"New" old logs again. Only a few highlights :
- still the UNID on 7613 every night or so
- PREMIER very active again, and frequency hopping
- KING SW (tentative) not self jamming at last (Sat., Sun., also Thurs. ??)
- long QSO rounds on Sat. aft' (at least not computers, and they talk...)
- Vasily - Big Podcast on sat., and Artem/Sin Fronteras/World music... relayed
- US pirates on 6.9MHz not so late (2116 on Sunday evening)
* * * * * MON. 07 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6285,0 1258-1342 R. TELSTAR INT, \sticky PLC,noisy,odd peaks. pop,rock, ID in E, rpt to Sall.B. in D, later D mx.
6215,0 1328-1447* UNID, e.weak, deep fades,bit of drift, D mx. S/off at 1447'20"
6324,6 1340-1342* UNID, v.weak, mx. S/off at 13.41'45"
6310,1 1356-1400 UNID, e.weak/trace.
6070,0 1450-1712 R. 6150 %, v.weak \PLC. pop, rock, hard rock, 1453 M+W tk.
6285,0 1424-1426* UNID, e.weak\PLC. mx
6285,1 1713-1718 UNID, \some atmos, soul, 60s pops... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZEEWOLF ]
6210,4 1715-2119 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6240,9 1815-1836 UNID, \stanag6238, blips6245, PLC,some atmos. medley, mx. - - - - - - -[ cf EXPERIENCE ]
4026,0 *1825-2117 LASER HOT HITS, sudden s/on, repeat from a Sunday aft. of Sept.
6484,9 1837-1844* UNID, ..Dublin .. R.DMC(?) .. Irish mx .. R.Moriarty .. R. Double C(?) .. RWC(?) [ cf PREMIER ]
6910,0 1846-1852* PREMIER R., \ut's around, row of jingles, ID no copy but ... studio@premierradio.
6484,9 1854-1919* UNID, e.weak \all noise types, R.Caroline clip, 1911 tnx for e-mail. - - - -[ cf PREMIER ]
6734,9 1920-2109 COOL AM R., \PLC at first, IDs, mx, P4P, Mojo working, Osaka song, IDs..
7613,1 2108-2108 UNID, only a trace today
6070,0 2111-2113 R. 6150 %, "In a gadda da vida"
* * * * * TUES. 08 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6734,9 0633-0643 COOL AM R., trace at first, 0639 blues, 0642 ID, tk. (0705 still a trace)
6070,0 0710,0815 R.6150 %, 0710 good peaks, mx, "Caroline sure shot", 0815 C&W \Russian QRM on 6075.
6070,0 1600-1601 R. 6150, mx, Ruby don't take your love to town, 1601 ID+@ in G
6203,6 1302-1311 UNID, trace/e.weak, some audio under noise
6290,5 1603-1649 trace/e.weak \occ.strong traffic. some mx and tk.
6284,0 1607-1609* R. TINA %, "Eine Cigarette", "c'/d". - - - - [ cf TINA & ONDA CALIENTE as HEISSE WELLE ]
6734,9u 1614-1719 COOL AM R., mx, IDs+@, 1627 Francoise Hardy"Tous les garcons et les filles"
6746,9 1618-1719 UNID, soul, "Rain & tears" twice, pops, 1704 accordion. - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6307,0 1637-1640* UNID, \PLC. mx, sudden s/off
6324,9 1707-1712* UNID, (1650 blank), mx.
6283,0 1713-1717 R. TINA INT, mx, ID in E+G, "new antenna", @
6210,5 1716-2105 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
4026,0 *1825-2054 LASER HOT HITS, sudden switch on, \RTTY low side, usual format
6425,1 1830-1832* UNID, mx, blank and off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZOMERZON ]
7613,05 1836-1902 UNID, v.weak \PLC,atmos. mx, 1840 Red Chili Hot Peppers.
6304,85 1904-1908* R. MAZDA, strong peaks, D song, polka, ID, c'/d, blank and off.
6280,2 1909-1938 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs+@, DJ Nellie, toilet paper rationing singer"..some fun", 1919 Man of action
6485,0 1920-1924* UNID, v.weak \squeezed. So happy together, tk no copy, off - - - - - - - -[ cf PREMIER ]
6565,0 1926-1931* UNID, M.Gaye &K.Weston"It takes two", tk, Love is all around, tk ..hospital radio [ cf PREMIER ]
6485,0 1931-1936* UNID, \PLC,scratching ut., mx, sudden off
6485,0 1940-2048 PREMIER R., \same cond., mx, tk, 1958 As tears go by, Get it on, Caroline jingle, 2013ID+@, 2047 ment' Laser Hot Hits, 2048 Caroline jingle.
