The propagation had changed just with autumn beginning. That makes logs from different places much more different. Add the increasing fears about the Dutch AT raids, so the transmissions are shorter, with more QSO rounds than usual, and a lot of unusual frequencies. All that made the weekend crosschecking rather tedious.
Again, with 3 months delay, it looks like an other era, and not only for Dutch stations, but why ?
* * * * * MON. 22 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0642,1448 EUROPA 24, 0642 e.weak; canned ID, instrum mx. 1448 v.weak; mx
6070,0 0644,1450 UNID, 0644 e.weak; mx. 1450-1457 e.weak\PLC; mx (1635 trace of mx) [cf CHANNEL 292 ]
6290,0 1624-1633 HITMIX R., e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, 1627 ID, long SSTV, 1632 ID no copy, mx (1640 gone)
4026,0 1900-2131 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY L-side; mx, tk, IDs, 2128 tk *about* Martin Scott
6397,0 1902-2008 R. GSV, \het; tk, still 'after-referendum' mood, IDs, mx, live from W. coast of Scotland
6744,2 1911-2004 UNID, v.weak\PLC, atmos,'letters' on 6739u; tk, mx, She's not there, Beach B. [cf OLD TIME R.]
6960,0 1924-1953 PREMIER R. INT, mx, tk, 1926 ID, tnx rpts, 1932 Daddy Cool, 1945 splash from 6955
6290,0 1933-1942 RODE ADELAAR, D mx, accn, ID as R.Red Eagle +@. (2009 War of the worlds )
6955 L 1945-1947* UNID, \so-so mod, splashing; mx in the BSR way, off just before 1948.
6869,5 1954-1957 UNID, e.weak\atmos,PLC; long tk in E (no copy). (later usual trace on 6870,0)
1350,0 2015-2142 R. CAROLINE, old recording, mx, tk, mentions R.Caroline Support Group
6399,0 2036-2039 UNID, v.weak \PLC,atmos; "Belfast", 2039 lost in noise burst, then gone
6756,6 2041-2157 UNID, \odd fades; pop oldies, Memphis Tennessee, Green green grass of home, 2103 tk?(or in the record?), Beach Boys?, 2122 I put a spell on you, 2150 On a carrousel, 2155 blues, jazz
6290,0 2050-2057* R. MONTFERLAND, fair-good\atmos, "Camouflage", mx parts, g's, IDs, c'/d, bye-bye.
6290,0 *2057-2102 UNID, mx
6290,0 2115-2117 LITTLE FEAT R., atmos,splashes; Crunchy Granola, 2117 ID and s/off
6263,4 2059-2118 OZNRH %, trace > e.weak, mx heard at last
* * * * * TUES. 23 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6304,7 1357-1510 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak\PLC; 1400 Black is black, 1402 ID, 1451 JID, 1506 /hum6304,9? (1517 blank)
6265,1 1358-1403 UNID, mx, "E. side of Holland", mx. (1448 gone). [cf NORA ]
6324,9 1448-1451 UNID, v.weak\PLC; "Orange blossom special", then accn-polka. (1453 gone) [cf QSO ]
6284,9 1452-1456* R. PLUTO, e.weak\PLC; tk, 1454 mx, g's to Klaus in E, quick ID and s/off
6284,8 *1456-1502* UNID, v.weak\PLC; parts of bpm mx, rep. to Pluto in D. [ cf CONDOR ?? ]
6325,0 1514-1514* UNID, parts of instrum mx, s/off. [ cf G.V. ]
6327,5 1515-1515 UNID, e.weak; tk, quickly lost.
6305,0 1524-1532 R. PLUTO SW, e.weak; mx, 1532 ID, ment' Borderhunter.
6305,0 1536-1536* UNID, tk, "... S9+20dB" and s/off. [cf QSO ]
6304,9 *1536-1537 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk in E, ment' Pluto (ID? or g's?) [cf QSO ]
6305,1 *1538-1546 PAARDE(N)KRACHT, weak \PLC,dropouts;mx parts, 1541 ID, tk to Pluto. 1546 ID, on 6305,0
6305,0 1855-1900 UNID, weak-fair\PLC; mx, mx, mx. [cf PYTHON ]
6397,0 1858-1859 WEEKEND MUSIC R., \PLC; tk, ID, \Stanag burst.
6397,0 2010-2011 R. GSV, tnx to Marco, ID+@, rock.
