Log : 13 -19 May 2013

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log : 13 -19 May 2013

Post by Ray Lalleu »


A very busy week, a lot of UNIDs (also UNID or missing in every log), also a few orphan UNIDs of my own, including two stations on 27 MHz.

* * * * * MON. 13 MAY 2013 * * * * *
7310,0 0647-0647 R. 700 %, strong, song in G

6305,0 1256-1305 R. OSAKA, e.weak \PLC, fades. 1300 Mr Cannibale, medley, tk over, ID.

6294,5 1549-1555 UNID, weak/v.weak, mx, D mx (1625 gone)

6245,0 1550-1555 UNID, v./e.weak, mx (1624 gone)
6245,0 1809-2220 SW GOLD, \stanag bursts, pops, IDs. 1815 Stand by me, 2002 Tutti fruti, after 2200 \atmos

6299,3 1803-1947 R. MONIQUE, \PLC at times, traffic on 6300U, pops, tk and IDs in D, 1833 tech tk \the voice sounds muffled, 1915 Born to be alive, 1922 hello WireUK, this is R.Monique on the N.Sea, ID+@. (Maybe s/off at 2004)

4026,0 *1829-2224 LASER HOT HITS, blank, 1900 still blank, 2009 mx and tk \sp.traffic on 4030U.

6290,4 1833-1859 UNID, e.weak, C&W, 1833 "Jackson"?, 1835 J.Cash ? (not at 1904). [ cf SKYWIRE ]

6305,5 *1844-1912 R. POWERLINER INT, (1841 blank), \atmos, mx, 1902 tk in ?, 1906 c'/d IDs and g's, 1910 IS

6290,6 1924-2025 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, weak \PLC,atmos,traffic on 6290U, mx, IDs either or both names

6281,9 1948-1958* R. LUXEMBURG, \bit of traffic, (1941 blank), on/off, blanks, mx, 1957 JID+IDs+@

7615,0 2215-2215 LIGHTNING R. %, \atmos, DJ slamming (background mx buried in noise)

* * * * * TUES. 14 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6299,15 0856-0905 R. MONIQUE, weak \loc.noise, tk and mx, 0901 in D: ID, ..modulatie... (0919 gone)

6324,7 1623-1701 UNID, e.weak \long PLC burst, mx, mx. (1708 gone) [ cf NORTON ]

6244,9 1625-2240 R. BOPS, v.weak \PLC > good \short stanag bursts, 60s pops, IDs sound distorted (maybe something between "bops" and "B.O.P.S." ?), 1749 "Hurricane", 1905 Ch. Aznavour, 2018 So happy together

6304,9 1649-1725 R. ZEEWOLF, v.weak \PLC, pops, 1657 and 1725 : g's and IDs (1740 gone)

6450,4 1727-1753 UNID, v.weak \low mod, atmos, D song, mx. [ cf ZW. PANTER ]

6299,8 1740-1748* WIZARD R., v.weak \atmos, loc.noise. mx, allo-allo...1-2-3-4..gd ev' Zeewolf 1748 ID and s/off

4026,0 1911-2032 LASER HOT HITS, \much noise, atmos, uttilities, mx, 2032 tk, ID.

6300,0 1935-2102 COOL AM (v.SHUTTLE), first under noise,atmos, then f'up slowly, 1955 part of "We love the pirate stns", -- -- -- Radio@hotmail.com, - -- - dot-tk, Kinks "Dead end street", Puppet on a string, You were on my mind, FR slogan, Sweet Caroline, Love like a man, 2020 www.-- ---, 2028 Same old song, 2034 IS ?, 2049 IDs Cool AM and Spaceshuttle R., 2053 IDs, also P4P, 2058 "All night long" (a rock one).

6299,6 2232-2245 UNID, \het6299,9 till 2243, mx, testing..gd ev'.. windy night.. wizard.. 25° in the studio.. [ cf COOL AM]

* * * * * WED. 15 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6244,9 0728-0738 UNID, v.weak \loc.noise. mx ( maybe R. BOPS overnight)
6245,0 1521-1854 trace \PLC, no audio heard, blank-only carrier at 1854. (Maybe BOPS/SW GOLD tx ?)

7310,0 0742-0755 R. 700 in G, stong, mx. (also 1520 : pop, \fading)

6324,7 1632-1644* COOL AM - R. MONIQUE, \PLC, pops, 1640 both names, 1642 Monique jingle.

