- Log checked vs quick logs, so most of my UNIDs have an ID added [between square brackets]. Please reply for remaining UNIDs and errors. Private messages welcome too. Lots of custom abbreviations : see at the end.
* * * * * WED. 02 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6925 U 0545-0552 UNID (US ?), long tk,US-accent, atmo every few seconds, f'/down, s/off ? [ cf DR WHO R. ]
4015,0 0459-0605 LASER HOT HITS, clear, fair > f'/down, 0603 rpt from NL, JID.
4015,0 1928-2140 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, some het. 1928 tk : Galaxy, ID by P.Stuart 2015 Mr Tambourineman
6980,0 0500-0606 LASER HOT HITS, just f'/in, tk: Galaxy Int, W laugh, ID.
6980,0 1920-2155 LASER HOT HITS, \much atmos, tk: Galaxy Int, tech tk, 2146 Laser goes DX: rec of R.Seagull
6959,6 0550-0607 ATLANTIC R., strong \atmos, ut.bursts, pops, ID, J.Hendrix, "Dancing in the street".
6959,6 2145-2203 ATLANTIC R., strong \atmos, non stop pop-reggae-R&R. 2200 ID. (1920 : carrier only)
6305,2 1922-2000a UNID, easy, non stop retro songs and accordion. S/off around 2000 approx.
6325,8 2004-2016 R. CAROLINE INT, \much atmos, mx, IDs, JIDs.
6925 L 2140-2201 BALTIC SEA R., strong, mx in LSB, IDs+@. 2140 "piraten" song, 2149 "Jolly Roger" song.
* * * * * THURS. 03 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6925 U 0535-0546 UNID (US), trace w. buzz, but W voice gets through at 0535 and 0543. [ cf TRANSAMERICA ??]
6980,0 0459-0620 LASER HOT HITS, f'/down \atmos, occ.het, mx, 0537 ID, 0614 R.Caroline rec
6980,0 1618-2206 LASER HOT HITS, weak \strong het+atmos > better \under strong ham 6980L at 2024.
4015,0 0500-0621 LASER HOT HITS, f'/down, LHH sweat shirts, Laser goes DX: R.Seagull, WBCQ, TA-DX on MW.
4015,0 1946-2522 LASER HOT HITS, weak > good \some ut.QRM on side, mx, ID.
6304,9 1619-1624* R. OSAKA, weak, Brittany "bagad" mx, ID, anthems...
6305,1 1715-1728 UNID, e.weak \hush loc.noise, mx & tk, no details. [ cf ALTREX ]
6305,0 1817-1849 R. ALTREX, v.weak \noisy, PLC, Cairo shit at times. mx, tk, ID by "moohs" (1855 gone)
6325,0 1827-1855* R. --SNAKE??, \noisy, PLC., tech-radio tk in D, IDs incl. "snake", --@---alpha-tango. [cf PYTHON?]
6290,1 1857-1911* UNID, strong, "What is love", mx, s/off w/out annt. [ cf CAROLINE INT ]
6290,0 1912-1913 UNID, strong \het, mx, off ?
6287,6v 1912-1914* UNID, weak, speedy drift, talk, QSO trial ?
6305,1 1915-1938 UNID, e.weak \strong traffic QRM 6300U, Black night, Got to break free. [ cf OME JAN ]
6959,6 1904-2212 ATLANTIC R., good \atmos later traffic QRM. 2205 My Lady d'Arbanville.
6324,0 1948-2017 R. UNDERGROUND, D mx, also reggae, ID, JID, gd ev' Carol.6291, drift 6323,8
6290,6 1953-2022 R. CAROLINE INT, weak \Cairo splash > strong peak \mushy carrier. mx, JID.
6920 L 2007-2211 BALTIC SEA R., strong \some atmos & splashes, reggae-rock-R&R, IDs+@ w. seagulls
6924,15 2458-2513 UNID (US ?), e.weak \v. tiny carrier, atmos, occ. traffic. Some mx heard.
* * * * * FRI. 04 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6959,6 0715-0855 ATLANTIC R. %, good > f'/down, very well managed mod ! Non stop pop oldies.
6959,6 1552-2205 ATLANTIC R. \much atmos at first > getting better. 1722 ID+@. pops, rock.
6980,0 0718-0803 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \Morse, fading. 0803 ID, short peak.
6980,0 1552-2158 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak \much strong atmos > better. mx
6005,0 0757-0800 R. BELARUS, mx, tk & ID in G, mx.
6085,0 0758-0900 PUR R. 1, mx, ID in E, news in G, mx, 0859 "96 tears", ID in E, news in G.
6925 U 1724-1730 UNID, v.difficult signal in USB under v.strong atmo noise, could not clarify it.
6296,0 1844-1846* UNID, mx, blank and off.
