this evening of saturday, 18-09-2010 we could receive at our TX-location
in the northeast part of Czech Republic:
- "MARINEBROADCASTERS (MBC)" on 6530kcs at 21.02hrs UTC
with SINPO of 34333
( Pop-music/ Greetings to listeners, giving e-mail-adress in English ).
Before at this evening we could also receive at location in Germany
near Czech-Polish-German border
- "Radio Jan van Gent (JVG)" on 6960kcs with 3-4,433,3-4
and stations on 6375kcs (Magic AM?) and 6400kcs with fair results.
Receiver: K-PO WR2100 with an Inverted-Vee-antenna (CZ) /
20m-longwire-antenna (Germany)
Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International.
MARINEBROADCASTERS, evening 18-09 in Czech Republic
Moderator: Moderators group