4026,0 1904-2055 LASER HOT HITS %, good\fading > strong; mx, tk. 2046 strong on 4025,9, mx, tk.
6300,0 1939-2006 R. BLACK BANDIT, strong\fading; C&W, tk(known voice), g's, D song. 2006 Que sera sera
6320,0 2003-2133 LITTLE FEAT R., fair +strong peaks \PLC; pop-roc, tk, IDs, 2055 Fox on the run, ID in D+E
6263,5 2007-2134 OZNRH %, e. > v.weak, some mx barely heard at first, 2122 jazz
6769,9 2016-2030 R. 6770, good \odd fades; mx, g's, IDs: Radio Six-seven-seven-zero,test, 2019 D mx (2035 gone)
6744,2 2023-2136 UNID, weak\PLC,fading; 2026 ID+@ no copy, pop-rock oldies, 2101 \occ. traffic6745u; 2118 \'letters' QRM 6739u,slow fading;more 60s pops. 2130,2136 IDs no copy. [cf OLD TIME R. ]
* * * * * WED. 24 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 0705-0801 UNID, weak >up to good peaks \PLC; C&W, pops, tarantelle, "Mexico", Queen of hearts, 0729 "Is eveybody happy"(title?), 0736 "Funky town" remix, \muffled, 0801 tiki.
6397,1 0730-0801 WEEKEND MUSIC R., v.weak\PLC; mx. 0739 Julie Driscoll, tk, IDs, JIDs, N.Orleans jazz, "Wonderful world", 0754 "from way up the North", 0759 ID, N. of UK, tk about frequencies, ment' GSV.
6305,1 1555-1618 UNID, e.weak\PLC; tk (no copy), mx, D songs. [cf HITMIX ]
6285,0 1559-1618 TELSTAR R., good\occ. overmod; Elvis"Little sister", 1600 ID, Paranoid cover, more rock
6205,0 1751-1950 UNID, in G, v.weak\atmos,PLC; mx, 1800 news in G, mx, rap, 1827 M+W in G, jingles.. [cf EINS LIVE]
6239,6 1806-1822 UNID, e.weak\atmos,etc; mx, > trace. [cf ONDA CALIENTE ]
6320,0 1812-1818* HITMIX, v.weak\atmos; mx, many IDs, live on 6-3-2-zero, ID+@, 1818 noname c'/d
6295 a 1819-1821 UNID, awful wobbling station [ cf LLR ?? ]
6310,0 1833-1841 UNID, trace, 1838 e.weak peak\atmos; mx, mx. 1841 blank. (1850 gone) [cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6290,0 1835-1916 RODE ADELAAR, fair\fading,atmos; Get it on, Mexico, S.Blue"Never marry..", 1913 IDs+@
6300,1 1849-1956 UNID, fair>weak \occ.STANAG; D mx, "allo test 1 2", 1900 Red River rock, 1951 tk, Angie
6320,0 1902-1912 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos,STANAG burst; mx, 1908 \stanag on side. (also 1924 mx)
6320,1 1929-1930 UNID, mx, blank, a few words, end?
6320,0 1931-1937 UNID, e.weak; mx, Baby come back. (Also 1950-1951*)
6240,0 1916-1949 UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx,"..SW music radio station", 1947 singing dogs, tk\ut.QRM [ cf GOOFY ]
6264,0 1926-1946 UNID, e.weak\atmos, var.ut-QRM; mx, \more and more ut.QRM, killed by ut.QRM
6289,9 1957-2058* R. MONTFERLAND, good; Black is black, Blue moon, La bamba, 2048 ID, g's, c'/d, 2057 bye-bye
6315,9 2002-2006* UNID, e.weak; mx, end.
