Log : 29 APR. - 5 MAY 2013

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log : 29 APR. - 5 MAY 2013

Post by Ray Lalleu »


A few rare tips among the widely heard stations, nothing astounding.

But look for 6209,8 : it seems that Radio Marabu was there from Saturday afternoon to Sunday night, with almost no success on some 12 logs I have checked. Maybe an other station was also on 6210 (not sure), also a lot of utility bursts (only at times), is it enough to explain that lack of success over all Europe ?

* * * * * MON. 29 APR. 2013 * * * * *

6285,15 0640-0657 FOCUS INT, \some PLC, "Philip & Arthur" DJs, rpts<Russia (repeat), ID. Also 0747.

6324,8 1654-1831 UNID, \strong PLC at first, 1809 weak \6325,8 het - 1831 D song, 1843, 1853 gone [ cf NORTON]
6325,8 1809-1926* UNID, \6324,8 het, mx, tk (no copy), 1853 no het, 1907 techno booms. sudden off [ cf CAR-RB]

6305,0 1656-1700 UNID, \PLC, D songs - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf TELSTAR ]

6293,0 1657-1657 UNID, e.weak \PLC, just heard a few seconds- maybe shift to 6290 ?
6290,0 1658-1700 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D song. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf VENDOR ]

6306,4 1812-1912* R. MALIBU, \spaced atmos, D songs, 1827 rpts, ID+@, D songs, 1912 ID+@, bye-bye

6300,0 1813-1845 R. OMEJAN, D songs, 1836 ID. (1852 gone)

6289,9 1814-1852 UNID, \atmos, mx, 1837 ID..crack!, 1849 talk, mx \strong traffic on 6290USB [ cf PYTHON ]

6280,0 1816-1847 UNID, strong. C&W, folk. (carrier alr. at 1659) - - - - - - - -[ cf B.BANDIT ?? ]

7609,4 1900-1900 UNID, trace \atmos, noise. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LIGHTNING ]

6070,0 1920-1924 R. 6150 %, \atmos, pops with DJ in E.

6325,8 1927-1927 UNID, (after CAR-RB? s/off) only a trace (seems modulated).

3905,0 1931-2248 SKYLINE INT, strong \fading, ID, mix of mx, 2116 "E-I-M-C-O" (title?),

4029,0 1936-2245 LASER HOT HITS, no utilities around ! mx, IDs, tk (bit of comedy at 2122)

6239,9 2127-2133 UNID, some techno-pop then accordion (tk over or inside the record?) [ cf KARBIET ]

6990 L 2139-2205 BALTIC SEA R., R&R, 60s pops, multilingual IDs+@

6279,9 2208-2307 R. KARBIET, D mx and else, 2209 Night boat to Cairo, ID, 2235 Calimba de luna, 2305 IDs

6540,1 2218-2308 UNID, strong \fading, synthe mx, 2230 anthem, 2300 anthem, tk(in G?) [ cf FR VICTORIA ]

6515,8 2232-2240 UNID, mx (seems Greek mx).

* * * * * TUES. 30 APR. 2013 * * * * *

6070,0 0700-0745 R. 6150 %, \Canada % QRM, Man of action, 0734 "Venus"

7310,0 0741-0744 R. 700, mx, //3895 - -(also 0838 : //6005)

6005,0 0742-0814 R. BELARUS, 0746 ID, "Music zeit", weather report ?, Belarus mx. (0838 : //7310)

6095,0 0815-1000* TRANSPORT R., v.strong, in D, road news, schlager, sport news, 0958 tk: the king. Sudden off

6305,0 0817-0906 R. PYTHON ?, e.weak, mx, tk, 0845 rock session, 0902 v.dull ID, not sure [ ok PYTHON ]

6325,0 1204,1214 UNID, e.weak, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf CENTURION ]

6285,0 1215-1218* UNID, mx, " -- -- Radio", mx and s/off. - - - - - - - - [ cf BLUESTAR ? }

6552,7 1222-1258 PINK PANTHER R., e.weak, La Lambada, D mx (incl' bass drum carnaval), 1240 ID+@ (also 1441)
6552,7 1726-2019 PINK PANTHER R., mx, synthe, dark rock, then so-so, 2019 v.clear ID.

