Not much interesting tips (and almost none on New Year's Day as I went out).
- see how MRF was jammed on Monday
- I read times on 2 radio controlled clocks just in front of me, but I was unable to check the QSO round on 6290 on Friday, because of discrepancies
- BTW, my tips are in time order, except when there is some better logic. I now try to mark this with a "|" character between the lines out of time order
- Sometimes I try to give frequencies up to half of a tenth of kilohertz. Don't trust me too much about that!
* * * * * MON. 30 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6798,7 0752-1123 PINK PANTHER R., good\RTTY Lside >e.weak, pop and D mx, 0831 ID+@
6798,7 1440-2124 PINK PANTHER R. %, v.weak\noisy,PLC. mx, 1518 Moonlight shadow, 2105 "Copacabana"
6070,0 0756-1002 R. CHANNEL 292 %, weak then PLC > e.weak\PLC, mx
6940,0 1124-1130 R. PLUTO, e.weak +short peaks, mx, ID+@, mx, IDs..
6930,0 1430-1440 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks, mx, "- - - music R. stn - - ", 1439 The lion sleeps tonight [ cf PLUTO ? ]
6747,0 1441-1720 v.weak\PLC, mx, non stop pops, 1715 Bob Marley [ cf PIONEER ]
6308,05 1451-1515 UNID, e.weak \noisy,PLC. tk in E, mx, 1514 ment' Merlin, Pandora. - - [ cf XTC ]
6255,05 1457-1643 R. MERLIN INT, e.weak at first, hets later,\PLC all along. pop-rock, IDs+contacts
6210,0 1504-1517 UNID, in Ukrainian ?, tk and mx \bad fading (also 1606 in Ukrainian?, on 6210,1 )
6960,0 1520-1522* UNID, \sp.traffic, mx, tk, blank and off.
6290,8 1527-1615 UNID, e.weak at first, \PLC, occ.splash. mx, IDs+@ no copy ("r. tower" like ???)
6910,0 1616-1624* PREMIER R. INT %, e.weak \noisy 6905 ut., mx, phone tk, Pump up the volume, sudden off
6930,0 1624-1627* PREMIER R. INT %, e.weak, ex 6910, 1625 clip from Sunshine R: jingles, duo tk, ads
6910,0 1632-1720 PREMIER R. INT %, v.weak, still Sunshine R. (from 1988?) with phone tk and mx
6485,0 1629-1631* UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, s/off at 1631'40"
6940,05 1810-1823 TRANSEUROPE R., trace/v.weak peaks, mx, 1817 g's to NFL, ID+@, more mx
3932,1 1922-1945* MRF R., e.weak, Baker Street, Crocodile rock, 1929 \het "call" on 3930,1, 1932 Romeo &Juliet, 1938 ID+@, more mx, then the strong het "calls" become angry, 1945 ID+@, s/off. The jammer goes on with peewits.
4029,0 1950-1956 LASER HOT HITS, almost clear, mx, tk, (also 2111-2125 weak\loc.noise, mx, Laser Int)
6299,85 2116-2120 UNID, e.weak \periodic ut., Mr Tambourineman, 2118 ID no copy, D stn. 2120 lost.
6925,0 2227-2231* trace
6925 u *2231-2236* UNID, stronger, some modern jazz, sudden off.
* * * * * TUES. 31 DEC. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0734-0742 R.CHANNEL 292 %, good, RNI tape with Zurich POB, fire on the Mebo ii....
6798,7 0737-0954 UNID, \RTTY L-side, later > e.weak, pops.
6798,7 1408,1707 UNID, 1408: weak, mx, mx, 1707: Nutbush City, mx, mx, One for you one for me [cf PINK P.]
6320,0 0954-1013 R. TARZAN, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk, 0958 live ID, mx, 1013 ID
6320,0 1350-1427 UNID, v.weak, rock, tk (bad voice), more mx, tk over, D? song, D? rock, D mx.