6400,2 1948-1953* UNID, blank, mod growing with KISS"I was made ...", but s/off at 1952'45"
6924,5 2307-2350* MAC SW, \atmos, mx, M+W tk, 2321 Beatles: Hey jude, Revolution. c'/d ID+@+US anthem, laugh
* * * * * WED. 09 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
4026,0 0618-0625* LASER HOT HITS %, weak/v.weak, mx, tk, pop-rock, sudden s/off.
6305,0 1447-1547* UNID, strong, D/G? song, tk, 1453 Voyage voyage, 1509 reggae show. - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6425,0 1450-1500* UNID, mx, 1456 Nena"99..", g's, c'/d, 1459 The letter(part), blank, off. [ cf B. ARROW ]
6070,0 1502-1525 R. 6150 % , \hets + - 5kHz, rock programme, tk : Van Zandt killed in a plane crash.
6211,0 1540-1545* UNID, e.weak \noisy, some D? mx, sudden off.
6305,0 *1547-1631* R. TINA, e.weak \occ.QRM-QRN, mx, tk in E, IDs+@, mx, D mx, 1629 "Tina Tina" song
6206,5 1619-1625 UNID, e.weak, D? mx, 1625 lost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]
6974,6 1634-1652* UNID, v.weak \atmos. gd ev', Mungo J., Staying alive, Radio - - - , off at 1652'30" [ cf RONALISA ]
6324,8 1653-1705 UNID, \noisy, D or G songs. (1715 gone)
6210,5 1658-1823 R. TANGO ITALIA, IS loop with ID, later tango
6284,9 1753-1930 R. GOUDENSTER, v.weak\atmos, accordion, occ. soul-gospel-euro mx. 1919 ID+@
4026,0 1826-1836 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, mx, Paul Revere &the Raiders, ID...
7613,0 1839-2008 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos, some mx barely heard.
6529,8 1926-1952* UNID, instrum mx
6245,0 1958-2001* UNID, strong, D song, polka, tk in D, bye-bye, long blank and off. - - - - [ cf FRIELOO ]
* * * * * THURS. 10 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0750-0756 R. 6150 %, \hets6075, pops. (also 1219-1330, Man of action, rock, soul)
6734,95 1153-1320 COOL AM R., many clear IDs+@, mx hard to hear, 1255 "Tommy"
6980 a 1236-1236 UNID or overloading my stand by Rx ? : ....hotmail.com...
6210,5 1516-1521 R. TANGO ITALIA, usual warm-up loop with anthem and ID (1545 gone)
6210,5 1826-2127 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango
6745,0 1524-1551 UNID, \PLC,traffic. retro style song, pops.
4026,0 1830-1838 LASER HOT HITS, \het & RTTY low side, mx, IDs, Mike Andrews.
7613,0 1945-2308 UNID, e.weak \noisy,occ.bubble QRM. mx, alternative mx
6215,6 1958-1959 UNID, e.weak \squeezed: R.Tango, stanag. mx, lost or off ?
* * * ** * FRI. 11 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6324,6 1139-1146* UNID, v.weak \loc.noise. rock, 1146 s/off at end of record
6746,9 1616-1659 UNID, \traffic, occ. 'helico' ut. , mx - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6747,0 1804-2047 UNID, Final countdown, pops, occ. D song - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]
6284,9 1624-1648 R. TELSTAR INT, pops, IDs, g's to D stns
6210,5 1648,1814 R. TANGO ITALIA %, 1648 It. anthem, 1814 mx from Argentina (also 1954 : tango)
6310,0 1807-1946 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong \het6305, tell: R.Caroline, ID, 1844 Man of action, 1906 years 58-59
6305,2 1808-1947 PAARDENKRACHT, 60s pops, 1915 D song, IDs, etc
6285,0 1812-1824 R. TINA, weak, D mx, tk in E+D, IDs+@, Eine Cigarette...
4026,0 1825-2034 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY4020,noise! mx, 1937 Anorak hour, then Laser goes DX.
