The cross-checking gave me several dubious IDs. At times, that comes from strange propagation and different stations on the same frequency at the same time. But without enough loggings (or without enough details), that will stay unresolved.
- unknown R. Laser on 6070 on Wed.
- on Fri., 6284,8 Unid may or may not be R.Rainbow heard later by Achim
- on Sat., Doc Tim made on 6245 a tribute broadcast to RIP R. Morningstar, using many times that ID (even if not well copied here). That was after a repeat from a Jodelpiraat transmission (so Doc Tim is probably behind this one too)
- on Sun. morning, there was clearly a Radio NMD broadcast around 0910 UTC (with clear ID at 0906 still available on a mp3 by Achim), but the IDs heard here at 0913 and 0915 were without the "Mike Delta" part (no recording, sorry), the hotmail address seemed closer to that of NMD than to that of November/Vonkenboer. (About that last one -and some others- it's not a great idea to use only one NATO spelling code as a name).
- on Sun. after 1100 and 1300, on 6290 or 6295, not enough data about Dolfijn or what
* * * * * MON. 16 OCT. 2017 * * * * *6205 empty (after 1530)
6289,0 1534-1848 UNID, trace (weak carrier) > e.weak; some mx barely heard at 1828-1848
6300,1 1538-1619 R. MERLIN INT, pop-rock, 60s mx, IDs. (1640 gone)
6085,0 1624-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, Stop in the name of love, Mr Bluesky, ID, 1647 I'll be there, etc
6150,0 1631-1723 R. MARABU, pops, tk in G, IDs
6300,0 1659-1722 UNID, 60s pops, 'blank' bridges, 1709 Just an illusion, Juanita, songs in G. [ cf BBR % ]
3985,0 1700-1723 R. MI AMIGO INT, (at first SW Sce in G, time pips 50" late), welcome s/on // 6085, soul/R&B
1602,0 2105-2106 KBC, weaker than QRM from Spain; ID, mx
* * * * * TUES. 17 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6150,0 0830-0845 R. MARABU, fair; mx, IDs in G, 0843 kurz Nachrichten, 0845 mx again
6085,0 0846-0907 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, 0848 ID, 0855 promo P.Vandam, "Sugar sugar", 0900 "Tiny bikini" in G+sp.
6205,0 1419-1431 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, Laser Int'l
6205,0 1839-2029 LASER HOT HITS, Supertramp (twice), 1854 "Camouflage", tk, mx, 2029 JID
6305,1 1845-1853* R. MERLIN INT, \PLC, spitting ut.; Baker street, ID, 1852 M said "presented by DJ Nellie"
1593,0 1903-1909 UNID, blues, bluesy, 1909 "Summertime"
1476,0 2029-2103 UNID, pops, \strong Arabic QRM; 2055 JID (=?), pop (italian?) [ cf FREE R. AM (Triestre) on 19th ]
1395,0 2037-2107 UNID, mx, DJ in E, 2045 deep fade, pop, rock, drums...
6985,0 2131-2304 UNID, e.weak\noisy, fades, hard to hear; mx, some techno mx
* * * * * WED. 18 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6210,4 1520-1523 UNID, \PLC,atmos; pops. (1531 gone) > > > > > > > > > [ cf MERLIN ]
6307,1 1525-1634 R. GOOFY, mx, 1527 tk in E about c/d, 1532 ID, 1540 \het6308, atmos; (1656 gone)
6205,0 1630-2020 LASER HOT HITS, steel drums, J.Cash, 1655 Camouflage, mx, tk, 1820 \QRM?; 1854 ID, mx
6150,0 1636-1709 R. MARABU, mx, IDs
6085,0 1641-1702* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair>weak\noisy; pop-rock, IDs
3985,0 *1701-1719 R. MI AMIGO INT, time pips, welcome, 1 min. behind 6085, pops, DJ, rock, "Tonight", promo SW Sce
6070,0 1647-1659 UNID, mx, tk, ad for EMI w. nr, W tk in E, mx > > > > > > [ cf R. LASER ]
6070,0 1706-1854 IBC, DX news in it., 1816 pops, DJ in it., 1838 DX news in E, 1852 ham news
6985,0 2152-2315 UNID, e. > v.weak; mx, 2304 DJ, You're listening to ..., mx
* * * * * THURS. 19 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6245,4 0918-0953 JODELPIRAAT, yodl, 0930 ID no copy, 0950 jodelpirate@gmx.net, yodl. (0957 gone)
6070,0 0935-1346 JAMMIN OLDIES, pops, tk in G, IDs, 1010 "Funky town"
60850 1009-1346 R. MI AMIGO INT, pop, rock, IDs, 1320 \dropouts; ID, "Monday monday"
6150,0 1011-1342 R. MARABU, "Route 66" by W jazz singer, jazz, "Route 66" again, 1018 ID, 1341 IDs
6205,0 1330-1346 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs
6205,0 2054-2213 LASER HOT HITS %, 2054 Jordy "Dur dur d'être bébé", DJ, mx, tk, typical (+repeat on Fri.)
