LOGS : 20 - 26 JAN. 2014

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 20 - 26 JAN. 2014

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Very active were :
- COSMIC R. (sometimes logged elsewhere as UNID)
- R. GLORIA INT on Sunday (a lot of relays)
- R. VERONA (a lot of short transmissions, including the "way of life" slogan).

I enjoyed the 60's pops on R.Telstar Int (Friday afternoon).

Mystery of the week : see CRESCENDO (??) on Sunday late afternoon.

* * * * * MON. 20 JAN. 2014 * * * * *

6304,7 1636-1740 UNID, strong \het 6307,9. songs in E, pops, 1725 Mexico.., 1732 e.weak \het also 6302
6304,7 1908-1924 UNID, e.weak \occ. traffic6300u, het 6307,9 PLC. (2105,2218: trace > tiny trace)

6280,2 1638-1724 UNID, weak +peaks \PLC, some hum. pops, 1716 Rock around the clock, f'down, 1722 Peggy Sue, Be my baby. (1730 trace only) (idea : Cosmic R.)

6290,0 1911-1919* UNID, mx, allo-een-twe, mx, blank and off

4026,0*1925-2112 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, Morse 4024,6. Laser Int, ID+@ over Dragonslayer. 2112 _traffic4020u

* * * * * TUES. 21 JAN. 2014 * * * * *

6304,7 0817-1954 UNID, strong \odd fades, non stop pops (many cover versions), 1630 \F fishers6307,5u 1733 Beatles row, 1908 now e.weak, v.hard to hear (2010 still a trace)

6295,0 0817-0817 UNID, e.weak mx (0840 gone)

6234,9 0818-1818 UNID, \ut. on U-side. D mx (0841 gone)

6285,0 0840-1118 R. VERONA INT, D songs, 0850 ID+@ (also 0901,0911), then f/down, D mx.

6324,95 0903-0905 UNID, v.>e.weak \traffic. mx. 0905 end or QSY ?

6324,9 0949-1117 R. ALTREX, v.>e.weak, pops, tk in E, 1004, 1007: IDs, 1020 \het6320,0

6005,0 0913-0921 R. 700, "Monday monday", ID, Nolwenn Leroy?, phone joke about Schumacher schulen

6280,15 1256-1306 COSMIC R. ?, weak\PLC, That'll be the day, ID not clear, R&R, 1306 "Bang bang" remix (1312 gone)

6290,0 1312-1320* UNID, v.>e.weakLC, sugar Elvis?, jingle, end

6284,8 1438-1620* Z. GOUDENSTER, v.weak, D songs, tkin D, IDs+@ (maybe with Pluto?), 1611 c'/d

6290,0 *1547-1548* UNID, D mx and s/off

6214,9 1621-1649 R. TWENTANA, D song, allo, ID, g's, ... 1642 ment' Dokkum(?)dxer, mx, annts...

6319,9 1652-1732 R. NORTON, \traffic 6320u, pop, Shadows, Yellow sun of Ecuador :-(, D songs, 1731 ID

6280,1 1700-1729 UNID, e.weak \Morse, ut., bit of hum. pops, 1720 Booker T, "Hey Jude. (1737 gone)(idea: Cosmic)

3930,0 1744-1812 UNID, in AM-USB, var. mx, 1756 This is R. - - -, 1804 School's out, 1810 gd ev' [cf ACTIVITY ]

6290,0 1912-1923 R. BOOMERANG, strong, mx, ID, mx (1938 gone)

4026,0 1926-2009 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, tk, ID. (also 2228 : \ut.QRM on 4028a)

3932,1 1956-2004 UNID, e.weal \freebanders on 3930u. rock, pop, 1959 "Pop-corn". (2004 lost) (idea: MRF )

* * * * * WED. 22 JAN. 2014 * * * * *

6070,0 0822-0835 UNID, v>e.weak \atmos,CPL. Baby it's a wild world, 0831 tk (no copy), pops parts.