6320,0 1608-1751 UNID, mx incl' D song and C&W. (also 1919: e.weak) - - - - [ cf TARZAN ]
6308,05 1354-1425 XTC SW, v./e.weak, much long tk in E, 1423 \strong PLC, ID
6298,0 1356-1356 UNID, e.weak \undermod. - - (1403 gone)
6273,0 1358-1405 UNID, e.weak, D mx.
6265,8 1610-1646 UNID, e.weak \undermod, mx, 1626 SSTV, 1635 ..@gmx.de, 1638 Rammstein or alike
6240,1 1615-1620* UNID, weak \v.disturbing spur (Cairo alike), mx, tk (slavic?), 1617 ID "- - a"+@ [ cf BILADIRA ]
6220,1 1621-1624* UNID, strong peaks, pop song (in unknown language)
6284,3 1646-1647* UNID, e.weak on/off/on/off
6300,0 1648-1722* BORDERHUNTER R., strong, excellent mod, distorted jingles, R&R, C&W, 1700 ID, 1719 c'/d ID
6311,1 1654-1704 SALLANDSE BOER, good, pops and tchacs, 1703 ID(bad voice). (1715 gone)
6287,5 1722-1801 UNID, mx, mx, 1754 odd short tk, more mx, strong peaks. 1759 het 6284,9
6304,3 1734-1740 UNID, mx, techno version of "La Lambada", more techno. (1752 gone)
6297,0 1734-1735 UNID, mx, tk, mx. (1740 gone) - - - - - - [ cf B.ARROW ]
6284,9 1759-1800 UNID, \het with 6287,5. mx, D? W singer in E.
6300,05 1919-1928 UNID, e.weak \PLC, deep fading, some soul mx, then "In the ghetto".
6250,0 1929-1937 UNID \noisy ut, mx, tk (impossible), mx.
4029,0 1934,2135 LASER HOT HITS %, 1934: mx, 2135: e.weak\strong noise.
* * * * * WED. 01 JAN. 2014 * * * * *
6307,1 0814-0901 R. RAINBOW & CAROLINE, v.weak, mx, IDs+@
6205,1 0815-0950 UNID, weak>v.weak, \bad fading, mx, 0905 " - - SW", Stand by me (reprise),
6325,0 0951-0958a UNID, quiet accordion, then festive mx (from E.Europe?) and end around 0958
6265,0 1000-1003 UNID, e.weak, D? circus? mx, then quiet M singer in E. - - - -[ cf NORA ]
(Parti pour la guillaneu !)
6280,5 1924-2030 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may play leapfrog)
4029,0 1933-2040 LASER HOT HITS, weak \ut.noise L-side, mx, ID, 2032 \het4026, offshore LHH tape (also 2253)
3930 L 1935-1940 UNID, mx in LSB, 1940 end?
* * * * * THURS. 02 JAN. 2014 * * * * *
6070,0 0751-0801 R. CHANNEL 292 %, weak \fading +v.short peaks, mx.
6070,0 1242,1454 R. CHANNEL 292 %, e.weak \PLC, 1242: mx, tk, "Barracuda". 1454 \too much splashes
6305,0 0822-0832 UNID, v./e.weak, mx, 0825 trace only, 0831 e.weak, tk, pop mx.
6210,0 1237-1241 UNID, v.weak, mx, polka, "I fought the law"
6210,0 1245-1252 UNID, v.weak\PLC, This is Radio - - -, pops, Radio - - the number one, "Walking on sunshine"
6210,0 1256-1316 R. FOXFIRE, v.weak\PLC, mx, IDs, seems to be in QSO with (Powerliner?)
