Still many stations on the air, but less logs on Internet for checking, so many lines in green below (on weekdays, also on Sunday night), and most of them remain UNID as they were voiceless. A few ones tried to give their ID, but with no avail in the noise (or in the background music!). Thumbs up for Radio Coax for success in IDing even with tiny power.
Station of the week was R. Freeline Int. with several transmissions, playing good oldies (and giving regular IDs, although not that clear ones).
Still no SINPO values here. I don't think this is the right way with low power stations, sometimes with modulation issues, and that much with QRM (or noise?) from utility stations.
For any comment/question.., please leave a reply (here or in private message on this site), thank you.
* * * * * MON. 19 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6280,2 0632-0643 R. MERLIN INT, weak +peaks \stanag on 6275,PLC. mx, 0633 ID+hl+@
6290,0 1533-1623 UNID, weak\atmos, some carnaval mx, then D or G songs, accordion. [cf SILVERBACK ]
6320,0 1613-1650 RONEX R., v.>e.weak, tk to nacht Piraat and Pluto, short test, IDs+@+spelling (1707 gone)
6305,0 1623-1728 UNID, v.weak\PLC > trace, mx, tk: 1653 by Jr?, 1655 by M
6249,0 1625-1646 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos > trace, mx
6295,0 1631-1633 UNID, v.weak\much atmos, mx, tk: ..music radio.. (1646 gone)
6300,0 1650-1728 UNID, f'/down, \PLC,atmos, deep fades, mx, 1651 Blue Monday, 1710 Well respected man
6286,0 1659-1706 UNID, v.weak\atmos, muffled, instrum mx, 1659 trumpet, 1703 whistler, 1706 River Kwai
6290,0 1713-1728 UNID, \atmos,PLC, ..test..low power.., "Popcorn", mx, tk in E. [cf RONALISA ]
6283,0 1714-1832* R. ALTREX, \atmos growing, mx, 1827 IDs, bye-bye.
6290,0 1830-1848 UNID, v.weak \atmos,fades, mx. (1848 local thunderstorm).
6305,0 1848-1851 UNID, e.weak\loc.thunder, mx [cf PLUTO ]
6290,0 2025-2203 ODYNN R., fair+peaks \atmos, 2027 "Hello Josephine", ID, g's, 2030 "Osaka" song, 2100 Mr Bluesky, 2128 Jimi, 2140 tk, more Hendrix, 2159 ID+hl+@
6390,6 2031-2046 UNID, fair \fading,atmos, mx, from 50s-60s ?, 2044 tk in E ..NL..little power.. ID(no copy)
6925,0 2048-2055 UNID, mx, Owimbowee(Lion sleeps..), Video killed the radio star. (2113 gone)
6300,0 2056-2202* UNID, v.weak\atmos, rock, muffled IDs, Nirvana, 2112 H.California, 2127 BigBen [cf FREELINE]
6310,6 2116-2126 R. BONOFOX, \atmos, slight hets,bit of updrift. 2119 Knock on wood, 2126 ID (2130 gone)
6305,0 2320-2331 R. PLUTO SW, fading,atmos,PLC. mx, IDs+"music radio stn", Barracuda, What is love
* * * * * TUES. 20 MAY 2014 * * * * *
4025,0 0622-0625* LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, "Time after time", then fair but sudden s/off at 0625'49"
6290,0 0631-0720 RODE ADELAAR, fair > weak, high mod, cajun mx, ID, Apache, tiki, D song.. ID. (0917-0925 trace)
6280,2 0634-0645 R. MERLIN INT, fair>v.weak\atmos, mx, W tk, 0645 ID, "DJ Nellie" (0708 gone)
6300,0 0908-0924 UNID, e.weak > trace, mx (0925 gone) [cf VENDOR ]
6325,5 0916-0916 UNID, e.weak, mx (0921 gone)
6325,6 1427-1441 UNID, e.weak \atmos, occ.short burts of ut.noise, mx
6324,6 1441-1446 UNID, mx, tk QSO ? [cf VAKANTIEMAN ]
6325,0 1446-1448 R. PLUTO, mx, ID, 1448 lost
6285,0 1616-1640 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks \PLC,atmos, mx, 1617 "Radio -- -- on the SW", mx. [cf ETHERFREAK ]
6210,0 1627-2204 SW GOLD, v.weak\atmos, f'/up slowly, mx, IDs (some IDs as SWC).