6285,2 1847-2140 BOGUSMAN/THE GHOUL, fair > strong \noise, splashes. mx, long tk, "Bogusman" never real ID
6399,9 1853-1927 UNID, strong, D mix of mx. 1853 Because the night, 1859 brass mx, 1927 off ? [ cf MUSTANG ]
6950,0 1902-2158 IMR R., weak \atmos, occ. SSB QRM. "5-4-3-2-1" pop, Friday on my mind, Born to be wild, E.Burdon..
6920 L 1903-2206 BALTICSEA R., mx in LSB long under strong Morse QRM. 2042 ID, 2159 clear !
6325,0 1929-2009 UNID, v.weak \atmos, ut.splash. R&R, other mx, 1951 in E, mayb e ID. [ cf FOX 48 ]
6304,0 1934-1946 UNID, strong, H.Rising Sun, Because the night, folk, pop. (1952 gone)
6295,0 1936-2035 UNID, v.poor \noisy, splashes, atmos.. oriental mx (Greece, Balkans?), 2035 s/off ?
6399,9 1955-2012 UNID, strong, mx, 2009 Bus stop, 2012 60s pop again. [ cf MUSTANG ]
6304,0 2010-2014 UNID strong, blank, 2012 mx (Lou Reed ?).
3905,0 2016-2208 UNID, fair \loc.noise > strong on 3905,1. Pop & D mix, nonstop. [ cf SKYLINE ]
3995,0 2018-2144 R. 700 %, pop-rock, nonstop.
4015,0 2018-2144 LASER HOT HITS, w. Stewart Ross, mx, IDs.
3915,0 2026-2030* UNID, strong, D song, then /Op den Morocco/(?title, D song), off w/out annt.
6324,7 2045-2045 UNID, undermodulated mx (or under a stronger carrier), 60s pop. [ QSO ?? ]
6305,2 2050-2152 OVER 60° R. ?, v.weak pop-rock live progr., hard to hear IDs, ann' 6305.2 exactly! @ incl "60BTR"?
6420,0 2115-2206 UNID, clear \ut. on low side. Daydream believer, opp-rock, mx, Funky town... [ cf TIDALWAVE ]
6304,0 2136-2147* UNID, strong, blank, then accordion at 2146 and off. Same roving station all evening ?
* * * * * SAT. 05 MAY 2012 * * * * *
4015,0 0640-0640 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak mx.
4015,0 2047-2155 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, mx, FSN, ID, mx, reggae.
6959,6 0643-0848 ATLANTIC R. %, strong > good, folk, rock.
6959,6 1239-1426 ATLANTIC R. %, \atmos, humorist, Louis Armstrong"Oh when the saints".
6959,6 2008-2254 ATLANTIC R., good, Memmow yemmlow, The midnight hour, ID, Under my thumb (reprise) ..
6980,0 0643-0803 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \noisy. DX news. (also 1241-1427 : under strong atmos).
6980,0 2010-2152 LASER HOT HITS, mx, Mysyery Year, 212 KC & Sunshine Band, 2152 ID
6285,0 0648-0652* UNID, e.weak \some PLC, "low power", mx, 0651 SM2012, off. (Then on/off OC) [cf GEOSTAR ?]
6285,0 0655-0700* UNID, e.weak, in D, calling CQ, ID no copy (dull voice), mx is better.
6300,0 0700-0807 R. BLACKBIRD, v. > e. weak \noisy, ut.QRM, PLC. D songs, polka, 0806 ID in D+E, bye bye, off.
6400,5 0703-0812 R. WALDMEISTER, e.weak \PLC, mx, D mx, 0809 ID.
6294,1 0748-0812 R. ALTREX, e.weak, mx IDs, usual bit of drifting: 6294,0.
6215 a 0753-0813 UNID horrendous modulation, including its own roaring QRM ! Some pop mx hardly heard.
6300,0 0811-0842 UNID, under PLC, only buzz heard.
6950,0 1241-1316 UNID, e.weak mx, much atmos. (not heard at 1323).
6300,0 1244-1422 TOWER R. ?, v.weak, ID no copy, mx, Ch.Montez?, S.Blue, Baby come back, Goodbye my friend
6300,05 1915-2245 TOWER R., fair, D songs, 1927 (ID), 2054 ID copied at last.
6290,0 1254-1303* UNID, v.weak \atmos, occ.fax. mx, 1302 tk (no copy) and off.
6095,0 1310-1430 KBC, v.strong only, R&R, DJ, 1324 breakdown, 1350 bad contact? 1355 on again, ID, R&R.