3905,0 1828-2033 SKYLINE INT R., strong, pops, 60s rock, 1832 row of IDs, "Tina Tina", etc.
6289,9 1848-2020* ODYNN R., late 60s/early 70s pop-rock, 2013 ID, Pump up the volume, c'/d, g's, anthem
6464,8 1856-1901* UNID, \PLC,stanag, fading. mx, quick ID (I jut missed the name) and off. [ cf PYTHON ]
6240,0 1948-2040 R. MUSTANG, strong\some strange effect, pops, 2036 ID, c'/d, "Barbra Streisand", g's, etc
7612,9 2009-2056 UNID, hardly heard, 2053 alternative? mx
6282 L 2025-2025 UNID, in LSB \PLC,atmos,traffic. tk : ..station .. SW .. gmail.
6434,05 2041-2045* BLACK ARROW, (6435 at first), mx, g's, ID, c'/d, going to bed.
* * * * * SAT. 12 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 0727-0834 R. 6150 %, weak \fading, mx, 0737 Man of action
6070,0 1100-1258 R. 6150 %, e.weak, mx
6095,0 0805-0832 KBC, powerful. E.Rosko's Coast to coast country
6095,0 1217-1418 KBC, R&R, IDs, ads for KPO, for Trucks Magazine.
6300,1 0812-0834 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \ut.QRM, mx, 0816 jingle, ID, "Tommy"
6300,1 1059-1455 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak \much ut.QRM, 1100 ID+@ with DJ Nellie, 1245 ID, 1445 Hocus pocus
6215,6 0814-0836 UNID, carrier, no audio heard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf KING SW ]
6795,8 0818-0835 PINK PANTHER R. %, v.weak\fading, mx, tk, rock, C&W
6795,8 1102-1639 PINK PANTHER R., e.>v.weak \noisy, 1325 Sexual healing, 1500 ID+@, jingles.
6795,8 1915-2119 PINK PANTHER R. %, weak>v.weak, mx
6285,0 1223-1229*UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, tk, 1229 ID+@(no copy) and s/off. - - - -[ cf RAINBOW-CAR.]
6240,0 1231-1240* R. CASANOVA INT, v.weak, mx, 1234 IDs+@, 1239 c'/d ID, g's.
6324,15 1245-1250* R. MALIBU, D mx "hop la!", allo, IDs, part of brass mx, off.
6324,0 *1250-1250* ODYNN, v.short reply to Malibu.
6325,0 *1251-1251* R. ROB, v.short reply to Malibu.
6324,1 *1252-1258* R. MALIBU %, accordion, ID?, ment' Rob and Odynn, mx
6325,0 *1259-1300* R. ROB %, in D, rep. to Malibu and Odynn. (maybe the QSO goes on...)
6425,0 1300-1301* UNID, v.weak, tk in D and s/off.
6425,1 *1301-1308* UNID in QSO, mx, Knock on wood, ment' B.Arrow, Boom., Lowland, Saturnus, Quintus...
6425,1 *1308-1312 UNIDin QSO, ment' Saturnus, B.Arrow, Boomerang...
6425,0 1314-1324 UNID in QSO, same list, add MRF
6848,0 1328-1333* UNID, weak \noisy, mx, blank and s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf LUXEMBURG ]
6423,1 1336-1339* UNID in QSO, La Macarena, same QSO round
6423,1 *1339-1347* UNID in QSO, e.weak, mx, tk, reports
6285,0 1348-1403 UNID, e.weak, mx, hello FNL, hello Germany, accordion, D pop.
