Log : 06 - 12 MAY 2013 (late)

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log : 06 - 12 MAY 2013 (late)

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Still a very late log, nothing quite special (I was in "portable" for several days).
  • * * * * * MON. 06 MAY 2013 * * * * *

    6305,0 1533-1718 R. OSAKA %, weak \strong PLC, weak by 1630 with more pops than D songs

    6300,0 1534-1717 UNID, weak \strong PLC, non stop mx,1640 f'/up, C&W, 1710 Who"My generation" [ cf R. BOPS ]
    6300,0 1832-2300 UNID, f'up to strong, 60s pops, soul, 2058 KISS, 2256 I hear you knocking [ cf R. BOPS ]

    6285,0 1538-1637 R. ALTREX, trace > v.weak, 1630 IDs, mx (1640 gone ?)

    6284,9 1712-1717 UNID, techno mx. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

    6734,9 1719,1820 UNID, 1719-1723 e.weak \PLC, atmos, mx. 1820 still mx, but then lost or off. (idea : COOL AM)

    6325,7 1823-1940 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, \PLC, RTTY on 6328, fades. mx, 1826 ID both names, 1939 JID

    6307,1 1828-1845 R. SKYWIRE, weak \PLC, noise, atmos. rock, 1836 ID (over J.Jett"I love R&R"), 1845 \het 6308

    6290,0 1847-1850 ODYNN R. ?, UNID, \noisy, "Silver machine", ID around 1850

    6720 L 2050-2056 UNID, \disturbed by traffic (in Greek?), blues. - - - - - - [ cf RONIN relayed by COOL AM ]

    (4029 and around : no trace of LHH)

    * * * * * TUES. 07 MAY 2013 * * * * * still at home

    6300,0 0529-0640 UNID, weak \occ.traffic, f'/down \PLC, mx, mx

    * * * * * TUES. 07 MAY 2013 * * * * * mobile, Sony(+-2kHz)

    6305 1705-1724 UNID, mx, 1707 My Sharona, 1712 Knock on wood - - - - - - [ cf ODYNN ]

    6280 1711-1723 UNID, strong, mx, D song, pop in E - - - - - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]

    6290 1713-1723 UNID, mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf FOXFIRE ]

    4029 2138-2144 LASER HOT HITS, 2143 ad for FSN, IDs, mx

    4026 2308-2308 LHH now on 4026

    * * * * * WED. 08 MAY 2013 * * * * * mobile, Sony(+-2kHz)

    4026 1900,2123 LHH %, 1900 v.weak, mx. 2123-2141 mx, 2127 tk, "Paranoid".

    6245 2115-2145 UNID, \noisy, mx, mx, mx. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf SW GOLD ]

    * * * * * THURS. 09 MAY 2013 * * * * * mobile, Sony(+-2kHz)

    6290 1929-1952 ODYNN, g's Achom, ID, CCR. 1939 rock (sounds like Pierre Henry), rock...
    6290 2135-2224 UNID, D mix of mx, 2143 movie theme? 2220 Silver machine - - - - [ cf ODYNN ]

    6245 1931-1951 UNID, \loc.noise, mx, mx, 1942 a few words? 1950 f'in & out or on/off ? - - - - [ cf SW GOLD ]
    6245 2138-2223 SW GOLD, mx and IDs, 2153 also @gmail.

    6250 1934-1949 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, strong, Black night, 1943 ID

    6303 1937-1939 UNID, mx, D song. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf POWERLINER ]

    4026 1938-1945 LASER HOT HITS %, \loc. noise, tk, mx
    4026 2139-2220 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 2217 60s instrummx, tk, ID

    6285 1948-1949* UNID, W singer in E, and s/off.

    6300 2132-2158 R. RONIN SW, 2132 C&W, 2134 long blanks, mx, 2157 IDs+@ - - [ relayed by POWERLINER ? ]
    6300 2209-2224 UNID, tk (not Ronin SW), mx, mx..