6324,8 1435-1837 UNID, trace > fair \atmos,occ.traffic and ut. D mx, 1836 ID "... N. of NL" \atmos. - - [ cf NORTON ]

6305,0 1436-1530 R. OSAKA, \e.weak at first, pops, 1457 That's the way.., 1500 ID, 1530 Mungo Jerry

6289,6 1448-1515 UNID, e.weak, Clash"London calling, 1501 ID? over "Reveille rock", 1507 J.Jett"I love R&R", 1515 "London calling" again.

6295,0 1718-1835 TELSTAR R., strong, (1714 blank), mx, tk in D, 1724 Nirvana, 1741 ID in E, pops.

6275,0 1721-1805 R. PYTHON, (1718 blank) Glenn Hauser's World of Radio (SW news), ID around 1800, mx.

6425,5 1725-1754 UNID, D songs (waltz, accordion...) (1805 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6724 L 1727-1733 COOL AM R., mx, IDs, slogan, some mx sounds mashed (maybe AGC problem here ?)

6306,4 1743-1805 R. MALIBU, \strong ut. on 6302, Man of action, D waltz, instrum, ID, tk in D, D songs

6210,0 1808-1810 UNID, \RTTY on 6209a, mx, "allo"

6220,0 1830-1943 SLUWE VOS R., mx, ID, "from the N. side of NL", California dreaming, C&W, pops, g's

6245,0 1833-1835 R. KARBIET, Calimba de luna, tk over, ID, other pop track.

6448,7 1838-1925 STUDIO 52, good \ringing ut on L side, D and G songs, 1921 IDs in E and D, g's, accordion backgr.

6240,05 1932-2013 BAD BOYS R., \noisy, atmos, mx, "From Denmark this is.." (no copy), 2012 clear ID

6274,6 1944-2016 UNID, (1931 warm up), \much fading, atmos, "Monalisa", canned ID, G rock, Camouflage (in D?), waltz song, euro-songs (Lago Major style, etc...) 2016 kind of twist. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf R. KILOHERTZ ]

6990 L, 2021-2117 BALTIC SEA R., Jungle rock, ID, Born to be wild, ID (Ostsee R. in G), ZZ Top "Gimme .."(sounds bad, cut down), more rock and IDs, Red River rock, Route 66, See you later alligator...

4029,0 2036-2039 LASER HOT HITS, strong \atmos, Ian Lawrence show (repeat), IDs.

4900,0 2040-2047 UNID, tk stn in it., in AM mode !, computers, radio, Excalibur SDR....

6284,7 2047-2118 UNID, strong, euro-D songs, also D waltz. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf GOUDENSTER ]

6070,0 2100-2107 R. 6150 %, \atmos, 6065 splash, RNI % tape, "Tommy", 2107 time pips, news

6991 L 2330-2334 BALTIC SEA R., strong-clear \bits of atmos, Una paloma blanca, ID+@, s/off?

* * * * * WED. 01 MAY 2013 * * * * *

4029,0 0609-0609 LASER HOT HITS, fair, ID, mx
4029,0 2008-2034 LASER HOT HITS %, \atmos, het on 4027,8 and occ.Morse on 4030, mx, tk (also 2327, same het)

7310,0 0815-0821 R. 700, G song, ID, mx

6304,9 1046-1049 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, 1049 tk (too weak). - - - - - - - - [ cf R. OSAKA ]

6294,9 1651-1726 R. TELSTAR, strong \traffic on 6290U (in D?), accordion, g's, ID, J.Cash, ded's,etc. 1725 bye-bye

6305,0 1659-1710* R. ZEEWOLF, weak-fair \some atmos, synthe, tacboom, tk in D+E, gd ev', ID and s/off

6324,7 1711-1742 UNID, weak \atmos, hiss. C&W (J.Cash?) non stop (1745 gone). - - [ cf SKYWIRE ]

6540,15 1717-1722* UNID, synthe mx, tk over (no copy), blank and s/off.

6296,0 1830-1842 MUSTANG R., mx, blank, synthe-song, techno-rap, ID, g's to echo One

6295,0 1945-1948 UNID, mx, tk (1952 gone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

6307,1 1946-2023* BAD GIRLS R., \atmos, mushy carrier, strong traffic on 6300U. mx, many IDs+@ (so copied at last), "Rhythm of the night" at 1951 and again at 2022. (On the day after Bad Boys, as usual !)

