A typical summer week, with good signals on early night time, strong signals from Mustang, Abu Dhabi (aka many names), Focus (already on Thursday), etc. Good shows from Ronnie AM, Bluestar, etc. Channel 292 very active with offshore recordings, under its own name or as relays. Still many stations from Italy. Unusual R. Piraña heard several times. Puzzling prize to R. Sofaking (ID tnx Iann), ID heard many times with no avail.
* * * * * MON. 27 JUL. 2015 * * * * *
6265,3 0958-1009 UNID, v.weak\PLC; polka. 1009 end or QSY ?
6070,0 1612-1726 POP R. OSTFRIESLAND (scheduled), v.weak\PLC; mx, DJ no copy, 1648 Hooray holiday, 1720 Nights in white satin
6290,0 1727-1730 UNID, weak\PLC; some C&W, D or G song
6284,9 1728-1731 UNID, v.weak\PLC; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf DIGITAL ]
6285,0 2012-2015* UNID, good\PLC; mx. (from friend: 1920-2015 in it.)
6305,0 2013-2025 UNID, strong-v.strong; I&T.Turner?, We will rock you, pop. - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]
6255,0 2022-2044* UNID, mx, tchacs, pops, 2044 sudden s/off. (again 2109-2112*, same stn?) - - -[ cf HENK ]
6207,1 2029-2035 R. CAROLINE INT, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, 2033 JID, ID+@. (2045 gone)
6304,9 2036-2130 R. TIDALWAVE, g's in D, ID+@, pops, 2049 transe mx, bpm speeding
6285,0 2045-2130 RADIO 42, mx, IDs, 2108 D.Straits"Sultans..", 2124 Polnareff background, 2130 D mx
6394,8 2050-2133 UNID, Wooly bully, Silence is golden, Sweets for my sweet, 2059 tkin D, ID?, So happy together, D mx, 2106 Bye-bye, Teenage queenie?, polka, R&B, You keep me hanging on, D mx - - - [ cf RONNIE AM ]
6324,8 2114-2116* UNID, mx, end
6398,6 2117-2117 UNID, W singer (in D?)
6239,9 2113-2153 ABU DHABI %, strong; 2113 blank, 2125 D song (+whispering:"Deutschland produktion" over), C&W with fiddle, tk, ment' Batavier (known voice), etc
6395,0 2153-2158* UNID, W singer in F"Bouscule moi un peu", pop, 2158 noname c'/d
6289,9 2200-2204* UNID, v.weak; mx, blank, 2203 rock, 2204 sudden s/off
* * * * * TUES. 28 JUL. 2015 * * * * *
6324,8 1729-1831* \PLC,occ.RTTY; pops, D and euro-songs, 1828 c'/d ID, gd bye, s/off at 1830'50" [ cf NORTON ]
6240,0 1730,1741 UNID, e.weak\PLC; 1730 mx,QSY 6239,2. 1741 back on 6240 [ cf HITMIX ]
6390,0 1736-1739 UNID, e.weak\PLC; quiet mx (W singer)
6360,7 1740-1741 UNID, W singer (in D?) then sirtaki - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]
6290,0 1824-1827 UNID, tk in D, D mx, g's in E, W singer, 1827 QSY?(to 6288 ?)
6401,2 1831-1952 UNID, v.weak; mx, D song, mx, retro song, 1947 tk, c'/d, soft reggae. (2023 carrier) [ cf OLYMPIA ]
6288,0 1841-2131 UNID, good>strong; mx, excited DJ in D, ment' Powerliner?, 1855 Born to be wild, 1857 ID(no copy), Final countdown, 1910 Self control, 1941 \het6291; 2011 Bus stop, 2035 Rammstein?, 2103 g's to Iann, tk over Queen of hearts, 2108het6287,3; 2115 "Sultans..", 2120 D songs, 2130 messing, Rammstein. [ cf BLUESTAR ]
6265,1 1850-2032 UNID, (1827 carrier), mx, 1914 CCR show, 2026 Nights in white satin [cf DIGITAL ]
6305,0 1859-1941 R. PYTHON, (1845 carrier), pops, On the border, 1907 tk in E+D, g's, ID, mx, 1939 ID
4025,0 2005-2404 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag4023; Martin Scott, IDs, mx, tk
6250,0 2018-2028 UNID, \PLC; mx, tk(or traffic??), D songs, \ut.noise; (2033 only far away stn and noise)
6385,0 2021-2042 LITTLE FEAT R., g's, ID, pops, 2041 jammed?