7310,0 0827-0829 R. 700, in G, some news, then "Service" with road news

6324,3 1215-1218 UNID, e.weak \under strong PLC.

6290,0 1215-1219 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, D song.

6239,9 1217-1220 UNID, weak \PLC, D mx, polka, instrum

6306,8 1218-1218 UNID, e.weak \PLC. mx, almost guessed : "Rivers of Babylon"

6300,1 1540-1548* UNID, v.weak \Morse,PLC. mx, tk, IDs "-- -- Radio", accordion background, g's to stns?

6746,9 1550-1707 PIONEER, fair\fading, polka, "Hoop la!", accordion, 1611 ID, 1707 "Hoop la!"

6974,9 1556-1613 MIKE R., strong \occ. het. pops, ID, messing with audio level... (1625 gone)

6720 L 1602-1610 UNID, weak \PLC. Greek mx, 1609 tk: ..amiko", popmx

6466,0 1618-1630 R. PYTHON, weak\PLC, mx, 1619 ID+@, mx, mx..

4026,0 2137-2218 LASER HOT HITS, clear, mx, tk, IDs. 2218 f'/down.

3925,0 2204-2216 UNID, e.weak \traffic. mx (maybe Japan ?? - nothing typical)

* * * * * THURS. 23 JAN. 2014 * * * * *

6160,0 0935-1002 UNID, e.weak \PLC. non stop Beatles. 1002 tk (no copy)

6325,0 1003-1005 UNID, v.weak\PLC. mx

6305,0 1109-1113* R. VERONA, v.weak\PLC, tk in D, instrum background, 1011 ID+@, D song, end.

6305,0 1121-1126* R. VERONA, v.weak\PLC, tk in E, IDs+@, canned no name c'/d, end.

6285,0 1126-1138 UNID, weak-fair, pop, D version of "Suddenly you love me", more D songs.

6285,0 1240-1336 R. VERONA INT, v.weal\PLC, mx, tk, IDs and JM.Jarre mx, > e.weak, mx, D mx. (1355 gone)

6300,0 1248-1303 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk (D accent, no copy, prob. ID at 1255), later \PLC.

6294,9 1315-1407 UNID, trace-e.weak\PLC, some mx 'heard' at times, f/out.

6240,0 1408-1408 UNID, e.weak, "Ring my bell", then a spur(?) on 6243,85. (1410 : station gone)

6243,85v *1408-1410 UNID, spur? with mx (pop, from 90s?), drifting to 6247,0. (1413 gone)

6210,0 1411-1412 UNID, e/weak, pop. (maybe the ex-6240 ?). (1412 lost)

6280,0 1416-1448 " -- -- Radio, on SW", e.weak, mx, ID, --@gmx.de, ..kurzwelle.., Hot stuff. [ cf HITMIX ]

6320,0 1842-1843 UNID, good-strong, C&W, latino mx. (1920 gone). - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

4026,0 1924-2036 LASER HOT HITS, mx, psiou!, Laser Int, tk, @. (also 2334 hum)

3905,0 1932-2035 UNID, e.weak \undermod, 1932 H.California, mx heard only on peaks, 2034 test tone?

6746,9 1952-2040 UNID, e.weak>weak \noisy,traffic(6748u in arabic?). instrum mx, pop, D mx - - [ cf PIONEER]

* * * ** * FRI. 24 JAN. 2014 * * * * *

6240,0 0852-0855* UNID, weak-fair, D songs, blank, s/off at 0855'42

6325,05 1043-1114 R. VERONA INT, v.weak, D mx, IDs+@, ..way of life.., rock (1128 gone)

6285,0 1044-1129 UNID, Driver's seat, Bus stop, Black Betty, .. CCR, mx, .. JM.Jarre?, accordion, pop.