6240,0 1641-1705 R. EXPERIENCE, fair \strong PLC and atmos, mx, 1642 ID, 1646 ID,g's, Telstar, CQ...
6290,0 1808-2008* RODE ADELAAR, D mx, 1816 Shadows, ID, D songs, 2004 ID+@
6240,0 1828-1829* UNID, "Telstar", other song, s/off at 1829'40"
4025,0 1835-2203 LASER HOT HITS, weak\loc.noise > good\fading,atmos. mx, 2202 ID
6280,1 1847-1848* UNID, mx, s/off at 1848'35"
6950,0 2249-2256 LITTLE FEAT R., fair-good \atmos. mx, IDs, test, 2253 ID+@, rock, Witch queen of NewOrleans
* * * * * WED. 21 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 0828-0842 RODE ADELAAR, v.weak\PLC,atmos, D songs, IDs
6250,0 1430-1438 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, words over from time to time, 1436 ID (no copy), f/down
6210,0 1710-1803 UNID, v.weak \much atmos,fades. mx, tk&IDs (no copy, D way/accent) [cf ACDC ? ]
6210,0 1739-1740 SW GOLD, ID copied only once, no het,hum or beating but seems different station
6280,2 1729-2242 R. MERLIN INT, mx, (IDs:1734,1804,1845,2035), also 2349 Riders on the storm
6295,0 1748-1836* R. PYTHON, fair peaks, mx, live IDs in E, pop-rock
6300,0 1847-2206 R. FREELINE INT, fair\PLC,dropouts,occ.traffic, long loop?, rock and IDs(never quite clear), "the all-time greatest hits station", 1847 Black night, 1902 ID in native F, 1908 Nirvana, 1913 Police, 1923 Dire Straits, 1940 H.California, 2006 Paranoid, 2032 Black Betty, Paint it black, 2047 Born to be wild, Daydream, 2109 California dreaming, 2126 IDs+@ in E+F, 2150 Tell me why.
6220,0 1924-1931 UNID, rock; ID-like: Psychedelis ??, PIVIRAA ??, ..Hilversum.., KICKS ??, satellite fqy.
6220,0 1936-1943* SLUWE VOS R., 1937 ID, test, RxReport (at live.nl), bye-bye, Baccara"Yes sir..., c'/d, g's, bye.
6220,0 *1943-1943* UNID, whistler, bits of "Yes sir I can boogie", on-off-on-off...
6210,0 1924-1925 UNID, rock, blanks and dropouts (1931 gone)
6291,0 1931,1935* UNID, \ut.QRM, rock
4025,0 2007-2235 LASER HOT HITS, fair \4028 Morse, mx, 2010 short break, 2013 ID
6290,0 2024-2026* UNID, some D song, 2025 hum from 6289,9 then all off at 2026 (2027 still no signal)
6295,2 2033-2041* UNID, \audio on/off, Fox on the run, Nutbush City limits, Goodbye my friend, off.
6293,7 2058-2155 VOTN, bits of mx, then rock tracks, American woman, Time is on my side, Get off my cloud, Whole lotta love, 2124 ID, 2130 votn (at planet.nl), 2155 yodl. (2159 gone)
6210,0 2140-2350 SW GOLD, quite typical now, computer like with short canned IDs.
6225,0 2141-2213 UNID, kind of TX testing, with bits of mx at times
6325,0 2142-2144 Z. VERONA, mx, IDs, euro-singer. (2147 blank, 2158 gone)
6290,0 2159-2222 Z. VERONA, mx, IDs, 2206 Bzn, 2221 many IDs, "way of life". (2227 gone)
6324,6 2203-2213 UNID, "Baby it's a wild world" speeding!, more mx (2219 gone, to 6300,4 ?)
6300,4 2215-2244* RNW, mx, testing-one-two, tk in D, mx, also speeding mx at times, 2239 c'/d IDs, RNW (at freeradiochat.com)
* * * * * THURS. 22 MAY 2014 * * * * * LHH not heard
6290,6 0707-0709* R. SKYWIRE, mx, ID in E, in QSO with ...(crac ! thunderstorm), @hotmail, mx, end.
