Logs from South-West of France - August 8 and 9

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - August 8 and 9

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Stations heard this weekend:

Saturday, August 8th

3920 2053 Radio Piepzender
3940 2023 Mike Radio
5140 0725 Charleston Radio International
5780 0731 Radio Harmony
6205 1925 Laser Hot Hits
6290 2030 Radio Panda
6305 1951 Radio Merlin International
6390 1914 Radio Joey
6985 1902 The Vault
7695 2048 Zeppelin Radio
7755 2035 Radio Parade International
7765 2006 Radio 319 - USB
7765 2040 Radio Jan Van Gent - LSB

Sunday, August 9th

5140 0734 Charleston Radio International
5780 0649 Radio Harmony
6130 0800 Radio Casanova
6185 0912 Radio Scotland International - 0928 : end
6205 0755 Laser Hot Hits
6210 0749 King Shortwave
6290 0817 Radio Cuckoo
6305 0813 Radio Merlin International
6385 1947 Radio Ronalisa
6390 0727 Radio 319
6950 1857 Radio Voyager
6985 1853 The Vault
7695 1846 Zeppelin Radio
7757 1951 Radio 319 - Mi Amigo SW archive

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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