- ***** FRI. 27 APR. 2012 *****
6925,05 0505-0541* UNDERCOVER R. (USA), good > fading, rock (Red Chili or alike), IDs+@ by Dr Benway, gd night
6980,0 0504-0607 LASER HOT HITS, clear, then Morse on 6981, then noisy
6980,0 1540-2154 LASER HOT HITS, 1639 under F hams on 6983,4 LSB. 1819 Francoise Hardy"Comment te dire..
4015,0 0548-0623 LASER HOT HITS, weak > v.weak. 0553 rpt from Ukrainia.
4015,0 1858-2258 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak>fair, 2027 rpt, 2258 "cities" ID.
6308,0 1542-1650 R. FOX 48, sunk in PLC > weak, 1643 ID+@, "We *are* the pirate stations", accordion.
6300,2 1545-1608 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, v.weak (because PLC), D mx, 1557 ID, 1601 far from mike, drift 6300,1
6292,0 1815-1846* UNID, mx (some IS-like), 1824 ID+@ by W, no copy, 1841 SSTV parts, 1846 ID \fax QRM "..INT."
6930,1 1820-2132 IMR R., ID, mx incl' 60s soul and "Because the night"
6308,0 1848-1928 R. FOX 48, v.weak, messing, multilingual ID, mx.
6375,0 1906-2019 R. CAROLINE INT, 1906 "mx from CZ Rep., it's Caroline", 1908 JID, tchacboom incl' "R.Forio"??
6450,0 1910-2018 MUSTANG R., strong, mx mix(d, euro, rock..), 2016 girlie tchacboom + ID, c'/d, then parts.
6383,5 1932-2043 R. UNDERGROUND, D mx, IDs+@, many g's, 2013 already "c'/d" (to look more D, I think).
6399,0 1944-2001 UNID, v.strong, synthe mx, 1946 "Roxane", 2001 "Stay tuned..", mx. (2005 gone)
3904,7 2021-2135 R. LIKEDEELER, v.weak, testing, 2033 ID, "Radar love", 2057 in G, 2135 hum.
3910,0 2046-2047* UNID, mx and off.
3920,0 2048-2056* UNID, "Sweet Caroline", S.Blue"Venus", 2055 "Ma belle amie" and off.
6920 L 2100-2237 BALTIC SEA R., player problem, then oriental mx, Lambada, ID, non stop mx.
6300 a 2138-2156 UNID, very unclear frequency \splashes (from Cairo?), mx, maybe annt at 2150.
6292,1 2146-2204 UNID, strong. It. medley. 2156 tnx rpts. 2200 Heart of glass, H. California [cf F.DUTCHMAN ]
6292 U 2242-2249 UNID, mx : singer in G, pop. [cf F.DUTCHMAN ]
6307,2 2239-2255 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, JIDs, ID+@ by M+W, what's that "Radio Forio" ?
1395,0 2307-2308 UNID, weak/v.weak pop mx, a few words. (idea : Dublin).
***** SAT. morning 28 APR. 2012 ***** (still at home)
6240,0 0643-0707 R. CAROLINE INT, weak > v.weak \PLC, mx, some tk, JIDs
6980,0 0645-0706 LASER HOT HITS, weak-v.weak \het, Morse QRM. rpt, mx, ID.
6400,5 0653-0803 R. WALDMEISTER, e.weal \PLC, mx, 0702 tk+ID, then mx (often sunk into PLC noise)
6294,8 0753-0847 UNID, v.weak \often sunk in PLC, mx 0807 maybe "Ferry cross the Mersey" ? [ cf ALTREX]
6305,0 0820-0838 UNID, v.weak \PLC. mx (hard to hear, D mx?). [ cf OME JAN ]
6205,0 0911-0922* S.W.R., good \PLC, pop-rock, ID in E, then tech tk in D?, c'/d, bye bye, ID? by W, off. An other SWR?
***** SAT. 28 evening APR. 2012 ***** (portable, + - 2 kHz only)
Only short listening. After 2030 : 48mb is overcrowded with overloading signals
6980 1626-1700 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, 1700 : under strong F hams. (and 2041 : mx, tk).
6930 1627-1702 IMR %, mx, typical jingle. (and 2042 : Irish song).
6325 1627-1659 UNID, 1625 tk, 1659 trace only. [ cf MERLIN ]
6305 1652-1654 UNID, mx, tk in D (voice unclear), mx [ cf ZODIAC ]
6305 1657-1705 UNID, synthe, tk(not the same voice?), 1704 long tk in D (clear voice), pop mx.
6245 1655-1710 UNID, weak. mx, ID "On SW, this is ....", song in E, 1705 mx (and hush added?). [ cf RAMM ]
6966 1702-1703 UNID, e.weak, mx, a few words, mx.
6305 2032-2109* R. ZODIAC, strong, rock, IDs, 2108 c'/d over Booker T instrum. mx.