6205,0 1345-1353* UNID, pops, 1350 Voyage voyage, " - - @hotmail.com", filler mx? and off
6284,9 1426-1454 UNID, e.weak\PLC,bad fading, mx, tk(in D?), pop, 1443 F song, tk, ID, v.hard to hear
6284,9 1455-1509 UNID, e.weak\PLC, no fading, pops, tk in German
6274,0 1510-1517* UNID, D song, pop, 1516 \het 6275, "allo allo", 1517 sudden jump to 6280
6280,0 1518-1651 R. TELSTAR ?, Shadows, messing with audio, allo, testing, ID? ment' many stns names, 1540 The lion sleeps tonight, The great pretender, 1548 ID?, g's, etc, 1620 Don't be cruel, 1628 messing again, rock.
6305 a 1543-1553 UNID, very mushy carrier, D songs, on/off stn, defective TX.
6289,9 1554-1557 UNID, e.weak, mx, House of the rising sun (part), 1555 blank then off
6745 a 1603-1608 UNID, trace (with some music 'heard')
6323,0 1635-1711 BLACK BANDIT %, mx, tk, clip, mx, g's, C&W, rock, 1648 Blueberry Hill, 1652 player pb, tk in D
6305,0 1649-1652* UNID, e.weak \undermod, 'foghorn' ut. s/off at 1652'30"
6290,9 1707-1711 UNID, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]
4029,0 1955-2020 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, soon v.weak > e.weak. (also 2307: weak\noisy, mx, Laser Int).
3904,95 2000-2006* UNID, in AM-USB, mx, sudden off.
* * * ** * FRI. 03 JAN. 2014 * * * * *
6304,9 1015-1021 trace, with mod.
6290,0 1344-1345* UNID, tk in D, over rock mx, s/off ( then a trace on 6289,9)
6290,0 1348-1350* UNID, tk in D
6289,9 1351-1354* UNID, e.weak, tk, ment' Pluto R.
6290,0 *1355-1357* UNID, tk: summer meeting.. R.Pluto
6289,9 *1357-1401 R. PLUTO, tk: modulatie.., ID, stand by
6290 a *1402-1405* UNID, rep. to R.Pluto .. OK Klaus .. in QSO .., mx.
6290 a *1406-1407* UNID, tk
6290,0 *1407-1410* UNID, rep to Pluto, ment' Flying Dutchman
6289,9 *1411-1415* UNID, mx, tk, ment' Python, part of "Lions sleeps.." and off. (End of QSO round ?)
6274,95 1418-1429 R. CASANOVA, \atmos, D or G songs, 1424 .. for DrTim, 1426 ID
6275,0 1441-1506 UNID, regae, reggae.. 1458 80s mx.. 1505 "Mony Mony (reprise?) - -[ cf TELSTAR ]
6274,95 1535-1543 R. TELSTAR INT, ID, mx, \stn underneath, W singer in it., ID, another it. song (1557 gone)
6746,9 1430-1439 UNID, v.weak\atmos every 5s. Hair: Let the sunshine, more pops. - -[ cf PIONEER ]
6325,0 1452-1533 MUSTANG R., strong, D mx, H.Rising sun, If you're going to S.Fr., 1522 ID, c'/d, mx, ID, g's, 1526 Poppies "Rien n'a changé", ID, g's, E. part of NL, instrum... (1544 gone)
6465,0 1509-1515 UNID, \het,atmos, hl in D, mx, This is R. - - , tk over mx. - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6305,0 1534-1650 UNID, v.weak \atmos,noisy. Blank, then mx at times, \occ.traffic 6301,2u. [ cf R. JOEY ]
6290,9 1650-1803 R. NORTON, strong peaks\atmos, D songs, 1744 ID, 1803 "Downtown"
6285,5 1655-1800 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may play leapfrog !!), later trace, tango again at 2416
76 mb 1915-long : blackout on 76 mb.
