first of all, a glance on yesterday night. At 21.30 GMT I had a very nice signal on 3927. A station playing rock stuff, and even some "light music" (I heard, for sure, what in Italy was named "Il ballo del qua qua"), but sadly I have to list it as a UNID as I fell asleep before an id. I'd say it wasn't Spaceman, anyways.
Then, as for today:
14.06 GMT - 6265 - Radio Bonofox - First a disco 70's "Party" medley (including "How deep is your love" and "Dancing Queen". At 14.10 some schlager, at 14.12 "Everybody Needs Somebody" from Blues Brothers Band. At 14.19, dj spoke and gave e-mail. Sinpo: 34423.
14.16 GMT - 6290 - UNID playing schlager. Good signal. Sinpo: 44334.
14.25 GMT - 6310 - Radio Valencia - Dj gives out station e-mail, then on a song with repeated "I have a dream" lyrics makes a kid say "Valencia" on the mike. At 14.28, Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust". Audio is available and will be sent to the station. Sinpo: 34434.
14.33 GMT - 6401, something that I put on paper like Radio Alex (but I ask for indlugence if this will turn out not correct, qrm from rtty signals was high). First some schlager, then at 14.47 dj spoke, gave id, wished the listeners are liking the music and said the station is from Holland. Then, he repeated three times, during a song, id. Anyways, audio is available and if the station reads this and would like to contact me, I'll be glad to send it! Sinpo: 34324.
14.36 GMT - 6295 - Radio Boomerang. Very strong signal (Sinpo: 44434). At 14.37 an house track with a recurring sample "James Brown is dead", followed by a more classic rock tune. At 14.43, dj announcement in dutch. Audio was recorded and will be sent to the station.
14.52 GMT - 7610 - Radio Latino. "Sixteen tender", followed by a jingle in what sounded spanish to my ears. At 14.54 "Under the moonlight" by Zucchero. At 15.24 "She's got it" ("yo, baby..."). Frequency was clean, a very good choice I'd say, but signal didn't came here that strong and suffered from fading. Sinpo: 24333. Anyways, I've a couple files (part of the id, and Zucchero song). If the station would pm me the e-mail addy, I'd be happy to send.
That's it. Station consisted in Degen DE 1103, with its telescopic antenna coupled to an internal wire.
Help with UNIDs, and with that "strange" pick on 6401, will be highly appreciated.
11th November 2006 - Northern Italy
Moderator: Moderators group