Logs from Newfoundland, Nov. 24-28

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newfoundland dxer
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Logs from Newfoundland, Nov. 24-28

Post by newfoundland dxer »

Hi everyone:

It was a strange weekend. Conditions were terrible and the noise level was high both Friday and Saturday nights, but Sunday night was excellent and even Saturday morning was good on the higher bands. Only a few logs though.

It was nice to hear The Cowboy for the first time, as well as Wilskracht for the first time on sw. Also great to hear a relay of CoolAM by Captain Morgan. Great show, and nice to see this kind of transatlantic cooperation. And nice to hear Channel Z again on the upper bands.

It was fun to track down the source of that Greek station that has been heard occasionally on 6540 lately … it was the 4th harmonic of a station on 1635!

Best signals this weekend were Fox 48 and the US novelty Thanksgiving station Wild Turkey Shortwave.

Thursday, November 24 (American Thanksgiving)
6925,0 . . 2320 . Wild Turkey Shortwave, ID, email, “Got That Right”, ID, email, “Unchained Melody”, 45343

Friday, November 25
3905,1 . . 2149 . Skyline Int. Radio, Johnny Cash “Ring of Fire”, ID, “GoYour Own Way”, 34342
6310,0 . . 2302 . Radio Powerliner Int., barely audible music, ID via Iann’s chat

Saturday, November 26
15090,1u .1301 . Radio Fox 48, “Purple Rain”, 34433 later tried am, c/d 1325
15090,0u .1327 . Radio Shadow “Oh Donna”, jingle ID, country, c/d 1335, 24432
15088,8 . 1338 . Channel Z Radio (US), ID, email, Bowie “Rebel, Rebel”, DP “Woman from Tokyo”, “Highway Star”24331
6304,1 . . 1828 . UNID, weak music just fading in, and c/d 1833
6324,9 . . 1835 . Radio Witte Reus, “Kung Foo Fighting”, c/d 1928, ID via Iann’s chat, 24331
6305,8 . . 2349 . Radio Marconi, very weak rock, very unusual to have such a weak signal from Marconi, ID via Iann’s chat, 24341

6300,0 . . 2009 . UNID, music and talk with Dutch accent, could only catch a few words, c/d shortly after 2030
4031,8 . . 2104 . Radio Mi Amigo, pop music, ID, occasional cw QRM, on past 0150
1618,6 . . 2114 . The Cowboy, old Dutch music, fading in and out, 24431
1635,0 . . 2128 . Radio Asteras? (Greek), Greek music with talk between each song, echo effect made copy difficult despite some nice peaks, still audible past 0100, 24431
6540,0 . . 2207 . Radio Asteras? (Greek), apparent 4th harmonic of 1635, definitely the same program, 35442
3905,1 . . 2145 . Radio Wilskracht, “Mony, Mony”, ID, said would c/d, “Baby Come Back”, c/d 2204, 33443, had to use narrow filter due to loud noise ute on 3903
6924,8v . 2242 . CoolAm Radio via Captain Morgan Shortwave (US), all Rolling Stones songs, “Time is on My Side”, “This Could Be the Last Time”, “Get Off My Cloud”, IDs, jingles, email and website, freq drifting slowly down to about 6924,5, weak but steady, 24442 (great to hear CoolAM … thanks for the relay Capt.!)
1710,0 . . 2255 . UNID (Greek?), Greek sounding music, talk by man, 24432

Monday, November 28
6934,8 . . 0032 . Radio Appalachia (US), country and bluegrass music, slightly distorted ID repeated several times, 24432

Thanks to all the ops. I hope this coming weekend brings better conditions.

Cheers, Terry
Location: Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 75 m long wire, 30 m from house
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