LOGS : 15 - 21 FEB 2016

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 15 - 21 FEB 2016

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Puzzled by a few logs :
- UNID (~Saada??) on Monday morning (any idea ?)
- UNID 6910LSB on Thursday (not the usual style of Baltic Sea R.)
- my UNID 6317,3 on Sunday could be the Wild West heard by DrTim on 6315, but that's an unusual discrepancy between us

About the unclear IDs by woman voices, is this due to synthetic speech ? Normally, woman voices should be clearer than man voices. Maybe a fundamental problem with those programmes, or maybe something linked to the stupid English phonetics ?

* * * * * MON. 15 FEB. 2016 * * * * *

6290,0 0800-0834* UNID, v.weak\noisy,low mod.; mx, news headlines, Eurovision mx, jingles, ..Independant.. (ID+@) ..48 and 41 mb.., 0808 tk in G, accn, 0812 Radio - - -, ID in E (Radio Saada???), etc. 0818 humour in E +laughs, mx, tk, jingles, 0833 please send your reception reports to ...., 0834 tk in G, noname c'/d, mx parts and bells, end

6282,0 0836-0846* MISTI R., mx(E.Moricone, anorak), g's in E, tk in D, "Friesland", ID, instrum mx, \deep fade; 0841 accn, singer, tk over that, OK central Europe rpt .. bye-bye, end.

6285,0 1612-1754 HITMIX %, e.weak\noisy,PLC; D mx, Sat.Night Fever, 1620 'auf wiedersehen' song, 1622 it. singer?, 1632 pop, pop in G, tk (sounds like Hitmix), song in G, mx, mx.

6325,0 1619-1631* SKYLINE R. GERMANY, e.weak; rock, organ, 1622 row of IDs, OK at last, also "SRG", rock, IDs, c'/d

6325,05 1647-1650* UNID, fair; mx, end

6300,0 1719-1816 UNID, e.weak\undermod.; mx, D-like mx. - - - - - -[ cf BONTE SPECHT ]

6400,8 1737-1816 R. GSV, e.weak\noisy, ut's on the nerves; jazz, Louis Armstrong, cool jazz, 1806 Suzi Q , rock, ID+@

6265,0 1755-1756 UNID, strong; pops in E. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]

6265,0 1816-1820 UNID, e.weak; mx, 1818 "- - - Radio", mx, f'/down. - - - - - - - - - [ cf ANTHONY ]

6984,95 1822-2315 QBC, v.weak\noisy,often hard to hear; mx, short IDs *between* the records (tnx)

6305,0 1944-1946 UNID, some bpm mx, lost.

* * * * * TUES. 16 FEB. 2016 * * * * *

6285,1 1026-1046 UNID, v.weak\bit muffled; tk, 1028 "dit ist GO-I-TO(??) Radio", C&W train-like(J.Rodgers), C&W

6210,4 1038-1043 R. MERLIN, weak-fair; Sandie Shaw, ID+@, S.Wonder?, etc, reggae

6210,4 1602-1636 R. MERLIN, \het on 6210,1 ?; mx, ID, Hello Marylou, Bye-bye love, 1634 ID+@, Red River, Walk..

6219,7 1607-1650 UNID, weak-v.weak; pops, reggae, beatbox, Bzn ?, int. song in E, pop. (1718 gone) [ cf DELTA ]

6230,05 1610-1620 UNID, e.weak\noisy; bpm, synthe-beatbox songs, 1618 \some splash(from ?), 1621 blank, lost

6285,0 1622-1739 HITMIX, e.weak+odd peak; D songs, euro mx, brass mx, D mx, 1712 TV theme, ID, fake c'/d

6318,8 1626-1631 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk: ...gmx..., tk in Brasilian??, mx. (1644 gone). - - - [ cf GOOFY ]

6305,1 1644-1728 R. MERLIN, fair-good; By the hook, tk, R&B, tnc rpt, ID, Walking back to happiness, Tequila, etc