6295,0- 2100-2124 BBR % (after blank), v.weak\fady,atmos; polkas, 2108 Marylou, D song, 2113 "- - AM" (sounds like known voice, but v.weak signal). (2126 gone)
6985,0 2121-2220 UNID via QBC %, e.weak\fading,atmos; electro-pops
* * * * * FRI. 20 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6205,0 0926-0948 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs
6205,0 1301-2217 LASER HOT HITS, 1301 "Camouflage", mx, tk, FSN, IDs, 1855 Jordy "Dur dur d'être bébé", >e.weak
6284,8 1305-1316 UNID, mx, 1308 "Denis", early 60s, pops. (1444 gone) > > > > > > [ ? cf RAINBOW ]
6295,0a 1306-1530* R. DOLFIJN, e.weak>weak\noisy, bit of drift; mx, 1446 Hello Josephine, 1505 Blueberry hill, Hello Marylou, We will rock you, I want to break free, rock, Hendrix, 1528 ID, bye-bye
6240,1- 1452-1522 UNID, v.weak; Hippy shake, Spirit in the sky, 1511 We love the pirate stns, etc (1532 gone)
6289,9 1516-1521 UNID, v.weak\QRM u-side; mx
6289,9 1531-1540 UNID, Bowie ? mx, 80s mx. > > > > > > > > > [ cf PIONEER ]
6320,0 1540-1546* UNID, Barbie girl ?, Fortunes"Caroline", ..free radio stn now c'/d....
6285,0- 1548-1706 BBR %, mx, blank 'bridges', rare tracks, waltz, D mx, 1625 Koto, instrum., etc (see at 1850)
6294,9 1601-1849 R. PIONEER, v.>e.weak\PLC; 1602 ID, mx, mx, 1640 bpm medleys till end
6305,1 1608-1711 R. MERLIN INT, mx, DJ, IDs, 1708 "The opera", 1711 "Imagine"
6305,1 2036-2232 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak\fady; mx, ID not OK, 2229 Supertramp
5895 U 1620-1732 R. NORTHERN STAR, \het 5894,65; mx, 1730 JID+contacts, tk (Bible ?),
5895 U 1835-1844 R. NORTHERN STAR, \same het, Morse; twist, 1837 ID, mx, ID, mx. (1939 e.weak\het; mx)
5840,0 1716-1725 R. CAROLINE SOUTH (via 319 %), mx, 1721 ID+facebook+e-mail ! 1723 noise burst
6285,0- 1850-1859* BBR %, (same as at 1548?), Ru. folk ?, blank bridge, mx, QSY ?
6295,0- 1900-1903* BBR %, Ru-like mx: "Ivan Tura" (E accent), QSY at 1903'35"
6290,0- 1904-1916* BBR %, Ru songs, 1914 Vodka Anushka
6289,0 1917-1932 UNID, e.weak\OTH; mx, tk
6267,0 1909-2033* MUSTANG R., (1857 blank), fair-good; rock, Show must go on, rock, 1934 ID, mx, 2030 c'/d
3930,0 1942-1954* R. BATAVIA, fair\hum; var. mx, 1951 long ID+web, Michel Fugain"Le printemps est arrivé", cut
3935,0 1957-2157 R. BATAVIA, \ut.QRM; Bonanza theme, rpt, ID, 2000 La maladie d'amour, JID, Maybe tomorrow, Butterfly, Bzn ?, 2106 ID, If I were a rich man, 2157 Movie star, ID. (2215 gone)
5840,0 2005-2024 UNID, e.weak\ut.; mx, tk, mx, mx
6264,95 2218-2350 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, 2228 Bowie, mx, mx, 2333 "Urgent", 2337 tk(quite muffled), mx
* * * * * SAT. 21 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