6920,0 1313-1340a TRANSEUROPE R., v.weak \atmos, mx Ma belle amie, ID+@, testing equipment
6306,5 1911-1922 BOGUSMAN/GHOUL, \6310 het. mx, tk, 1922 about tube radios and military fear of nuclear EMP.
6325,3 1913-1913 UNID, mx with bad mod, and off.
6292,1 1932-1955 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, "Riders on the storm", ZZ Top?, 1944 ID, mx, ID, accordion.
6285,2 1932-2154 BOGUSMAN-THE GHOUL, good, repeat P.Floyd"Money background, 20.27 tube radios again.
6325,0 1938-1940 UNID, weak \mushy carrier. Accordion. [ cf NACHTPIRAAT ? ]
6310,0 1922-1941 UNID, long OC only, but a few seconds of mx at 1941.
6206,8 1949-2044 SLUWE VOS R., 1949 Rammastein like rock, 2033 ID+@, mx.
6385,1 1956-2159 UNID, e.weak \ut.QRM,atmos >strong QRM. Sail away, 1970a pop-rock, reggae. [cf BRAVO SIERRA]
6449,8 2004-2005 UNID, \ut.splash, mx, "Music non stop" as jingle or inside a record ? [cf R. UNIVERSE ]
6950,0 2007-2254 IRISH MUSIC R., pops, IDs.
6310,0 2023-2118 R. SPACEMAN, v.strong, allo-test, some tech pb with 11 kW power !!, ID, mx, g's
6308,0 2141-2244 R. SPACEMAN, still v.strong, "Hocus pocus" background, , mx, trumpet, g's, ID. [much QSYs]
6292,2 2042-2154 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, weak \splash from Bogus6285, Kraftwerk?, CCR, bit of drift, ID, mx
6239,5 2124-2246 F.R. VICTORIA, strong, pop-rock mx, rpts from all Europe, 2136 ID, Peggy Sue, Scorpions.
6375,1 2143-2243 R. ASCONA, D mx, IDs as Pirate Ascona, low power 100 W.
6910 L 2247-2300 BALTIC SEA R., mx in LSB, euro-pop, clicking noises between records, ID, Beach Boys.
* * * * * SUN. 06 MAY 2012 * * * * *
6924,8 0412-0413* CAPTAIN MORGAN SW, clear, just a bit of mx and the last ID+@ before s/off.
4015,0 0423-0423 LASER HOT HITS, ID, tk, mx. (By 0825 only a trace)
6300,1 0425-0436 R. TOWER %, non stop D songs (genuine or adapted).
6300,1 0716-1004 R. TOWER %, fair > weak, D and pop mx, 0758 a few words heard (1200 sunk in noise)
6300,1 1610-2152 R. TOWER, first weak \splash from 6295, live hour, lots of IDs. Then nonstop D mix, 2152 good, ID
6150,0 0428-0430 UNID, v.weak \noisy, mx. At 0430 flattened by Voix de l'espérance in F, powerful on 6155
6150,0 0719-0720 RADIO 6150, v.weak, "Man of action", ID in several languages.
6325 V 0717-0824 UNID, weak +peaks > e.weak, drift 6325,0 to 6325,7. Reggae. [ cf SONIC ]
6200,0 0718-0719 UNID, weak, mx, tk in D, but PLC starts [ cf TORENVALK ? ]
6200,0 0802-0805 R. ORANG UTAN?, weak \PLC, mx, 0803 row of IDs, 4th ID heard as Orang Utan [ ? nobody else ]
6172,0 0721-0805 UNID, 0702 v.weak mx, 0805 e.weak, drummy mx then accordion. [ cf MISTI ]
6980,0 0722-1216 LASER HOT HITS, weak > e.weak, mx, 0849 ID by Gary Drew.
6980,0 1719-2045 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > fair, 1938 rec. of Laser 558, 2044 ID+contacts (and missus, a repeat)
6959,6 0723-1016 ATLANTIC R. %, fair > v.weak, non stop pop. (1216 only a trace)
6959,6 1718-1718 ATLANTIC R. %, 60s pops. (evening : 1938, 2018 : only open carrier).
6950,0 0723-1215 UNID, e.weak mx (on 6950,1 at 1215). Can be IMR because a noisy ut. is settled on 6930.
6950,0 1718-2018 IMR R., e.weak > weak atmos, mx, 1937 ID, 2018 traffic QRM (in italian?)
5820,0 0725-0823 ORION R., clear, weak +peaks, mx, g's, 0750 The most beautiful girl, 0808 Silver machine, 0810 ID in D, Man of action, welcome to the D part of the broadcast, tnx for rpts, then in D, D mx.