6735,0 1646-1710 UNID, e.weak \under PLC, some tk, some mx, drift to 6734,8 approx. [ cf HOT/COOL ? ]

6297,0 1654-1728 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D song, yodl, 1721 Monkees, CCR, 1727 "In the ghetto, (1809 gone)

6324,3 1724-1726 R. ZEEWOLF, e.weak \PLC,atmos. C&W, 1725 ID, gd ev', more mx (1809 gone)

6290,4 1810-1838* UNID, but like Monday at 1833: C&W, brass, polka, jazz. [ cf SKYWIRE ]

6296,95 1840-1852* UNID, \PLC at first, atmos. Pops, suden off.

6910 L 1900-1901* UNID, \strong ut. on 6905a, mx in LSB, then blank/off [ cf BALTIC SEA R. ? ]

4026,0 1907-1913 LASER HOT HITS, \noisy, kind of it. mx, tk, "4029", FSN,OEM. (better at 2147)

6300,0 2012-2125 R. FOX 48, \bursts at first, raising audio, mx, tk, synthe, 2044 Tobacco road, R&R, 60s pops, IDs

6295,0 2020-2119 UNID, (1914 : blank), e.weak(low mod), \atmos, mx, SSTV(2029,2042,2048,2050,2118), 2047 ID no copy, gmail, nr incl' 4711, 2106 "Satisfaction", at least 4 versions! 2119 \het from 6297,0. 2119 end ? [cf RONIN ]

6292,0 2122-2133 R. LUXEMBURG %, e.weak \strong OC QRM, traffic. mx
6292,0 2143-2254 R. LUXEMBURG, weak \occ.traffic-later some atmos. mx, 2145 JID, ID, 2150 ID+@, accordion

7614,7 2138-2300 LIGHTNING R. %, techno mx, 2138 with DJ slam, 2141 2nd carrier

6735 U 2302-2316* R. RONIN SW / COOL AM R., blues program, 2305 Ronin ID, 2313 Cool IDs, free radio slogans.

* * * * * THURS. 16 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6305,0 1831-2039 UNID, v.weak \sticking PLC at first, noisy, atmos. 1912 Blondie "Denis", 2016 BZN [ cf TINA ]

6290,0 1838-1843 R. ODYNN, weak \PLC then OTH bursts. 1841 Ruby don't take..., ID+@, H. Rising Sun (>6285)
6285,0 1850-1956 R. ODYNN, \PLC. No milk today, What's new Pussy Cat, Wooly Bully, Israelites, 1955 ID

6245,0 1845-2255 R. BOPS, \PLC, many stanag bursts, 2036 better "You were on my mind"(rare version), 2101 ID, Johnny Halliday "Génération perdue", 2104 time i, it. "... e cuatro minuto".

6207,2 1856-1932 UNID, \atmos, bursts. 1902 Don't let me be misunderstood, 1925 Rammstein? 1929 Stray Cats?

6423,3 1940-1943* UNID, accordion, tk in D, ID no copy, testing, bye-bye, SWCHolland.com (SM). [ cf R. LOWLAND ]

7614,9 1947-2112 UNID, e.weak \noisy,atmos,some overmod ?? mx [ cf LIGHTNING R. ? ]

4026,0 2000-2231 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, traffic on L side. mx, ID, mx. 2231 \stanag on side

6910 L 2042-2047* BALTIC SEA R., mx in LSB, rock, retro song, seagulls, ID and off.

6735sb 2238-2254 COOL AM R., e.weak, mx in LSB, then USB, hard to clarify, 2253 ID+@

* * * ** * FRI. 17 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6245,0 1547-1720 SW GOLD, \PLC, atmos, oldies, IDs, "from the tower of power"
6245,0 1915-2353 SW GOLD, better, oldies, IDs, 1928 "Venus", 2326 \spitting ut.

6552,6 1552-1707 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak \PLC,atmos. 1608 f'/up, The dock of the bay, 1630 ID+@
6552,6 1815-1707 PINK PANTHER R. %, good \PLC, mx, mx, mx

6932,4 1557-1715 IMR %, v.weak \loc.noise, atmos. mx, tk
6932,4 1818-2323 IMR R., \atmos, occ.traffic. mx, 1820 ID, 2013 "Black night"

6070,0 1615-1623 R. 6150 %, e.weak \PLC, atmos, 1618 "Standing in the shadows of love"
6070,0 1930-1933 R. 6150 %, better, "Mull of Kyntire" then ID "Laser Hot Hits"(the offshore one ?)

6423,3 1625-1628 UNID, weak \PLC, D "piraten" song, D waltz. (1650 gone) [ cf LOWLAND ]

6745,2 1631-1824* UNID, v.weak \PLC,atmos. mx, D songs, BZN ?, \strong PLC at end, sudden off. [ cf PIONEER ]

6324,8 1650-1901* R. NORTON, \PLC at times, D songs, 1716 Maria Maria, 1854 euro(it?) song, 1859 c'/d ID.

