- *** VENDREDI 16 DECEMBRE 2011 ***
6970,0 0800-0808 LASER HOT HITS, repeat with rpt from Georgia,USA. Also 11-12-13 approx.
6970,0 1647-1742 LASER HOT HITS, "Laser Hot Hits is mighty!". 1740 strong noise all around 7000
6930,0 1120-1306 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak > fair. pop, DJ, JIDs. 1124 Here comes my baby.
6930,0 1647-1950 IRISH MUSIC R., fair > e.weak, Cream"Sunshine of your love", Dubliners.
6305,0 1633-1700* R. OSAKA, often fades under ut.QRM on 6304. Repeat of Wednesday progr.?
3905,2 1744-2411 SKYLINE INT R., fair>strong, w. op till 1830 then nonstop? D mix.
4015,0 1830-2412 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, DJ, IDs as Laser Int.
3925,0 2211-2243 UNID, e.weak>trace. Some mx, then long talk by W, may be Asian station.
6300,0 2230-2240 UNID, e.weak+very short peaks, mx+tk.
6950,6 2422-2450 UNID, v.weak, All you need is love, "-- SW"; "Dr Tim", hotmail, ?QSY 6951,7
*** SAMEDI 17 DECEMBRE 2011 ***
6970,0 0759-0938 LASER HOT HITS, mx, ID. Nothing at 1418, mx again at 1448.
6925 U 0800-0818* UNDERCOVER R., mx (unclear), clear IDs and c'/d w. contacts.
4015,0 0819-0840 LASER HOT HITS %, weak mx and DJ
4015,0 2030-2300 LASER HOT HITS, 2033 pips, FSN news, ID, Mystery Year (SSB QRM)
6220,0 0841-0939 SPACESHUTTLE, v.weak. CCR"Bad moon rising", ZZ Top? 0914 ID+@ (1140 trace)
6095,0 0916-1448 KBC %, morning : C&W, afternoon: "Rock'n roll Saturday" Elvis, N.Sedaka..
6305,0 0917-0940 UNID, weak>v.weak \PLC, pop mx. 0940 "Hush" [ cf ALTREX ]
6380,0 0918-0936 UNID, pop mx, RTTY QRM
6550,0 0920-0936 UNID, mx [ cf RISING SUN ]
6550,0 1338-1527 UNID, mx [ cf RISING SUN ]
6930,0 1419-1526 I.M.R. %, pop mx, typical annt (already at 0937 UNID).
6285,0 1131-1137 UNID, folk mx w.harmonica, blank, song in E.
6300,0 1332-1333 BLACKBIRD, mx, tech report in D (to whom?).
6305,0 1333-1400 R. BOOMERANG, blank, 1335 D songs, 1345 synthe 1359 ID, QSO? Osaka,Blackbird
6375,1 1337-1433 UNID, e.weak then trace (amidst Morse and RTTY stations)
6330,0 1348-1414 UNID, e.weak, rock, 1356 annt: ...Nederland... 1414 cornered.
6310,3 1357-1359 UNID, carrier maybe mx also.
6305,0 1404-1407 BLACKBIRD ?, v.weak, reply to Boomerang, some mx.
6324,8 1408-1442 DELTA R., instrum, pop, rock. 1434 says c'/d last record (carrier calls)
6305,0 1436-1527 R. OSAKA, ID, mx
6539,8 1527-1527 UNID, pop mx [ cf ALTREX ]
6300,0 1528-1528 R. BLACKPOWER, ID, bad modulation.
1512,0 2039-2055 UNID, pop, "Black is black" (other pop QRM), D songs, accordion.
3904,7 2232-2259* R. LIKEDEELER, v.weak+peaks, in G+E, mx, retro 78rpm, Navy song, contacts
*** DIMANCHE 18 DECEMBRE 2011 ***
4015,0 0716-0744 LASER HOT HITS, ID, web site, mx (some fading)
4015,0 1758-2312 LASER HOT HITS, 1758 FSN, 1923 v.weak,Fun Boy 3. Later almost f/out and back
6200,0 0720-0820 R. ORANG UTAN, mx, ID, strong RTTY QRM, pop, C&W..
6970,0 0751-0815 LASER HOT HITS %, co-channel ut.QRM, OTH radar strikes
6970,0 1123-1726 LASER HOT HITS, still co-channel ut.QRM.
6970,0 2323-2328 LASER HOT HITS, IDs, mx, SSB traffic QRM.
6300,0 0730-0823 R. BLACK POWER, strong, always wobbling, AM mode rec. often good. 0823 ID+@
6325,0 0816-0845 UNID, Bus stop, Let's have a party tonight, Hello Marylou.. [ cf MISTI ]
6282,8 0817-0847 R. ALTREX, weak \PLC, rock, ID by Mooh!
6220,0 0819-0819 UNID, mx, fading [ cf SPACESHUTTLE ?? ]
5800,0 0824-1117 FRSH, v.weak>fair>weak //7600. 0824 LHH excerpt, FRSH ID 0912 all FRSH Dec18th
7600,0 0826-1118 FRSH, strong>fading. //5800, pop, memories, Merry Xmas jingle, rock..