6294,0 0755-0834 R. ALTREX, v.weak/e.weak \het from 6290, mx, 0830 reggae, tk, IDs (one in F), low mx. (1005 trace)
6290,0 0756-0818* R. MYSTERO GHOST PLANET, v.weak/e.weak \occ.fax QRM. tk, ID, mx. 0817 tk on 6289,9 and off
6085,0 0820-1000 PUR R. EINS (that was the ID in G at 0820), weak >v. weak, mx. So weak signals today.
6205,0 0836-0836 UNID, e.weak, mx. [ cf R. OME JAN ]
7265,0 0838-1012 HAMBURG LOKAL R. %, another weak kW signal today (but no PLC shit on 7200-7400 !)
7375,0 0839-0915 UNID, v.weak, non stop mx.
7425,0 0845-0910 CRAZY WAVE R. %, v.weak +peaks, pop, reggae, tk, IDs barely heard, drift to 7425,2 (0912 gone)
6140,0 0916-1000* MV BALTIC R., powerful, mx, tk, 0957 Hey Jude, ID in G, off at 1000.00"
6095,0 1001-1214 MIGHTY KBC, strong peaks, fading. Turkish march, ID, "Sountrack of the 60s". 1209 Rosko? about radios on Sirius satellite, announcing BTO, with an approx. translation in F of the title "Tu n'as rien vu jusqu'à maintenant mais vous écoutez tout"
6329,7 1006-1008* UNID, e.weak, closing down with ID?, bye bye and anorak mx. [ cf R. CONDOR ? ]
6328,1 1008-1011 R. SALLANDSE BOER ?, v.weak, also ment' Condor many times (and Tien Gold ??), rpt ?
6920,0 1017-1020 end? UNID, e.weak mx at local noise level.
6290,1V 1022-1022 UNID e.weak signal with mx, moving frequency, shift to 6286,4 ?
6286,4 1023-1025* UNID, shifted from 6290,1 ?, e.weak, D mx, D tk "... amateur ..., a peak w. mx and off.
6260,1 1201-1229 UNID, D mx, v.weak \fading > fading under loc.noise. [ cf HANS ]
9480,1 1219-1225 UNID, mx, uninspiring. [ R. GLORIA planned 12-14 UTC ]
6325,05 1608-1646* UNID, v.weak D songs-pop-rock.1645 Radio -- aus NL, R. --- Int., c'/d, ID, bye bye. [cf TELSTAR]
6305,4 1619-1635 UNID, v.weak, song in E, Sail away, non stop. [ cf SALLANDSE BOER ]
6260,0 1635-1846* R. SPACEMAN, strong, mix of D songs and pop/rock, testing, then IDs, g's, 15 min of "c'/d".
6260,0 1846-1846 at least a station and another carrier, hu, maybe some would-be QSOer to Spaceman.
6311,5 1647-1649 UNID, mx, mx.
6394,7 1652-1717 UNID, only a single very long track, can be called hip-hop? (1720 gone) [ cf DELTA ]
6550,0 1710-2003* R. RISING SUN, v.weak \PLC > weak, 1809 nonstop, 1929 ID+@, 2001 many IDs+@.
6372,5 1720-1720 UNID, mx. [ cf SALLANDSE BOER ? ]
6325,15 1817-1946 R. NACHTTEGAL (on F.DUTCHMAN tx as IDed at 1912) 1916 "only 6W"(really?), D songs
6324,9V 1820-1823 UNID, mx, "stereo" with Nachttegal, hum, drift to 6324,7.
6239,9 1848-2151 R. RAINBOW - R. FREE UKRAINE, first Rainbow, rpts, commentson dictatorship, then more focused on Ukrainia and Iding only as R. FREE UKRAINE, all in E.
6309,9 1917-1923 R.ZODIAC (easy) in QSO with a v.weak Radio --- (not understood even when said by Zodiac).
6374,9 1926-2027 R.CAROLINE+RAINBOW, fair\tweety QRM around, mx, IDs.
6383,5 1926-2157 R. UNDERGROUND, tk ID+JID, "Koekoe", mx, 2032 ID+hl, mx from O'Brother?, 2037 rpt from UKR, think to c/d, ID+hl, 2130 We love pirate stns, 2153 D song, ann' Jenifer Lopez.
6910 L 1931-2042 BALTIC SEA R., strong mx in LSB, 2004 ID, Baccara, mx...
6910 L 2216-2221 BALTIC SEA R. again, "piraten" song, ID+@ w. seagulls, mx, also short IDs.
6310,0 2131-2136* R. PALING BULL (spelling?), B.BANDIT in disguise, Camouflage, C&W, usual mx player problems
6205,1 2138-2207 R. OME JAN, v.weak, Walk like an Egyptian, IDs+@, mx, E. part of NL.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
[ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Log : Wed. 2 May - Sun. 6 May
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France
Log : Wed. 2 May - Sun. 6 May