6300,0 1652-1654 UNID, e.weak\QRM,traffic; mx, then lost

6400,8 1719-1723 UNID, e.weak; Black night, The Wall. (1727 gone)

6984,9 1821-2303 QBC, e.weak\occ.traffic, ut's..; mx, 1825 ID "Q- -? Broadcasting Corporation", mx, short IDs

6965,1 2227-2316 UNID, e.weak; sp. hip-hop, Macarena, Limbo, Lambada, Day O, Tequila, Colegiala, Shadows

* * * * * WED. 17 FEB. 2016 * * * * *

6005,0 1304-1311 R. MI AMIGO INT, v.weak; rock, tk in G ?, ID

6230,0 1536-1541 R. CASANOVA INT, fair; D songs, tk to DocTim, IDs, pops

6318,75 1542-1642 GOOFY %, mx, clear IDs except bitched name, repeat of yesterday? (also 1742 on 6318,9)

6300,0 1610-1623 UNID, e.weak \het6300,55; D mx, bpm, \hard to hear, f' out;

6210,0 1842-1853 MIKE R., good; pop-rock, IDs. (1909 gone)

3985,0 1846-1853 R. MI AMIGO INT, good\fading; pop, 'sound of Philadelphia', ID in G, Bowie...

6984,9 2117-2225 QBC, trace - e.weak\noisy,traffic; mx, short IDs (a longer one at 2136).

* * * * * THURS. 18 FEB. 2016 * * * * *

6210,4 1634-1816 R. MERLIN INT, blank, 1641 mx\RTTY 6210,0, pops, King of the road, etc, 1816 Good vibrations

6284,8 1636-1817 FOCUS INT, good; pops, rock, IDs, 1723 hum\6285,0; Earth &Fire. (after 1900: trace)

6319,1 1639-1910* R. GOOFY, e.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, IDs?, 1718 good ID by clear man voice

6910 L 1651-1702 UNID, \traffic6905u; african mx, jazz, oriental mx, jazz. (1715 gone)

6306,1 1705-1723 UNID, fair\fading; Popcorn, Andy, rock, The day the music died, Nutbush City limits. [cf UNID ]

6295,05 1739-1740* UNID, blank, end. [ cf UNID with oldies at 1730 ]

6070,0 1743-1900 SUPERCLAN R., \QRM in Ru from China; rock, pop, 1757 ID \beatings; etc, 1857 \tone tests;
6070,0 1900-1940 GOLDRAUSCH %, 1901 in G, also some "WMA Australt" ID ??, pops, 1938 \Vatican IS and s/on;

3985,0 1801-1900 R. MI AMIGO INT, mx, IDs, tk: offshore AM radio. 1823 rare Beatles song, soul, 1856 Cream

6984,8 1819-1927 QBC, e.weak\clear, some atmos; mx, short IDs, alt. pop-rock. (1947 killed by traffic)

6399,1 1912-1933 UNID, e.weak\PLC,later traffic; latino W singer?, then 120 bpm, 1928 peaking. (1944 gone)

* * * * * FRI. 19 FEB. 2016 * * * * *

6284,8 1033-1137 FOCUS INT %, fair>good; R. Caroline rec' ? pops, DJ in E, Bonzo Dog, Stones?, 1124 Al Stewart
6284,8 1248-1833 FOCUS INT, good>fair \fading; pop-rock, IDs, Mungo Jerry, T-Rex. (1932 trace \splash6290;)

6291,0 1618-1621 UNID, weak\fading,PLC; D instrum, D song. (1633 gone). - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

6299,9 1623-1715 UNID, e.weak\PLC; songs (in D? in E?), pops, 1657 \splash6306,9; 1710 Bzn-Abba?. [ cf NORTON ]

6325,0 1637-1706 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; var. mx, 1651 fake c'/d 'a la Hitmix' ;-), D songs. [ cf HITMIX ]