5820,0 0825-0825 ORION R. %, mx, short transmission? (not at 0913).
9480,0 0828-0900* ATLANTIC 2000, clear\unsettled, news in F (SW, NL), mx not crystal clear
6289,9 0846-0846 UNID, mx [ cf ALPENROOS ? ]
9480,0 *0900-0907 R. SAXONIA, ID+@ in D+E, stronger, mx still not crystal clear(Stones, CCR)
6045,0 0918-0955 XVRB, powerful. Music Museum, 50-60s. (Iceman : 9-13h on dec.26th !)
5865 a 0915-0916 WER intermod XVRB 6045 with RN 5955 (maybe 6135 also?)
6085,0 0921-1114 KU R. ? in G+E, strong voice W singers, confidence voice tk+ID+contacts
6095,0 0921-1111 KBC INT, powerful, pop-rock 50-60-70s, Beatles, "Louie Louie, "As tears go by..
6140,0 *1000-1025 E.M.R., powerful, ann.relay by MV Baltic R., mx. Around 1025: mailbox.
6325,0 1028-1032 UNID, v.weak \PLC, M+W long tk (in D or G ? )
6305,0 1032-1037* R. SATURNUS, mx, IDs +@hotmail, bye bye, off at 10.36'58"
6299,8 1037-1040 DELTA R., strong \RTTY QRM, D mx, hl, ID.
6294,0v 1038-1159 FREE R. VICTORIA, pop, ID, drift 6293,8 "I got you babe" reggae version.
6281,7 1044-1048 R. ALTREX, e.weak \PLCn=, pop, ID by Mooh!
6246,3 1049-1050 UNID, song from 50s in recent D(?) track, etc.. [ cf PERFEKT ? ]
6199,8 1108-1333 TITANIC+DELTA R., D song, ID, hl. 1328 het from 6200,6
6214,8 1051-1051 UNID, trace
6930,0 1119-1723 IRISH MUSIC R., pop mx, oldies, DJ, 1622 ID+@. 1723 v.weak, QRM number st. in G
12715,0 1126-1153 SPACESHUTTLE, Elvis: Tutti frutti, All shook up, IDs+Herten, crooner, Xmas R&R
12279,9 1154-1155 UNID, pop mx and quickly f/out completely. [ cf SHORELINE ]
6220,1 1324-1334 BOGUSMAN, weak \PLC, mx, long tk, mx.
6292,6 1335-1413 R. ALTREX, v.weak, 1336 voice ID, mx
6385,2 1338-1412 UNID (R. ATLANTIS ??), e.weak, BeachBoys, Year25-25, Monkees, IDs no copy.
6400 a 1346-1351 UNID, wobbly \PLC, mx, IDs over "This is radio ---", off? [ cf LOWPOWER ]
6200,6 1415-1446 UNID, already 1328 under Titanic?, mx, D mx, tk in D, hl [ cf GOLFBREKER ? ]
6219,2 1435-1550 UNID, v.weak, mx, g' st+rpts, hl 1550 distorted JID+@, D.Straits [cf SLUWE VOS]
6324,8 1452-1514 UNID, Owner of a lonely heart, ZZ Top, Don't bring me down [ cf WITTE REUS ]
6423,7 1455-1523 R. ALTREX, France Gall songs, IDs by Mooh!
6450,0 1504-1606 UNID, mx+tk, Moonlight shadow, Mystery train, medley:Kwai River.. [cf UNCLE SAM]
6300,5 1507-1713 UNID, waltz, polka, yodl, brass mx... 1535 short break.
6310,0 1506-1511 UNID, brass mx, accordion, D song [ cf Radio NMD ?? ]
6375,0 1515-1522 UNID, mx surrounded by RTTY 1522 pop-rock [ cf CAROL.INT ]
6385,0 1518-1603 BLACK BANDIT %, C&W, some blank periods, wind storm background.
6510,0 1530-1722 UNID, not easy, Xmas pop, Trains&boats&planes, coatted ID [ cf RISING SUN ]
6374,8 1538-1559 UNID, pop and D mx. [ cf CAROL.INT ]
6325,0 1542-1554* UNID, v.weak, mx, ID,g'rpt, ID+@, Kraftwerk"Radioactivity", off [cf T.EUROPE ]
6918,0 1613-1623 UNID, fair>fading out, mx, 1615 Stray Cats ? [cf FOX 48 ]
6325,0 1624-1731 R. OSAKA, fair\deep fades, pop (and D) mx, IDs 1731 "Girls girls girls"
6199,9 1706-1710 DELTA R., ID, tac-boom synthe
6305,0 1732-1734 UNID, v.weak mx (then sunk in stronger PLC)
1395,0 1800-1919 ENERGY POWER AM, fair>good\deep fades, pop, JID. (Tirana 1902 short, back 1919)
3935,0 2300-2335 R. MI AMIGO, pop-rock, UK DJ, IDs, sais "SW, MW and FM", song for Mrs Armadillo
mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
R&R=Rock and roll, C&W=Country and western. kHz : usually within +-0,2kHz, often better.
Log 16 - 18 dec, big sunday
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- Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log 16 - 18 dec, big sunday