Log 19 - 21 dec.

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log 19 - 21 dec.

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • *** LUNDI 19 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    4015,0 0559-0643 LASER HOT HITS, 0639 telling the tech problems of an FM pirate

    4015,0 1825-2120 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak, 1828 ID by Mike Andrews.

    6970,0 0748-0805 LASER HOT HITS, strong \fading. 0756 "Call me"

    6970,0 1614-1846 LASER HOT HITS, 1614 Ianos(?)"Digging the neighbourhood"(?), give me more!

    6925 U 0750-0752 UNID, mx, then Jingle bells with annt over (lost under SSB traffic).

    6305,1 1310-1414 R. DR TIM, 1310 mx, long break around 1330, unknown relay, 1355 many long IDs

    6305,0 1445-1710* R. OSAKA, D songs, pops in E, 1456 "Wonderful Xmas time" 1515 ID...

    6225,0 1506-1529* UNID (from Asia?), mx & tk, 15.20 sport? then rock and off.

    6219,6 1509-1606* UNID e.weak, 1514"Love to love you baby", 1523 "Laser Hot Hits"? 1534 tk by M+W : e-mail, address in Rotterdam ... Radio Network .. reaktie ... (disturbed by traffic and PLC).

    6298,6v 1504-1656* R. RAINBOW, some strange mx, 1518 ID, mx maybe from Mauritania? later some pop

    6374,7 1548-1632 UNPREDICTABLE R., IDs+@(hooker.net??), "Great balls of fire" +v.different mx

    6310,0 1634-1636 UNID, reading list with numbers, maybe the korean number station

    *** MARDI 20 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    4015,0 0558-0639 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 0639 ID+@

    4015,0 1801-2046 LASER HOT HITS, weak, 2003 ID, A.Stewart"Knock on wood". Also 2453 We love...

    6970,0 0745-0756 LASER HOT HITS, 0745 real f/in, 0750 settled, ID.

    6970,0 1547-1745 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, rare good peaks (2012 lost under ut.QRM)

    6324,9 1528-1600* UNID, non-stop mx (movie theme?, pop, rock, ...)

    6325,0 1604-1630* UNID (same?), "Tokyo I'm on the way"(title?), Whiter shade of pale, etc.

    6305,0 1556-1747 R. OSAKA, deep fading, ut.QRM till 1734. mx, regular IDs+@.

    6310,0 1632-1640 UNID, the korean number station ?

    *** MERCREDI 21 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

    4015,0 0600-0700* LASER HOT HITS, strong. 0646 comment about a seizure?? (££ involved)

    4015,0 *1800-2327 LASER HOT HITS, mx, promo OEM, etc..

    6970,0 0737-0737 LASER HOT HITS, real f/in very quick at 0737 after long buzzing.

    6970,0 1656-1730 LASER HOT HITS, 1730 ID, S&G "Bridge over...". Early f/out.

    6305,0 1656-1732 R. OSAKA, deep fading, D and int. mx, 1721 ID, 1732 ID, c'/d.

    3930,0 2234-2257 R. BATAVIA, instrum mx, songs, ID, modernized opera tunes.

    1512,0 2302-2315 T.C.R. Radio, ID, C&W with DJ (arabic QRM at times).

    1296,0 2317-2320 XL Radio (legal, UK), IDs, duo M+W, mx.

    6990,5 2331-2341 LIGHTNING R. %, weak \deep fadings, +fair peaks, mx, 2338 ID "- - Radio".

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline

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