6319,0v 2006-2126 R. CAROLINE INT, v.weak \drift to 6318,6; mx, 2006 JID, 2031 JID, mx
6380,1 2007-2008* UNID, mx, and s/off. [cf JAMAICA ]
6384,1 2008-2008 UNID, v.weak, mx, ID almost R. Liberty ? [ cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6395,8 2010-2021 R. GSV, mx, jazz, IDs, c'/d, ann' WMR tomorrow, gd night, canned IDs
6744,3 2022-2130 UNID, weak\fading,atmos; mx, 2027 "This is ..."(low voice), 2127 mx on 6744,2 : e.weak > trace
6300,1 2032-2102* RNW R./R. NEW WORLD, v.weak\het6299,8-hard at first; mx. 2053 better, mx, 2059 IDs, c'/d
6263,4 2108-2110 OZNRH %, v.weak\atmos,hets all around; jazz
4025,9 2111-2123 LASER HOT HITS %, good\atmos, mx, 2121 tk over mx, War of the worlds, pop
3929,9 2111-2123 R. BATAVIA, weak > v.weak \atmos,noisy; mx, tnx rpt, ID, F singer, 2123 Porque te vas
* * * * * THURS. 25 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6289,9 1507-1522 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk (not R-Adelaar, but no copy). (1530 gone). [cf PLUTO ]
6284,9 1512-1519 UNID, v.-e.weak\PLC,traffic; instrum mx, hello, W singer, instrum mx. (1523 gone)
6150,0 1523-1616 EUROPA 24, weak-fair>PLC; instrum mx, 1616 multi ID
6299,9 1526-1530* UNID, D song, allo-allo!, blank and s/off.
6747,1 1534-1544 UNID, weak\PLC; pops, 1543 I feel love. (1618 gone) [cf PIONEER ]
6210 L 1545-1633 UNID, nonstop 'tchacs' mx, 1624 I say a little prayer, Hair medley, beer selling mx (1639 gone)
6289,9 1558-1600 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1559 ID? by W, no copy, mx. (1607 gone) [cf HITMIX ]
6295,0 1607-1620 UNID, e.weak\noisy,PLC; mx, 1612 ID ?, 1620 ID? by W, no copy, mx. (1635 gone) [cf HITMIX ]
6285,0 1634-1641 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1637 " - - SW", mx (1648 gone). [cf HITMIX ]
6305,0 1641-1646 ? UNID, fair +strong peaks \traffic; mx, mx. 1646 now on 6302,0 but s/off (and traffic s/off)
6295,0 1647-1732 HITMIX %, e.weak\noisy; mx, 1731 bye bye, mx, off. [ cf HITMIX ]
6965,0 1809-1837 PREMIER R. INT, v.weak\noisy; mx, ID, cold wave, 1813 ID, tk, 1837 Aneka
4026,0 1818-2008 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy at first; mx, "Laser". 1842 \RTTY4020; mx, Laser Int, gd m'.
6318,8 1822-1840 R. CAROLINE INT, v.>e.weak\PLC,ut.QRM; mx, bad kind of IDs, 1831 good JID
6210 L 1824-1841 UNID, weak\PLC,some atmos; mx, 1827 Bowie, 1834 disco, mx.
3905,1 2002-2012 ALICE R., weak-fair\noisy,atmos; early 60s pops, 2004 IDs, g's, D song...
6305,1 2013-2153 STUDIO --- ?, v.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, kuin abend, .. Studio ..., quiet mx, 2132 Bzn, Susanna, .., 2150 tk(D accent), gd ev', etc.. but fading out, 2153 lost.
6263,5 2012-2153 OZNRH %, e.weak-trace \PLC,ut,atmos; mx heard at best moments.
6744,2 2023-2034 OLD TIME R., v.weak\fading; mx, C&W:Down the Mississipi, 2027 ID+@yandex.com, mx
6300,0 2101-2103* UNID, news in G (W voice), then weather report, s/off at 2103'45"
6300,0 2106-2107* UNID, mx and s/off.
* * * ** * FRI. 26 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6145,1 0933-0934* UNID, strong; ann' test, rpt to transmissiontest(at)gmail.com, s/off at 0933'48"
6800,2 1502-1508 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk (no copy), lost.
6290,0 1548-1948 RODE ADELAAR, weak\PLC >fair; D mx, 1602 Fox on the run, 1613 Daddy Cool, 1638 ID as Red Eagle (+@), C&W, 1841 "Stupid cupid", same ID+@, mx.
6305,0 1552-1725 TELSTAR R., fair \PLC; R&R, Whole lotta.., 1556 ID, Good golly..., 1621 Paranoid, Louie louie, \RTTY L-side; Shaking all over, I fought the law, ...Great balls od fire, A.Brown"Fire", 1712 Friday on my mind
6210 L 1603-1606* UNID, pops, 1606 sudden off
6265,3 1639-2311 R. TANGO ITALIA %, v.quiet mx, 1647 Argentina/tango, 2003 mx, 2138 jazz, drift to 6265,5.
