Log sat 10 - sun 11 dec.

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log sat 10 - sun 11 dec.

Post by Ray Lalleu »

*** SAMEDI 10 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

6930,1 0859-1053 I.M.R., pop, hits from USA, DJ. 1051 ID

6930,1 1808-1813 I.M.R. %, noisy, f'/down, rock, Back in the night, hello DrTim, Whole Lotta..

6970,0 0900-1051 LASER HOT HITS, noisy ut. right under, 0906 ID+@+hl+POB

6970,0 1809-2241 LASER HOT HITS %, noisy, v.weak but doesn't f/out early.

6095,0 0912-1545 KBC, powerful, C&W (till 11 ?), then R&B, then rock (some fading).

6550,0 0915-1106 R. RISING SUN %, weak>v.weak, some "Merry Xmas", Jona Lewie"Stop the cavalry"...

6550,0 1807-1827 R. RISING SUN, uneasy, 1827 ID.

6214,7 0911-0936 KING SW %, v.weak at best. 0923 "--- International" and "---SW" over the mx.

6325,0 1045-1108* BLACK BANDIT %, good \messing with TX, D? mx, later C&W, tx off at 1109'50"

6301,2 1546-1631 R. ALTREX, weak \PLC, pop mx. 1552 ID, "we are not splashing". 1611 v.weak

6310,0 1553-1718 R. TROPIQ %, v.weak>weak, IDs by W(no copy), 1624: 60s pop & rock medleys

6215,0 1615-1835 SPACESHUTTLE, weak\fading, pop, IDs. (after 1800 : e.weak)

6295,9 1630-1632 UNID, Nena"99 ...", then rock. [ cf R. TRANSEUROPE ? ]

6325,0 1653-1815* R. OSAKA, strong, mostly pop, reg. IDs. 1746 Whiter shade of pale.

6300,4 1658-1753 UNID, strong peaks, D songs. 1730: guitar1960, "Wooly Bully", D songs, messing (still a blank carrier at 1802, switch off at 1803) [ cf R. MARCONI ]

6294,0 1701-1745 R. FOX 48, v.weak>e.weak, D mx, 1741 C&W, 1744 IDs, "Caroline" and lost.

6255,1 1702-1709 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, rec' of RNI, then typical "memories" program.

6240,0 1710-1800 R. CAROLINE INT, good(bit low mod)>v.weak, OHR JIDs, then own IDs, mx

6385,0 1804-18.38 SUNRISE R., v.diff, wobbly, Popcorn, Baby come back, Silver machine, 1817 ID, tnx for a rpt, 1825 Psycho killer, 1836 Baker street.

3904,8 2120-2219* R. LIKEDEELER, weak\fading, in E+G, g' other stations, Romeo&Juliet, old jazz, Man of action, Caroline, many parts of 78rpm tracks, rec's of CWR & Titanic, R.Stones, ... 2219 schuss!

6304,8 2221-2320 R. ALICE, weak +strong peaks, ID at 2224, new v. of Living doll, Johnny B.Goode

6297,0 2221-2221 R. BOOMERANG, strong, mx ID in E, last song. (not at 2226)

6300,0 2227-2319 UNID, e.weak>trace(sunk under noise), mx.

*** DIMANCHE 11 DECEMBRE 2011 ***

6304,7 0140-0207 UNID, e.weak, tk & mx, 0155 we are c'/d 0157 accordion 0203 Radio ---, mx

6300 a 0757-0815 R. BLACK POWER, strong, wobbly, overmod wide splash! 0806 ID+@

6300,1 0851-0852 UNID, v.weak, undermod, Beatles "We can work it out".

6325,0 0758-1120 R. ALTREX, weak>e.weak, mooh, live ID, 0850 on 6324,9 rock, utQRM? later PLC

6200,0 0801-0907 ORANG UTAN %, R&R, C&W, House of the rising sun, D mx, crooner, synthe...

6214,5v 0804-0847 KING SW %, weak mx, drifting > 6214,7 >v.weak (not at 0905)

6970,0 0808-0947 LASER HOT HITS, ID, news by FSN, "16 hits an hour", Mystery year, >noisy

6970,0 1136-1601 UNID, station under ut.QRM most of the time

6984,9 1133-1335 R.W.I., strong (0810-0948 blank), C&W, 1148 in F, 1154 ID in E

5820,0 0811-1000 ORION R., strong\fading, promos, rock, ID, mx 0957 G song, g' R.Tina...

5820,0 1100-1106* R. ZODIAC, reggae, Booker T, ID+@, c'/d in E+D.

6930,0 0852-0857 MIKE R. %, strong mx, 0857 suddenly weak (see below)

6930 a 0857-0901 UNID (IMR ???), weak, pop, 0900 tk in D(?)+E ment'Orion-Malaysia-IMR

6930,1 0945-1601 I.M.R., DJ ann' Janis Joplin. 1136 mx, 1340, 1518 pop,@,Brown sugar

6095,0 0908-1502 KBC, powerful, 60s pop, Rosko's voice, 1002 tk in D+E, D mx 1502 @, Turtles

9480,0 0913-0944 MV BALTIC R., strong false AM, The sound of silence, ID in G, tk: Pink Floyd

12257a 0915-1139 WR INT, fair\fading, PLC. mx, DJ, 0941 ID+@+hl+POB+web. 1139 Rock the casbah

6300 a 1111-1124 UNID on 6299,6 in QSO with BLACKBIRD on 6300,0, in D, some mx on both.

6220,1 1127-1130 BOGUSMAN is here, talking, shy IDs, mx.

6304,6 1345-1347 UNID, weak, D brass mx, flattened by 6306,5 ?

6306,5 1348-1559 UNID, weak\PLC, D/G songs 1358 Zarathoustra+ID in D(no copy). 1410 now on 6306,6 and jammed by moving carrier. tk in D, D mx. 1524 shout in D, waltz [cf FARMERS]

6304,6 1359-1402* UNID, hunting? horn mx, blank and carrier going elsewhere.

6295,0 1403-1407* TOP R., D songs ("piraten" song), highly distorted JIDs and off.

6325,1 1427-1559 WITTE REUS, IDed by gmail RXradioreport (name no copy, frog like QRM), D mix of mx tk about late Rinus over bright mx! 1454 tk Etherpiraten? Testpiraten? Nordijk

6550,0 1506-1600 R. RISING SUN %, Donovan"Mellow yellow", D song, Down by the river? etc..

6255,1 1530-1557 R. TELSTAR S., God save the queen, tk/excerpts R.270/R.Caroline, 60s mx.

4015,0 1602-1606 LASER HOT HITS, typical but SSB-QRM, also 1924 short, again after 2400.

3905,0 2419-2419 UNID, mx (short, not at 2422) [cf POLARIS ? ]

3935,0 2420-2442 UNID, jingles Mi Amigo & Caroline, pop mx with DJ in UK E, f'/down, atmos.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
R&R=Rock and roll, C&W=Country and western

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Dave Jones
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Re: Log sat 10 - sun 11 dec.

Post by Dave Jones »

Hi Ray,
Thank you for your mention of WR International in your logs for 11th December, I hope that you will have the chance to hear us again soon.
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