LOGS : 16 - 22 SEPT. 2013

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 16 - 22 SEPT. 2013

Post by Ray Lalleu »


A "new" set of logs. Anyone heard the station on 7613 every night ?
Also : more details about R. Pandora on Sunday.

* * * * * MON. 16 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6304,9 1647-1711 R. TELSTAR INT, mx "from the 80s", IDs, 1653 "Blue monday", 1659 g's, c'/d, more mx and IDs

6305 a 1712-1719 QSO, incl' SALL. B. % : 1713-1715* & 1717-1719* on 6305,6: rpt to Telstar, Captain said wot

6290,6 1719-1840 R. ANDROMEDA, v.weak \loc.noise, mx, W voice reverb, 1825, 1837 IDs

6210 a 1723-1724* UNID, mx and s/off

4026,0 1840-2037 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy"wood fire", mx, tk, Laser Int

7612,9 2041-2051 UNID, e.weak\sticky PLC, mx, mx..

* * * * * TUES. 17 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6306,4 1549-1623 R. MALIBU, weak/v.weak \PLC, D songs, pops, 1555 ID+@, 1601 Funky town (1636 gone)

6210,4 1603-1644 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, 1608 break, 1623 back : tango
6210,4 2044-2321 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango, 2319 Italian anthem, then blank

6209,9 1810-1855 R. PYTHON (+weaker UNID 6209,8 from 1826), both mx, 1835 R. PYTHON ID, 1855 both f'/down

6285,05 1814-1904 R. KLABAUTERMAN, weak, 1830 Final countdown, 1832 ID, "c'/d", 1858 ID, D mx

6305,9 1816-1928 ODYNN R., rock, 1817 ID+hl+@, then mx, IDs, g's, 1928 c'/d with anthem

6400,0 1906-2042* UNID, \F fishers 6400u, later v.weak\noisy, pops, IDs no copy. - - - - [ cf RUSSIAN R. ]

6285,0 1924-1941 R. TINA INT, mx, 1925 ID+@, 1927 ID, brass mx.

4026,0 1937-2128 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ..facebook.., ment' R.Tina, 2110 "Laser", Pump up the volume,

6925 L 2052-2101 BALTIC SEA R., mx, short ID, mx, ID+@, Birdie song - - - - (2112 gone)

7613,0 2114-2316 UNID, e.weak, non stop mx

* * * * * WED. 18 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6266,1 0756-0829* R. ARMADILLO, \PLC, pops, 0800 annt, 0811 Kraftwerk, 0820 ID, c'/d, time check, mx, canned IDs

6210,4 1815-2055 R. TANGO ITALIA %, non stop tango

3932,1 1821-1833* MRF R. % (from the fq), v.weak, mx, 1833 ID+@, no copy

4026,0 1834-2048 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID+@, POB to close, 2048 clips from R.London, R.Caroline in 1967

6450,4 1841-1847* UNID, \6455 ut.noise, mx, tk over "Dreamer", 1847 ID \under atmo, and s/off. [cf READYMIX ]

6283,5 1901-1915 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos, mx, tk(no copy at all). - - [ cf ONDA CALIENTE ]

6289,9 2300-2301 UNID, parts of mx tracks (2310 gone)

7613,1 2306-2310 UNID, e.weak \noisy, atmos, mx

* * * * * THURS. 19 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6301,9a 1846-1934? UNID, weak \atmos, hum from 6301,7a at first, pops & tk(W at times), 1855 "-- -- Radio", f'/down, then \PLC, audio end not clear, still a carrier on 6302,0 at 1955.

6210,4 1857-2025 R. TANGO ITALIA %, \atmos, non stop tango

7613,1 1900-2322 UNID, e.weak \atmos, PLC at times, mx, mx..

6400,0 1907-2026* R. GOOFY, v.weak \noisy, atmos, pops, bpm, 1953,2006 IDs, 2026 sudden s/off

4026,0 1928-2030 LASER HOT HITS, weak \atmos, mx, duo tk (W on side), IDs, Windows 8, bank holiday, weather..