    6280 2136-2221 R. KARBIET, D song, D instrum mx. 2144 IDs

    6735 2147-2148 UNID, mx in SSB, 'blank', mx again.

    6265 2211-2221 BORDERHUNTER R., strong, 2211 "1-2-polizei", 2215 "QSO with some UK stn..", ID, email from FNL

    * * * ** * FRI. 10 MAY 2013 * * * * * mobile, Sony(+-2kHz)

    7310 0705-0707 R. 700 %, pops

    6305 0709-0807 R. WAVES INT, v.weak \hets, traffic. mx, 0805 ID, mx.

    * * * ** * FRI. 10 MAY 2013 * * * * * back home (+- 0.2 kHz)

    6305,9 1832-1835 R. TELSTAR INT, hello Odynn, ID, "no Udo, this is not R. Delta, this is R. Telstar" and spell it!

    6279,9 1835-1839 UNID, mx, R&R "Let's go to the hop". - - - - - - - -[ cf KLABAUTERMAN ]

    6245,0 1836-2152 SW GOLD, \stanag bursts (every 10 min ?), mx, 1841 ID, 2135 ID+@

    6220,0 1836-1842 UNID, weak \atmos, pop-rock - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. WAVES INT ]
    6220,0 1937-1940 UNID, "Belles belles belles" (maybe RWI), QRM and hum from MUSTANG fading up
    6220,0 1937-2030* MUSTANG R., came over (RWI ?), soon strong, 1940 CCR"Bad moon, 1942 Hocus Pocus, parts of tracks, 1954 Romeo &Juliet, 2008 Samantha Fox, 2011 unclear IDs, 2018 Blondie"Call me", The Wall, 2024 ID, c'/d..

    4026,0 1843-2140 LASER HOT HITS, usual format

    3905,0 1843-2200 UNID, pops, 2153 Clapton"Cocaine", tk over that but no ID. - - - - [ cf SKYLINE ]

    6324,8 1932-1933* UNID, mx, and switch off - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

    6284,9 1935-2006* R. PYTHON, ID, mx, 1955 Dragonslayer, 2004 mx, 1 word ?? and s/off

    6209,7 1943-2153 R. MARABU, (alr.1837 blank), pops, IDs+contacts (in G).

    6304,9 1956-2037 R. FOX 48, \noisy, rock, IDs by Mike, 2035 We love the pirate stations
    6305,2 2111-2114 R. FOX 48, mx "California Blue", ID
    6304,9 2133-2151 R. FOX 48, mx, 2142 ID.

    6935,0 1957-2107 IMR R., "I can hear the grass grow", ID, mx...

    6324,3 2000,2013 UNID, 2000 blank, 2013 BZN ? - - - - - - - - [ cf UNDERGROUND ]
    6290,2 2033-2033 R. UNDERGROUND, Andrew Sisters? "In the mood" in a medley? and ID over that
    6286,2 2114-2118 R. UNDERGROUND, "A nice cup of tea"(? retro song), mx, 2118 ID, Korean? mx

    6450,5 2038-2042* UNID, \slight mod, mx, song "Maria", gd ev', ID ?, and s/off - - - -[ cf ZW.PANTER ]

    6552,7 2042-2108 UNID, rock, 2108 R&R medley - - - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

    3932,5 2129-2131* UNID, mx, tk over (no copy), bye-bye, and s/off - - - - - -[ cf SALLANDSE B.]