6280,2 0709-0738* R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \atmos, mx, 0737 ID+hl+@, canned ID and end.
6290,0 1649-1655* UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, 1651 ID??
6290,0 1656-1710* UNID, e.weak - trace \PLC,atmos, mx barely heard, 1710 " -- -- -- short wave", s/off.
6290,0 1815-1856 UNID, good>strong, Ca plane pour moi, Spirit in the sky, Born to be wild, rock [cf TELSTAR ]
6290,0 1910-1921 UNID, fair \atmos, accordion, D or G songs [cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6290,0 1948-1956 UNID, "Free electric band", Blues Brothers"Everybody needs..."
6290,0 2118-2120 ODYNN R., D song, 2120 ShortWaveMan (@gmail.com), 50s singer.
6325,0 1821-1826 UNID, weak-fair \atmos, accordion. [cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6300,4 1827-1956 UNID, v.weak \atmos,mushy carrier,PLC,6302het,sounds muffled. mx, 1939 pop-rock [cf JOEY ]
6235,0 1858-1904* UNID, \6230stanag,occ.burst right on. some island polka and D song [cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6210,0 1905-1955 SW GOLD, mx and canned IDs
6940,0v 1923-1930 UNID, v.weak\atmos, "Video killed..", 1928 Bad moon rising, short break, 6940>6939>6938 On the road again
6935,0 1931-1936 UNID, from 6938, 1931 on 6935, 1932 shortly on 6939, back 1933 Troggs, 1936 lost
6306 a 2115-2209 UNID, weak \atmos,ut.QRM,bit of drift. James Brown, muffled (ex 6300,4 ?), more mx [cf JOEY ]
* * * ** * FRI. 23 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6307,4 16.35-1637 UNID, under PLC*2
6290,0 1637-1643 UNID, e.weak\PLC*2, tk. [cf HITMIX ]
6205,1 1814-1955* UNID, v.weak +peaks \atmos,PLC,6195 splash. 1814 jingle,tk, mx, 1842,1954 IDs? [cf KING SW)
6220,5 1825-2059 R. TANGO ITALIA, mx from Argentina, then tango, tango...
6290,0 1827-1853 R. ALTREX, v.weak \much atmos, mx, D mx, 1833 IDs
6290,0 1950-1959 RODE ADELAAR, weak/v.weak, tk over accordion, IDs, 1951 ID+@.
6290,0 2013-2101 R. RONALISA, 2019 Mama mia, twist, low power radio, piraat song, 2023 ID+@, rpt, Stray cats, rpt from Italy, 2027 Funky town, 2101 ID, blank
6290,0 2116,2209* UNID, e.weak, mx. [ cf ZEEWOLF in QSO w. RONALISA ]
6280,0 1952-2018* UNID, strong, mx, mx, 2002 Radar love, 2017 accordion, 2018 blank and off. [cf MUSTANG ]
6380,0 2003,2008 UNID, 2003: trace, 2008: mx, e.weak\noisy, atmos.
6425,1 2004-2125 STUDIO 52, weak,muffled, rock, D song, 2037 tnx, 2043 Hair remix, 2120 ID?, tnx, 25W, 2124 ID
6255,0 2013-2226 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, fair-good \noisy, anorak mx, tk: Georgie Fame, BBMS, Waterloo sunset
6210,0 2029-2118 SLUWE VOS R., Tralala, 2100 ID, N.Sinatra"These boots...",mx
6300,3 2048-2115* UNID, v.weak \light mod, mx, 2108 OK,testing 1-2, ID?, 2111 polka "Hoep la!", 2115 ID=?. [cf RNW ]
6300,1 2126-2131* UNID, fair\atmos, 60s pops, mashed potatoes, 2131 lower mod, then blank and off
6306,1 2132-2218 UNID, mx, email to -- -- @gmx.de, 2208 ..hotmail, 2217 ID no copy (2225 gone) [cf RAMMSTEIN ? ]
6940,0 2143-2201 UNID, good+peaks \atmos, jazz, H.Belafonte, cajun mx, jazz, C&W [cf TRX ]
6950,0 2144-2201 LITTLE FEAT R., What a night, op, euro song, 2152 ID(multi), Hang on Sloopy, 2201 ID
6960,0 2144-2159 PREMIER R. INT, \small hets around, mx, 2158 ID, tnx Gino, mx
3905,0 2219-2254 UNID, strong \atmos, 2221 ded. song, boomboxed medley(w. Beatles), 2253 polka [cf SKYLINE INT]
6290,0 2231-2250 R. NORA, mx, canned IDs, tkover songs: Suddenly you love me, Lil' red rooster, Lonesome me
6305,0 2225-2250 MUSTANG R., strong, mx, test ID, OK rpts, mx
6325,0 2422-2430 UNID, good-strong, D song, Mrs Applebee(title?), G? v. of "You were on my mind" [ cf POWERLINER?]