* * * * * THURS. 02 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6305,0 1645-1657 UNID, good \much atmos, D songs, tk to Osaka, auf wiedersehen, D songs. - - [ cf TELSTAR ]

6745,2 1651-1920 PIONEER R., v.weak at first, f'up but atmos, PLC, traffic... pops, IDs, 1857 I got the power.

6294,9 1816-1834 BLACK ARROW, \atmos, PLC. pops, live IDs

6325,8 1830-1922 R. CAROLINE INT, \atmos,PLC,noisy bursts. mx, JID, pops (hard to hear)

4029,0 1902-2127 LASER HOT HITS, weak \atmos, mx, IDs, sounds dull tonight 1924 FSN,OEM 2127 \weak traffic

6289,9 2131-2154 ODYNN R., strong \atmos, Roll over Beethoven, CCR, 80s mx, g's, ID, "Mexico", rpt, ID, pop

6209,8 2137-2305 R. GOLDSTAR, mx, ID, mail SunnyRadio1, D songs, (2149 traffic on 6210U)

6990 L 2151-2152* BALTIC SEA R., Red River rock, seagull ID (as B.S.R. also) and off.

7604,6 2308-2312 trace (looking for Russian pirate on 7605, same trace every night till Sunday 5th)

* * * ** * FRI. 03 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6200,4 0755-0756* UNID, e.weak \noisy, 0756 "this is pirate radio... allo.. " and off. (0757 back or other trace?)

6095,0 0818-0837 TRANSPORT R., just strong, in D, "The midnight hour", news, The beat goes on, accordion

6552,7 1317-1552 PINK PANTHER R. %, e.weak/trace, 1552 v.weak \strong PLC.
6552,7 1809-2140 PINK PANTHER R., fair, pops, 60s? pops, IDs in D+E

6935,0 1323-1550 IMR R., trace+peaks, mx, IDs.
6937,4 1824-2246 IMR R., v.weak > fair \atmos, OTH?bursts. mx, IDs, Fleetwod Mac special

6734,9 1812-1827 UNID, \PLC, atmos, traffic at first. BZN ?, mx (hard to hear). - - - - - - [ cf HOT ]

6325,8 1835-1922 R. CAROLINE INT, \atmos. mx, IDs (also R. RAINBOW ID at 1915) (1949 gone)
6325,8 2107-2138 R. CAROLINE INT (back), \RTTY, atmos. mx, P4P, ..way of life.., "breaking the law"(sung), ID+@

4029,0 1840-2300 LASER HOT HITS, f'up \loc. noise. mx, IDs+, 1918 \traffic on 4027U (in E?).

6439 W 1924-2000 UNID, awful Wobbling mod. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf ZW.PANTER]

6295,0 1940-2110 MUSTANG R., strong, hammering, pops, 1948 The wall, 2013 Time after time, 2016 ID "the best pirate stn" (oh...), g's, 2037 Who's that girl, Plain my plain, ID, g's, Russian mx, 2110 speed trapped at 140 bpm

6286,2 1941-2115* R. UNDERGROUND, pops, IDs, g's, banking holiday, 2025 Korean mx, 2112 c'/d, going s/by.

6304,9 1949-2044* R. TELSTAR, strong, mx, g's, live IDs, 2036 c'/d, 2043 SM.

6540,0 2019-2050 R. POWERLINER INT, (2001 warm up), mx mix, tk, ID, OMD, fine weather in NL, mx.. (2106 gone)

6724,9L 2052-2105 UNID, mx, mx, then \ut.QRM - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf HOT R.]
6724,9L 2141-2245 COOL AM R., Hendrix"Foxy lady", ID, CCR Bad moon, pops, atmos f'up, 2233Rh.of the night

6720 L 2053-2053 UNID, mx (2055 gone)

6295,0 2116-2117 UNID, blank, then "Siver machine" (2122 gone) - - - - [ cf ODYNN, rep to Mustang ? ]
6294,9 2131-2242 ODYNN R. (back), Ring of fire, We've got to get out of this place, 2242 ID+@, Silver machine

6300,0 2118-2122 UNID, hard to hear, "Pop-corn", call' Mustang, 2120 break, 2122 accordion, call. [ cf CENTURION ]

6305,0 2119-2253 R. POWERLINER INT, J.Hendrix, 2127 ID, g's, Gainsb.-Birkin, new antenna, P.Harum, later D songs