6306,9 1657-1710 UNID, good \splashing; Ma Baker, Rasputin, D song, pop-rock. - - - [ cf UNID ]

6294,9 1716-1833 P----ER R., v.weak\undermod; pops, 1725 ID(not OK), 'sound of free radio', later polka [cf PIONEER]

6264,9 1738-1738* UNID, mx, sudden s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf BLACK ARROW ]

6420,0 1744-1750 UNID, mx, D songs. (1816 gone). - - - - - - [ cf R. DR-TIM ]

6984,85 1817-2002 QBC, v.weak\noisy; mx, short IDs between records, 1958 \under traffic
6984,9 2139-2325 QBC, 6985,0 at first, e.weak\noisy, deep fades; mx, short IDs between records

6321,3 1827-1832* UNID, mx, D song, end. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. DOC-TIM ]

6264,0 1915-1932 UNID, trace-e.weak \noisy,traffic; Greek mx

6290,0 1934-1946 UNID, good > e.weak\noisy,Morse; rock, C&W, mx.

* * * * * SAT. 20 FEB. 2016 * * * * *

>almost a blackout ca 14-16 UTC

6205,1 0741-0918 UNID, trace on 6205,1 later 0830 blank? on 6205,2. - - - [ cf KING SW ]

6284,8 0742-0920 FOCUS INT, good; pops, IDs, ads for RNLI
6284,8 1110-1726 FOCUS INT, fair\bad fading > fair-good; pop, rock, 1312 ID+hl+@, 1629 comedy. (2310: trace)

6070,0 0833-0916 CHANNEL 292 %, weak>e.weak +peaks; 0833 "Money", pops, 0852 Bonnie & Clyde
6070,0 1122-1647 CHANNEL 292 %, v.weak\PLC,bad fading; 1130 M.Faithful, "...SW", P.Sarsted, etc (1717 China)

6005,0 0838-0904 R. MI AMIGO, e.weak \beatings?; offshore nostalgia, ID, mx
6005,0 1121-1337 R. MI AMIGO %, e.weak-trace \het 6306; 1121 some tk, then nothing really heard

9510,0 0906-0915 R. CITY, good-strong; pops, IDs, tk: Caroline in 1967, Petula Clark"This is my song"

9560,0 1124-1130 R. MI AMIGO %, good\fading; D.Ross"My old piano", R.Caroline/R.Mi Amigo story.

6310,05 1248-1301 UNID, (1119 trace), 1248 tk, mx, 1256 same drop as Merlin. (1310 trace, 1315a lost) [cf CENTRAL ]

6210,4 1326-1727 R. MERLIN INT, reggae, ID, Tiger feet, Mi Amigo song, pops, IDs, 1727 Waterloo sunset

6295,0 1433-1442 UNID, e.weak\PLC; tk, anorak mx, M-W tk (QSL-Award ??), instrum mx, > trace [ cf LOWLAND ]

6321,3 1447-1505 R. BORDERHUNTER, e.weak\PLC; mx, much tk in G+E+D, ment' DrTim, IDs. [ cf BORDERTIM ]

6295,0 1506-1520 NMD R., pops, tk, 1520 ID, space Bowie

6304,9 1521-1545 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx, mx parts, instrum, pop. - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6305,0 1615-1704* UNID, Stones medley, Green fields, fiddler jig, 1633 ZZ Top, Scorpions?, mx, mx [ cf UNID ]

6262,0 1627-1628 UNID, good; song in G (from 50s-60s?), song in G. (1649 gone). - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]

6295,0 1630-1657 GREEN SNAKE R. (Abu Dhabi), good-strong; pops, C&W, R&R, 1655 ID, C&W (1716 gone)

6320,0 1640-1725 MUSTANG, strong > v.strong; rock, R&R, Hocus pocus, 1659 ID, Loco-motion, etc.

