LOGS : 09 - 15 SEPT. 2013

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 09 - 15 SEPT. 2013

Post by Ray Lalleu »


A "new" (old) log, with quite a slow-down on week days.

* * * * * MON. 09 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6210,5 1712-2228 R. TANGO ITALIA, bumpy start, 1713 annt in it. and sp. (better heard on Wed.), tango

6290,0 1825-1828* R. TARZAN, mx, g's to FNL, ID in E, mx and s/off.

6289,9 1835-1852 R. TARZAN, back with mx, tk in D+E, ID, CQ stns, "Venus"(reprise), 1852 ID \atmos.(1905 gone)

4026,0 1843-1852 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag 4024,atmos : mx, Laser Int, pops, tk

6399,5 1855-1905 UNID, e.weak \much atmos, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]

6925 L 2010-2025 BALTIC SEA R., good\atmos, Birdie song, ID BSR, Ostsee R., "Can you receive me", IDs+@

* * * * * TUES. 10 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6239,9 1852-1957 R. TARZAN, \occ.stanag, D songs, pops, tk, g's, 1936 ID

6210,5 1855-2140 R. TANGO ITALIA %, non stop tango

6535,1 1857-1858* UNID, bpm mx. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLACK ARROW ? ]

4026,0 1942-1948 LASER HOT HITS, \stanag 4023~,noisy, mx, 1943 "Laser". (also 2140: not better)

* * * * * WED. 11 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6305,0 1410,1422 UNID, \noisy, D songs. (1423 gone) - - - - - - - - - -[ cf TELSTAR ]

6290,0 1715-1821 ODYNN R., My Sharona, Nirvana, Driver seat, 1723 ID, g's, 1818 c'/d IDs+@+hl (1828 gone)

6210,5 1822-2159 R. TANGO ITALIA, full clear ID in it+sp., italian anthem,.. later non stop tango, \atmos.

4026,0 1835-2053 LASER HOT HITS, \no stanag, only het on 4024,25, atmos. mx, IDs, tk, 2043 duo tk.

6310,0 1850-1851 UNID, mx, on/off stn, 1851 off for 3' at least. - - - [ maybe R. TELSTAR SOUTH testing ? ]

6540,0 2055-2103 UNID, non stop Greek mx

* * * * * THURS. 12 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6299,9 1706-1721 UNID, \under strong stanag 6298, D songs, 1719 tk (no copy). (1723 gone). [ cf NORTON ?? ]

6745,2 1711-1715 UNID, \sticky PLC, rock, Should I stay or should I go, Radar love. (later, blank>trace) [ cf PIONEER ]

6306,9 *1724-1727 UNID, accordion, song in E. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. TWENTANA ]

6210,2 1815-2017 SLUWE VOS R., Dragonslayer, ID, Don't bring me down, mx, many IDs+@,2017 Kraftwerk.

4026,0 1823-2002 LASER HOT HITS, weak \ut4020~, loc noise, atmos. mx, IDs, 1956 long tk about R.One

3905,0 1829-1839* UNID, instrum mx, 1833 lowers mod, 1839'40" sudden off. - - [ cf SKYLINE R. INT ]

6299,8 1841-1842* UNID, D song, sudden off. - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

6399,8 1949-1952 R. GOOFY, 140 bpm mx, ID, synthe. (2018 gone)

6257,0 2020-2044 UNID, \stanag 6253~. non stop mx, unknown pop. - - - - [ cf ARMADILLO ]

* * * ** * FRI. 13 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6210,5 1700-2235 - -R. TANGO ITALIA %, weak, low mod till 1704, non stop tango

6285,4v 1713-1822* UNID, e.weak \v.drifty, mx, 1749: 6284,3 - 1807: 6284,7 - 1822 "...shortwave@gmail.." [cf LLR ]

6289,8 1748-1824* R. RAINBOW, D song, ded. to DrTim, ID "from the N.Sea".. P4P,IDs,mx, 1823gd bye, jingle, off

6304,7 1745-1821 R. MERLIN INT, mx, reggae, 1816 REO Speedwaggon ann'd, ID. (1836 gone)

6310,0 1803-2155 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, 60s offshore jingles, R.Jacky memories, typ tk&backgrounds, IDs..

