laser 558, parts of mx tracks
6279,8 1859-1903 UNID, \fading, mx, 60s W singer. [ cf LUXEMB. ]
6311,2 1903-1920 R. PANDORA, v.weak, mx, IDs+@, tk: a pirate in VHF-FM, 1915 ID+@ robot V., then parts of R. Mi Amigo recordings (jingle, accordion, Suzy waffles and other ads)
6255,0 1921-2150 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, first in Dutch about Reginald Calvert, then in E about R. Mi Amigo, mx, IDs
6207,8 1931-2215 BOGUSMAN, long tk, mx, 2001 Blue Monday, 2150 tk: R.Free Birmingham, 2211 quick ID
4015,0 1950-2158 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak\noisy > weak\atmos, mx, tk, 2158 IDs
6240,1 1953-2032 CAROLINE-RAINBOW ?, v.weak \het from 6238OC, traffic. mx, much tk(no copy), 20.31 Rainbow ?
6325,0 2010-2016* CAROLINE-RAINBOW, \stron Morse QRM, mx, IDs (2011 unsure, 2015 OK), and off.
6307,0 2017-2021 CAROLINE INT again?, e.weak, Monday Monday, ID unsure, Jailhouse rock. (2022 gone)
6265,0 2024-2025* RMGP %, tk, ID?, POB in Eisenach, and off.
6261,5 2026-2028* UNID, e.weak \splash from 6255, tk, mx, and off.
6450,2 2035-2043 R. LOWLAND, strong, D songs, 2042 ID+hl+@, reggae.
6525,0 2045-2127 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak \fading, parts of tracks, "I feel good", ID+@, mx...
6735,0 2048-2130 COOL AM %, e.weak \fades out and back, atmos. mx, tk, 2129 tk: ..100 FM stereo..
6940,0 2052-2126 IMR R., v.weak \atmos, "The last time", tk, ID, mx
7600,1 2055-2120 LIGHTNING R. %, e.weak \noisy,atmos,occ."toy-mill", mx.
6315,5 2130-2143 UNID, v.weak \atmos,PLC. mx, rock, h.rock... [ cf SKYLINE GERMANY ]
6305,0 2136-2144 TOP R., \small drift 6304,9. mx, IDs, JIDs (distorted), accordion, "piraten" song.
6297,0 2145-2147 R. ALTREX, e.weak, mx, no ID but lots of "mooh".
6300,7 2200-2205 UNID, strong, wide splashing, drift to 6300,4. mx, allo amateur, ment' Altrex, D mx [ cf GOLFBR. ]
6290,0 2201-2210 R. ALTREX, e.weak, mx, ID by "mooh", 2210 tk, mx
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
LOG : 16 - 22 JULY 2012
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LOG : 16 - 22 JULY 2012