6920 2043-2043 UNID, mx in SSB ? but under strong RTTY. [ cf BALTIC SEA ]
6298a 2047-2110 UNID, synthe instrum mx, pop.
4015 2051-2051 LASER HOT HITS %, OEM ad, mx.
6288 2057-2107 UNID, 2057 JM Jarre mx but w.lyrics?, short break, then strong, mx. 2107 rock (70s?), later OC
6295 2112-2116 UNID, mx, Get it on, tk in D over, then "Je t'aime moi non plus". [ cf SHADOWMAN ]
6325 2031-2031 UNID, \v.disturbing RTTY, blues. [ cf FOX 48 ]
***** SUN. 29 APR. 2012 *****(portable, + - 2 kHz only)
Weak signals, then aft' under PLC here also ( , tried a quick other outdoor ant. and got soaked only (
6980 0608-1003 LASER HOT HITS, strong > v.weak.
6980 1312-2050 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > fair \atmos. 1742 B.Marley, 2019 ad for Laser goes DX
6265 0610-0615 UNID, mx under ut.QRM [ cf SKYLINE R. GERMANY on 6267 ]
4015 0620-0700 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, tk, strong ut.QRM.
6200 0623-0704 R. ORANG UTAN, weak, D song, Spirit in the sky, ID+@+hl, Yellow River.
6150 0630-1007 R. 6150, mx, breaks, tinkering, 0643 ID in E+F+G, weak > v.weak, not kW signal !
6280 0615-1001 R. MERLIN INT, easy catch, M.Gaye song, ID by J.Frost, mx, g's, rpts, IDs, then weak too.
5820 0704-0707 ORION R., esay catch, rock, ID, ads for AM Forum, OEM, live ID+@.
6950 0800-0811* R. WAVES INT, weak. C&W. 0810 ID, noises patchwork, off.
6960 0812-0812 UNID, maybe Atlantic R. with very undermodulated mx ?
6085 0820,0956 PUR R. 1 %, v. weak \loc.noise, mx.
6255 0829-0945 GERONIMO SW, mx, 0831 annt in E, ID, jingle, blues (Black friday ?), mx.
6210 0833-0910 UNID, in E, log incl' recordings of SW free stns (~2 months old). R. - - - INT. [ cf DEVALON ]
6095 0910-1008 KBC, not so powerful today, R&R, IDs, tk in D and E.
6095 1311-1549 KBC, 1311 Rosko with own @roadrunner.com. Later: 60s pops, g's.
6045 0911-1000* R. ICEMAN, easy, ID as "D pirate station", Fox on the run, last ID+@, I'm a believer till switch off.
6930 1314-1400 IMR R., sunk > v.weak, E.Burdon"San Franciscan nights", Leader of the pack, Elvis, I&T Turner, ID
6930 1517-2048 IMR R., v.weak + peaks. id, mx, tk, \atmos at night.
6325 1315-1524 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs+@ (multilingual), rock.
6305 1404-1510* R. OSAKA, v.weak, D mx (accordion, instrum). 1508 c'/d over brassmx, maybe more after dinner, ID.
6510 1513-1513 UNID, e.weak mx \hiss, atmos. [ cf RISING SUN ]
6920 1939-2047* BALTIC SEA R., difficult to clarify, 2000 Baccara, 2035 Macarena, 2045 seagulls, ID+@
6305 1945-2100 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs+@, correct fq, 2100 correct time.
6323 2020-2027 MAGIC AM, mx, IDs+@, ann' "6-3-2-3 kcs".
4015 2030-2101 LASER HOT HITS, difficult, mx, rpt from Jean-Pierre A.
6325 2050-2107 SPACEMAN, mx, then tk in D over "Sweet home Alabama", hello Gino, ID, Nina Hagen.
6925 2557-2610 CAPTAIN MORGAN SW %, typical patchwork of very short pop parts, easy > fading \atmos.
***** MON. 30 APR. 2012 *****(portable, + - 2 kHz only)
6980 0730-1010 LASER HOT HITS, good > weak(het from image 7880). 0814 FSN, OEM. 1008 D mx ?, IDs.
6980 1253-2039 LASER HOT HITS, weak > good. ID, mx, tk.
6950 0732-1045 R. WAVES INT, weak > strong \odd fades. "Country Music USA" + F IDs, ads for C&W festival
6950 1228-1257* R. WAVES INT, good, mx, ID by M+W, hl, ad for C&W festival in Craponne-sur-Arzon, 28-29 july
6325 0732-0736 UNID, v.weak \fades, mx, tk, This is - - - , mx. [ cf CENTURION ]
6260 0820-1000 UNID (NL), weak \fades, mx (0828 J.Cash ?), tk in E and D, 0940 phone call in D.
6300 0935-1004 MONTECARLO R. INT, ID, deep fade, back w. mx, 0952 High on emotion, etc.