6395,1 2054-2059 LITTLE FEAT R., F W singer"Je pense à toi", ID, g's
6239,9 2033-2114* UNID, good; D or G songs, 2112 Man of action - - - - - - [ cf MAZDA ]
6310,1 2042-2054 CAROLINE INT %, mx, IDs " - - - on SW",2051 \QRM6305, v.hard to hear; (2059 gone)
6303,0 2048-2050 UNID, carrier, mx at 2049, QSY at 2050 (to 6305)
6305,0v 2050-2222* R. CARRIERWAVE, \some drift; mx, Rasputin, Downtown, pops, 2210 tk, 2221 ID (not OK), c'/d
6390,0 2121-2127* UNID, e.weak\ut.squeezed; mx, tk, 2125 ID (no copy), mx
6266,0 2133-2140 RADIO 42, Al Stewart"Year of the cat", 2136 many IDs, 2139 Flashback, mx
6307,0 2213-2215 UNID, hard to hear, lost
6290,8 2217-2241 R. PIRAÑA, mx, test, ID, La Macarena, 2229 ID, mx
* * * * * WED. 29 JUL. 2015 * * * * *
6300,6v 0703-0733* UNID, drift, settles on 6301,3 at 0706, mx.
6070,0 0734-0841 SUPERCLAN R., pop-rock, IDs till 0815, RNI story, 0758 said 10000 watts, tk about DARC(?) with 100 kW, more Superclan IDs, mx, etc. mx till 0841
6070,0 0841-0847 CHANNEL 292 %, glitches, lower power, seems to be testing. (also 1005-10007)
6070,0 1600-1645 R. CHANNEL 292, v.weak>weak\PLC; mx, tk, 1604 Man of action, 1645 ID+@ in E (still on at 1948)
6240,0 1619-1709 S. HITMIX, e.weak\PLC > v.weak\loc.noise; mx, mx, 1652 ID, 1702 bye-bye, etc (1722 gone)
6205,2 1627-1825 UNID, trace > weak\atmos; mx, quiet pops.
4025,0 1826-2227 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs
6289,9 1833-2007 RODE ADELAAR, good+peaks; "Plaisir d'amour" instrum, accn, ID+@ (also Red Eagle), etc
6244,8 1907-2008 R. MAZDA, weak; mx, 1909 song in F, Bzn, D mx, Yellow sun , 1958 g's, ID
6394,9 1924-1932 UNID, v.weak\noisy,ut,atmos; mx, then lost - - - - - - - [ cf PANDA - but later ]
6301,3 2000-2018 UNID, good, strong mod., f'/up; instrum mx, J.&Hurricanes, anorak, guitars...
6325,3 2000-2017 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, v.weak\strongRTTY6326; ID, mx, 2009 duo tk
6290,8 2152-2245* R. PIRAÑA %, fair-good\fading; ID not OK P- - - R. INT, mx, latino mx, 2216 I'm a joker
6240,0 2156-2247 ABU DHABI %, v.strong; Comment ça va, D song, messing, D mx, 2245 tk(over Chan chan)
6399,7 2211-2250 R.CAROLINE INT, v.weak; mx, tk, 2214 JID, mx, 2249 duo tk ?, 2250 JID
6285,0 2241-2252* UNID, strong; mx, mx... sudden s/off
6395,1 2255-2301* UNID, strong-v.strong; 60s pops, Blue bayou, 2300 Red River rock, sudden s/off
* * * * * THURS. 30 JUL. 2015 * * * * *
6070,0 0704,1000 CH.292 %, 0704-0706 fair\fading; mx, tk in E, R.Nordsee jingle. 1005 v.weak; mx
6304,8 1634-1658 UNID, v.weak\loc noise > swamped; D songs
6305,0 1715-1726 UNID, swamped > e.weak; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6286,1 1636-1727 FOCUS INT, weak-good\fading; mx,DJ, Roger Whittaker, 60s, rock, 1656 ID, 1718 Goodbye my love
6286,1 1824-2326 FOCUS INT, good\deep fades; mx, DJ, Doors, Traffic, 1936 Dylan, 2029 ID, rock, // 3945, 2318 ska
6869,9 1700-2000 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy > fair-good\noisy,fading; 1727 Lulu"The boat that I row", pop-rock [cf PIONEER]
6070,0 1719-1724 CH.292 %, fair; pops, 2 words, 1724 C&W
6355,7 1819-1823 UNID, fair\strong stanag6351; mx, euro-song?, D~ song. (1907* : blank, end 6355,8) [cf ZW. PANTER]
6240,1 1830-1933 R. GOOFY ?, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, dog, singing dogs, IDs(mangled > not quite OK)
6205,1 *1834-1838* UNID, (was blank on 6208,1), messing with mx
6205,1 1851-1900* UNID, up to strong\loc.noise; pop, rock, sudden s/off
6265,1 1840-1850* UNID, just QSYed from 6266,8 with D song, fair-good; instrum mx, off without annt
6305,1 1852-2315 TECHNICAL MAN, strong>v.strong; sirtaki in E, 1906 Bette Davis eyes, 1924 ID in D, etc...