6218 L 1644-1644 UNID, mx. (1646 gone)
6324,5 1706-1812 UNID, e.weak\PLC,wobbling, drift to 6325,5; nothing really heard ! [cf LLR ]
6204,8 1714-1723 UNID, e.weak\fades,PLC; 1721 " - - SW" on a peak, much too weak.
6320,0 1811-1818* R. JOEY, fair-good; pop, 1813 known voice, mx, 1818 sudden off.
6305 a 1819-1830 QSO, PAARDENKRACHT, NORA, TELSTAR, messing with stn underneath.
6320,0 1830-1834 R. JOEY, back on, mx, tk, ID, 1833 "Vietnam"
6322,0 1840-2017 R. JOEY %, mx, mx, mx, 1932 "Sex machine" (2038 gone)
6305 u 1834-2039 UNID, good USB mod; mx, 1902 Mrs Jones, Son of a preacher man, 1946 Africa, 2018 jazz (see repeat on Sunday at 2026, should be MINIPOWER )
6299,8 1840-1950 UNID, strong>v.strong; G schlager, D songs. (2018 gone) [cf MAZDA ]
6240,0 1844-1845 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, \intermittent ut.QRM, mx, ID over that mx. (1921 gone)
6205,0 1846-2038 UNID, \spitting ut. at first, PLC; mx, 2014 tk(no copy), 2038 techno (later:trace) [ cf EINS LIVE ]
6309,9 1907-1915 UNID, v.weak \ut.U-side,QRM 6305u; mx, 1911 allo test een twee, mx (1920 gone) [cf TWENTANA ]
6380,0 1932-1943 MUSTANG R., v.strong\fading; mx, 1934 ID, mx, 1943 Goodbye my friend.
6395,7 1933-1942* R. GSV, mx, 1940 IDs, c'/d, gd night, IDs+@, ment' WMR, s/off at 1942'45"
6284,8 1951-2022 UNID, fair; D song, pop, rock2022 Psycho killer.
6244,5 2004-2140 OZNRH %, e.weak\ut.QRM, hard to hear; mx, 2029 cool jazz, 2139 tk, mx.
4026,0 2016-2123 LASER HOT HITS, good; mx, 2122 IDs+@, mx
6940,0 2042-2110 UNID, e.weak +peaks \noisy,ut.QRM; mx. (2136 trace). [cf PREMIER ]
3905,0 2117-2132* U-BOAT 66 *, e.weak\noisy; mx, quiet mx, 2132 ..radio ..gmail .. 550(?), sonar noise, off.
* * * * * SAT. 27 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6320,0 0713-0721 UNID, v.weak \ut L-side; mx, 0718 Sweet home Alabama [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]
6195,0 0753-0845 LHH, weak\fading; IDs, tk, mx. 0845 v.weak\squeezed HLR6190 & ut. *on* USB (1237 v.weak\PLC)
6195,0 1925,1955 LASER HOT HITS, 1925: mx, ID, 1955: mx.
6095,0 *0800-0844 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong\fading, ..time to warm up the tubes.., Rosko's C&W
6095,0 1238-1240 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, Dave Mason's "Golden Age of R&R"
6005,0 0806-0807 R. 700 %, Nancy Sinatra "These boots..", // 7310
6190,0 0809-0815 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, AM-USB, kletzmer mx?, tk in G or Yiddish?, waltz
6150,0 0815-0817 EUROPA 24, mx, multi-ID. (Also 1238 e.weak\PLC; mx)
6290,0 0845-0850 RODE ADELAAR, v.-e.weak; polka, ID, accn
6395,6 0850-0900 UNID, v.weak; tk, pop-rock [ cf R. GSV ]
6318,7 1821-1840 UNID, e.weak\what's wrong?; mx, 1821,1835: " - - - S.W." (ID no copy). [ cf GOOFY ]
6301,6 1824-1839 UNID, (1800: trace) \6295 splash; "On SW this is - - -", mx, D mx, 1839 JID(robot),accn. [cf UNKOWN ]
6295,0 1825-2206 BOGUSMAN, strong, 158 min loop programme, pop-rock, IDs, long tk, 2103 about LHH, v.weak now
6284,8 1828-1828 UNID, parts of mx, fading down, then lost.