6210,5 0634-0812 UNID, v.weak\undermod.; rock, R&B, 0722 now e.weak. > > > > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6205,0 0640-0826 UNID, mx, Miss rationnT PQ, mx, 0825 tk above jazz, S.Fox. (also 1012 unid) [ cf COAST FM ]
6150,0 0644-0815 R. MARABU, tk in E, rock, 0748 Riders on the storm, 0749 ID, DJ in E. (1037-1326 : mx)
6190,0 0644-0815 HLR, AM-USB; 0644 DX news in US-E, 0719 old jazz, 0808 retro mx
6070,0 0719-0750 R. WAVES INT, pops, 0735 known POB, F summer pop, 0750 jazz-pop
6070,0 0801-0806 ATLANTIC 2000 INT, s/on mx, repeat of previous show,0806 ID
6305,1 0723-0812 R. MERLIN INT, rock, Hendrix, ID, rock, mx. (also 1013 mx, 1239 gone)
5820,0 0729-0801 UNID, v.weak; rock, tk (no copy), mx, rock. (0813 gone, 1031-1035 rock) > > [ cf R. 319 % ]
6085,0 0736-0815 R. MI AMIGO INT %, pop-rock, 0814 Rosko+@, Dancing in the street
7310,0 1015-1236 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; pops, IDs, //6085 but 1' late
6085,0 1022-1230 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak; ID, mx, promo E.Rosko, ID, // 7310
6070,0 1035-1035 UNID, story of R. NORD in E and (supposed) Swedish
6160,0 1038-1042 TEST 6160, rock, pop, IDs, no real name
6205,0 1240-1326 COAST FM, mx, tk, 1242 JID. (1437 not on)
6070,0 1250-1300 ISLE OF MUSIC %, mx, from Cuba, tk in E
6070,0 1300-1327 IBC, s/on ID, DX-tips in it., tk about 'sua emitienza' [nickname of Berlusconi]
6295,0 1307-1333 R. ALTREX ?, e.weak\fady; mx, tk, 1328 ID not OK, 1330 In the army now
6315,8 1311,1334 OZNRH %, trace only
6245,35 1317-1325 JODELPIRAAT, trace>v.weak; mx, tk, ..gmx, yodl, tk, yodl (repeat of 19. Oct)
6245,35 1416-1439 R. MO [ RNINGSTAR ], mx, many IDs copied like R. MONICA(?) or MONICA(?) FM, gmx.net
6305,05 1431-1506 R. UNDERGROUND INT, rock, typical op, 1435 IDs, g's to Merlin, mx
5895 U 1442-1510 N. STAR %, e.weak; mx, tk (no copy), "I get around", pops, 1457 offshore jingle
6256 V 1500-1503 UNID, v. drifty-shaky (between 6255,8 and 6256,4), trace with trace of audio
6379,9 1511-1516 UNID, weak\RTTY6385,6; mx, Honky tonk woman, 1516 accn. [ cf BLAUWE PIRAAT ]
6205,0 1855-2220 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1947 ID, more mx, tk and IDs, 2220 ID+@
6285,0 1949-2030 UNID, v.weak\short breaks; mx, 1958 Troggs"Wild thing", rock, 2020 under BSR, 'laser' ?, mx, lost
6325,0 2009-2013 UNID, pop-rock, f/out. (2015 tiny trace ?)
6285,0 2016-2043 BALTIC SEA R., USB, good; tk, piraten song, ID, 2020 \QRM from UNID in AM; 2042 ID+@
5820,0 2045-2045 UNID, e.weak\strong noise; mx. (2055 trace)
5895 U 2056-2059 N. STAR %, mx and tk
3904,6 2059-2104 R. ALICE, D song-accn, polka, 2103 ID, mx
6285,0 2110-2127 UNID, e.weak; mx, 2115 ID??, 2118 "Soldiers...zero", pops, instrum. mx, 2127 \ut., OTH;
7490,1 2150-2200 EMR (via WBCQ), \splash from 7495; mx, full IDs, contacts, c'/d, 2200 WBCQ ID Monticelo, tones.