6259,1 1904-1904 UNID, D mood mx
6280,1 1905-1905 UNID, v.weak\stanag6275, PLC; mx. - - - (1934 gone)
6390,0 1908-2022 RODE ADELAAR, good+peaks; Walk like an Egyptian, g's, IDs, rock, All you need is love, etc
6400,8 1912-1923 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx. (could be GSV)
6380,1 1917-1921 UNID, e.weak, mx, break?, tk, much too weak. - - - [ cf ANTHONY ]
6244,9 1929-1943 UNID, blanks, 1937 Vodka Anushka, break, again, song in D/E, D song. - - -[ cf MAZDA ??]
6244,9 2012-2032 UNID, strong, D songs. - - - [ cf MAZDA ]
6875,1 1945-1957 R. EUROPE, v.weak\QRM6870; 50-60s mx, 1954 N.Sinatra"These boots..". QSY
6877,2 1957-2117* R. EUROPE, Yardbirds"For your love", 1959 ID(=?) over "Baby please don't go", 2027 ID
6399,6 2002-2112 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak\occ.ut.etc; mx, 2003 JID, 2023,2025 R. RAINBOW IDs. (2134 gone)
6265,0 2007-2017 UNID, (just QSYed from 6265,3) Una paloma blanca, pops (2031 carrier). [cf DIGITAL ]
6309,8 2019-2203 OZNRH %, trace>V;weak \strong QRM from Tech.Man on 6305; mx
6380,1 2020-2022* UNID, "Paranoid", end.
6237,0 2032-2036 UNID, mx (breton-like), then long blank, QSY to 6235,0
6235,0 2100-2115 UNID, v.strong, comedy in D
4025,0 2036-2127 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag4024; mx, tk, IDs
3945,0 2038-2130 FOCUS INT, v.weak; pops, 60s pops, IDs, // 6286 but 30 sec sooner
6290,3 2133-2203 R. CAROLINE INT, \squeezed; mx, 2145 ID
6240,0 2136-2204 ABU DHABI %, v.strong, C&W, CCR, Red River, Gigi l'amoroso, "Lola" D version, DJ?, brass mx
6210 u 2140-2158 UNID, fair>good-strong; mx, 2150 Hello-goodbye. - - - [ cf STARGATE ]
6240,0 2314-2332 UNID, v.weak-fair \occ.utQRM; mx, g's, tk. - - - - - - [ cf MR CASH ]
* * * ** * FRI. 31 JUL. 2015 * * * * *
6286,1 0644-1035 FOCUS INT, v.weak\odd good peak; 0645 ID, mx. (Also 1402 "Maybe tomorrow", 1450, 1722)
6070,0 0647-0822 CHANNEL 292, pops, folk, Beach Boys... (IDed by friend at 0642) (also day long)
6360,6 1440-1450 UNID, e.weak\PLC,RTTY,atmos,mushy carrier; mx, instrum mx, 1448 allo allo gd aft'
6240,0 1722-1729 R. CAROLINE INT %, e.weak\PLC; mx, ID not OK. (Also at 1905)
6380,0 1725-1729 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,atmos; mx, tk, "I fought the law", pop-rock. - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6205,1 1730-1730 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise,atmos; mx
6286,1 1906-2252 FOCUS INT, v.strong \undermod at times; mx, 3 min late over // 3945, 2216 ID
3945,1 1919-2302 FOCUS INT, v.weak\atmos,loc.noise; mx, tk, 3 min in advance over // 6286
4025,0 1916,2214 LASER HOT HITS, 1916 v.weak, Laset Int'l
6950,0 1941-2000 UNID, fair\atmos; classic piano, jazz, latino mx. - - - [ cf VOYAGER ]
6305,0 2004-2021 R. CARRIERWAVE ?, fair\atmos; rock, 2015 tk(muffled), ID not quite OK, mx
6245,0 2014-2051 R. MAZDA, strong; "OK Dr Tim", ID, mx, pops
6263,0 2023-2050 UNID, strong\\atmos; mx, Bzn, J.&theH., rockabilly, walk don't run, Ma belle amie [ cf DIGITAL ]
6400,3 2052-2053* UNID, mx, end.