6395,05 1646,1705 UNID, good; 1646 mx. 1705 was tk' in E, pop. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf BOGUSMAN ]

6939,95 1707-1724 R. ORION 2000, good; rock(50s?), 1709 ID (in E+G), pop-rock

6305,05 1712-1731 BOGUSMAN, good\fading; pops, tk in native E, rock, 1728 "Bogusman", mx

3904,9 2202-2309 TECH. MAN, good; Radetski march, 2206 ID in D, pops, Dragon-bidule, 2306 ID+@ in E

6985,0 2211-2305 QBC, v.weak\almost clear,fading; mx, many short IDs, a few longer ones

* * * * * SUN. 21 FEB. 2016 * * * * *

6985,0 0142-0215 QBC, v.weak\noisy +odd peak; mx, IDs, rock

5109,7 0158-0215 WBCQ, in AM-USB, fair; mx, 0202 ID, JID, jazz, relay with ID at 0210 (no copy), comedy or movie ?

6284,8 0837-1146 FOCUS, good>fair; pop-rock, tk, IDs
6284,8 1411-1813 FOCUS, fair-good; pops, IDs, bck in time: 60s, etc. (after 1900: trace only)

6295,0 0859-0909* UNID, v.weak\QRM; accn-singer in D, 0908 QSL-Award, end. - - - - - -[ cf LOWLAND ]

6305,2v 0900-1028 MAGIC AM, good \steady drift 6305,15 to 6305,55; ID+@, Stones, Earth&Fire, pops, 0945 ID

6399,0 0902-0905 R.GSV, ID, free radio fight in GB

6170,0 0912-0940 MIKE R., fair; Tambourineman (disco !), ID, Message in a bottle, 0940 ID, Blue Hotel

6150,0 0915-1607 EUROPA 24, v.weak>\PLC; 0915-0917 M.Faithful, ID, news in G. 1340-1607 rock, pops

6095,0 0917-1559* KBC, strong; Trucker R., 1135 weak; salsa, rock, 1335 Rosko, 1540 strong+peaks, 1557 break, c'/d

6070,0 0921-0924 SUPERCLAN R., fair; mx, tk in E: pirate stories, ID, Elton John
6070,0 1148-1606 CHANNEL 292, v.weak\fading,PLC; Echo beach, 1325 ID, 1601 fair\QRM6075, Dylan?, L.Cohen

6045,0 0924-0930 EMR, good-strong; pops, schedule, ID, Eagles, jingles, ID, Mailbox (rpts for Jan17th)

6005,0 0932-0933 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-v.weak; mx, // 9560
9560,0 0933-0936 R. MI AMIGO INT, good-strong; mx //6005, 0936 JID, mx. (Also 1116-1134, mx, tk in E, // 7310)
7310,0 1118-1135 R. MI AMIGO INT, \fading; mx, // 9560

6327,1 0941-1015 UNID, e;weak-trace \PLC; tk, accn, D song, mx. - - - - - -[ cf ALTREX ]

6279,8 0947-1035 GERONIMO SW, v.weak\noisy, side QRM, PLC>bad PLC; pops, tk, 1009 ID+@, 1034 tk(Putin?)

6270,05 0951-1042 UNID, v.weak\ut6275,bad PLC; mx, tk in native E, IDs+contacts(no copy). - - [ cf CENTRAL ]

6295,0 1018-1023 UNID, trace \under bad PLC; some mx heard. (1031 trace) - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE NON ]

6300,0 1024-1030* UNID, v.weak; pop-rock. - - - - - - [ cf CLASSIC ROCK FLORIDA ]

6262,0 1042-1050 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC; 1045 Midnight shadow(guessed), 1048 jazz (J.Reinhardt) [cf QUADZILLA]

6210,4 1051-1147 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak; rock, I'm a joker, 1111,1115 IDs. (Also 1406: Angie)

