Logs from South-West of France - August 6 to 8

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Joined: Fri May 27, 2005 19:53 pm
Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - August 6 to 8

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Stations heard this weekend:

Friday, August 6th

4855 1906 Unid
4865 2024 Mystery Radio 21
4945 2036 Unid - Deltracks ?
5140 1536 Charleston Radio International
6242 2018 Radio Tidalwave
6268 2032 Radio Fox 48
6305 1520 Radio Merlin International
6321 2028 Radio Olympia
6747 1915 Radio Pioneer

Saturday, August 7th

1625 1947 Radio Uniek
1638 1937 Radio Barones
4865 1857 Mystery Radio 21
5140 0726 Charleston Radio International
5880 0735 Radio Rock Revolution
6210 1851 King Shortwave
6305 0800 Radio Merlin International
6370 2004 Radio 319 - 2005 : end
6375 0748 Radio 319 - USB
6375 1908 Radio 319
6950 1421 Zenith Classic Rock - USB

Sunday, August 8th

3920 1918 Continental Radio
4905 1947 Mystery Radio 21
5140 0718 Charleston Radio International
5880 0723 Radio Rock Revolution
6020 0906 Radio Delta - Elburg - NL
6070 1926 W-I-L - via Moosbrunn 300 kW - Voice and email of Bogusman
6140 0805 Radio Onda - Borculo - NL
6170 1841 Unid
6210 0826 King Shortwave
6220 1859 Radio Olympia
6240 0846 Radio Scotland International - short test
6270 2025 Radio Ronalisa
6272 1521 Radio Batavia
6275 1910 Radio Merlin International
6280 0729 Radio Lowland
6290 0902 Radio Parade International
6305 0742 Radio Merlin International
6325 0737 Radio Clash
6875 0855 Radio Europe - Italy
6945 1846 Zeppelin Radio
6950 1853 Zenith Classic Rock - USB
6985 2015 The Vault

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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