6390,2 2054-2122* UNID, weak-fair\atmos; polka, E 60's pops, Macarena, 2121 tk (no copy). [ cf RONALISA ? ]
6385,0 2102-2128 R. POWERLINER ?, good+peaks \atmos; mx, tk in D, ment' Powerliner, Tech-Man, D song...
6422,9 2110-2136* UNID, weak\atmos,ut.noise,etc; mx, 2119 c'/d bye-bye, blank, more mx [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6323,0 2138-2157 UNID, "Osaka" part, excited/angry jazz, QSY to 6325 - - - - - - - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]
6325,0 2157-2208* UNID, ex-6323. Same excited/angry jazz, sudden blank and end. - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]
6240,0 2218-2310 UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos,ut. bursts; mx
6210 u 2235-2245 UNID, good; jazz (and Co) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf STARGATE ]
6380,0 2245-2250 MUSTANG R., strong; mx, 2247 c'/d, mx, 2249 ID, mx
* * * * * SAT. 01 AUG. 2015 * * * * *
6286,1 0648-0944 FOCUS INT, weak-fair\atmos,PLC; 0648 ID, pops. (Also 1246 v.weak\PLC).
6070,0 0652-0856 CH.292 %, weak\atmos,humat first; long recording from RNI
6005,0 0655-0857 R. MI AMIGO, down to v.weak\PLC; mx, 0657 in D, ID, 0756 in G., 0802 //9560
9560,0 *0800-0940 R. MI AMIGO, v.weak>fair; new s/on, "Rewind" show, "19-86" jingles. // 6005.
6400,0 1840-1842 UNID, strong+peak; D song, song in E. (2004 carrier). - - - [ cf MUSTANG ]
6390,0 1842-1843 UNID, good; "Scotland the brave" by brass band - - - [ cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6304,0 1845-2118 BLUESTAR R. ?, good>strong; D/G song, 1950 ID(=?), 2057 ment' Akenzo, 2114 Beach B., QSY
6305,0 2118-2254 BLUESTAR R. ?, up to v.strong, "Camouflage", tnx rpt, clear "Bluestar"(IDs ?), pop "believe" show
6240,0 1849-1852 UNID, good; R&R. - - - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
4025,0 1852-2209 LHH %, v.weak > strong+peaks \stanag4023; 1852 The midnight hour, mx, tk.
6286,1 1849-2243 FOCUS INT, strong\loc.noise > v.strong; mx, 1900 ID+@, // 3945 but 6' late
3945,1 1855-2202 FOCUS INT, v.-e.weak; pop-rock, //6286 but 6 min in advance
3905,0 1854-1911 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, Sweet home Alabama - - - [ cf RADIO 555 (later R.500, R.5) ]
6323,0 1949-2149 R. UNDERGROUND, v.strong; mx and blanks, tk, 2056 ID+hl (robot voice), etc
6265,7 1952-1956 R. (SOTATIM ????), mx, lots of IDs (never OK, or DrTim???) ..gmx.net. [ cf SOFAKING ]
6254,9 1956-2255 ABU DHABI %, v.strong; retro songs, blanks, D humour, Kampiernieren, C&W, 2255 known voice