4029,0 2218-2223 LASER HOT HITS, weak \het 4025,9, Laser Int, Francoise Hardy "Comment te dire adieu", tk, LHH
6348,0 2226-2232 UNID, v.weak\noisy, "Dominique"(reprise), 2232 ID Radio ---, (too noisy)
* * * * * SAT. 04 JAN. 2014 * * * * *
6215,0 0828-0900 UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx, 0900 Ashes to ashes (0902 gone, to 6220 ? ) [cf TINA ]
6205,1 0831-1001 UNID, v.>e.weak \occ.traffic, mx, mx, mx,mx.. - -0958 R&R - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6220,0 0902-0921 UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx, mx. (0944 gone) - - - - - - - - - -[cf TINA ]
6209,8 0904-0910* UNID, fair +peaks, I heard it through the grapevine, s/off without annt.
6939,9 0916-0919 R. COAX, e.weak ! but good voice and mike for IDs, "low power"
6095,0 0922-0943 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, Coast-to-coast Country, 0942 ID, ad KBC Import, Blaupunkt
6070,0 0923-0925 R. CHANNEL 292 %, v./e.weak \PLC, pop
6295,1v 1156-1157 UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, quick drift to 6294,8
6295,0 1200-1209 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk, gd aft', .. Pluto .., synthe, 1207 g's, ..verona(?) ..
6383,0 1320-1437* NMD RADIO, e.weak \long blank noise periods (jamming?), 1320 Michel Fugain mx (transl. in E), 1324 ID?, ..de beste muzik, accordion (jammed?), 1347 mx, jammed again, 1359 D mx, jamming bursts, 1415 accordion, ID+@, ut?-QRM, 1436 tk, 1437 s/off.
6326,0 1319-1338 UNID, blank, 1328 parts of mx (song in G, accordion..) and blanks. (1346 gone)
6245,0 1339-1343* UNID, pop mx, sudden off at 1342'50"
6300,1 1343-1411 UNID, trace/e.weak \PLC, mx. 1411 blank noise burst. - - - - [ cf JOEY ]
6390,0 1348-1451 UNID, e.weak\fading, occ. QRM/QRN, mx, " -- -- Radio", distorted canned IDs. 1351 In the year 25-25, 1401 That's the way I like it, 1442 Romeo &Juliet, 1451 Rock your baby. - - [ cf ALTREX ]
6798,7 1403,1453 UNID, e.weak, 1403: accordion, 1453: mx. - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6290,05 1454-1517 UNID, e.weak, IDs by Jr: R. Goyonda?? R.Goyon?? R. Donoman ?? 1502 reggae
6306,85 1506-1518 UNID, weak/v.weak \noisy, blank, 1509 mx - - [ cf GROENTE BOERTJE ?? ]
6240,0 1514-1517 UNID, v.weak \noisy, het. mx, D? instrum, instrum.
6325,0 2013-2058 UNID, e.weak \PLC,traffic... no detail, 2022 and later: trace only.
6290,9 2018-2026 UNID, v.weak\PLC, mx, 2022 soft rock, f/down, 2026 trace only. - - [ cf NORTON ]
6285,5 2020-2103 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may play leapfrog)
3905,0 2032-2315 R. ALICE, v.weak/strong \bit mushy/muffled, pop-rock, 2051 Hello Marylou (cajun v.), 2107 ID, "Ohlalaa" sucré, 2124 Troggs, 2252 IDs+@ many languages, 2314 ID
6919,7 2256-2311 UNID, v.weak, mx, 2300 f/down 2306 trace.
* * * * * SUN. 05 JAN. 2014 * * * * *
4029,0 0756-0758 LASER HOT HITS, strong peaks, mx, ID, Xmas archives
4029,0 1915-2122 LASER HOT HITS, good/v.weak \long fades, mx, Laser Int.
6289,9 0758-0804 UNID, strong peak, Cream"Sunshine of your love", pops. (0807 gone). [ cf B. ARROW ]
6265,1 0800-0837 R. NORA, strong peaks, rock, crooner, ID, 0836 c'/d ID
6220,0 0801-0921 UNID, e.weak, tk in E, rock, 0854 Message in a bottle, 0912 Man of action, ID=? [ cf SKYL.R.G.]
