Log : 7 May - 10 May

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log : 7 May - 10 May

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • * * * * * MON. 07 MAY 2012 * * * * *
    Evening : all signals sound washed out, somewhat undermodulated

    6980,0 0634-0758 LASER HOT HITS, good > fading \loc.noise. ID, mx

    6980,0 1823-2103 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > fair \noisy 1945 undermod, OEM, FSN. 2101 B-sides, ID

    4015,0 0640-0640 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak \loc.noise from several wavelengths away.

    4015,0 1930-2023 LASER HOT HITS, sounds undermod, v.weak, 1930 reggae, 2023 repeat of Laser goes DX (TA-MW)

    6305,6 1728-1843 R. SKYWIRE, weak-v.weak, We love pirate stns, Booker T, Tutti frutti... 1815 ID (from NL), pop..

    6959,6 1818-2119 ATLANTIC R., good>strong, pop-rock, 1821 ID, 2032 Under my thumb (reprise)

    6950,0 1819-2118 IRISH MUSIC R., e.weak>v.weak, pops, W tk & IDs. 2033 E.Burdon"San Franciscan nights"

    6924,0 1828-1840* UNID, mx, tk: dark night antenna.., 1834 Ein-zwei-polizei, gd night DrBuis. Off no ID. [cf B.ARROW ]

    6325,8 1915-2019 ONDA CALIENTE, \het on 6328, occ.traffic on 6322U, mx, IDs in E, sounds not from NL.

    6295,0 1920-2034 UNID, voiceless W singer, 1922 chinese mx, 1934 v.quiet mx, tk over \no copy, Cairo splatter!

    6375,0 1939-2038* R. KILOHERTZ, first messing, on 6374,9 \het from 6379, "I'm a believer", G song, 1956 ID in G over synthe, 50 W? 2003 fade, 2006 Shakin' all over, Red River rock, Love me do (adapt.).. 2029 G song (bad mod), 2036 R&R, ID, goodbye, ID in G and off.

    6305,0 2039-2117 R. OSAKA, v.weak \Cairo splatter, usual fine D mix of mx, some tk about Ireland and Guiness, but that seems a bit strong to help a Dutch voice ! At last barely copied IDs.

    * * * * * TUES. 08 MAY 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0702-0738 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, mx, ID, FSN, OEM, jingle, M.Andrew. 0736 ut.bursts

    6980,0 1645-2031 LASER HOT HITS, \long flattened by F hams on 6983LSB, 1816 Laser goes DX (Seagull, BBC WS)

    6305,0 1640-1649 R. OSAKA %, weak \strong PLC, D and retro songs, 1647 Viva Espana instrum accordion V.

    6300,0 1650-1943 R. TARZAN, weak \fades, noisy ut.on 6298, PL, difficult ! D mix of mx, tk, g's, IDs (some clear enough), 1656 het on 6301,5, 1824 Dady's cool, 1841 het on 6301,0 (cf below)

    6301,0 1841-1859 UNID, comes above R.Tarzan, D song "Morocco"(?), "Shalala"(?), summer pop, polka (1904 gone)

    6293,0 1702-1717 R. ALTREX, e.weak \PLC, mx, ID by mooh ! at 1716.

    6920,0 1813-1822 R. BLACK ARROW, \bit of ut.splash on low side, testing but not satisfied, ID also as "B.A."

    6292,7 1825-1840* R. ALTREX, still e.weak, now strong splashes from Spaceman, 1835 tracks from the Kinks, 1837 c'/d now, Dead end street, ID by mooh ! and off. Goliath wins !

    6285,0 1826-1924* R. SPACEMAN, v.strong, roaring mx, irregular tk over. 1906 KISS, then song in F+E. 1914 ID, hl.

    6240,0 1944-2033 R. SPACEMAN, tk to Artem about Poutine, 1947 "c'/d" but go on, 2014 overflown by e-mail !

    6925,0 2023-2032 R. BLACK ARROW, strong, mx, tnx to Alexander, ID as B.A.

    4015 : no LASER HOT HITS this evening.

    * * * * * WED. 09 MAY 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0450-0638 LASER HOT HITS %, carrier only

    4015,0 1914-2142 LASER HOT HITS, weak > good \fading. 2109 ut.QRM on 4018, So happy together

    6980,0 0527-0641 LASER HOT HITS, clear strong, ID, hello to other LHH DJs.

    6980,0 1633-2038 LASER HOT HITS, still F hams on 6983LSB at first. 2032 tk DX FM: tropo, sporadic E.

    6305,6 1727-1733 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, tk, I&T.Turner"Proud Mary"..

    6925,1V 1904-1907* UNID, disturbed by SSB traffic, mx, 1905 on 6922, 1906 back on 6925, and off.

    3934,8 1915-2140 R. RAINBOW, e.weak or trace, mx, IDs+@, 2137 I say a little prayer for you

    6425 U 1931-1942* UNID, Radio P..... (PYZER ??), mx, testing, IDs, ...@pirateradio.at 1935 c'/d, ut bursts

    6950,0 1945-2128 IRISH MUSIC R., soul mx, 1959 less noisy on a loop, ID clear at last, 2030 ut bursts

    3929,9 2010-2138* R. BATAVIA, weak > clear, pop, anorak mx, ID +name history, ID+@+web 2137 bye, then blank

    6305,0 2115-2119* UNID, \6300 splash, Cairo splatter, mx (kind of rap). 2119 blank and off.

    * * * * * THURS. 10 MAY 2012 * * * * *

    6980,0 0500-0556 LASER HOT HITS, weak \atmos > strong \fading, 0553 tk: modern junk disturbing SW

    6980,0 1740-2205 LASER HOT HITS, under ut. > 6973 splash > 6984 number stn ! 2042 clear, tk, ID+@.

    4015,0 0502-0601 LASER HOT HITS, fair \atmos > f'/down. mx, ID

    4015,0 1839-2130 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak \4010 het > good \het, pop, IDs, M.Gaye, Mystery Year...

    6295,0 1742-1745 R. ALTREX, v.weak \roar on upside, mx, ID by "mooh !"

    6950,0 1741-1834 IMR %, v.weak \noisy, mx, tk, Flashback jingle. (1909 : not heard)

    6950,0 2045-2202 IRISH MUSIC R., mx, tk, clear IDs. 2202 "The last time", strange fading effect, ID.

    6290,5 1856-2042 CAROLINE+RAINBOW, weak mx, mono IDs, later bad fading, joint ID. 2039 Rain & tears, techno!

    6305,0 1923-1949 TOP R., low side clearer AND noisier! D songs, IDs hard to copy as usual. (1956 gone)

    6385,1 1931-2155 UNID, weak \atmos > v.weak. mx: Volare, I feel fine, D mx, Radetski March [cf BRAVO SIERRA ]

    6310,1 1947-2002 CUPID R., AC/DC ?, ID, tnx rpt, 30 W, rock, ID in E+D...

    3934,9 2008-2133 R. RAINBOW, v.weak > e. weak, S&Garfunkel, 2022 Ruby Tuesday by W, IDs+@

    3905,0 2016-2021 UNID, e.weak, electric guitar from 1970 approx. 2021 f/out, trace.

    6325,1 2140-2144 UNID, strong \fading, polka. (2145 gone)

    6325,0 2156-2207* UNID, strong, singer in G, then only bits or parts of D polkas and waltz.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]

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