6305,1 1720,1802 R. MERLIN INT, 1720 mx, 1802 ID (1851 gone)

6299,9 1802-1905* FOX 48 ?, weak \atmos, mx, rock, 1858 "Scandinavian", 48 like in G., Ian Dury, Fox on the run,..

6529,8 1807-1815 SUNDOWN R., pops, 1812 ID+@, H.Alpert ?, tnx rpts, J.Dutronc"Il est 5 heures, Paris s'éveille"

6730 L 1825-1836 UNID, v.weak \PLC,atmos. mx, parts of tracks, maybe oriental/Greek mx ?

6399,5 1840-2000 DELTA R., v.weak \PLC,atmos +peaks at end. techno, Hocus Pocus, 1917 Scatman, JID

6290,5 1908-1926* UNID, v.weak \PLC,atmos. mx, 1911 "..in Holland..", pop from SE Europe? [ cf CAROLINE -RB ]

4026,0 1935-2330 LASER HOT HITS, \QRM 4020 (RTTY then USB traffic ), mx, 2330 ID.

3905,0 1937-2331 SKYLINE R., twist, Tutti fruti, Nutbush City, Don't bring me down, ID+hl, later D mix of mx

6325,7 1951,2031 R. CAROLINE INT, 1952 JIDs, 2031 JID

6424,6 2001-2030 R. UNDERGROUND, \f'up&down, mx, JID, g's, some messing, drift to 6424,5 (on 6424,4 at 2132)

6735 L 2136-2202 UNID, Greek mx, and duo tk (in Greek ?)

7614,7 2145-2153 UNID, v.weak \PLC, atmos. Some blues mx. (2204 only a trace)
7614,7 2319-2323 LIGHTNING R. %, DJ slam over some alternative mx

6910 L 2338-2351 BALTIC SEA R., hard to tune, no bass tones?, Johnny B.Goode, Judy in diguise, IDs

Also traces on 6302,0 (1906-1925), on 6295,1 (1955,2033, cf SHUTTLE), on 6735 (2008 under traffic, cf Cool AM)

* * * * * SAT. 18 MAY 2013 * * * * *

Also traces on 6280 (12.38-1304) and 6220 (1242-1244 lost)

6245,0 0703-0708 SW GOLD %, \some PLC, fading. "All right now", CCR"Proud Mary". (0837 gone)
6245,0 1107-1442 SW GOLD %, e.weak \PLC, occ. ut.burst. pops, 1432 ID?? (no copy)
6245,0 1623-1701 SW GOLD, ID, mx
6245,0 1910-2350 SW GOLD, better, pops, IDs as S.W. GOLD, also "S.W.C., bring SW back to life"

7265,0 0710-0710 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, weak, in AM-USB, duo tk in G.

9510,0 0827-0838 R. CITY (the stn of the cars), powerful \fading, 50-60s oldies, no ID heard but known voice.

6095,0 0835-0836 KBC, v. strong, KBC ad, JID, Emperor Rosko, C&W rock. (also 1440 C&W rock)

6324,8 1058-1223 UNID, e.weak \PLC, fades, +weak peaks. mx, 1223 tk? [ cf NORTON ]

6300,0 1106-1300 R. TOWER, e.weak at first, 1212 weak \PLC, mx, tk in D, hl, ID, D mix of mx
6300,0 1413-1701 R. TOWER, good peaks, mostly D songs, 1645 ID+hl
6300,0 1900-2251 R. TOWER, strong \bit of PLC, mostly D (or G) songs, On the border, H.California, 2231 ID

6295,0 1107-1519 UNID, v.weak +peaks, D songs, 1424 "- - .nl" over, 1517 You were on my mind. [ cf PTSibculo ]

6552,6 1306-1634 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak > v.weak \PLC, mx, mx.. 1633 ID+@ (also 1922 : mx)

15880U 1318-1334 SPACESHUTTLE R., weak (v.efficient mod), mx, many IDs, g's, 1326 Clash, 1330 SSTV.

6932,4 1406-1639 IMR R., e.weak \often under loc.noise, mx, tk, 1639 ID
6932,4 1924-2335 IMR R. %, \atmos, mx, tk, around 2205 : Black night, White room.