6245,0 1404-1428* R. AC-DC, good peaks, rock, Scorpions?, Black Betty, 1427 ID+@, g's, c'/d
6284,9 1420-1655 UNID, mix of mx(incl' rock), 1454 Voyage voyage, 1559 -- -- -- Radio, 1612 I started a joke, 1618 -- -- Radio from the NL, 1622 Borequito como tu, 1653 -- -- -- Radio. - - - - [ cf DOKKUM DX R. ]
6284,9 1813-2045 UNID, mix of mx, 1813 tiki, tk in D, 1817 Apache, Pop-corn, 1835 Maisonettes, Troggs, Walk don't run, You really got me, 1855 J.Cash (all a row), more C&W, rock, 2041 tk \strong PLC [ cf DOKKUM DX R. ]
6284,9 2114-2206 UNID, rock, 2045 " -- -- DX Radio", tk about AC-DC, 2206 strong 6280 QRM [ cf DOKKUM DX R. ]
6210,1 1429-1532 R. WAVES INT, v.weak, Splendid"Radio pirate", ID, mx, C&W, 1448 \het from 6210,5(Tango It)
6425,3 1456-1457* UNID in QSO, ment' Zomerzon, Dutchwing. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf DUTCHWING ]
6240,4 1533-1548 UNID, v.weak, drift 6240,5, very long tk (news?) in Russian? [ cf VASSILI, R.ROSSII]
6240,1 1543-1546* UNID, pop mx, het with UNID 6240,5, sudden s/off
6210,5 1549-2138 R. TANGO ITALIA %, (1448 already as het), now clear non stop tango
6305,1 1633-1643 UNID, v.weak, pop, mx (1655 blank). - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf PAARDENKRACHT ]
6325,4 1641,1655 UNID, v./e. weak, mx
6238,0 1646-1922 BIG PODCAST R., 1648 ID+@gmail, "Magic", 1806 tk in Russian+E, ID, mx, 1922 strong.
6205,0 1646-1811 UNID, strong, mx parts, 1755 some C&W \spitting ut., Bowie mx? - - - - [ cf TECH. MAN ]
6215,2 1801-2020 R. WAVES INT, weak, some drift around, \het (Tango It), mx, IDs, F songs, C&W
6305,0 1811-1902 UNID, \side noise, pops, 1835 modern jazz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]
6295,0 1821-1824* UNID, \upside stanag, D song, then tk and s/off
6255,0 1827-2200 TECHNISCHE MAN, strong, full IDs in E and D, mx, 2116 Paranoid, 2200 My Sharona
6310,0 1904-2025 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \hum, RNI story,jingles,Man of action, 1911 typ. Golden Boys sound
6324,9 1912-2133 UNID, \upside ut., soon strong \strong PLC, D songs, accordion. - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
4026,0 1928-2037 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs.
3904,9 1932-2139 UNID, Obladi oblada, D songs, 2036 ID no copy, "Oh lala".. - - - - [ cf R. ALICE ]
6924,6 2011-2011 trace only, could be Pirate R. Boston, but under city background noise.
7612,9 2014-2216 UNID, e.weak\strong PLC, 2212 mx, mx...
6293,0 2026-2028* UNID, strong, "Radar love", other part and s/off. - - - - - - - - [ cf B.ARROW ]
6302,4 2200-2205* UNID, \6302 het, mx, D? brass mx and s/off.
* * * * * SUN. 13 OCT. 2013 * * * * *
6259,85 0647-0824 R. WAVES INT, \6255RTTY, mx, tk, IDs+POB, "Country Music USA", drift to 6260,1
6238,0 0652-0700 UNID, \ut.bursts, "Sweet Maria"(title?), mx - - - - - - - - [ cf POLARIS ]
6215,6 0656-0701 UNID, very undermodulated. [ cf KING SW ] At last no self jamming !
6204,9 0729-0756 UNID, strong, I put a spell on you, tk, g's, .. 0748 Voyage v.(transl.), Blue monday [cf BORDERH.]
6250,0 0733-0937 R. TECHNICAL MAN, strong, songs in E-D-G, 0752 Queen of hearts, ID... down to filler mx and 1-2
6284,7 0735-0749 R. UNDERGROUND, pops, g's, 0737 IDs, JID, 0749 D song on 6284,6
6264,95 0738-0848 UNID, weak\PLC +odd strong peak > e.weak. G songs, late IDs(no copy) - - - -[ cf PELIKAAN ]
7310,0 *0800-0837 ATLANTIC 2000 INT, \bad fading, noisy. IDs, mx, radio news in F. 0832 All right now.
6095,0 0813-0910 KBC, powerful \deep fade, Trucker Radio duet, ad for Truck News, mx.
6070,0 0815-0823 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx
6284,9 0903-0920 UNID, v.weak \sticky PLC, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TOP R. ]
6264,95 0922-1009 R. WAVES INT, OK>hard to hear, mx, ID, tk, C&W"long ago rendez-vous".
6264,8 1343-1343 R. WAVES INT, repeat of 0927.
6210,0 0929-0935* R. AC-DC, rock, IDs+@ in E and D, blank and s/off.