6275,15 1044-1054 UNID, e.weak, mx, euro-song, tk, mx.. (1105 gone)

6300,1 1106-1128 UNID, e.weak \PLC, fading, mx, tk, soft rock, 1126 ID no copy

6284,85 1302-1537 FOCUS INT, strong, pop-rock-blues, tk, IDs+@+hl, 1318 Supertramp, 1344 "Barracuda"

6284,85 1605-1802 FOCUS INT, f'/down > e.weak \PLC, pops, DJ duo, 1615 het from6282. (1924 faint trace)

6220,0 1304-1435 RODE ADELAAR, C&W, pops, brass, reggae, 1402 IDs+@, Rasputin, OD, Peggy Sue

6295,0 1311-1455 UNID, mx: Southern US,C&W. Plugs: DocTim, CoolAM, Pirate Chat. 1350 Rose garden

6305,0 1327-1344 UNID, D song, D instrum, tiki. (1348 : gone)

6325,0 1342-1342* UNID, weak, in Ukrainian? tk about democracy, part of mx and s/off

6325,0 1436-1439* UNID, fair+peaks, mx, in Ukrainian? tk about democracy, trumpet and s/off

6305,0 1456-1714* R. TELSTAR INT, 60s pops, IDs. Sugar sugar, Yesterday man, allo-test-een twe, ID, Come on babe, Bzn?, 1525 Black is black, g's, Mighty Quinn, Wooly Bully, S.Blue"Mighty Joe", Gimme some lovin, 1602 ID, Beatles .. 1631 Here comes the sun, 1647 ID, "Do it again", Shakin all over, Friday on my mind, Louie Louie, c'/d

6385,0 1508-1516 R. PYTHON, good\fading, pops, 1512 IDs+@, mx. (1525 gone)

6975,0 1517-1522 MIKE R., strong \fading, Black Betty, canned ID, Romantics, g's, IDs, One of these nights

6296,9 1530-1538 UNID, pop, couple of words?, Nirvana, dropout, parts of rock tracks.. - - [ cf VOTN ]

6240,0 1539-1639 PIRATE FOR PEACE, \PLC, Man of action, tk in Ukr.?, help Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, IDs, etc

6325,0 1549-1615 R. POWERLINER, weak \PLC, D mx, 1610 tnx Greece, IDs..., polka.

6255,5 1606-1636 R. TANGO ITALIA, usual IS/ID loop, later tango
6265,5 1700-1804 R. TANGO ITALIA, non stop tango, 1702 ID
6205,5 1928-1933 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango \QRM: overpowered V.of Hope on 6195

6282,0 1615-1737* UNID, het under Focus, v.weak D songs, D waltzes, D pop songs. - -[ cf TWENTANA ]

6295,0 1658-1803 PIRATE FOR PEACE, tk for Ukraine, 60-70s mx, tk agin, etc...

6320,0 1706-1803* R. MUSTANG, strong>v.strong, MrTambourineman, Woundered Knee, 1711 ID, g's.., pops.

6279,9 1737-1759 UNID, ex-6282 ?, D songs. fading down, then out. - - [ cf TWENTANA ]

3900,0 1745-1948 UNID, e.weak \v.noisy, pops, 1901 DMR"Come on Eileen". (still a trace long after)

4026,0 1905-2358 LASER HOT HITS, 1916 G.Moustaki"Le métÚque" in E, Laser Int, B.Dylan

3905,0 1909-2357 SKYLINE JR / SKYLINE INT, strong \jammed !, Wooly Bully, Open up your eyes, D mx, etc. 2354 ID, mx, changed the speed of the record "Sunshine reggae"

1512,0 2002-2004 UNID, "Mama trink bier", more D songs. - - - -[ cf WESLEY & DENAPPEL ]

1476,5 2006-2008 UNID, D mx, a few words

1386,0 2010-2012 UNID, "Change of hooks", etc.. \QRM by tk stn

* * * * * SAT. 25 JAN. 2014 * * * * *

6284,8 0756-0935 FOCUS INT, strong, pop-rock, IDs. 0840 Day tripper
6284,8 1140-1556 FOCUS INT, strong \PLC at times, Paint it black, Radar love, The joker

6070,0 0800-0801 UNID, weak\PLC, instrum mx

4026,0 0802,0855 LASER HOT HITS %, good \fading, mx. ( nothing at 20.39)

3985,0 0803-0805 R. 700, good+peaks, mx, ID in G, tk, pop

6205,1 0841-0927 KING SW %, v.weak (low mod), instrum mx, 0847 jingle, " - - S.W.", quiet pops

6949,9 0857-0903 R. COAX, e.weak \noisy, barely heard m, IDs HEARD !