6265,4 1830-2335 R. TANGO ITALIA %, non-stop tango
6205,0 1843-1844 UNID, e.weak mx, soon killed by Tip&Elvis
6220,0 1831-1843* TIP & ELVIS %, strong \ut.QRM just spot on; mx, blank, pop, Greek tourist medley, sudden QSY
6205,0 *1844-2207 TIP & ELVIS, strong; 60s-70s pop-rock, 1859 Born to be wild, 2010 ID+@, 2102 booming!
6220,0 1850-1853 UNID, fair-strong \ut.QRM spot on; G songs. (1857 gone)
6250,7 1854-1904 - - PANTER, \overmod, het 6250,0; D songs, tk, 1903 on 6250,5 ID part copy, end [cf ZWARTE P.]
6320,0 1907-2001 UNID, v.weak; mx, 1922 Blueberry Hill, Wonderful world, Sheila, R&R... (2008 gone) [cf CARRIER W.]
6285,1 1918-1921 UNID, accn, "Happy days in Germany", accn [cf KLABAUTERMAN ]
6387,3 1931-2004 R. PANDORA, v.weak\atmos; tk, mx, ..25 W.. bye-bye, 1935 ID robot voice, mx, 1939 ID+@+hl, mx
6955 L 1942-1945 BALTIC SEA R., v.weak\noisy; Japanese 60s pop song, seagull ID+@, Birdie song. (2005 gone)
4026,0 1956-2001 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy; tk, mx, ID. ( NOT // to 6195)
6258,0 2107-2154 ODYNN R., good peaks\fading; mx, 2109 ID+@, g's, 2111 QSY on 6256,0 - later back on 6258
6239,8 2113-2116a UNID, v.weak\atmos,stanag splash; mx, f'out 2116 approx.
6930 a 2123-2134 UNID, e.weak\atmos; mx in SSB, could not clarify it, maybe 6930 USB or 6932 LSB ??
6950,0 2134-2208 UNID, v.weak\much atmos; "Jailhouse rock", more R&R. [ cf TRX ? ]
6290,1 2149-2149 UNID, rock
6300,0 2149-2336 R. BLACK BANDIT %, strong\fading, messing with mx, g's (known voice), polka, accn, 2330 v.weak
6375,0 2156-2210 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos, deep fade. 2156 "Radar love", mx.
6305,0 2328-2329 UNID, \atmos; US mx (from 50s-60s ?) (2336 gone) [cf TRX ]
6293,0 2331-2341 UNID, v.>e.weak\atmos; "Monday Monday", more mx, f'/down [cf POWERLINER ]
6285,1 2332-2340* UNID, e.weak\much atmos; mx, 2338 Popcorn, 2340 c'/d, bye-bye, end
* * * * * SUN. 28 SEP. 2014 * * * * *
6150,0 0642-0741 EUROPA 24 %, mx. (1023 trace)
7265,0 0645-0725 R. GLORIA INT, AM-USB; pops, tk in G, 0649 ID, 0725 rock
6324,9 0729-0810 UNID, v.weak; G and D songs [cf NORTON ]
6075,0 0734-0742 LASER HOT HITS, mx: ..energy.. beat-box+W singer, 0738 ID (NOT // 4026)
9485,0 0801-1000* R. GLORIA INT, AM-USB, good-clear; "Gloria" rock, ID, tnx in E to relayers, pops, tk in G, jingle: R.Gloria memories", mx, 0810 \deep fade, ut.QRM. 0950 fair\fading,noisy; mx, ID, ad:FM Compakt(?), etc
6289,9 0811-0811 UNID, weak-fair; mx, Bowie ? [ cf MAZDA ]
6305 a 0942-0948 R. TELSTAR INT?, weak\fading, hum 2nd stn; pops, tk in D, IDs (or Delta ?), hello Mike Fox
6305 a 0942-0948 UNID, v.weak\hum with Telstar; sometimes guessed audio
6305 a 1000-1021 UNID, v.weak\fading; mx, hello Josephine, 1003 ment' B.Hunter, hello Gunter, S.Blue"Never marry..."