7300,0 1118-1121 UNID, trace\noisy; trace of mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. BANDIDO ? ]

9485,0 1122-1147 HLR %, in AM-USB; alt. pop, alt. mx

6310,05 1141-1146 UNID, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, tk (no copy). - - - - - - [ cf CENTRAL ]

6200,0 1342-1402 UNID, e.weak\PLC,Morse; rock, Kinks"Lola", Black magic woman, pops. [ cf SW ZERO ZERO ]

6205,05 1358-1406 UNID, v-e.weak\undermod; schlager, mx

6219,7 1407-1410 UNID, e.-v.weak; rock, Bowie. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf DELTA ]

6305,05 1416-1620 BOGUSMAN CHANNEL, pop, scratcher, typ. tk in E, alt. mx, long chats, 1618 ID

6395,0 1427-1433* UNID, e.weak\PLC; tk, mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf qso DE KAT - BAKEN ]

6295,05 1441-1450* UNID, instrum mx, pops, bpm, 1450 QSY? (to 6262). - - - [ cf AKENZO ]

6262,05 1452-1455* UNID, 1452 blank, *1454 pop "Summer is magic"(title?), 1455'20 sudden s/off [ cf AKENZO ]
6262,05 1512-1533 UNID, weak\fading; testing: bpm and blanks, 1525 "remember this golden classic" [ cf AKENZO ]
6262,05 1609-1952 Z. AKENZO, up to fair-good; D songs and 60s pops, 1745 Walk..Egyptian, 1908 g's, ID (2008 trace)

6294,0 *1500-1530 TELSTAR R., (after blank), fair; D song, pop, 1506 ID, mx, IDs.

6320,05 1621-1704 LITTLE FEAT R., weak\PLC; tk in F for Ianski, Walking on sunshine, ID+@, pops, IDs

6395,1 1636-1649* BAKEN 16, weak-v.weak\PLC; mx+tk in N (+bit E), ment B.A., pop, 1649 JID, end

6939,95 1705-1714* R. ORI [ON 2000 ], good\bit of fading,ut.bursts; pops, IDs copied as "Oriente - - -", tk in It.+G

6984,9 1716-2028 QBC, e.weak\noisy, occ.traffic, ut.bursts; mx, short IDs

6280,1 1738-1813 GERONIMO SW, ID, pop-rock, 1739 Cat Stevens"Bad night", 1808 ID+@, Smoke on the water

6305,05 1747-1753 UNID, JM.Jarre, Lennon"They're going to crucify me", 1751 messing. (1804 gone)

6310,05 1755-1819 UNID, v.weak\stanag u-side; mx, tk, R. - - Int'l, also @, comedy, pops. [ cf CENTRAL ]

6317,3 1820-1850a UNID, pop, folk, C&W (non stop, about half an hour)

6268,0 1914-1950 ANTHONY R., trace-e.weak > v.weak; mx, barely heard at first, 1949 ID. (2008 gone)

4026,0 1957-2427 LASER HOT HITS, fair-good; Happy new year, 4026,MW1476,FM87.7. mx, tk IDs

6935 u 2242-2339 R. FREE WHATEVER, \traffic 6935L much stronger; mx, tk (US accent), IDs, 2339 duo tk

6925 u 2310,2323 trace \traffic 6925L

6950,0 2312-2408 UNID, trace, e.weak peaks with rock, occ.traffic6950 u. [ no ID, even on HFU site ]

6930, u 2324-2346 UNID, e.weak \strong traffic6935L; mx, synthe mx, 2346 clear [ cf AMPHETAMINE R. ]

6940 u 2353-2406 UNID, trace +peaks with mx, \traffic 6940L; - - - [ cf MOONLIGHT R. ]

6924,75 2430-2436 UNID, trace +some mod. - - - [ cf FREE MARS ]

6950,0 2438-2450 UNID, e.weak; mx

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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