Saturday Evening, 19 November 2010 from Dunlo, PA, USA

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Dave Valko
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: Dunlo, PA, USA

Saturday Evening, 19 November 2010 from Dunlo, PA, USA

Post by Dave Valko »

6305.1 UNID. Getting little peaks at 2135. Never got strong enough for audio. At 2144:14, another signal came on 6305. This went off at 2159:30. (19 Nov.)

6305 UNID. Came on at 2144:14, and getting strains of audio at 2148. Just about strong enough to recognize songs by 2158. Clear after 2200 for a minute or two then some SSB traffic started just below. Was evident it just wasn't going to come in any better, so I called it quits at 2211. (19 Nov.)

6932.32 UNID. A signal here at 2134. Seems like a Europirate. Starting to get some audio at 2147. Improving as evening progressed like a Europirate should. Drifting up to 6932.42 by 2150. Was up to 6932.46 by 2205, then dropped back down to 6932.43 by 2211. Sounded like oldies, but hard to tell. M anncr at 2210. Right at readability threshold. Audio seemed a bit distorted too. Atlantic maybe?? (19 Nov.)

6055 RWI Just missed s/on and already into C&W mx at 2134. 2135 Peter Hills w/EG ID, mention of starting in 1983. Mailing addr repeated several times, jingle, and back to mx. Some sort of buzzing at 2145, and resumption of mx. 2147 mention of anniversary celebration and addr again, and dedication. 2151 jingle w/US DJ saying he and Peter were the best DJs. "Highway to Freedom" ID jingle at 2159. 2202 FR anmnt including ID and addr. FR Pops then. 2207 EG "1983 to 2010" jingle by deep-voiced M. 2210 another FR anmnt mentioning power and addr. So obviously EG from 2130-2200, and FR after 2200. Good and clear of course. (19 Nov.)

If anyone knows who the UNIDs were above, please drop me a line. Thanks!!!!!!

Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
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