6324,5 2001-2003* UNID, rock

6324,5 2013-2024* UNID, squeezed (stanag - scratchy ut.), mx, few words, Whole lotta love, and s/off

* * * ** * FRI. 20 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6324,5 1516-1518 UNID, v.weak, C&W. (1522 gone)

6305,0 1523-1526* UNID, v.weak, tech tk in E, and s/off. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ROB ]

6285,0 1526-1604 R. TINA(comb. R.OSAKA), e.weak, D mx, many IDs+@, tk in G. (1556 some side QRM)

6745,2 1542-1713 UNID, D songs, polka, 1710 children"Mon papa est un pirate"?. - - - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]

6283 L ? 1559-1601 UNID, like a SSB station, not clarified, soon lost

6325,8 1606-1606 UNID, e.weak, mx.

6372,4 1611-1621* UNID \squeezed ut, het. QSO, rep to SWCH and R. -- -- -- -a., much tk, bit of mx. [ cf ZEEWOLF ]

6374,8 1621-1627 UNID, \het 6375,1 and slow fax, mx, tk, Moonlight shadow(reprise), tk, mx... - -[ cf RONALISA ]

6310,0 1629-1633 UNID, trace + e.weak peaks with mx

6290,0 1633-1722 UNID, mx, ..up the volume, 1703 g's in D, "Call me", 1721 "This is the V. of the - - -" [ cf ODYNN ]

6290,0 1805-1830 ODYNN R., pops, D mx. 1809 J.Jett, 1825 ID, ...

6210,4 1659-2125 R. TANGO ITALIA %, 1659-1702 It.anthem, 1815 tango \QRM 6210,15 - later : tango

6324,9 1706-1716 UNID, accordion, waltz, song

6324,1 1806-1832 R. MALIBU, D mx, 1822 live ID in D+E, g's, hotmail. 1832 polka \stanag 6319

6240,0 1810-1830 UNID, greek / oriental mx - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CAR-RAINBOW ]

6210,15 1815-1820 SLUWE VOS R., \hum, tango QRM, "I'm bad" (méchant le bambi!), ID, pops

7613,1 1837-1850 UNID, e.weak \all!, mx. (also 2354-2359 : much better, unknown mx)

3905,0 1852-2127 SKYLINE INT R., Friday night programme, 1852,1859 IDs.

4026,0 1853-2128 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, mx, tk, IDs

6285,0 1904-2042 RONEX R., v.weak \PLC, D song/pops/anorak mix, IDs+@

6238,1 1912-1913* SLUWE VOS R., mx, ID, now c'/d, "I'll be back" and s/off

6253 a 1924-1927 UNID, mx in SSB, maybe 6252 L ?, 1926 break and back, a few seconds short loop

6375,0 1937-2100 MUSTANG R., v.strong, Hendrix"Hey Joe", canned ID, 2035 Radio gaga, 2059 c'/d

6400,0 1942-1943 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, mx, ID, mx

6291 u 2025-2138 OVER 60° R., v.weak \6290 het, 2044 Johnny B.Goode, ID... 2114 Sugar sugar, 2121 Light my fire

6290,0 *2026-2031 UNID, weak, D songs. (2039 off, 2048 again as a het for OVER60°).

6400,15 2036-2037* UNID, "My baby does the hanky-panky", sudden s/off.

6290,0 2048-2050* UNID, mx, an other het for OVER 60°, sudden off at 20.50'25"

6324,9 2057-2136 UNID (P4P), "They're coming..ah-ah", Radio gaga, Kinks, canned P4P annts. [ cf RAINBOW ]

* * * * * SAT. 21 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

4026,0 0628-0715 LASER HOT HITS, \traffic 4020u at first, > v.weak, mx, ID by Mike Andrews
4026,0 1633-2046 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak at first, 2006 Gary Drew

6095,0 *0800-1000 KBC, v.strong\fading, triumphal entrance of E.Rosko, C&W-rock, ads for KBC Import
6095,0 1000-1300 KBC, Dave Mason show, 1157 It's all over now, 1200 Golden age of R&R

9510,0 0803-0823 R. CITY %, powerful \fading>bad fading, C&W,60s pops, R&R, G W singer... known DJ voice