* * * * * SAT. 24 MAY 2014 * * * * *
6290,0 0734-0740 UNID, Bus stop (tk over), Dragonslayer (part), more mx. (0743 gone) [cf BONOFOX ]
7265,0 0745-0750 HAMBURGER LOKAL R., in AM-USB, G songs, ID, instrum mx.
7310,0 0750-0750 R. 700 %, good, mx, // weak 6005.
7365,0 0752-0752 HCJB D %, strong, relaying quavering US preacher
6280,2 0848-0913 R. MERLIN INT %, v.weak \PLC*2, mx, tk. Also at 1242 with ID.
6205,0 0857,0915 UNID, trace of mx, under ut.QRM. [cf KING SW ]
6095,0 0858-1305 KBC, v.strong, Rosko's Coast to coast Country, KBC Import ads, later R&R \deep fading.
6265,0 1246-1248 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk. [ cf R. MARIO ]
6320,0 1923-2141 BOGUSMAN, chat about anything, mx, rock, 2125 ID
6295 a 1924-2147 UNID, G schlager, waltz, 2003 "Komerade", usw, 2147 polka. [cf ODYNN ]
6265,0 1928-2007 UNID, e.weak \het,PLC,atmos, mx, 2005 -- -- Radio (@gmail), "Ring my bell". [cf FREELINE ]
6239,9 1933-2112 UNID, e.weak \atmos,fades. tk, mx, D mx, 2047 "Mexico", pops (2129 gone)
6205,0 1934-2011 ARTEM WORLD MUSIC, weak \traffic on 6203u, mx from Southern Africa stations
6205,0 2049-2050 UNID, g's to Gino, it. rock(part), it. song [cf SLUWE VOS ]
6305,9 1938-2045 R. JOEY, Jr singer, 1941 "Peter Gunn" sung!, IDs by Jr, 1944 Hair remix, mx, g's, IDs
6283,0 1949-2004 R. HITMIX, weak \atmos, mx, IDs, 1953 "Hitmix studio live on 6-2-8-3"
6380,0 2012-2018 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx
6949,9 2019-2125 R. COAX, e.weak \much atmos, ut.QRM around, var. mx, tk, IDs(most not sure, good one at last).
6955,0 2024-2027 R. PLUTO SW, v.weak \atmos, audio dropouts, mx, 2024 ID. (2039 gone)
6285,0 2055-2147 UNID, strong \fading down, G waltz, pop track, D songs. [cf POWERLINER ]
6304,1 2114-2146 UNID, pops, 2127 Whiter shade of pale, 2141 rock [cf JOEY ]
6210,0 2119-2241 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, good+peaks, 2134 ID, tnx rpts, 2147 Get it on, 2224 Stray Cats
6219,7 2133-2147 DELTA R., 2136 rock, JID over
4025,0 2139-2141 LASER HOT HITS, fair \noisy,atmos, mx, tk about Eurovision, "Laser"
6238,6 2226-2230 R. UNDERGROUND, good, mx, ID+@
6294,6 2231-2243 DELTA R., fair +peaks \atmos, mx, tk in D, "Upside down", ID.
* * * * * SUN. 25 MAY 2014 * * * * *
7265,0 0700-0800* R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, good > weak \fading, ID in E, tk in G+E, pops, 0721 ad for OEM, ID+contacts, "music from China - Taiwan"
6205,0 0731-0844 UNID, v.-e.weak > trace, mx, 0734 "-- -- Radio ..", quiet mx. [cf KING SW ]
6239,9 0738-0843 UNID, e. weak peaks > trace only, some mx and tk at times, then trace only.