6279,5 1414-1421* VROLIJKE FRANS, in D, instrum mx. (correct spelling tnx DrTim)
6280,0 1421-1424* UNID, tk only, so this is a QSO
6279,5 1426-1431* VROLIJKE FRANS again, mx background, IDs, giving ? rpt, g's Overijssel, Schwarze Kat

6345,0 1443-1450 UNID, v.weak \some PLC, rock, 1450 "Oh what a night" (title?) [ cf AC-DC ]

27065,1 1459-1502 UNID, some gospel, tk (in ?), E v. of "Pour moi la vie va commencer" (1507 tk, awful mod)

27005,3 1508-1515 UNID, mx, bit of tk, mx \traffic QRM

6292,4 1616-1628 UNID, instrum filler mx, 1625 same D song as on R.Tower! , more D mx.

6280,0 1619-1701 R. OSAKA, D (or G) songs, ID+@

6325,0 1629-1647* UNID, wealk/fair, D mx, 1646 tk over D mx (no copy), and s/off. [ cf BONTE SPECHT in QSO ]

6325,0 1654-1700 UNID, e.weak \F fishers on 6322USB, mx, synthe mx [ cf BONTE SPECHT in QSO ? ]

6290,0 1642-1647 R. POWERLINER, mx, tk and ID in D, some C&W and pop.

4026,0 1652-1654 LASER HOT HITS %, v./e.weak \noisy, mx
4026,0 2052-2347 LASER HOT HITS %, maybe an old R. Gemini programme.

6320,0 1657-1658* UNID, C&W and s/off. [ cf VROLIJKE FRANS in QSO ]

6329,9 1659-1659 UNID, a weak stn under a stronger carrier [ cf R. ASCONA ? ]

6324,8 1857-1913 UNID, non-stop D songs. ( 1937 gone) [ cf NORTON ]

6290,0 1902-2010 R. WALDMEISTER, weak, ZZTop"Gimme...", gd ev', IDs, mx incl. reggae,blues.

6399,9 1915-1951 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, ID+@, mx, JID+@, mx

6448,95 1916-2150 STUDIO 52, ID in E, tnx, D mx, Wir sind the casanovas, ID in D...

7614,8 1929-2222 UNID, \all noises! quite hard to hear, mx. [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]

6322,95 1937-2250 ODYNN R., \F fishers on 6322USB, instrum 60s mx, D songs, 1954 ID, 2222 tnx rpts, 2228 ID

6281,9 2003-2009* R. FOX 48, Great balls of fire, tk over, Ch.Berry, 2009 v.clear ID, We are the pirate stns

3900,0 2025-2032* R. ASCONA, lots of g's to stns, but very last ID 'un-noised', bye-bye.

3900,0 2032-2033* R. ROB from rotterdam, rep. in D to R.Ascona

3900,5 2033-2037* UNID, mx, rep. to Ascona (in D), 2036 ID (no copy). [ cf SALLANDSE B.]

3900,0 2038-2041* R. ROB again, v.weak \atmos, rpt, IDs, rep. to Sallandse Boer.

3900,5 2044-2047* UNID, D song, blank and s/off.

3905,0 2104-2135* R. ANODE, from NL, D mix of mx, many IDs, g's, 2125 I found my freedom, Hush.

6305,0 2142-2142 UNID, trace of mx under atmos. (2250 still a trace)

6399,25 2146-2149 UNID, row of SSTV pictures (I'm not equipped for SSTV)
6735 U 2152-2343 COOL AM R., \atmos, mx, many boxed IDs+@

6925,0 2201-2216 R. POWERLINER INT, mx, KISS, 2205 "..for Silveri..", ID, accordion, mx,mx (2nd stn under RPI)

6290,0 2236-2255 UNID, West side story, Part 1 of the history of offshore radio, jingles... [ cf POWERLINER ]

* * * * * SUN. 19 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6300,05 0622-0903 R. TOWER, good>weak, sing or tk over D songs, 0706 hl+ID, D songs, 0845 duo tk (0929 e.weak)

6245,0 0632-0930 R. BOPS ?, fair>e.weak, oldies, 0748 ID "Radio BOPS??@... it ?, J.Jett"I love R&R"
6245,0 1721-2206 SW GOLD, mx, IDs, 2035 Rock the casbah.

6199,5+ 0632-0720 R. ORANG UTAN, v.weak \hiss,PLC,fading. mx, 0641 ID+hl. (0750 trace)

4026,0 0634-0636 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, mx, tk, ID, mx
4026,0 2049-2052 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk, ment' M.Andrews and T.James.