6285,0 2125-2125* UNID, tk, clip of accordion and s/off

6925 U 2159-2227 UNID, \traffic, tk over pops ..from Holland.. rock, tnx, 2215 breaks, on/off/on/off... [ cf OVER 60 °]

6925 U 2420-2435 R. CINCO DE MAYO (5th of May) from Mexico, v.weak \atmos, latino mx, proud IDs!

* * * * * SAT. 04 MAY 2013 * * * * *

7310,0 0757-0759 R. 700, news in G;, then "Regionale Nachrichtung", ID. (also IDs at 1029 and 1418)

6095,0 *0800-0839 KBC, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko, Coast-to-coast Country. Weak(! ) at 0800, soon strong
6095,0 1023-1425 KBC, v.strong \deep fades. C&W, 1355 Elvis "Little sister, 1359 ad for KBC in D,

6305,0 1024-1027 UNID, drowned into PLC. - - - - - - [ cf OSAKA & TINA ]

6304,9 1400,1421 UNID, drowned into PLC. - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

6190,0 1027-1027 HH LOKAL R. %, in AM-sup, v.weak \PLC, mx

6209,8 1528-1532 UNID, v.weak \PLC (no detail, already a trace at 1403)
6209,8 1948-2257 UNID, weak \atmos, 1948 strange accent, Mungo J."Rosie", 2019 "..non-stop. This is -- -- Radio". 2104 ID like Radio Mascona ??, mx. 2148 hum, mx, few words. Maybe 2 stns. 2154 on 6209,7 "This is -- -- on S.W.", 2200 seems in G, pops, 2204 "Dandy", soon much long stanag bursts, 2251 ID ?? "from Sweden (???)" 2257 "...dot-nl"
6209,8 2425-2428 UNID, v.weak \atmos, mx. - - - - - -[ all 6210a : cf MARABU, but that's not all the story ]

6284,9 1952-1955 R. KARBIET, fair-good \atmos, ID, "On the border", accordion song. (later 6244,9)

6305,1 1955-2055? R. MERLIN INT, \atmos, Siver machine, ID, jingles, Smoke on the water, 2004 ID, "Challenge the law" campaign, 2005 "Baker street". (then 2011, 2027, 2055 : mx, not sure it was still RMI, see TRX later)

6423,2 2006-2054 R. LOWLAND, strong \strong RTTY on 6420. Whiter shade of pale, D songs, pops, 2050 ID.

6244,9 2011-2102 R. KARBIET (ex-6284,9), mx, 2013 ID, mx.

6279,9 2020-2102 R. ASCONA, strong \ut L side, atmos. D songs, 2020 ID, rpts, low power, stumble over hl (also 2146)

6300,0 2025-2145 UNID, v./e.weak \atmos, mx, 2058 This is ...., 2140 Sweet little 16 - - - - - - [ cf MORNING STAR ]

6735 L 2036-2134 COOL AM R., "free radio" slogans, 2040 ID, mx (other stn QRM?), pops, 2130 IDs, 2133 CCR

6935,0 2046-2316 UNID, \atmos, mx, tk, "Flasback", 2117 "Dust my broom", ann' Fleetwood Mac, etc. [ cf IMR ]

6325,8 2054-2137 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, IDs, 2137 "Goodbye Caroline"

3904,7 2105-2116 R. ALICE, mx, tk "..problem with the receiver", ID, "Family radio", pop.. C&W, 2116 Elvis ?

4029,0 2111,2304 LASER HOT HITS, 2111 : mx, "Laser Int. Sunday", tk about the BBC, pop. 2304 ID, mx

6305,1 2138-2223 R. TRX %, non stop R&R, Rock around the clock, 2223 Summertime blues.
6305,0 2247-2434 R. TRX, "La Bamba", releasing all savings of IDs at once, Elvis, 2305 ID, then non stop blues

6940,0 2229-2247 UNID, non-stop D (or G) songs

6290 U 2309-2314 UNID, v.weak in USB, rock, tk in E, more rock - - - - - - - - - -[ cf OVER 60° R. ]

* * * * * SUN. 05 MAY 2013 * * * * *

6324,8 0650-0656 UNID, trace only. - - - - - - [ cf R. NORTON ]

6209,8 0651-0925 R. MARABU, v.>e.weak, sp.traffic on 6212,3 at first, pops, tk in G, 0742 ID, 0849 Simon&Garf.
6209,6 1448-1825 UNID, v.>e.weak \PLC, soon drowned, no details. - - [ cf MARABU, or mess like on Saturday ?]
6209,7 1845-2056 R. MARABU, v.weak \PLC, noise bursts, mx, tk, 1927 ID, 2056 second carrier ?