6300,1 1301-1442 R. TOWER ? relaying R. PAIS AROPA ?(1341, in sp. ?) \noisy, 6299 ut. pops, 1337 KISS, 1347 D? versions of "Sound of silence" and "Witch doctor", 1402 "Hey dan marine girl"(?), IDs?, tk in D, "Azuro",O sole mio
6300,1 1505-1719 R. TOWER, D waltz, D songs, 1613 song in G, accordion, 1637 C&W, ID, 1712 M.Jackson
6300,1 1824-2037 R. TOWER, \6299 ut.D songs, yodl, 1940 ID+@ in E "on MW and SW", D songs

6284,9 1310-1359 UNID, trace > e.weak \sticky loc.noise, mx. - - - - [ cf R. NOLAN ]

6210,0 1312-1320* UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, pop, 1317 tk, rock, anf s/off - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6320,1 1355-1355* UNID, mx under noise, s/off

6290,0 1430-1515 R. WAVES INT, v.weak \noisy, fading, mx, 1432 multi. ID+POB, 1505 C&W, 1515 "En rouge et noir"

6285,5 1446-1449 UNID, testing? with harsh synthe, on/off audio. (think to Boom.)

6325,0 1506-1526 UNID, v.weak, polka, 1523 Dandy, 1526 Lola. (1535 gone) - - [ cf RONEX ? ]

6423,1 1508-1513 R. ZEEWOLF, weak, mx, gd aft', tnx, "strong voice coming from the space", 1512 ID, instrum.

6205,0 1516-1523 UNID, trace/e.weak, trace of mx.

6324,9 1538-1610* TRANS EUROPE R., v.weak, \occ.PLC, popp, 1609 ID over D mx background, bye-bye

6240,0 1541-1543 UNID, e.weak, mx. 1543 lost. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf MISTI ? ]

6210,4 1614-2235 R. TANGO ITALIA, anthem+ID in a loop, later non stop tango.

6238,1 1713-1930 VASSILI's WEEKEND, mx, g's to CZ, tk in Russian?, Staying alive, 1840 in Swedish??, "I got you babe", 1847 This is pirate Vassili's weekend. 1927 drumboxed medley, 1930 War ot the worlds ?

6289,9 1825-2012 R. WAVES INT, \het, C&W, IDs+POB Rueil, some F songs, 1830 "Festival de Craponne", etc..

6284,0 1827-1828* UNID, strong, electric blues, and break
6283,9 1829-1829* UNID, strong, D or G song, and break !

6255,0 1830-1835 UNID, rock (R.Stones?, J.Joplin ?). (1842 gone) - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6245,0 1835-1848 UNID, "Monday monday","Stairway to Heaven","..girl's coconut",... - - [ cf AC-DC ? ]

6283,6 1855-1902* UNID, e.weak \noisy ut. mx
6283,6 1913-1922 UNID, e.weak \noisy ut. mx - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ONDA CALIENTE ]

6309,9 1903-1912 UNID, mx and blanks, audio problems?, \splash (6325?), - - - - [ cf TARZAN ]

6324,8 1903-2037 R. NORTON, strong, D songs, 1906 ID, accordion, 2010 P.Clark"Downtown", 2037 pop

6238,2v 1935-2040 MAGIC AM, strong, "short test", many IDs, pops, rock, funky, drift to 6238,4 - 2040 ID, c'/d in 20'

6400,0 1952-2036 R. CAROLINE INT, IDs, tk by Rainbow? pretending from Moldova, techno mx, getting strong

7613,1 1953,2024 UNID, e.weak\sticky PLC, mx. (already a trace at 1628)

3905,0 2001-2049 R. ALICE, mx, IDs

6289,9 2230-2245 ODYNN R., \6280 China splash, mx, 2241 hl, ID+@

* * * * * SUN. 22 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6304,8 0650-1246 R. MERLIN INT, rock, reggae, jazz... and IDs, 0826 multi ID. (around 1130: long e.weak fade)
6304,8 1407-2107 R. MERLIN INT, rock, etc... and (canned?) IDs, 2013 "challenge the law", 2107 f'/down

6239,9 0651-1148 R. WAVES INT, v./e.weak \often PLC, repeat: IDs, 0735 "En rouge et noir", 1116 "Coeur de loup"