6209,0 0754-0756 UNID, \scratching ut.QRM, mx, mx. (0804 gone)
9485,0 0800-0841 R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, tk in G+E, 0817 ID, tk: Barclay james Harvest, "Early morning"
6095,0 0805-0844 KBC, strong, Trucker radio show, duo tk, C&W, rock. (also 1419-1423 "Daydream", tk).
6304,9 1424-1424 trace, trace of audio? [cf Python ]
6290,0 1425-1425 UNID, mx barely heard. (1433 gone)
6325,0 1430-1513 UNID, e.weak \ut, PLC, mx, 1508 some tk, polka. [cf RODE ADELAAR ]
6400,0 1440-1440 UNID, e.weak, mx. [cf TRANS EUROPE ]
6285,0 1601-1726 R. TELSTAR, weak>good \PLC, "Papa .., mama ..", 1624 ID, g's, nonstop D songs
6285,0 1808-1810 ODYNN R., D song, 1809 ID
6285,0 1834-1834 UNID, mx [cf SILVERBACK ]
6205,0 1627-1922 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC,atmos, mx,mx, 1830 hum, 1831 ID no copy, 1832 "Laser 558" [cf KING SW ]
6978,5 1632-2250 UNID, e.weak (undermod?) at first, f'/up \occ.ut.QRM > strong. 1709 Animals "It's my life", 1711 short break, 1722 Eleanor Rigby, 1850 Cream"White room", 2021 American woman", 2213 On the border, Dylan"I want you", 2250 Barry Rian"Eloise". [cf ROCK R. NETWORK ]
6220,5 1640-2226 R. TANGO ITALIA, trace > fair, mx, from Argentina, later tango, 2226 ID at last.
6240,5 2252-2252 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6255,0 1727-1812 HITMIX, e.>v.weak, mx, 1733 shy ID, 1810 Crunchy Granola
6240,0 1734-1735 UNID, mx, tk: ..low power radio.. 6-2-4-zero, mx [cf EXPERIENCE ]
6239,9 1802-1931 UNID, e.weak \PLC, atmos, mx, 1925 sounds muffled, 1926 tk (no copy)
6305,1 1806-2220 R. MERLIN INT, \atmos, mx, IDs, Whole lotta love,, Silver machine,,Smoke on the water...
6323,0 1835-1940 UNID, \PLC,atmos, D songs, 1852 Knock on wood, Bzn, mx.. D song [cf HITMIX ]
6950,0 1840-1845 R. BLACKBEARD, pops, 1843 ID over, said "6-2-4-4"
6300,4 1912-1912 UNID, e.weak, mx [cf JOEY ]
6285,0 1914,1932 UNID, 1914 rock, 1915 accordion-D singer, 1932 synthe berk ( [cf SILVERBACK ]
6949,9 1945-2034 R. COAX ?, trace +e.weak peaks, mx, tk, 1947 ID not quite OK
6915,0 1948-2031 UNID, weak\atmos, 1951 R. Sunshine clip(ID,rock), 2027 story of free Irish stns [cf PREMIER ]
6282,6 2040-2104 R. UNDERGROUND, fair-good \atmos, mx, tk, 2043 ID+@+hl, 2104 ID
6265,0 2045-2102 UNID, \ut.QRM, mx, mx, rock. [cf LITTLE FEAT ]
6255,0 2048-2252 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, Tremeloes, typ. tk, 2103 clip from WABC, 2146 ID, tk: LBC, Capital R., 2152 clip from R. Seagull, mx
6920 u 2119-2158 UNID, v.weak, some hiphop, parts of mx...
6950,0 2123-2125* UNID, good\fading, "Black betty", sudden s/off
6954,9 2126-2127 UNID, e.weak, mx, quickly lost
6949,9 2128-2131* R. COAX, e.weak, mx, IDs (one ID OK), polka and end
6295,0 2144-2156 UNID, weak-fair, D mx, 2156 D song in E.
6290,0 2222-2251 RNW, mx, "In the middle of the place", mx, 2234 ID, mx
6954,9 2201-2203 R. COAX ?, e.weak, mx, tk, ID not quite OK, mx
6952,9 2210-2217 UNID, e.weak \QRM?,atmos > trace, mx (then trace only)
4025,0 2218-2254 LASER HOT HITS, strong,clear, mx, tk, ID, mx...2254 ID, psious !
kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details
(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)
Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 19 - 25 MAY 2014
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France