6284,5v 1827-1910 UNID, v.weak\atmos,v.drifty, mx box, ..shortwave@..., 1833 \fishers 6279u, 1910 6283,6 [ cf LLR]

6289,5 1835-1835 UNID, just a few words, then lost

6935 L 1840-1902 BALTIC SEA R., \atmos, mx, ID+@, gipsy jazz, more mx and IDs

6980,7 1848-1952 ROCK R. NETWORK, strong \fading, rock, 1901 ID. (2124 blank)

6290,4 1907-1907 trace under v.active atmos, seemed modulated [not worth ment', but cf UNID by Dr Tim ]

6240,0 1912-1914 MUSTANG R., strong \stanag 6235. mx, ID, mx

3905,0 1916-2225 SKYLINE INT R., \atmos, 1918,2036 ID+g's, Friday night mx, incl' rock

4026,0 1925-2211 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, some side QRM, mx, IDs, 2132 ann' Detroit Spinners

6285,1 1936-2004* R. PYTHON, \atmos, occ. sp.traffic 6285,5u - mx, tk, 1943 ID in D+E, 2003 c'/d ID

6245,0 1944-1947 MUSTANG R., v.strong peaks, "Sultans of swing", tk over boom-boom mx, ID, g's.. c'/d

6325,25 1955-2002 UNID, trace, some mod, under active atmos. - - - - - [cf ONDA CALIENTE ? ]

6240,0 2004-2018 MUSTANG %, v.strong, tk in D over heavy rock, g's in E, keyboard-180 bpm...

3932,1 2019-2033* MRF R., e.weak, mx, IDs+@, short test tones and off.

6300,0 2039-2040* UNID, said "Maximum power" over mx, then off

6269,5 L 2043-2150 UNID, e.weak \active atmos, pops, 2100 ID no copy, Rivers of Babylon, Only you, 2115 Yellow submarine, Dadoo ron ron, 2143 ID no copy, Sweet home Alabama, 2150 audio break. - - [ cf OVER 60° R. ]

6284,8 2133-2320 R. RAINBOW, tk in good E, ..special kind of antenna.., ID\atmo!, 2135,2151 IDs, Peace, mx..

3915,1 2202-2209 UNID, undermod, Pink Floyd"Money", etc.. 2209 lost.

4015,5 2212-2225* UNID, non stop 60s rock, off without annt.

6325,0 L 2226-2320 UNID \various, rock, tk, 2238 ID no copy, 2253 Moricone, 2300'00 pips, Tutti fruti [cf OVER 60° ]

6920,0 2242-2310 R. TRANS EUROPE, \Morse on 6918. accordion, songs, 2308 60W, IDs+@, f'/down

* * * * * SAT. 14 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6933 L 0522-0535 UNID Brasil, v.weak \atmos, mx, Brasilian phone tk, 0527 Pink Floyd"The wall", 0531 Mamas & papas "California dreaming", 0534 ID ?, 0535 end ?

7265,0 0658-0740 HAMBURG LOKAL R., weak, ID+@ in E, mx, then long tk in G, mx.

7310,0 0740-0806 R. 700, strong, mx, C&W, mx, 0806 JID (also 1309: ID, "Owinbowee")

6005,0 0740-0740 R. BELARUS %, *not*// to 7310, tk in G?, slavic song.

6190,0 0810-0811 UNID, v.weak, mx, retro song, tk. (also 1026 mx) - - - - - - [ cf HH LOKAL ]

6095,0 0811-0822 KBC, strong +peaks, E.Rosko, C&W-rock, 0822 ad for Trucks Mag, KBC Import.
6095,0 1022-1249 KBC, rock, pop, 1059 JID

6325,2 0820-0821* UNID, e.weak.

6325,0 1023-1023 UNID, e.weak, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TINA ]

6745,3 1027-1316* PINK PANTHER R., fair peaks, 1028 ID+@, Voulez vous, 1100 Strangers in the night, 1316 ID+@

6304,7 1244-1407 R. MARABU, fair/strong, mx, 1251 "Marabu 70's", mx, 1305 ID, chart in G, "Europe altern. mx"
6304,6 1925-2115 R.MARABU, strong \fading, some jazz, tk in G, ID, mx...

6300,1 1245-1405 R. TOWER, weak/v.weak \Marabu splash, mx, D songs, 1300 ID in D, 1317 J.Cash, 1405 ID, pop
6300,1 1929-2006 TOWER R., mx, 1940 Paint it black, also D mx, 2006 ID

6210,0 1319-1404 UNID, e.weak\noisy, Culture Club, latin jazz, Voyage voyage, pops, > low mod

6285,0 1354-1359 UNID, v.weak, same pop track twice, then D song. (1405 gone)

6375,5 1407-1413 UNID, v.weak, mx, reggae. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SONIC ]

6399,9 1414-1418 UNID, e.weak \fading, mx, 1418 tk in D - - - - - - [ cf ZODIAC ]

6374,8 1848-2055 UNID, v.weak, mx, Midnight special, 2013 Beach Boys, T.Turner?, "Tonight" [ cf EXPERIENCE ]

6399,9 1858-2021 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \PLC,noisy,F fishers 6400u, pop, classical, 2021 JID, "nonstop mx"

6424,9 1900-2055 UNID, v.>e.weak, mx, Red Chili Hot peppers?, mx, mx, \squeezed, (lost around 2100 ?)

6745,2 1907-1944 UNID, \sticky PLC, mx, mx.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6324,7 1913-2048 CWR, \scratchy ut., tk in G, IDs in E+G, mx, excited DJ, also hl and facebook

6310,0 1918-2141 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, pops, songs parts, 1936 ID, 2007 offshore story...