6970 L 2002-2002* BALTIC SEA R., weak; ID+@, spelling name (do you hear, D stations ?)
6380,0 2005-2009 UNID, weak \het6374,6; mx - - - - - - - - - [ cf PANDA ]
6400,7 2007-2051 UNID, e.weak\hard to hear; instrum mx, 2047 mx under 6400 and 6401 hets. (could be GSV)
6380,0 2042-2051 UNID, fair peak; "Funky town", mx - - - [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6380,0 2124-2152* UNID, v.weak\squeezed:het,QRM; mx, 2151 c'/d, ID???, bye-bye, carrier
6423,0 2045-2201 UNID, fair>strong peaks; 2127 Knock on wood, Judy in disguise, 2157 K. chameleon [cf STUDIO 52 ]
6240,0 2059-2114 R. MONTFERLAND, strong; "Sunny", 2106 ID, g's, mx, 2114 ID, bye-bye
6210 U 2101-2256 UNID, strong; US W singer(long), 2108 Captain said wot, mx, mx. - - - [ cf STARGATE ]
6390,0 2124-2247 R. POWERLINER INT, good-strong; Maybe tomorrow, 2153 tk, ID+@, ded. to Pirana, 2247 J.Cash
6300,0 2133-2134* UNID, C&W, other track, but sudden s/off
6295,0 2136-2138* UNID, "500 miles"??, then "Rock around the clock", sudden s/off
6240,0 2212-2246 UNID, e.weak\noisy,het,OTH burst...; much too hard to give any hint of a detail.
6295,0 2242-2242 UNID, D song.
6292,0 2242-2300 UNID, strong-v.strong; D song, 2259 I put a spell on you
6930,0 2248-2253* UNID, fair good; C&W and R&R from late 50s. - - - - - - [ cf TRX ]
* * * * * SUN. 02 AUG. 2015 * * * * *
(- - - - still at home on early morning - - - -)
6286,1 0639-0823 FOCUS INT, strong; ID+hl+@+stream, mx
6205,2 0642-0732 UNID, trace-e.weak\Morse,PLC; mx barely heard
6005,0 0644-0736 R. MI AMIGO INT, strong at first\QRM; pops, tk, ID
6070,0 0734-0823 SUPERCLAN R., rock, ID "special 60s & 70s", 0739 ID, mx
7630,0 0740-0800 R. WAVES INT, fair>v.weak; C&W, 0742 ID in E, "Rueil" spelled
9560,0 *0800-0806 R. MI AMIGO, v.weak - good \fading,PLC; ID, BBC jingle "This is London", JID, pops
6245,0 0810-0815 R. CASANOVA, weak\fading; Cadanovas song, ID+@, mx, g's (0823 gone)
6095,0 0815-0820 KBC, v.strong; Trucker Radio show
(- - - - now portable to C.France, with Sony, sometimes with wire, only + - 2 kHz frequencies - - - - -)
6286 1458-1523 FOCUS INT, strong with wire ant., 1507 Sweet Caroline, 1516 ID (also 1634-1718, 1956)
6205 1500-1521 UNID, barely heard. (also 1640-1648)
6070 1501-1525 CH. 292 %, strong with wire, RNI recording. (also 1630-1633)
6245 1636-1648 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.weak; mx, flute, singer, 1648 This is R. stn...., latino mx (also 1720,1958)
6401a 1655-1936 R. GSV % , trace\fishers6400u; > e.weak > trace\hets; bit of mx at 1716.
6990 1658-1710 R. KOMINTERN %, mx, speech in Russian ?
6240 1721-1729 UNID, v.weak; mx, 1727 Rio carnaval song in D - - - - - - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6385 1930-1959 LITTLE FEAT R., good\fading; mx, 1932 g's and ID in F, then in E., etc
6290 1942-2008 GERONIMO SW, mx, ann' Hurricane, 1953 ID, More than a feeling, 2008 ID+@, blues
6280 1946-2000 UNID, song in D or G, etc
3945 1959-2001 FOCUS INT, "Ma belle amie", this W.E. show in a loop
4025 2002--2002 LHH %, mx \nearby stanag noise
6305 2009-2013 R. UNDERGROUND INT, mx, 2012 ID+hl+@, g's, ID
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 27 JUL. - 02 AUG. 2015
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France