6949,3 2201-2203 UNID, e.weak; mx, lost under traffic
6295,0 2211-2216 UNID, e.weak\ut.noise; mx
* * * * * SUN. 22 OCT. 2017 * * * * *
5895 U 0647-0833 N. STAR %, e.weak; pops, 0800 IDs no copy, 0802 news?, tk in Norwegian ?, going v.noisy
6150,0 0652-0755 R. MARABU, mx, tk in G, 0754 ID
6205,0 0653-1057 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good>v.weak;mx, tk, 0738 'Laser', 0834 jazz,
6210,4 0654-0739 UNID, e.weak\QRM6205; maybe blank carrier > > > > > > > > > [ cf KING SW ]
6210,4 0755-0837 KING SW, v.weak; mx, 0759 ..our mailing address KING..., mx, 0824 hip-hop, bit updrift. (0918 gone)
5820,0 0731-0832 UNID, pops, tk in D, 0729 ment' Internet, 'Pes-cir(??) Radio', 0818 DJ, Julio Iglesias [ cf 319 ]
6070,0 0731-0735 SUPERCLAN R., "Are you ready", ID, DJ in E
6070,0 0811-0816 R. NORDSEE INT, pops, DJ in G, "Lady Madona", 0815 JID, ID, "If I were a carpenter"
6085,0 0735-0845 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, tk in D, 0814 ID+Internet, 0845 ID
6305,1 0742-1106 R. MERLIN INT, pops, 0825 Riders on the storm, 0829 ID+@, etc, R.Stones, E.Burdon (1217 gone)
6295,0 0838-0927 NOVEMBER R. ?, D mx, 0840 Knock on wood, 0913 (part?) IDs+@, R&R \splash(Bogus). [cf NMD ]
6285,05 0859-1101 BOGUSMAN, good; J.Hendrix, ID, ..independent radio.., ID, tk, Kiki Dee, mx
6265,0 0914-1059 UNID, e.weak\v.hard to hear; mx, DJ, trance mx, 1059 \stanag QRM on side [ cf MONIQUE % ]
6257,0 0919-0934 BBR, Koto "Dragon..", 0922 gd m', Ici Radio AHMED (known voice), more Koto, mx
6235,4 0928-0934 UNID, e.weak\ut.cricket; songs, tk (no copy)
6299,95 0940-0957 UNID, e.weak\splash; D accn mx, 0941 .. info@.., brass mx, JM.Jarre, 0954 - - Radio. [? cf TOP ]
6320,3 0957-1005 R. UNDERGROUND, fair; pop, tk: (R.Marconi, WRI, RWI, etc), 1002,1005 JIDs
6210,05 1009-1058 UNID, D waltz (dance floor sound), 1056 D song, some folk mx
6290,0 1101-1106 UNID, v.weak\noisy,QRM6285; D song, 1103 blank ?, 1104 ment' R.Luxbg??, D song. [? cf DOLFIJN ]
- - -
6285,05 1218-1739 BOGUSMAN, mx, tk, ID: ..Bogusman is here.., more mx and less chating than usual
6265,0 1220-1225 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx. (1251 gone)
6240,0 1225-1227 UNID, mx, tk in D inside a record. (1249 gone) > > > > > > [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6205,0 1228-1810 LASER HOT HITS, fair>weak; 1228 IDs+@+facebook, 1413 ID+@, 1810 ID. (2055 killed by PLC)
6150,0 1230-1619 R. MARABU, mx, tk in G, 1421 ID, "Shahinsha"
6085,0 1231-1623 R. MI AMIGO INT, 1231 tk in E, ment' Rosko, IDs, 1300 welcome, 1419 ID, 1620 tk: G.Moroder, Cream
7310,0 1232-1309 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, promo Rosko, //6085 but at least 1' late, 1301 welcome, 1309 jazz~
6950,0 1239 -1308 ENTERPRISE R., \stanag; Johnny B.Goode, mx, tk, 1307 ID+@hotmail
6375,2 1311-1539 BAKEN 16, mx and tk, 1312 Eloise, 1359 Toto"Africa", 1404 ID(muffled), 1428 Dylan"Hurricane" (+Cucaracha jingle above), 1431 ID, 1440 Jefferson Airplane.. Kraftwerk.. "Peter Gunn".. Yes(hit)
6295,0 1314-1314 UNID, e.weak; mx. (later relig. from Reflection Europe).
6307,1 1426-1642 R. GOOFY, e.>v.weak; mx, 1427 ID, mx. 1543-1616 \het6305, 1623 clear\atmos;
6305,1 1543,1616 MERLIN %, \het with Goofy; 1543 blank, 1616 "Hurricane". (1623 gone)
6320,05 1544-1616 LITTLE FEAT R., weak; mx, v.gd aft', IDs+@, 60s oldies, G.Fame"Yeah yeah", 1615 ID LFR Int'l
6230,7 1624-1727 R. MERLIN INT, \ut. on u-side,PLC; rock, pop, rap, 1632 ID, etc
6299,0 1635-1653 BALTIC SEA R., USB+pilot, La bamba, ID+@, Hippy shake, Paranoid, R&R, ID, Rock this town
6320,4 1643-1649 R. UNDERGROUND, D waltz, "Gigi l'amoroso"(D way), JID, ID, gd night
6265,0 1653-1726* UNID, rock, 1657 early 60's pops, 1722 "Simply the best", polka. > > > [ cf LAGUNA ]
5895 U 1730-1809 R. NORTHERN STAR, pops, soul, jazz, 1808 JID, mx
- - -
5895 U 2057-2127 R. NORTHERN STAR, \splash5900; tk, Luxi jingle, clips from RNI, mx, tk
6935 U 2128-2236* UNID, \noisy,atmos; mx, 2131 ID no copy, mx, 2205 M+W tk, etc...
6985,0 2208-2243 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
Letter after kHz : a=approx. (or bit of wandering), u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels. Most of the noise is local, but seldom identified as such.
LOGS : 16 - 22 OCT 2017
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France