    6325,9 2200-2207 R. ZODIAC, pop, ID, hello..., ID...., mx

    * * * * * SAT. 11 MAY 2013 * * * * *

    6245,0 0355-0408 SW GOLD, mx, ID+@, mx, 0406 Beatles "Girl", ID..
    6245,0 0643-0822 SW GOLD, weak \PLC, mx, 0742 ID
    6245,0 1033,1425 SW GOLD %, v.>e.weak \PLC, mx
    6245,0 1939-2345 SW GOLD, strong \atmos, mx, IDs,1946 Comme un ouragan, 2016 Rasputin, 2151 Fever

    6209,8 0357-0408 R. MARABU %, v.weak \some PLC, ut.burst. "Barbara-Ann", Somebody help me, \atmos
    6209,8 0643-0836 R. MARABU, mx, 0656 rock, strong peak, mx, 0828 tk in G, 0835 ID
    6209,8 1032-1425 R. MARABU %, v.weak \PLC, mx, mx.. 1358 a few words (no copy)
    6209,8 1940-2345 R. MARABU, good \atmos, occ.traffic and ut. mx, mx... 2345 ID in G.

    6190,0 0645-0756 HH LOKAL R. %, 0645 prob. Glenn hauser's "World of Radio", 0739 weak, M+W tk in G

    6305 a 0647-0822 R. WAVES INT, v.weak > weak \PLC, mx, ID, C&W, 0753 ID+POB, 0758 gd peak on 6304,8

    7310,0 0652,0750 R. 700, 0652 pop "cheerio nanana"(?), 0750 ID in G, good peaks, mx

    6745,2 0744-0748 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, then lost or off? - - - - - - - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]

    6095,0 *0800-0821 KBC, strong, "time to warm up the tubes...", Rosko "Coast-to-coast country", 0821 KBC Import
    6095,0 1039,1351 KBC, strong, 1039 mx, 1351 pop, tk, "The loco-motion" \fading

    6304,9 1353-1401 R. ODYNN ?, (alr. a trace at 1035), e.weak, 1359 mx, POB 73..., ID unclear, mx, and s/off. - -

    6552,7 1404,1426 UNID, e.weak (or less..) \PLC. mx

    6935,0 1406-1413 IMR %, e.weak or trace, mx
    6935,0 1924-2336 IMR, mx, soul mx, 60s pops, IDs

    6289,9 1414-1425 UNID trace > e.weak, mx

    6324,3 1927-1930 DELTA R., \ut. on L side. "from the SW of NL", mx, JID. (1958 gone)

    6300,0 1930-2026 R. MORNING STAR, v.weak \loc.noise, atmos. mx, IDs (no copy), 2026 ID at last \6306 splash

    6249,9 1937-2128 UNID, weak \noisy,splash,atmos,ut.bursts! mx, D mx. - - - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]

    4026,0 2000-2102 LASER HOT HITS, \Morse on 4028, IDs with "psious" ('laser' effects), mx, ...

    3900,0 2001-2223 TECHNICAL MAN, strong, Little queenie, C&W, Baker St., ID song, Bette Davis eyes...

    6305,95 2026-2201 UNID, wide band, mx, 2031 ID (no copy), songs and boom-boom. - - - - [ cf FOX 48 ]

    6284,8 2148-2320 UNID, D mix of mx, 2228 ID?+hl in D, 2302 Ravel"Bolero", 2313 N.of NL [ cf GOUDENSTER ]

    3932,1 2203-2223 MRF R., mx, IDs+@, Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Doors

    3910,35 2209-2214 SALLANDSE BOER, "Blue monday", 2213 allo-test-1-2, ID in D, 2214 F singer (2223 gone)

    6324,3 2224-2308 UNID, was tk', Scatman ?, 2306 Blue monday \atmos, 2308 \ut.QRM

    6304,9 2305-2344 R. ZODIAC, 70s mx special, 2311 rock, ID, mx, IDs...