6005,0 0702-0805 R. BELARUS, news in G, mx, 0746 ID

4026,0 0728-0733 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak, long duo talk about a storey car park, Laser Int.
4026,0 1847-2139 LASER HOT HITS, end of R. London, offshore memories, "Sunny afternoon", Caroline story

6095,0 *0800-0822 KBC, strong. s/on with 3 min of mx only, then ID KBC and Trucker R., C&W, truck news

6309,9 0811-0813 UNID, e.weak \QRM Merlin & F fishers 6307,5u. Lost at 0813. - - - - [ cf TARZAN ]

6314,9 1057-1101* UNID, e.weak, pops. - - - - - - [ cf EXPERIENCE ? ]

6300,0 1101-1110* UNID, trace +e.weak peaks. mx, 1108 tk, JM.Jarre mx, and s/off. [ cf NACHT PIRAAT ? ]

6284,9 1104-1105* UNID, v.weak, mx (Kinks?), 1105 other track and s/off - - - - - -[ cf TELSTAR ]

6282,9 1106-1113 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks.mx, tk. - - - - [ cf DE FRIESE VLAG ]

6204,9 1116-1127 R. BORDERHUNTER, fair > v.weak, mx, g's, "Only you", ID+@.

6284,25 1148-1150 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, tk (known voice), g's, D song.. (1156 gone)

6373,5 1151-1200* UNID, e.weak \fax on lower side. mx, 1200: tk and s/off.

6749,5 1248-1912 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak at first, f'/up, pops, 1340 ID+@, 1556 ID, said "on 6745".

6325,0 1256-1406 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, mx, "piraten" song, tk-no copy (Neede ?). - - - - [ cf CENTURION ]

6264,4 1302-1305 R. PANDORA, e.weak \PLC, 1303 ID(robot voice), M+W tk, instrum, 1305 lost.
6264,4 1408-1628 R. PANDORA, v.weak \odd fades, mx, many IDs(+hl, +@ at times), 1526 Caroline/Ross Revenge story, "Sound of silence", 1533 bye-bye, but goes on, 1539 Roll over Beethoven, 1541 ID, 25 W solid state TX, 1548 2nd voice on side, g's, 1628 J.Cash.

6310,0 1330-1406 UNID, v.weak, clarinet(?) mx, incl' "Petite fleur" at 1334.

6321,4 1422-1434 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk by W (no copy), 1434 end?

6325,6 1430-1707 UNID, trace > e.weak, 1447 D version of "Jingle bells", D songs. [ cf ALIVIABAR ]

6794,9 1453-1516 SUNDOWN R., good\ut's around. Winchester cathedral, Georgie girl, tk over mx, 1504 clear ID+@

6070,0 1602-2012* ROCK LIVE R. (via R.6150), rock, mostly W voice in G (+E at times), IDs:1706,1820

6205,0 1611-1713 UNID, rock. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf AC-DC ]

6285,0 1642-1710 UNID, > strong, audio patchwork, 80s mx, 1708 a few words in D over rock. [ cf TELSTAR ? ]

6210,5 1711-2108 R. TANGO ITALIA %, mx box, It. anthem, later non stop tango.

6423,1 1753-1754* R. ZEEWOLF, good\some fading, c'/d ID+@, bye-bye

6255,0 1857-2046 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, typ. sound, radio in the 1960s, pops, ID, ad for Ross Revenge

6400,0 1913-2021* UNID (Goofy?), mx, many IDs never a better one, sudden off. [ cf CITY - CZ ?]

6374,5 1933-1933* UNID, rock, last seconds.

3932,1 1940-1950 MRF R. %, e.weak, the Who, more rock.

6374,5 2047-2104* UNID, \odd fade, v.strong fax on 6368, blues, boogie, blues, no annt, blank and s/off [ cf DE KAT ]

3905,0 2110-2132* U-BOAT 66 %, e.weak, pops, rock, 2126 Wind of change, 2131 ID+@ no copy, but sonar sound.

6249,7 2142-2158 UNID, Walk don't run, Hello Tino (in D), rock, then QRM (tones>IS>s/on). [ cf GROENTE B. ]

6220,0 1146,1329 double trace, \PLC, ut.QRM [ not worth a ment., but DrTim heard a stn at 1140 ]

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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