6289,9 1932-2142 ODYNN R., Runaway boys, Tainted love, ... 1947 ID, 2117 modern jazz, 2142 IDs

6283,0 1948-2004 RZ. BOOMERANG, strong, D song, "Reveille rock", sad boom-boom, 2000 TV theme, 2003 ID

3905,0 2035-2136 R. ALICE, \loc noise, D mx, 2036 ID, 2136 ID in E.

4026,0 2041-2135 LASER HOT HITS, \loc.noise, mx, IDs, 2121 "In the country"(title?), 2123 offshore nostalgia

6914,9L 2103-2113 BSR, OSTSEE R., instrum Birdie song, 2105 ID in G, mx..

6300,0 2115-2116 UNID, v.disturbed, mx, "Fink a fink" - - - - - - - - - - [ not TOWER acc. to NFL ]

6933 L 2143-2157 UNID, Brasilian music ?, mx, mx.. 2157 dropouts, then off (other stn now, e.weak)

6239,9 2201-2206 UNID, mx, 2205 fading off.

6920,0 2313-2320 UNID, weak/v.weak \loc. noise, pops, non stop. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf T. EUROPE ]

* * * * * SUN. 15 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6324,8 0748-1015 R. NORTON, \6325,0 hum till 0800a, occ.ut's, later PLC. D songs, 0907 Downtown, 1012 ID in E

6304,7 0750-0859 R. MARABU, G songs, G tk. From 0828, v. close QRM. 0833 ID, 0858 ID, tk: Mi Amigo
6304,7 0906-1019 R. MARABU, G tk, mx, 0928 Rammstein?, 0931 ID, 0951 QRM?, ID, jazz
6304,7 1658-2106 R. MARABU, >strong, mx, 1830 ID, 1945 QRM ?, ID, 2049 jazz

6304,7 0828-0858 UNID, QRM to MARABU, spot on or a few hertz away, 0854 "Love is love, not sail away"(title?)

6294,8 0751-0911* UNID, >v.weak, \stanag6300, D mx, 0757,0810 Yellow sun.. :-((, 0910 c'/d annt in D [ cf MAZDA ]

6199,5 0753-0755 UNID, pops. - - (0805 gone) - - - - [ cf ORANG UTAN ]

6005,0 0802-0812 R. 700 %, "Lee Roy Brown", pops, tk in G. (0913 : sermon)

7310,0 0814-0820 R. 700 %, strong, //6005, 0818 tk in G about Danyel Gerard"Butterfly"
7310,0 0914,1017 R. 700 %, 0914 \fading, G song, different from 6005. 1017 \fading, mx.

6095,0 0840-1010 KBC, (0805 not there, late start) C&W, 0852 Truck News Mag ad, trucks tk. 1010 E.Rosko

6280,0 0900-1028 R. MERLIN INT, \6275 ut.splash, mx, IDs, early 60s , jazz, 1019 What's now my love, 1028 g's

6210,1 1020-1020 UNID, e.weak stn under vocoder traffic

6325,1 1651-1709 R. WALDMEISTER, \PLC, background mx, 1656 IDs

6210,4 1701-1708 R. TANGO ITALIA, v.weak, It.anthem, ID in it+sp, in loop. (1836-2108: non stop tango )

6421,5 1710-1828* R. LOWLAND, weak \atmos. pops, D mx, 1822 tk, 35W, g's, ID+@...

6745,3 1717-1922 PINK PANTHER R., D mx, West side story(transl.), ID+@, Ma belle amie, 1816 Elvis...

6909,9L 1722-1725 BALTIC SEA R. %, mx, seagulls but ID no copy, instrum Birdie song.

6310,0 1829-1835 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \fading, typ. sound, mx, 1833 ID, "Caroline", offshore tk \Marabu splash

5800,1 1837-2110 FRS HOLLAND, \sticky PLC, tk in E, P.Verbrucken, IDs, // 7685, also tk in G, mx.

7685,1 1843-2046 FRS HOLLAND, WMR clip(1972), //5800, 1848 "Summer of love 1967", events of the 60s/70s, mx, ABC Europe clip (1975), 1900 rock, 1933 clips: R.Osaka, R.Totse... IDs, mx, 2044 clip: Pirate R. 49 (1985)

4026,0 1912-2113 LASER HOT HITS, weak \deep fades, atmos, mx, 'laser' effects, "LASER INT".

6909,9L 1923-1931 BALTIC SEA R., La Bamba, ID+@, The hippy hippy shake, Paranoid, Red River rock

3985,0 2002-2059 NORD AM, disturbed by overpowered 3965, mx, tk in G, 2029 ID+@, mx...

6385,0 2012-2105 R. UNIVERSE, ID+@, "Apache", Walk don't run, tk in D+E, .. pops.., 2105 ID, mx

6399,9 2017-2038 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \F fishers 6400u, atmos. tacaboom, 2035 JID

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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