    6240,0 2314-2334* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, W singer in G+F, AM > USB at 2317, 2329 Twist again.. 2334 ID, c'/d

    6910 L 2337-2343 BALTIC SEA R., mx, 2340 blank, 2341 ID, mx.

    * * * * * SUN. 12 MAY 2013 * * * * *

    6245,0 0638-0845 SW GOLD, weak > trace, mx, IDs, 0754 f/down, now only a trace (and OC at 1840-2204)

    6209,8 0640-0955 R. MARABU, good > v.weak after 0900, mx, DJ in E, occ. tk in G. (1411 trace only)
    6209,8 1618-2318 R. MARABU, good again, pops, tk and IDs in G, 2154 ment' R. Mi Amigo

    6199,6 0646-0756 UNID, v.>e.weak, mx - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ORANG UTAN ]

    6216 W 0658-0755 WOBBLER-JAMMER-DRIFTER

    6324,9 0705-0804 UNID, e.weak, mx, D or G songs, 0759 a few words over mx - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

    6285,0 0744-1045 TECHNISCHE MAN, good+strong peaks at first, La Macarena, ID, tech tk, 0804 accordion Birdie song, 0846 Bette Davis eyes \f'/down, 0940 D song...

    6095,0 0809-0836 KBC, v.strong, C&W, Trucker R., added Mighty KBC ID, duo tk. (also 1412 : 60s medley)

    7310,0 0853,0931 R. 700, mx, 0855 news in G

    6294 a 0933-0940 QSO, R. SCOTLAND ment' Osaka, 0934*. 0935 e.weak stn, 0938 R.Scotland again

    6305,0 0937-0937 trace \PLC. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf FOX 48 ]

    6289,8 1046-1046 UNID, e. weak, mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf FOXFIRE ]

    7530,0 1048-1056 R. WAVES INT, fair+peaks, ad for Pirates Radio Sales, "Country music USA" in E and F

    6304,7 1353-2103 R. MERLIN INT, \strong PLC at first, stn f'up. mx, W DJ, IDs, JIDs, pops-rock. (2120 gone)

    6262,6 1356-1728 COSMIC R., e.weak\strong PLC > slow f'up \noisy,ut. 1403 W voice. 1456 B52's, 1503 ID(no copy), patriotic russian song, 1525 ID in E, 1609 Turn,turn,turn. 1639 reggae kids, 1723 ID, 1728 Kraftwerk

    6324,8 1448-1726 UNID, v.weak \1527 het from 6324,6. D songs, 1542 odd rock, 1621 euro songs [ cf NORTON ]

    6324,6 1527-1539* UNID, het with Norton%, fading stronger then s/off.

    6275,0 1552-1728 UNID, e.weak, f'up/down, mx, D? songs, 1559 tk in D?, 1632 ..hotmail.. 1720 D songs. [ cf TINA ]

    6552,7 1645-1834 PINK PANTHER R., fair, mx, IDs+@ in E, tk in D, 1706 \strong aero traffic on 6547USB

    6935,0 1654-2055 IMR R., e.weak/fair, 1654 Owimbowee, ID, 1848 I only want to be with you.

    6966,4 1658-1702* UNID, e.weak pop mx, sudden s/off. - - [ cf FLASHBACK ? ]

    6285,0 1716-1727 UNID, D (or G?) songs. - - - - - - - - [ cf VENDOR ]

    6925,0 1831-1853 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx, short annts (muffled voice) - - - - - -[ cf GEOSTAR ]

    6910 L 1832-1833 BALTIC SEA R., ID, then lost

    6285,0 1837-1850 R. TINA ?, mx (BZN ?), 1838 ID (not quite sure), mx.

    4026,0 1842-2327 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy at first. 2145 tk, FSN,OEM, ID, mx

    6909,9L 2055-2102* BALTIC SEA R., messing with retro songs and "Rivers of Babylon", so-so audio, 2102 ID

    6220,0 2106-2110 UNID, (alr. trace at 1841), e.weak mx, v.hard to hear, \hets. - - [ cf MORNING STAR ]

    6910 L 2133-2138 UNID, Doors"Light my fire, more mx. - - - - [ cf BALTIC SEA R. ]
    6910 L 2320-2335 UNID, mx, mx... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BALTIC SEA R. ]

    6932,5 2135-2325 IMR R., \atmos, mx, tk, IDs

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
    Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !

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