6324,3 0903-0903 UNID, fair, tchac-boom mx. (0905 gone) (idea: Underground)

6190,0 0904-0926 HAMBURG LOKALE R. %, traditional jazz

6305,0 1141-1149* UNID, trace-e.weak \PLC, some mx (and tk??)

6295,0 1142-1150 UNID, strong, Dragon? filler mx, "low power here", accordion, polka, rock. [ cf MUSTANG ]

6295,0 1250-1331 R. ODYNN, fair \PLC, mx, 1258 My Sharona, 1315 ID+hl+@, F.Gall"Poupée de cire", 1331 ID+hl

6275,1 1309-1311 UNID, mx, then deep fade (1317 gone)

6380,0 1320-1323 R. PLUTO, e./v.weak \fading, mx, tk, ID, mx (1336 gone)

6322,0 1309-1319 UNID, strong, hammering mod, mx
6322,0 1330-1335* R. BOOMERANG, v.weak\PLC, pop, tk in D, 1334 ID
6322,0 1336-1339* R. POEMA, strong, mx, rpt in D for Boomerang, mx and s/off
6322,0 *1339-1343 UNID, e.weak at best, mx, tk.
6321,0 *1344-1345* UNID, mx, tk, ment' Boomerang
6321,0 *1346-1349* UNID, QSO with Poema, Boomerang, Pluto..

6305,05 1350-1353 UNID, e.weak, "Hello Marylou", then lost

6265,0 1354-1407* UNID, e.weak \fading,PLC. some mx, much tk, c'/d ..antenna.. [cf R.DRESDNER BUNTE WELLE ]

6210,0 1408-1426 R. LUXEMBURG, clear,good mod :-)) \PLC. W singers in F:"A l'est d'eden"(?), ID, AprÚs toi.
6208,0 1437-1451 R. LUXEMBURG, strong, mx, JID, 1446 jammed !

6240,0 1418-1426* UNID, e.weak, "La vie en rose"(?? schlager version !), 1423 ID (no copy) [ cf TINA ]

6300,1 1428-1431 UNID, \PLC, tk in D, "Ha ha said the clown", ID+@ no copy, 1430-1434 jammers [cf RONALISA ]

6329,95 1434-1435* UNID, D song, s/off at 1435'40" - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

6315,0 1453-1526 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos. D song, I fought the law, .., 1505 mx and g's, jamming bursts [ cf T.EUR.]

6300,1 1512-1518 UNID, \jamming bursts, D mx, mx, H. California

6295,0 1515-1515 UNID \e.weak, PLC

6300,0 1533-1542 R. TINA, e.weak \noisy, mx, now c'/d, 1535 somme jamming, 1541 ID+@, g's..

6305,0 1544-1607 UNID, . Dragonslayer, songs. 1607 \splash from 6300

6295,0 1546-1546 UNID, e.weak, mx, accordion. (1549 gone)

6300,0 1547-1608 UNID, blank, then low mod, mx, pops, 1606 In the desert - - - -

6290,0 1551-1556* UNID, e.weak \QRM from Focus, D mx. - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]

6265,5 1557-1610 R. TANGO ITALIA, usual IS / ID loop, then non stop tango
6285,5 2028,2119 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango

6254,0 1600-1612 UNID, v.>e.>v.weak, D song, Hello Marylou, D waltz

6324,3 1602-1620 UNID, jammed ?, mx, tk, hip-hop, rap. - - - - [ cf UNDERGROUND ]

6270,0 1609-1609 R. CASANOVA, rock, ID in E

3905,0 2040-2236 R. ALICE, good +strong peaks \deep fading, pop-rock, IDs, ..antenna problems..