6290,0 0637-0736 UNID, D mx, occ. accordion, 0710 Poppies"Rien n'a changé". [ cf R. FOX 48 ]

6210,1 0719-0904 RWI, weak>v.weak\occ.ut.bursts, pops, C&W, Pirate RadioSales, ID, drift 6210,4 (0931 e.weak)

7265,0 0724-0759* EMR, v.weak, clear except some nut jammer again, mx, ID+hl in Germany

7310,0 0730-0833 R. 700 %, good\fading, tk in G, brass mx, pop. 0818 pop //6005, 0833 synthe mx

6310,0 0752-0814 UNID, e.weak \PLC, noise. non stop mx [ cf WALDMEISTER ]

9480,0 0800-0859* EMR, AM-USB, strong \fading. mx, IDs+@, WestMidlands stn in 1982, 0858 nut jammer?, c'/d

6095,0 0816-0938 KBC, strong \fading, KBC ad, C&W, 0923 duo tk in E. 0938 ID.

6324,8 0834-0929 UNID, e.weak, D songs (occ. it or Carribean style). [ cf NORTON ]

6285,0 0848-0855 UNID, e.weak, mx, 0854 early 60s guitar, tk (0903 gone). [ cf WALDMEISTER ]

6280,2 1510-1826 UNID, e.>v.weak, mx, 1819 "Baby it's a wild world"(title?), 1822 ID no copy. [ cf SHUTTLE ]

6210,2 1514-1516 UNID, v.weak mx, but f/out.

6310,0 1654-1706 RWI, v.weak, C&W, 1705 ID, Pirate radio sales, 1706 shift
6305,0 1706,1723 RWI, ex 6310, C&W

6323,0 1657-1722 UNID, \on-off, fishers 6322U, atmos. 1659 BlackBetty, 1722 Stones"Race w.the devil" [ cf ODYNN]

6275,0 1707-1717* UNID, v.weak \some atmos and PLC, mx, (I thought to Underground, but why?)

6265,0 1718-1721 UNID, v.weak \bit of PLC+atmos, mx (D? mx), 1721 a few words, no copy [ cf TINA ]

6425,5 1724-1724 UNID, weak \bit of PLC+atmos, accordion-waltz

6450,6 1801-1802 UNID, \bit of PLC+atmos, Mickey Mouse polka, then D song.

6552,7 1803-1804 PINK PANTHER R. %, \bit of PLC+atmos+traffic, mx
6552,7 2018,2032 PINK PANTHER R., \atmos, 2018 soft rock, 2032 tac-boom

6932,5 1805-1807 IMR R., v.weak \noisy, mx, tk, ID

6300,05 1810-1812 UNID, strong, "Moonlight shadow", more mx

6305,0 1832-1911 RWI stereo R. ZODIAC, 1833 RWI ID, Lady Marmelade, but Zodiac f'/up with mx and IDs

6305,0 1954-2147 RWI, \atmos, less than 0,1 drift around, V.undermodulated, C&W, IDs at 2030 and 2056

6284,9 1812-1923* R. KARBIET, D song, pop in E, tk in D, ID, 1920-1922 QRM other stn

6284,9 1924-1938 UNID, mx, "Funky town", tk in D, reggae.. [ cf B. ARROW ]

6324,1 1843-2159 MAGIC AM R., R&R, pos, R&B, gospel... drifting up to 6324,6 - 2113 ID, 2157 ID.

6289,8 1912-1918 UNID, e.weak, mx. (1940 on 6289,7 same stn ? \PLC and lost in QRM)

6280,0 1920-1922* "Funky town", sudden off

6210,0 1929-2144 TIP & ELVIS SHOW, strong \ut.burst, mx, tk, 2040 ID

6300,5 1944-1953* CWR, \strong PLC, mx, tk in G, IDs+@, and s/off

6300,45 2002-2200 CWR back, in E+G, mx, rock, soft rock, IDs

6400,0 2016-2029 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW INT, \PLC, atmos, altern.mx, ID, mx, 2029 "Caroline goodbye"

6937,5 2020-2156 IMR R., \noisy,atmos. mx, tk, 2111 ID

3904,8 2045-2250 UNID, strong \some atmos, mx, mx, mx... [ cf ALICE ]

6285,0 2059-2255 R. POWERLINER INT, pops, ID, said c'/d but going on strong, 2118 Baccara, ID, 2205 2nd stn ?

6526,4 2148-2155 WIZARD R., g's Zeewold, ID, Eurovision comment, building inv. V antenna, Polnareff mx

6525,4 2208-2212 R. ZEEWOLF, tk, IDs+@, QSO with Wizard

6325,0 2252-2252 UNID, tk, ment' Morning Star. [ cf CENTURION ]

6299,8 2253-2254 UNID, mx, tk "This is England calling", mx

6214,3 2255-2256 UNID, mx, but f'/down to a trace.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !


PS. Going to stand by for 3 weeks, sorry for all the late logs.
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