6285,05 0937-1010 BOGUSMAN, songs about "color", tk, 0941 "Bogusman is here", more mx.
6210,0 0955-1001* R. AC-DC again, \PLC, mk, tk in E, ID+@.
6210,05 *1001-1009 R. TINA, mx, reply to AC-DC, polka, ID, \deep fade, ...
6210,0 1010-1018* R. SATURNUS ?, e.weak \noisy, mx, rock, Lio?, 1017 ment' Saturnus, tk in D.
6210,3 1019-1023 UNID, barely heard mx and tk at peaks... drift to 6210,4
6205,0 1333-1340 BORDERHUNTER, good. mx, g's for rpts, "little test", ID, weather, Sweet dreams, hello...
6298,0 1344-1344* UNID, tk?, mx and s/off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]
6310,0 1345-1352 UNID, e.weak \under strong PLC, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ZEELANDIA ]
6795,8 1353-1649 UNID, v.weak and \PLC at first,\occ.traffic. mx, D mx, 1517 Rosamunde [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6795,7 1701-1844 UNID, \traffic on 6795L,etc. D mx, mx, mx - - - - - - - -[ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6324,9 1520-1650 UNID, \PLC at first, BZN (?), D songs - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]
6304,9 1524-1722 UNID, You keep me hanging on, D songs, Maria Maria, 1608 La Bamba [ cf PAADENKRACHT ]
6279,9 1532-1612 TOP R. ?, accordion, 1535 IDs distorted on purpose, bugles, D mx...
6245,0 1536-1545 UNID, v.weak\ut.upside. clarinet polka, Radio -- -- no copy, mx, watz, hard to hear. [ cf TINA ]
6289,0 1545-1559 UNID, strong, mx, 1546 Hotel California... - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MUSTANG ]
6290,0 1609-1610* R. ROB, tk in D, ID+@, bye-bye.
6240,0 1613-1618* R. CASANOVA INT, strong peak, mx, ID over rock.
6248,0 1613-1616 UNID, v.weak, mx, tk, Just an illusion (1619 gone to 6245 ?) - - - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]
6245,0 1619-1700* R. TINA, \QRM at 1624. BZN?, 1622 ID, c'/d, but goes on, IDs+@, 1659 Eine Cigarette
6210,4 1619,2033 R. TANGO ITALIA, tango (also at 1833)
6281,9 1630-1658 BORDERHUNTER, strong, "just c'/d", gd ev', ID, mx, 1658 H.California
6425,0 1635-1648 ARTEM programme, in SSB (no bass tones), clips from world SW stns [ cf via PYTHON ]
6974,6 1707-1717 R. RONALISA ?, v.weak \chirping ut., D mx, 1710 ID (not sure), Lady madona, Oxygene
6314,9 1720-1720 R. SIN FRONTERAS, ID, clip from R. Illimani in 1995. - - - - [ cf via TELSTAR ]
6310,0 1722-2027 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, movie mx ?, 1826 ID, Caroline story, typ. sound.
6302,0 1828-1829* UNID, \PLC, 6295 splash. Giving IDs in D, no copy, and s/off
6425,0 1835-1841 ARTEM programme, in USB, songs & clips from Africa, 1841 Voix du Sahel (like at 1644)
6910,0 1845-2034 PREMIER R. INT, \6915 ut.QRM. Caroline-Ross Revenge story, 60s pops, IDs, web site
6282,9 2003-2042 UNID, mx, 2031 Black Betty, 2037 Still loving you. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf MAZDA ]
4026,0 2043-2046 LASER HOT HITS, tk, ID, reading a full report, Petula Clark.
3904,8 2047-2105 R. LIKEDEELER, weak \noisy, Honky tonk women, ID, hl, blues, tk in G, Let's have a party, ..blues
6264,9 2106-2109* R. PELIKAAN, song in G, ID, c'/d tnx rpts, blank, off
7612,7 2116-2326 UNID, v.weak/trace \var. noise, mx
6950,4 2126-2313* MAC SW, e./v.weak, mx, IDs+@ (hard to copy at first), blues, Hendrix, Deep Purple, Rainbow, "Mony Mony", CCR, tk: A.Yoder, blues, 2312 US nat. anthem and laugh, s/off.
6950,7 2326-2407* CAPTAIN MORGAN SW, blues, boogie, rock, 2400 ID+@, 2407 again and off.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
LOG : 07 - 13 OCT. 2013
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