* * * * * SUN. 26 JAN. 2014 * * * * *

6324,9 0715-0930 UNID, strong\fading, instrum &euro mx, Apache, D songs, 0841 f'/down \sp.traffic [cf NORTON ]

6284,8 0716-1154 FOCUS INT, soon strong, Capitals"Cool jerk",tk, ID, pop-rock, IDs, 0933 B.Dylan in rock.
6284,8 1330-1452 FOCUS INT, strong, rock, tk, IDs+@+hl
6284,8 1631-1738 FOCUS INT, strong, 1730 booming in, same format. (1954 : only a trace)

6070,0 0726-0839 R. CHANNEL 292 %, v.>e.weak, Soldiers who want to be heroes, The letter, Stairway to Heaven

7265,0 0730-0900* R. GLORIA INT, in AM-USB, pops, IDs, known voice, OEM plug, ..way of life..

6005,0 0733-0741 R. BELARUS, jazz, songs, IDs in G by W.

6305,0 0743-1202 R. CALIPSO, fair > v.weak, Dragonslayer, many D songs, 0928 ID, tk of "Madona", mix of mx

6265,1 0746-0855 R. NORA, after blank, pops, "On the border", 0837 ID+@, Paranoid, 0854 c'/d ID

6293,8 0846-1202 COSMIC R., v.weak \fading, occ. QRM, mx, tk, IDs, JIDs, 0851 "King Arthur" clip by the Monty Pythons (in front of French castle), then QRM period (see below), now e.weak, mx, JIDs. (more: see later)
6293,0 0910-0922* UNID, stronger than Cosmic, instrum mx, polka, pop mx
6294,0 0923-0933 UNID, D mx (brass and accordion), 0931 "Pop-corn", splashing well over Calipso (0951 gone)
6293,9 1048-1052 UNID, stronger than Cosmic, pop mx. 1052 end?

6205,0 0855-0948 UNID, v.weak \hush noise, mx, 0944 folk songs - - [ cf KING SW ]
6205,1 1038-1101 UNID, e.weak \noisy,PLC. quiet mx - - [ cf KING SW ]

9480,0 0900-1008 R. GLORIA INT, strong \fading, ..way of life.., ID, (@: no copy), mx, tk in G, 1007 Gerry &Pacemakers

12257,0 0904-1022 WR INT, 0904 e.weak mx, 0906 drowned under RTTY, 1010 \PLC,fades, tk, mx, 1019 Pirea children, 1021 ID, mx. (1105 gone ?)

6250,0 0938-0941 UNID, weak, mushy, mx, instrum mx, then blank

6240,0 0942-1102 R. MONIQUE, v.weak, ID in E+F, tkin E: Ukraine, P4P, 1037 in D, 1055 in Makelo Ost NL, more P4P tkabout democracy, now e.weak \PLC

6045,0 1000-1100* SW ROCK, v.strong \not quite good audio, IS with 4 notes from "Smoke...", rock, 1045 facebook, Spirit in the sky, 1057 Phil Mitchell, bye-bye, instrum mx

6005,0 1001-1047 R. GLORIA INT, fair \PLC, mx, known voice, // 7310, 1046 mx, ID, tk in E

7310,0 1009-1010 R. GLORIA INT, // 6005, mx, ID in E, mx ( not // to 9480 )

6320,0 1023-1024* UNID, Shadows, jammed? white noise disappear just after stn s/off. [ cf SHADOWMAN ]

6324,6 1025-1027 UNID, e.weak, Shadows "Apache", then f/up at once, f/down again... 1027 lost

6300,0 1028-1029 UNID, pop - - - - - -[ cf BLACK POWER ]

6265,0 1030-1412 BOGUSMAN, \QRM till 1035, mx, ID, 1036 \white noise, 1054 mx, 1325 bird shout, tk, mx