6292 1014-1017* UNID, mx, no bridge, mx (with "allo!" over at 1016), 1017 off.
6095 1018-1044 KBC-TRANSPORT R., studio(at)transportradio.nl, IDs in D+E(+G?), news for truckers. Not v.strong.
6305 1415-1420 UNID, v.weak at best, D songs, tk. (already traces at 1230, 1247).
6295 1525-1530* UNID, mx, off without annt.
6950 1850-1850 UNID, too much difficult (mixed signals)
4015 1858-2100 LASER HOT HITS, R Caroline recording around 1900, later clear LHH IDs \atmos.
6240 2030-2047 RWBI %, world songs, 2037 ....(any??)..country music radio (not C&W!!), Artem's voice? (2058 gone)
6305 2100-2108 R. FOX 48, mx, 2108 ID+, accordion.
***** TUES. morning 01 MAY 2012 *****(portable, + - 2 kHz only)
6980 0615-0812 LASER HOT HITS, mx, IDs, rpt \image from 7880.
6960 0617-0824 ATLANTIC R., strong, 60s rock, Elvis, ID, Mony Mony, Troggs, J.Brown, Driver's seat.
6085 0635-0812 PUR R. 1 %, 0635-0812, mx, 0700 news in D. Only station heard inside 49 m band!
6260 0830-0843 UNID, fading down, in D, no mx, ment' Alice (?), Zodiac, ... (Time to fold down).
***** TUES. aft/ev' 01 MAY 2012 *****(back at home, + - 0,2 kHz)
6304,9 1319-1412 R. OSAKA ?, e.weak > weak \PLC, mx, IDs?, D songs, accordion.
6959,8v 1325-2028 ATLANTIC R., weak>good, 60s pop J.Brown, Doors, IDs, Monkees, reggae... (also 2213)
6980,0 1335-2028 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > fair \strong hams QRM around 1700. mx, tk, rpt, ID. (also 2214)
6204,8 1338-1639 COOL AM R., v.weak. 4 Tops, Lili Marlen, CCR?, Nirvana, tk, IDs, from 1513 IDs copied, etc.
6210,2 1418-1637 R. NORDSEE INT, v.weak, pop-rock, 1442 Man of action, IDs+POB+@, etc.. (also 1825)
6240,0 1447-1525 R. ALTREX, e.weak, mx, 1522 ID, 1525 fades down (many signals)
6950,0 1530-2027 IMR R., v.weak>good, JJCale, NYoung, mx, tk, JID, Ti amo, Eloise, EverlyBros., ...
6295,0 1624-1704 UNID, strong, non stop mx. (1709 still a carrier, switch off).
6290,5 1710-1715 R. CAROLINE INT ?, \fisher QRM, occ. fax. 1715 Caroline JID, then Russian ?, drumbox mx.
6297,7 1808-1902 R. ALTREX, e.weak, mx, many moohs ! 1822 IDs, tk, mx again.
6305,0 1828-1854* R. OME JAN, v.weak, mx, IDs+@ no copy, 20 W, 1849 c'/d ID copy at last, test, bye bye.
6295,1 1904-1905* UNID, "The final countdown" and switch off.
6304,8 1907-1915 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mx, ID by many moohs !
6295,1 1910-1918 UNID, strong, You're in the army now, mx, 1917 mx w. tk inside or over ??
6940 L 1924-1944* BALTIC SEA R., mx, Jacques Brel in Russian? Yosef Yosef, Baccara, ID, Lambada, ID+@
6324,0 1947-1948 R. UNDERGROUND, D waltz, ID, mx+g's
4015,0 1953-2202 LASER HOT HITS, clear, OEM, FSN, IDs, mx, Lou reed/Walk.. (remix), etc..
6210,2 2001-2011 UNID, \hum from far stn, mx, pop, no annt heard. (Nordsee again ??)
6525,0 2012-2012 UNID, v.strong, "Apache", pop. [ cf MUSTANG - PONY ]
6925 L 2025-2030 BALTIC SEA R., strong in LSB \Morse QRM. Sweet caroline, IDs with seagulls. Again 2212-2217.
3904,9 2203-2225 BAKEN 16, weak \hammering ut., in D, mx, shy IDs with g's, rpts. 2221 ID+@.
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012. Night owls: 2530 means 0130 of the following UTC day!
[ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Log 27 APR. - 1st MAY in W. France
Moderator: Moderators group
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 631
- Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2007 21:40 pm
- Location: W. France
Log 27 APR. - 1st MAY in W. France
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 1172
- Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 21:52 pm
- Location: Bogatynia/Polish-Germ.-Czech border
Re: Log 27 APR. - 1st MAY in W. France
Hi Ray,
lot of thanks fro such 4 logs of us there, really great again!!!!!!!!!
Keep on so and best wishes to you!
Radio Caroline International.
lot of thanks fro such 4 logs of us there, really great again!!!!!!!!!
Keep on so and best wishes to you!
Radio Caroline International.