- *** LUNDI 21 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
4026,0 0558-0659* LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs 0634 with child and mom in the studio
4015,0 1919-2218 LASER HOT HITS, back on 4015 tonight, still announcing 4026
6970,0 0637-0723 LASER HOT HITS, shaky trace 0657:1st ID 0700:noise&QRM f/in 0705:LHH f/in
6970,0 1606-2138 LASER HOT HITS, strong, M.Andrews 1740: tech tk, ID. 2134:R.Stones, SSB QRM
6300,0 1610-1620* MISTI R., mx, op in D and E, rpt, g' Altrex, C&W 1619:ID+@, c'/d
6304,9 1712-1750 UNID, strong\PLC, mx:acc'ion, D songs(+ occ. E/ G) Not at 1759 [cf UNDERGR.]
6240,0 1714-1755* R. CAROLINE INT, mx, 1717,1732: IDs w.reverb. 1736,1754: strange IDs?
6298,0 1756-1759 UNID, e.weak,PLC,atmos, mx & tk.
6240,0 2130-2140 R. CAROLINE INT again, techno dance mx, ID+@, fading down.
*** MARDI 22 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
4015,0 0559-0659* LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, comments.
4015,0 1816-2135 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID.
6970,0 0642-0710 LASER HOT HITS, mumbling 0650:hiss f/in, 1st ID 0655:OTH 0705:f/in, "stereo" mx
6970,0 1636-2003 LASER HOT HITS, mx 2003: SSB QRM, early f/out
6990,5 1637-1807 LIGHTNING R. %, v.weak, much QRM. Again: 2138 v.weak, atmos, www...com.
6324,8 1642-1643 UNID, good \fading, atmos, accordion [cf MISTI ]
6325,0 1657-1701 R. PLUTO, /occ.ut.QRM, yodl, polka, ID, g'Misti (not at 1710)
6298,6 1644-1814 UNID, nonstop D songs, accordion.
6240,0 1650-1719 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, many IDs, reverb
1395,0 1721-1737 ENERGY POWER AM, rock, On the border, ID, pop, occ. eastern QRM (not Tirana)
6309,0 1823-1833 UNID, e.weak, PLC. Pop mx.
6304,0 1825-1828 UNID, v.weak, shaggy synthe mx (not at 1833, gone?)
6298,0 1926-1957* UNID, weak, messing with M+W tk(US accent), 1931:mx. Moved to 6300, off.
6305,0 2023-2122 COOL AM R., v.weak, many IDs(some in F, Sp), Knock on wood, blues show
*** MERCREDI 23 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
4015,0 1926-2047 LASER HOT HITS, G.Drew tk, ID, mx \F fishermen strong on 4010U. (also 0559)
6970,0 0710-0715 LASER HOT HITS, mx, FSN ad, ID \strong utQRM on 6975
6970,0 1629-1703 LASER HOT HITS, medley incl. sirtaki, ID. Early f/out again.
6325 U 1612-1624* R. ACHAB?? INT, some tronic mx, IDs by W, no spelling, no @, quick c/d
6294,7 1625-1638 BOGUSMAN, mx, tk, ID. End before 1648, QRM from R. Osaka
6294,9 1648-1711 R. OSAKA, now clear, mx, ID+@ in E. 1656 false c'/d, goes on.
6304,7 1812-1819 UNID, mx, D mx, mx from islands [cf ALICE ]
6298,9 1813-1818 R. OSAKA, v.weak \PLC. mx, it. mx, ID, "Super Classics".
6240,0 1815-1820 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC. [ cf CAROLINE INT]
6325 U 1907-1911* R. ACHAB?? INT again, mx, c'/d ID.
6300 U 1913-1921 R. ACHAB?? INT, strong, tronic mx, no bass tones, ID R. HAVEN ??. f/out-end?
6924,6 2414-2425 UNID, weak mx, several carriers and Morse around.
*** JEUDI 24 NOVEMBRE 2011 ***
4015,0 0556-0659* LASER HOT HITS, 0638 promos OEM and FRN. Fading down.
4015,0 1934-1947 LASER HOT HITS, \het 4010 N.Korea?, ut4015. mx, tk, ID, comment: euro-zone
6970,0 0555-0727 LASER HOT HITS, trace only, sudden f/in at 0714. 0721 rpt from Belgium.
6970,0 1530-1931 LASER HOT HITS, 1739:D.Simpson, 1930 Laser Goes DX, ad OEM. Early f/out
6300,0 1531-1755 R. OSAKA, good, pop-rock, IDs(some in G) till 1720 then D mx.
6304,0 1545-1558* R. POWERLINER f'/in&out, pop & D mx, clear c'/d ID.
6307 U 1609-1619* R. ACHAB?? INT, mx, same ID and c'/d by W (see 23 Nov.).
6323,1 1632-1635* UNID, it. songs in E, s/off without ann.
6325 a 1636-1652 UNID, mx, tk over polka, ment. Paardenk? & B'hunter, 1644 gd ev' [cf OMEJAN ]
6323,2 *1651-1727* R. OSCAR ZULU, L.Cohen"Susan in D, pop.. 1703 blank, shifts 6323,0 some messing.
1710 mx again, 1721 tk, ID. 1725 "some problems", c'/d ID, bye bye.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
Log 21 - 24 Nov.
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France
Log 21 - 24 Nov.
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 1172
- Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 21:52 pm
- Location: Bogatynia/Polish-Germ.-Czech border
Re: Log 21 - 24 Nov.
Hello Ray,
again many thanks for such 3 logs of us this week at your location!!!!!
Power again from our side had been 120watts.
Have a nice weekend and till next (We hope!),
Radio Caroline International.
again many thanks for such 3 logs of us this week at your location!!!!!
Power again from our side had been 120watts.
Have a nice weekend and till next (We hope!),
Radio Caroline International.