6095,0 1041-1041 KBC %, powerful, usual duet of TRUCKER R. %

6325,0 1100-1202 R. VERONA, e.weak, D songs, 1159 \PLC, ..way of life..., ID, P4P about Belarus-Russia-UKR

6250,0 1108-1202 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk in D, hello UKdxer, 1148 D song, mx - - - -[ cf TELSTAR ]

6210,05 1315-1417* R. QUINTUS, (alr. 1203 mx, v.weak \PLC), 1315 D waltz, Kasatchok in russian medley, 1318 ID no copy, 1413 on 6210,05 mx \het 6209,85 1414 IDs
6209,85 1413-1417* UNID, v.weak, mx ??, \het with Quintus, s/off same time as Quintus (see TIME ? later)

6293,8 1321-1630 COSMIC R., v.weak +peaks \PLC, offshore jingles, R.Caroline story, 1342 pops, 1355"Love shack", from 1453: het/QRM on 6295,0. 1504 last copied ID, QRM going stronger
6295,0 1453-1709 REFLEXIONS EUROPE %, e.weak > strong, QRM/het with Cosmic, religious programme

6275,0 1328-1330 UNID, "Mexico", "I feel love" - - - - - - - - [ cf LUXEMBURG ]

6325,6 1401-1409* R. LOWLAND, v.weak \PLC, IDs+@+hl, ask for QSO, mx

6200,0 1418-1423 R. VERONA, tk in D, TYVM for the rpts, ..way of life.. etc, ID, 1422 now c'/d

6200,1 1425-1438* BAKEN 16, e.weak \noisy, mx background, ment' Pluto, Verona, known voice,1438 JID

6209,85 1439-1450 TIME R., \occ. white noise 6211, mx, tk, 1442 ID, pops, 1449 ID+@

6240,0 1450-1452 UNID, D mx, tk in D, maybe ID \fade, accordion. - - [ cf RODE ADELAAR ]

6305,85 1457-1458 UNID, instrum mx (1508 gone)

6320,0 1507-1625 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mx, tk, IDs. (1511 other carrier a few Hz away)

6380,6 1525-1528* UNID, tk in D, ment' Sallandse Boer, "My lucky number" background, 1527'45"* [ cf QSO ]

6380,4 *1528-1532* SALLANDSE BOER %, mx, QSO, 1530 Pump up the volume(parts), g's stns, 1532'06 *

6450,2 1533-1616 STUDIO 52, weak \PLC, "La maison de mon enfance" (in D?), D songs, 1613 Walk like an Egyptian, ID in E (child on the side), pop.

6529,95 1540-1718 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos. mx, 1711 All you need is love, more Beatles. [ cf MARINE Bc ]

6802,2 1546-1550 UNID, \hum, het. mx. 1550 lost

6802,9 1546-1720 PINK PANTHER R., \het then RTTY, 1558 clear, mx, 1601 ID+@, mx, \RTTY, 1718 Soldier boy

6381,1 1617-1617* UNID, mx, tk in D , s/off

6381,0 *1617-1619 UNID, voice only, ment' Baken, rpt in D about "modulatie"

6325,9 1619-1624 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, mx, P4P message, mx, IDs.

6310,0 1626-1709 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, good > strong, mx, typical tk, 1707 "Telstar", Golden Boys, Sinatra

6220,5 1633-1653* R. CRESCENDO (??), \noisy,PLC. Paint it black, more R.Stones, 1650 ID in G, or Great Schendo?

3910,05 2003-2112 TECHNICAL MAN, strong \deep fades,QRM 3912. messing with D mx at first, 2014 allo?, mx, 2033 G children choir, 2035 drums (wide splashing), 2042 allo-een-twe, weak to v.strong in a few min, 2105 clear ID, D songs

3929,95 2312-2348 UNID, e.weak \noisy, image from loc. FM, mx (shortened tracks), tk, 2338 J.Cash. [ cf EUROPE ]

3930,2 2438-2458* R. EUROPE, \some drift, mx, Hard rock, 2445 ID+@..dot-ru, in E, 2450 Kraftwerk

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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