6218 a 0655,0740 UNID, bad mod, self jamming station. - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]

6985,0 0658-0731 UNID, v./e.weak \mushy carrier, bassy mod. Music. - - - -(0802 gone)

6300,0 0733-0845* R. WALDMEISTER, v.<e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, 0753 ID, 0842 ID?, Man of action, tk, instrum, off.

6199,5 0758-0800 UNID, e.weak \v.noisy. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ORANG UTAN ]

6095,0 0800-0931 KBC, v.strong, Trucker R., pops, phone call, C&W. (also 1440-1445 : pops, C&W, Rosko ?)

6988 L 0804-0819 UNID, pops, 0810 ID like "Radio Tina(??), S.W." mx, then f'/down and lost

7310,0 0823-0902 R. 700 %, tk in G; G rock, news in G, 0900 Beatles song (reprise)

12257,25 0918-0922 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks \PLC, mx - - - - - - - - - -[ cf WRI ]

6325,0 1455-1624 ODYNN R., v.weak at first \PLC, mx, tk, ID? 1522 jazz, waltz, instrum, 1537 ID, D mix of mx.

6304,9 1503-1705 R. OSAKA %, v.weak \CPL, barely heard, 1547 ID+@ (not sure)
6305,0 1807-1912 R. OSAKA, ID+@, cartoon mx, Osaka song, IDs.. but goes on, 1912 ID+Osaka song (1916 gone)

6300,0 1509-1720 UNID, v./e.weak \PLC, mx, 1540 Lady Marmelade, 1710 Beatles, 1712 Radio --
6300,0 1806-2102 R. B---, pop-rock, IDs no copy at 1839, 1920 "The best radio, B..." and 2053. [ cf R. BOPS ]
6300,0 2322-2354 R. ----, very unclear IDs (I heard "R. MAAS"??), "The best of ...." - - - - - - - - - -[ cf R. BOPS ]

6285,0 1511-1521* UNID, non stop pops, sudden off.

6280,2 1512-1622 UNID, v.weak, synthe, techno, 1630 JID?(robot voice over mx), 1602 ..new sound.. (also 1819)

6552,7 1625-2020 PINK PANTHER R., weak \sticky PLC, 1635 ID+@, 1930 ID+@, getting better.

6745,2 1629-1659 UNID, drowned under strong sticky PLC - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6935,0 1640-1704 UNID, e.weak \loc.noise, spaced atmos, mx - - - - - - [ cf IMR ]
6935,0 1950-2313 IMR, mx, W voice, soul mx, it's a repeat, 2312 ID+@, jingles, ELO

6289,6 1816-1818 UNID, v.weak, D song

6285,0 1818-1855* QSO, synthe, 1840 tk, allo-1-2 in D, ..Telstar..Klabaut. ..BlackArrow.. 1855 mx, s/off

6250,0 1821-1905 UNID, accordion, 1843 on 6249,8, 1902 ID+@ ?? - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]

6220,0 1822-2004 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak \PLC,traffic 6218U. Boys boys boys, 1844 ID+@, rock, 1922 ID+@

6325,1 1826-1837 R. PYTHON, mx, 1834 ID+@, mx.

6325,05 1905-2105 BOGUSMAN, strong \2nd stn underneath, mx, long tk about altern. mx, "ID"-s

6310 V 1915-2001 UNID, drifting till 6311a and back, e.weak \drowned into PLC (2029 gone after PLC)

6720 L 1932-1944 UNID, techno mx and blanks, 1940 ID??

6725 L 1934-2034 UNID, v/weak, rap and blanks, (2021 strong traffic on 6720L), reggae, Bowie ? [ cf HOT ]

6286,25 2030-2030 UNID, mx, an other stn calls (QSO ?)
6286,1 2054-2054*, then other signal on 6286,2 at *2054.
6286,15 2323-2332 R. UNDERGROUND, known voice, gd ev' Armadillo, "Yellow submarine", ID,hl (2341 blank)

6925 U 2343-2347 R. CINCO DE MAYO %, \traffic, mx, no ID heard but sounds like previous night, La bamba.

--- No LHH around 4029
--- The worst PLC was there all of afternoon and till 2020 :-((

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !

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