Just back from listening at my QTH outside Halmstad, and conditions seemed rather good at the moment, at first silent 180 m band and 48 m band but a very noisy 76 m band. Later on in the evening static disturbance inproved at my QTH. But here is the loggings.
Today I heard the test transmission from a bran new pirate station broadcasting from SWEDEN!!!! They called themself Radio Campervan and I did listen to their 30 minute test transmission on 6300khz around 16.05 UTC. Also a friend in Harplinge did hear them with good signal. Nut they suffered from some tecnical problems according to the station OP.
They played Petter and some other good tunes. Very suprising to hear them!!!! Any one else?
6295 The Bogusman was a first experience. Some music and talking about life and much more. Good signal. Contact adr???
6300 A german station was heard around 18.30, first veak then improving but did not quite catch the ID. Station OP mentioned a lot of station such as Likedeler, Perfekt, Bermudadreick, SWR, Mystery. Eisenach maildrop.
6280 a dutch powerstation was booming in here annoncing the SMS hotline as follows 0031-650555648, thanking a lot of listeners such as Jaroslav and Jari... Hwo where they?
6283 But then Radio Boomerang swiched on the transmitter and really BOOMING in here in Halmstad. Such power! Played a dutch (?) disco version of Pippi Longstocking and also they did play a song from a swedish guy called Basshunter "Boten Anna" which a dutch group have copied. Buy they way it's been playing all summer on nightclubs here in Sweden. But Radio Boomerang is nice to listen to.
6324 Radio Waves Int was heard at 19.58 giving a very week ID.
6400 W.N.K.R was on with good music. Nice to hear you again. SINPO-23222
6220 Mystery Radio was playing music, strong signal.
6878 Power FM (?) was also heard quite good signal here. SINPO 33333
Middengolf - Didn't spend much time on 180m band tonight. Next time.
1636 Radio Titanic was heard with very good signal 19.55
1660 UNID 19.05
1631 UNID 20.00
All from me and listen out for more from Radio Campervan, Sweden.
That was a real suprise.
Best from Sweden
Radio Campervan from Sweden!!!!!!!
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