7310,0 0952-0954 R. GLORIA INT %, R&R adaptation, kind of Mexican? mx. [ R. GLORIA was planned ]
7285,0 0955-0957 UNID, v.weak; some C&W mx (1020 bit of a trace)
6199,8 1005-1021 WEEKEND MUSIC R., e.weak\PLC,noisy; pirate DX news, ID+@, rock-pop. [ cf WMR HOAX ]
6095,0 1011-1305 MIGHTY KBC, good; Rosko? rock, "Respect", 1223 usual ads, 4 Tops"Bernadette"
6075,0 1012-1015 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, Laser Int(M.Scott). (1226 trace, 1305 not heard)
6075,0 1654-1821 LHH, \Asian? QRM at first, IDs, 1700 clear~, M.Scott, "Video killed..",1820 FSN (2050 tchacs mx)
7310,0 1015-1302 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak-fair\fading; Maggie May, ID, ann' 6005, Captain Kurt, Golden Oldies(70s), 1237 G programme, G songs, 1300 ID, from Costa Blanca, Jeronimus, 1301 ID+@ in G, mx
6304,7 1227-1229* trace, maybe undermod, and end. (also blank at 1304. Maybe D QSO round on 6305)
6284,9 1229-1233 UNID, e.weak; tk (in D?), mx: 'piraat' song, 1233 lost.
9485,0 1306-1311 HLR %, AM-USB; news mag in E (Turkey-Kurdistan refugees, etc)
6305,7 1630-1647* UNID, v.weak\noisy,PLC; on-off audio, J.Brown"Sex machine", etc. s/off at 1646'50". [cf JOEY ]
6284,9 1638-1639* UNID, D song, part of D song, s/off at 1638'53" [cf G. V. ?? ]
6205,0 1640-1643* R. PLUTO, mx, ID, rep. to Baken16 in D, 1643 ID in E+D, end (prob. QSO round)
6204,9 1647-1650* UNID, tk in D, Moonlight shadow, few words and end [cf PYTHON ]
6204,9 1651-1653 UNID, e.weak; mx, tk in D, --- dot-com, long tk (no copy)
6265,3 1707-1717 R. TANGO ITALIA %, weak+peaks, mx from Argentina, tango (also 2019-2106 on 6265,4)
6320,0 1821-1821 UNID, fair_atmos; mx. (1832 gone)
6305,6 1823-1824 UNID, quiet mx (1828 gone)
6299,6 1824-1835* UNID, e.weak\noisy,atmos; mx, 1835 QSY [cf KLEINE Z. ]
6304,6 *1835-1847 UNID, e.weak\odd fade; mx, 1836 tk (in D or D accent), mx, \atmos; [cf KLEINE Z. ]
6304,9 1828-1832* R. PLUTO SW, tk in E, "low power", IDs, s/off at 1832'14"
6395,6 1847-2012 WMR, mx, tk, rec' from Westside R. Int, 1953 ID: WMR, more rec' ? 2012 "memories of Westside R. Int" ann'd over "Ba moin un tio doudou".
6395,7 2016-2113 R. GSV, \het 6400; ID, mx, 2059 ID+@, ID, 2113 squeezed(Korea and ut.)
6690 L 1914-1915 UNID, e.weak\muffled, atmos; mx, tk, mx (from S.E. Europe ?)
6940,0 1919-1931* PREMIER R. INT, v.weak \atmos, ut.; tk in E, ID, mx, 1929 Man of action, c'/d
6950,0 1921-1939 LITTLE FEAT R., fair +peak \occ. hola's 6950u; gd ev' ID, mx, IDs, Tobacco road, ID+@
6765 u 1939-1948 UNID, v.weak\atmos; instrum, ID=? +test(W voice), ..@pirateradio.., music box, 1944 in it.?
6375,1 1954-2112 WMR, \stanag on U-side; rock, tk about BBC R4, ID+addr, "bloody Scotland", NOT //, 2010 also Westside R. Int story, 2011 WMR ID, rock, 2055 SW pirates story, 2109 ID, Atlantic 252 story with clips
6254,9 2019-2022 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong\v.noisy, atmos; Beatles"She loves you", typ. DJ, E comedy, pop
6243,3 2022-2104 UNID, e.weak\ut.,much atmos; mx, mx, mx
6204,8L 2026-2055 UNID, beer selling mx, Mrs Jones, Son of a preacher man, updrift [cf MINIPOWER ]
4025,9 2032-2035 LASER HOT HITS, good\bit atmos; mx, tk, ID, Mike Andrews and all DJ list
6925,0 2318-2330 UNDERCOVER R., \QRMBrasil?; some tale, ID+@, Radar love, "1-2", tk, IDs, mx
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 22 - 28 SEP. 2014
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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