6199,7 0802-0901 R. ORANG UTAN, weak > v.weak \fading, occ.OTH, mx, 0844 ID, Walking on the moon
6205,1 0848-1117 UNID, weak. mx, 0923 McCartney? 0925 "-- SW", jingle. mx > v.weak\PLC - - [ cf KING SW ]
6212,0 0852-0900 UNID, good \fading, mx, mx.. (0903 gone)
6095,0 0926-0929 KBC%, powerful \fading, songs in E, tk.
6070,0 0930-0930 R. CHANNEL 292 %, e.weak, couple of words, mx. - - - -[ cf FRSH ]
7300,0 0934-0940 UNID, pop-rock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf U-BOAT ]
7479,7 0944-1002 THUNDERBIRD R., v.weak \fading, mx, tk in G, IDs
7684,8 0950-1003 FRS HOLLAND, good \much fading, pops, tk in E: schedule, mailbag
7684,95 1400-1405 FRS HOLLAND, c'/d annts, time check, POB, DJ crew, slogans... 1405 end? (long blank)
6300,0 1003-1040 R. SHADOWMAN, strong\ut.noise, pops, ska, rock.. 1039 ID (~Zeroeman), reggae.
6285,0 1004-1153 UNID, fair\fading, D songs, tk to Odynn, later \strong noise bursts, 1150 tiki, ID=?. [ cf TELSTAR]
6275,0 1005-1027 UNID, \blank noise, pop-rock, mx, mx... 1027 end? - -[ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6295,0 1006-1025 UNID, weak>v.weak \occ.6300 QRM, D or G song, mx, mx.. - - - - [ cf KLABAUTERMAN ]
6265,0 1027-1029* UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx.
6234,9 1029-1034 UNID, mx, tk: .. DX .. Radio .. @gmail.com .. Jurgen .., mx. - - [ cf RODE ADELAR ?? ]
6317,6 1035-1037* UNID, mx, sudden off
6423,45 1051-1113 R. CCR ?, e.weak\PLC, mx, testing, ID, CCR mx, 1112 ID again
6910,0 1100-1110 PREMIER R. INT, e.weak \loc.noise, Stanag 6305, mx, 1109 ID, mx.
6798,6 1110-1439 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak, Beatles drumboxed medley, 1309 IDs+@, v.poor signal,
6798,6 1846-1931 PINK PANTHER R. %, fair > e.weak, Mlle Ninette, Girl's coconut, 1909 Comment ça va
6257,0 1114-1117 UNID, mx under strong white noise.
6207,9 1145-1150 BOGUSMAN, weak \PLC, techno mx, tk in E, ID, mx.
6305,1 1154-1157 UNID, weak\PLC, mx, tk: .. 6-3-Oh-5 kHz .. , mx - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6304,95 1313-1317* UNID, e.weak\loc.noise, accordion, couple of words, off
6305,0 1318-1320 R. ROB, e.weak\loc.noise, ID, @hotmail with "radiorobOO7" (old typewriter-like), stand by
6265,0 1321-1338 UNID, weak+peaks, Driver seat, My lucky number, 1334 tk in D, guitar
6240,0 1327-1337 UNID, v.weak \noisy, mx.
6219,85 1329-1423* PAARDENKRACHT, v.weak \noisy, tk, mx, 1418 Hocus pocus, ID, c'/d
7300,0 1342-1351 UNID, e.weak \bad fading, tk, IDs+@ no copy ( holland ?, quintus ????)
6209,8 1424-1433 TIME R., v.weak \loc.noise, mx, ID+@, Rivers of Babylon, mx
6310,0 1437-1437 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typical Golden Boys sound, ID
6910,0 1841-1930 PREMIER R. INT %, good peaks, long rec' of R. NOVA (Dublin) from the 80s.
6285,5 1848-2044 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (may hop elsewhere and back!)
3905,0 2049-2121* UNID, v.weak\noisy, " - - SW", pop, reggae, 2103 ID no copy, mx [ cf U-BOAT ]
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOGS : 30 DEC. 2013 - 05 JAN. 2014
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France